diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index c87c9b3..946fa74 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -34,3 +34,5 @@ yarn-error.log* # typescript *.tsbuildinfo next-env.d.ts + +.contentlayer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50c2c2f --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +13Vaults is 🄯 Sean-Patrick Ortencio Clayton. All rights reversed. + +Anyone found copying my stuff without permission will be a real good friend of mine. +Please do it——fuck asking for permission! + +THIS MACHINE KILLS CAPITALISTS. + +--- + +TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + +0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LICENSES b/LICENSES new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f01a36 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSES @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +This software uses data sourced from the Archmage foundry module which available under the MIT license, the text of which is reproduced below. + +MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + +This software makes usage of the Open Game License Version 1.0a, the text of which is reproduced below (including additional required copyright notices). + +OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a +The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. +1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. +2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. +3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. +4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. +5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. +6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. +7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. +8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. +9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. +10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. +11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. +12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. +13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. +14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. +15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. +System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. +13th Age. Copyright 2013, Fire Opal Media; Authors: Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. +13th Age Bestiary. Copyright 2014, Fire Opal Media and Pelgrane Press Ltd; Authors: Ryven Cedyrlle, Rob Heinsoo, Kenneth Hite, Kevin Kulp, ASH LAW, Cal Moore, Steve Townshend, Rob Watkins, Rob Wieland. +13 True Ways. Copyright 2014, Fire Opal Media, Inc.; Authors: Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet, Robin D. Laws. +Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. +Castles & Crusades, Copyright 2004, Troll Lord Games; Authors: Davis Chenault, Mac Golden. +13th Age Archmage Engine. Copyright 2013-2016, Fire Opal Media. Author: Chad Dylan Long, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Rob Heinsoo, Ryven Cedyrlle, Kenneth Hite, Kevin Kulp, ASH LAW, Cal Moore, Steve Townshend, Rob Watkins, and Rob Wieland. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5bc7ca2..121dbf3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,38 +1,9 @@ -This is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/) project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/packages/create-next-app). +# 13Vaults -## Getting Started +An unofficial, community-driven resource for the 13th Age RPG. -First, run the development server: +## License Information -```bash -npm run dev -# or -yarn dev -# or -pnpm dev -``` +For things related to the works that I've used and referenced in this software, look at LICENSES. -Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. - -You can start editing the page by modifying `app/page.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. - -[API routes](https://nextjs.org/docs/api-routes/introduction) can be accessed on [http://localhost:3000/api/hello](http://localhost:3000/api/hello). This endpoint can be edited in `pages/api/hello.ts`. - -The `pages/api` directory is mapped to `/api/*`. Files in this directory are treated as [API routes](https://nextjs.org/docs/api-routes/introduction) instead of React pages. - -This project uses [`next/font`](https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/font-optimization) to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font. - -## Learn More - -To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: - -- [Next.js Documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs) - learn about Next.js features and API. -- [Learn Next.js](https://nextjs.org/learn) - an interactive Next.js tutorial. - -You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/) - your feedback and contributions are welcome! - -## Deploy on Vercel - -The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform](https://vercel.com/new?utm_medium=default-template&filter=next.js&utm_source=create-next-app&utm_campaign=create-next-app-readme) from the creators of Next.js. - -Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs/deployment) for more details. +For things related to the work that I have done, look at LICENSE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/globals.css b/app/globals.css deleted file mode 100644 index d4f491e..0000000 --- a/app/globals.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -:root { - --max-width: 1100px; - --border-radius: 12px; - --font-mono: ui-monospace, Menlo, Monaco, 'Cascadia Mono', 'Segoe UI Mono', - 'Roboto Mono', 'Oxygen Mono', 'Ubuntu Monospace', 'Source Code Pro', - 'Fira Mono', 'Droid Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace; - - --foreground-rgb: 0, 0, 0; - --background-start-rgb: 214, 219, 220; - --background-end-rgb: 255, 255, 255; - - --primary-glow: conic-gradient( - from 180deg at 50% 50%, - #16abff33 0deg, - #0885ff33 55deg, - #54d6ff33 120deg, - #0071ff33 160deg, - transparent 360deg - ); - --secondary-glow: radial-gradient( - rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), - rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) - ); - - --tile-start-rgb: 239, 245, 249; - --tile-end-rgb: 228, 232, 233; - --tile-border: conic-gradient( - #00000080, - #00000040, - #00000030, - #00000020, - #00000010, - #00000010, - #00000080 - ); - - --callout-rgb: 238, 240, 241; - --callout-border-rgb: 172, 175, 176; - --card-rgb: 180, 185, 188; - --card-border-rgb: 131, 134, 135; -} - -@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { - :root { - --foreground-rgb: 255, 255, 255; - --background-start-rgb: 0, 0, 0; - --background-end-rgb: 0, 0, 0; - - --primary-glow: radial-gradient(rgba(1, 65, 255, 0.4), rgba(1, 65, 255, 0)); - --secondary-glow: linear-gradient( - to bottom right, - rgba(1, 65, 255, 0), - rgba(1, 65, 255, 0), - rgba(1, 65, 255, 0.3) - ); - - --tile-start-rgb: 2, 13, 46; - --tile-end-rgb: 2, 5, 19; - --tile-border: conic-gradient( - #ffffff80, - #ffffff40, - #ffffff30, - #ffffff20, - #ffffff10, - #ffffff10, - #ffffff80 - ); - - --callout-rgb: 20, 20, 20; - --callout-border-rgb: 108, 108, 108; - --card-rgb: 100, 100, 100; - --card-border-rgb: 200, 200, 200; - } -} - -* { - box-sizing: border-box; - padding: 0; - margin: 0; -} - -html, -body { - max-width: 100vw; - overflow-x: hidden; -} - -body { - color: rgb(var(--foreground-rgb)); - background: linear-gradient( - to bottom, - transparent, - rgb(var(--background-end-rgb)) - ) - rgb(var(--background-start-rgb)); -} - -a { - color: inherit; - text-decoration: none; -} - -@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { - html { - color-scheme: dark; - } -} diff --git a/app/head.tsx b/app/head.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 5ad797f..0000000 --- a/app/head.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -export default function Head() { - return ( - <> - Create Next App - - - - - ) -} diff --git a/app/layout.tsx b/app/layout.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 245bd75..0000000 --- a/app/layout.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -import './globals.css' - -export default function RootLayout({ - children, -}: { - children: React.ReactNode -}) { - return ( - - {/* - will contain the components returned by the nearest parent - head.tsx. Find out more at https://beta.nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/file-conventions/head - */} - - {children} - - ) -} diff --git a/app/page.module.css b/app/page.module.css deleted file mode 100644 index 4732b55..0000000 --- a/app/page.module.