_id: "57eUiEVInl6uecB8" name: "Orc Battle Screamer" type: "Npc" img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" system: attributes: attackMod: type: "Number" value: 0 critMod: atk: type: "Number" value: 0 def: type: "Number" value: 0 ac: type: "Number" label: "Armor Class" value: 22 base: 10 min: 0 pd: type: "Number" label: "Physical Defense" value: 15 base: 10 min: 0 md: type: "Number" label: "Mental Defense" value: 15 base: 10 min: 0 hp: type: "Number" label: "Hit Points" value: 33 min: 0 max: 33 temp: 0 tempmax: 0 base: 7 automatic: true init: type: "Number" label: "Initiative Modifier" value: 8 mod: 8 level: type: "Number" label: "Level" value: 3 min: 0 max: 10 disengage: 11 disengageBonus: 0 saves: bonus: 0 disengageBonus: 0 deathFails: value: 0 max: 4 steps: - false - false - false - false lastGaspFails: value: 0 max: 4 steps: - false - false - false - false recoveries: type: "Number" label: "Recoveries" value: 8 max: 8 dice: "d8" base: 8 automatic: true escalation: value: 0 details: alignment: type: "String" label: "Alignment" biography: type: "String" label: "Biography" flavor: value: "" role: value: "leader" type: "String" label: "Role" size: value: "normal" type: "String" label: "Size" type: value: "humanoid" type: "String" label: "Type" resistance: value: "" type: "String" label: "Resistance" vulnerability: value: "" type: "String" label: "Vulnerability" level: type: "Number" label: "Level" value: 3 min: 0 max: 10 token: flags: {} name: "Orc Battle Screamer" displayName: 0 img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" tint: null width: 1 height: 1 scale: 1 lockRotation: false rotation: 0 vision: false dimSight: 0 brightSight: 0 dimLight: 0 brightLight: 0 sightAngle: 0 lightAngle: 360 lightAlpha: 1 actorId: "1EHPHaghuvtxdmzt" actorLink: false actorData: {} disposition: -1 displayBars: 0 bar1: attribute: null bar2: attribute: null randomImg: false mirrorX: false mirrorY: false alpha: 1 light: alpha: 0.5 angle: 0 bright: 0 coloration: 1 dim: 0 gradual: true luminosity: 0.5 saturation: 0 contrast: 0 shadows: 0 animation: speed: 5 intensity: 5 reverse: false darkness: min: 0 max: 1 items: - _id: "NbaAl6qv0V3eiu5C" flags: {} name: "Sharpened flute or club-like drumstick" type: "action" img: "icons/svg/target.svg" system: name: type: "String" label: "Name" description: type: "String" label: "Description" group: type: "String" label: "Group" value: "" attack: type: "String" label: "Attack Roll" value: "[[d20+9]] vs. AC" hit: type: "String" label: "Hit" value: "[[10]] damage" hit1: type: "String" label: "Hit" name: "" value: "" hit2: type: "String" label: "Hit" name: "" value: "" hit3: type: "String" label: "Hit" name: "" value: "" hit4: type: "String" label: "Hit" hit5: type: "String" label: "Hit" miss: type: "String" label: "Miss" value: "" sort: 100000 effects: [] folder: null permission: default: 0 - _id: "xEL04wBHzUuwzyJn" flags: {} name: "Orcish Instruments" type: "trait" img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" system: name: type: "String" label: "Name" description: type: "String" label: "Description" value: "

Choose ONE

R: Skull drum +7 vs. MD—8 damage, and as a free action, one nearby orc ally can move or make a basic attack (doesn’t trigger special abilities)

R: Bone flute +7 vs. MD—8 damage, and one nearby orc ally deals +1d6 damage on a hit during its next turn

R: War bagpipes—1d3 nearby or far away enemies that can hear the bagpipes must immediately roll a normal save; on a failure, the target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn

" group: type: "String" label: "Group" value: "" sort: 200000 effects: [] folder: null permission: default: 0 - _id: "ZrzKUuhaSS8eQyRs" flags: {} name: "Skull drum" type: "action" img: "icons/svg/target.svg" system: name: type: "String" label: "Name" description: type: "String" label: "Description" group: type: "String" label: "Group" value: "R" attack: type: "String" label: "Attack Roll" value: "[[d20+7]] vs. MD" hit: type: "String" label: "Hit" value: "[[8]] damage, and as a free action, one nearby orc ally can move or make a basic attack (doesn’t trigger special abilities)" hit1: type: "String" label: "Hit" name: "" value: "" hit2: type: "String" label: "Hit" name: "" value: "" hit3: type: "String" label: "Hit" name: "" value: "" hit4: type: "String" label: "Hit" hit5: type: "String" label: "Hit" miss: type: "String" label: "Miss" value: "" sort: 300000 effects: [] folder: null permission: default: 0 - _id: "yLrclGDsvK3u5PEg" flags: {} name: "Bone Flute" type: "action" img: "icons/svg/target.svg" system: name: type: "String" label: "Name" description: type: "String" label: "Description" group: type: "String" label: "Group" value: "R" attack: type: "String" label: "Attack Roll" value: "[[d20]] vs. MD" hit: type: "String" label: "Hit" value: "[[8]] damage, and one nearby orc ally deals +[[1d6]] damage on a hit during its next turn" hit1: type: "String" label: "Hit" name: "" value: "" hit2: type: "String" label: "Hit" name: "" value: "" hit3: type: "String" label: "Hit" name: "" value: "" hit4: type: "String" label: "Hit" hit5: type: "String" label: "Hit" miss: type: "String" label: "Miss" value: "" sort: 400000 effects: [] folder: null permission: default: 0 - _id: "FhfqYEkYNBKRdXPT" flags: {} name: "War bagpipes" type: "action" img: "icons/svg/target.svg" system: name: type: "String" label: "Name" description: type: "String" label: "Description" group: type: "String" label: "Group" value: "R" attack: type: "String" label: "Attack Roll" value: "" hit: type: "String" label: "Hit" value: "[[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies that can hear the bagpipes must immediately roll a normal save; on a failure, the target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn" hit1: type: "String" label: "Hit" name: "" value: "" hit2: type: "String" label: "Hit" name: "" value: "" hit3: type: "String" label: "Hit" name: "" value: "" hit4: type: "String" label: "Hit" hit5: type: "String" label: "Hit" miss: type: "String" label: "Miss" value: "" sort: 500000 effects: [] folder: null permission: default: 0 effects: [] folder: null sort: 100001 permission: default: 0 flags: {}