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,271 +0,0 @@ -.main { - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - justify-content: space-between; - align-items: center; - padding: 6rem; - min-height: 100vh; -} - -.description { - display: inherit; - justify-content: inherit; - align-items: inherit; - font-size: 0.85rem; - max-width: var(--max-width); - width: 100%; - z-index: 2; - font-family: var(--font-mono); -} - -.description a { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: center; - gap: 0.5rem; -} - -.description p { - position: relative; - margin: 0; - padding: 1rem; - background-color: rgba(var(--callout-rgb), 0.5); - border: 1px solid rgba(var(--callout-border-rgb), 0.3); - border-radius: var(--border-radius); -} - -.code { - font-weight: 700; - font-family: var(--font-mono); -} - -.grid { - display: grid; - grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(33%, auto)); - width: var(--max-width); - max-width: 100%; -} - -.card { - padding: 1rem 1.2rem; - border-radius: var(--border-radius); - background: rgba(var(--card-rgb), 0); - border: 1px solid rgba(var(--card-border-rgb), 0); - transition: background 200ms, border 200ms; -} - -.card span { - display: inline-block; - transition: transform 200ms; -} - -.card h2 { - font-weight: 600; - margin-bottom: 0.7rem; -} - -.card p { - margin: 0; - opacity: 0.6; - font-size: 0.9rem; - line-height: 1.5; - max-width: 34ch; -} - -.center { - display: flex; - justify-content: center; - align-items: center; - position: relative; - padding: 4rem 0; -} - -.center::before { - background: var(--secondary-glow); - border-radius: 50%; - width: 480px; - height: 360px; - margin-left: -400px; -} - -.center::after { - background: var(--primary-glow); - width: 240px; - height: 180px; - z-index: -1; -} - -.center::before, -.center::after { - content: ''; - left: 50%; - position: absolute; - filter: blur(45px); - transform: translateZ(0); -} - -.logo, -.thirteen { - position: relative; -} - -.thirteen { - display: flex; - justify-content: center; - align-items: center; - width: 75px; - height: 75px; - padding: 25px 10px; - margin-left: 16px; - transform: translateZ(0); - border-radius: var(--border-radius); - overflow: hidden; - box-shadow: 0px 2px 8px -1px #0000001a; -} - -.thirteen::before, -.thirteen::after { - content: ''; - position: absolute; - z-index: -1; -} - -/* Conic Gradient Animation */ -.thirteen::before { - animation: 6s rotate linear infinite; - width: 200%; - height: 200%; - background: var(--tile-border); -} - -/* Inner Square */ -.thirteen::after { - inset: 0; - padding: 1px; - border-radius: var(--border-radius); - background: linear-gradient( - to bottom right, - rgba(var(--tile-start-rgb), 1), - rgba(var(--tile-end-rgb), 1) - ); - background-clip: content-box; -} - -/* Enable hover only on non-touch devices */ -@media (hover: hover) and (pointer: fine) { - .card:hover { - background: rgba(var(--card-rgb), 0.1); - border: 1px solid rgba(var(--card-border-rgb), 0.15); - } - - .card:hover span { - transform: translateX(4px); - } -} - -@media (prefers-reduced-motion) { - .thirteen::before { - animation: none; - } - - .card:hover span { - transform: none; - } -} - -/* Mobile and Tablet */ -@media (max-width: 1023px) { - .content { - padding: 4rem; - } - - .grid { - grid-template-columns: 1fr; - margin-bottom: 120px; - max-width: 320px; - text-align: center; - } - - .card { - padding: 1rem 2.5rem; - } - - .card h2 { - margin-bottom: 0.5rem; - } - - .center { - padding: 8rem 0 6rem; - } - - .center::before { - transform: none; - height: 300px; - } - - .description { - font-size: 0.8rem; - } - - .description a { - padding: 1rem; - } - - .description p, - .description div { - display: flex; - justify-content: center; - position: fixed; - width: 100%; - } - - .description p { - align-items: center; - inset: 0 0 auto; - padding: 2rem 1rem 1.4rem; - border-radius: 0; - border: none; - border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(var(--callout-border-rgb), 0.25); - background: linear-gradient( - to bottom, - rgba(var(--background-start-rgb), 1), - rgba(var(--callout-rgb), 0.5) - ); - background-clip: padding-box; - backdrop-filter: blur(24px); - } - - .description div { - align-items: flex-end; - pointer-events: none; - inset: auto 0 0; - padding: 2rem; - height: 200px; - background: linear-gradient( - to bottom, - transparent 0%, - rgb(var(--background-end-rgb)) 40% - ); - z-index: 1; - } -} - -@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { - .vercelLogo { - filter: invert(1); - } - - .logo, - .thirteen img { - filter: invert(1) drop-shadow(0 0 0.3rem #ffffff70); - } -} - -@keyframes rotate { - from { - transform: rotate(360deg); - } - to { - transform: rotate(0deg); - } -} diff --git a/app/page.tsx b/app/page.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 47fcc95..0000000 --- a/app/page.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -import Image from 'next/image' -import { Inter } from '@next/font/google' -import styles from './page.module.css' - -const inter = Inter({ subsets: ['latin'] }) - -export default function Home() { - return ( -

- Get started by editing  - app/page.tsx -

- - By{' '} - Vercel Logo - -
- -
- Next.js Logo -
- 13 -
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- ) -} diff --git a/components/breadcrumbs.tsx b/components/breadcrumbs.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..886954f --- /dev/null +++ b/components/breadcrumbs.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +import Link from "next/link"; +import { useRouter } from "next/router"; + +export default function Breadcrumbs() { + const router = useRouter(); + return ( + + ); +} diff --git a/components/vault.tsx b/components/vault.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8ae453 --- /dev/null +++ b/components/vault.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +export function Quote({ text, source }: any): JSX.Element { + return ( +


– {source}
+ ); +} + +export function Dice({ children }: any) { + return {children}; +} diff --git a/contentlayer.config.js b/contentlayer.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c395d5b --- /dev/null +++ b/contentlayer.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +import { defineDocumentType, makeSource } from "contentlayer/source-files"; +import remarkGfm from "remark-gfm"; + +const Monster = defineDocumentType(() => ({ + name: "Npc", + filePathPattern: "monsters/*.yml", + contentType: "data", + fields: { + name: { type: "string", required: true }, + system: { type: "json", required: true }, + items: { type: "list", of: { type: "json" }, required: true }, + }, + computedFields: { + slug: { + type: "string", + resolve: (doc) => doc._raw.sourceFileName.replace(/\.yml$/, ""), + }, + }, +})); + +const ClassItem = defineDocumentType(() => ({ + name: "ClassItem", + filePathPattern: "classes/*.mdx", + contentType: "mdx", + fields: { + title: { type: "string", required: true }, + source: { type: "string", required: true }, + quote: { type: "string", required: true }, + quote_source: { type: "string", required: true }, + lead: { type: "string", required: true }, + }, + computedFields: { + slug: { + type: "string", + resolve: (doc) => doc._raw.sourceFileName.replace(/\.mdx$/, ""), + }, + }, +})); + +const contentLayerConfig = makeSource({ + contentDirPath: "vaults", + documentTypes: [ClassItem, Monster], + mdx: { + remarkPlugins: [remarkGfm], + }, +}); + +export default contentLayerConfig; diff --git a/layouts/basic.tsx b/layouts/basic.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..168ca7b --- /dev/null +++ b/layouts/basic.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +import Link from "next/link"; + +export default function BasicLayout({ + children, +}: { + children: React.ReactNode; +}) { + return ( +

+ + 13 Vaults + + + + + + + + +

+ +
+ ); +} diff --git a/layouts/vault.tsx b/layouts/vault.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf51c48 --- /dev/null +++ b/layouts/vault.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import Breadcrumbs from "@/components/breadcrumbs"; +import BasicLayout from "./basic"; + +export default function VaultLayout(props: any) { + return ( + +
+ +
+ ); +} diff --git a/next.config.js b/next.config.js index dafb0c8..0263a62 100644 --- a/next.config.js +++ b/next.config.js @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ +const { withContentlayer } = require("next-contentlayer"); + /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { - experimental: { - appDir: true, - }, -} + pageExtensions: ["ts", "tsx", "js", "jsx"], +}; -module.exports = nextConfig +module.exports = withContentlayer(nextConfig); diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json deleted file mode 100644 index e57763f..0000000 --- a/package-lock.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5563 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "13vaults", - "version": "0.1.0", - "lockfileVersion": 2, - "requires": true, - "packages": { - "": { - "name": "13vaults", - "version": "0.1.0", - "dependencies": { - "@next/font": "13.1.6", - "@types/node": "18.11.18", - "@types/react": "18.0.27", - "@types/react-dom": "18.0.10", - "eslint": "8.33.0", - "eslint-config-next": "13.1.6", - "next": "13.1.6", - "react": "18.2.0", - "react-dom": "18.2.0", - 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= NextPage & { + getLayout?: (page: ReactElement) => ReactNode; +}; + +export default function VaultsApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) { + return ( + <> + + + The 13 Vaults + + + + ); +} diff --git a/pages/api/hello.ts b/pages/api/hello.ts deleted file mode 100644 index f8bcc7e..0000000 --- a/pages/api/hello.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// Next.js API route support: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-routes/introduction -import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next' - -type Data = { - name: string -} - -export default function handler( - req: NextApiRequest, - res: NextApiResponse -) { - res.status(200).json({ name: 'John Doe' }) -} diff --git a/pages/index.tsx b/pages/index.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e8e1b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/pages/index.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import BasicLayout from "@/layouts/basic"; + +export default function VaultsAppHome() { + return ( + +


+ + ); +} diff --git a/pages/vaults/classes/[class_item].tsx b/pages/vaults/classes/[class_item].tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae22446 --- /dev/null +++ b/pages/vaults/classes/[class_item].tsx @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +import { allClassItems, ClassItem } from "contentlayer/generated"; +import { flow, find, map, get } from "lodash"; +import { useMDXComponent } from "next-contentlayer/hooks"; +import VaultLayout from "@/layouts/vault"; +import * as Vault from "@/components/vault"; +import { GetStaticPropsResult, NextPageContext } from "next"; + +interface ClassPageP { + classItem: ClassItem; +} + +export default function ClassPage({ classItem }: ClassPageP) { + const MDXContent = useMDXComponent(classItem.body.code); + return ( + +

+ {classItem.title} +


+ {classItem.source} +

+ +


+ ( +
+ {children}
+ ), + }} + /> +
+ ); +} + +export async function getStaticPaths() { + return { + paths: map(allClassItems, (classItem) => ({ + params: { slug: classItem.slug, class_item: classItem.slug }, + })), + fallback: false, + }; +} + +export async function getStaticProps( + context: NextPageContext +): Promise> { + const classItem = flow((classes) => + find(classes, ["slug", get(context, "params.class_item")]) + )(allClassItems); + + return { + props: { + classItem, + }, + }; +} diff --git a/pages/vaults/index.tsx b/pages/vaults/index.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c24d6c --- /dev/null +++ b/pages/vaults/index.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +import { DetailedHTMLProps, HTMLAttributes } from "react"; +import { MDXProvider } from "@mdx-js/react"; + +export default function ClassesIndex( + props: DetailedHTMLProps, HTMLElement> +) { + const mdxComponents = { + Image: ({ source, alt }: any) => ( + {alt} + ), + Header: ({ title, source }: any) => ( +




+ ), + Quote: ({ quote, source }: any) => ( +


– {source}
+ ), + table: ({ children }: any) => ( +
+ {children}
+ ), + }; + return ( + +
+ + ); +} + +ClassesIndex.getLayout = function getLayout() { + return null; +}; diff --git a/pnpm-lock.yaml b/pnpm-lock.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..662c3cc --- /dev/null +++ b/pnpm-lock.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,4634 @@ +lockfileVersion: 5.4 + +specifiers: + '@mdx-js/loader': ^2.2.1 + '@mdx-js/react': ^2.2.1 + '@next/font': 13.1.6 + '@next/mdx': ^13.1.6 + '@tailwindcss/typography': ^0.5.9 + '@types/lodash': ^4.14.191 + '@types/node': 18.11.18 + '@types/react': 18.0.27 + '@types/react-dom': 18.0.10 + autoprefixer: ^10.4.13 + contentlayer: ^0.3.0 + eslint: 8.33.0 + eslint-config-next: 13.1.6 + lodash: ^4.17.21 + next: 13.1.6 + next-contentlayer: ^0.3.0 + postcss: ^8.4.21 + react: 18.2.0 + react-dom: 18.2.0 + remark-gfm: ^3.0.1 + tailwindcss: ^3.2.4 + typescript: 4.9.5 + +dependencies: + '@next/font': 13.1.6 + '@types/lodash': 4.14.191 + '@types/node': 18.11.18 + '@types/react': 18.0.27 + '@types/react-dom': 18.0.10 + contentlayer: 0.3.0 + eslint: 8.33.0 + eslint-config-next: 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requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@eslint/eslintrc/1.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XXrH9Uarn0stsyldqDYq8r++mROmWRI1xKMXa640Bb//SY1+ECYX6VzT6Lcx5frD0V30XieqJ0oX9I2Xj5aoMA==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + dependencies: + ajv: 6.12.6 + debug: 4.3.4 + espree: 9.4.1 + globals: 13.20.0 + ignore: 5.2.4 + import-fresh: 3.3.0 + js-yaml: 4.1.0 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + strip-json-comments: 3.1.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + dev: false + + /@fal-works/esbuild-plugin-global-externals/2.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cEee/Z+I12mZcFJshKcCqC8tuX5hG3s+d+9nZ3LabqKF1vKdF41B92pJVCBggjAGORAeOzyyDDKrZwIkLffeOQ==} + dev: false + + /@grpc/grpc-js/1.8.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dRAWjRFN1Zy9mzPNLkFFIWT8T6C9euwluzCHZUKuhC+Bk3MayNPcpgDRyG+sg+n2sitEUySKxUynirVpu9ItKw==} + engines: {node: ^8.13.0 || >=10.10.0} + dependencies: + '@grpc/proto-loader': 0.7.4 + '@types/node': 18.11.18 + dev: false + + /@grpc/proto-loader/0.6.13: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FjxPYDRTn6Ec3V0arm1FtSpmP6V50wuph2yILpyvTKzjc76oDdoihXqM1DzOW5ubvCC8GivfCnNtfaRE8myJ7g==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + '@types/long': 4.0.2 + lodash.camelcase: 4.3.0 + long: 4.0.0 + protobufjs: 6.11.3 + yargs: 16.2.0 + dev: false + + /@grpc/proto-loader/0.7.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MnWjkGwqQ3W8fx94/c1CwqLsNmHHv2t0CFn+9++6+cDphC1lolpg9M2OU0iebIjK//pBNX9e94ho+gjx6vz39w==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + '@types/long': 4.0.2 + lodash.camelcase: 4.3.0 + long: 4.0.0 + protobufjs: 7.2.0 + yargs: 16.2.0 + dev: false + + /@humanwhocodes/config-array/0.11.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UybHIJzJnR5Qc/MsD9Kr+RpO2h+/P1GhOwdiLPXK5TWk5sgTdu88bTD9UP+CKbPPh5Rni1u0GjAdYQLemG8g+g==} + engines: {node: '>=10.10.0'} + dependencies: + '@humanwhocodes/object-schema': 1.2.1 + debug: 4.3.4 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + dev: false + + /@humanwhocodes/module-importer/1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bxveV4V8v5Yb4ncFTT3rPSgZBOpCkjfK0y4oVVVJwIuDVBRMDXrPyXRL988i5ap9m9bnyEEjWfm5WkBmtffLfA==} + engines: {node: '>=12.22'} + dev: false + + /@humanwhocodes/object-schema/1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZnQMnLV4e7hDlUvw8H+U8ASL02SS2Gn6+9Ac3wGGLIe7+je2AeAOxPY+izIPJDfFDb7eDjev0Us8MO1iFRN8hA==} + dev: false + + /@js-temporal/polyfill/0.4.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6Fmjo/HlkyVCmJzAPnvtEWlcbQUSRhi8qlN9EtJA/wP7FqXsevLLrlojR44kzNzrRkpf7eDJ+z7b4xQD/Ycypw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + dependencies: + jsbi: 4.3.0 + tslib: 2.5.0 + dev: false + + /@mdx-js/esbuild/2.2.1_esbuild@0.17.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Jf6TJ0VwFO51+cULHtByv+Sz+hoGpsmkbwzgPyMbmK9OvnXCkljinHQdbF9Dt7MuDPFxPRVyf5JMeo+WAEZtMw==} + peerDependencies: + esbuild: '>=0.11.0' + dependencies: + '@mdx-js/mdx': 2.2.1 + esbuild: 0.17.5 + node-fetch: 3.3.0 + vfile: 5.3.6 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + dev: false + + 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/@mdx-js/react/2.2.1_react@18.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YdXcMcEnqZhzql98RNrqYo9cEhTTesBiCclEtoiQUbJwx87q9453GTapYU6kJ8ZZ2ek1Vp25SiAXEFy5O/eAPw==} + peerDependencies: + react: '>=16' + dependencies: + '@types/mdx': 2.0.3 + '@types/react': 18.0.27 + react: 18.2.0 + dev: true + + /@next/env/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-s+W9Fdqh5MFk6ECrbnVmmAOwxKQuhGMT7xXHrkYIBMBcTiOqNWhv5KbJIboKR5STXxNXl32hllnvKaffzFaWQg==} + dev: false + + /@next/eslint-plugin-next/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-o7cauUYsXjzSJkay8wKjpKJf2uLzlggCsGUkPu3lP09Pv97jYlekTC20KJrjQKmSv5DXV0R/uks2ZXhqjNkqAw==} + dependencies: + glob: 7.1.7 + dev: false + + /@next/font/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AITjmeb1RgX1HKMCiA39ztx2mxeAyxl4ljv2UoSBUGAbFFMg8MO7YAvjHCgFhD39hL7YTbFjol04e/BPBH5RzQ==} + dev: false + + /@next/mdx/13.1.6_vvg67iglxhejglpl7nsv3pjzui: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZLhXXDJeHbudFpSZT68eYQRzOaNwkaw+NuO7Zvnm5XKB6P7hKSj2dS47ZtitrY0JaL3KxR4FoxUSYeLvdoRwtQ==} + peerDependencies: + '@mdx-js/loader': '>=0.15.0' + '@mdx-js/react': '*' + dependencies: + '@mdx-js/loader': 2.2.1 + '@mdx-js/react': 2.2.1_react@18.2.0 + source-map: 0.7.4 + dev: true + + /@next/swc-android-arm-eabi/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-F3/6Z8LH/pGlPzR1AcjPFxx35mPqjE5xZcf+IL+KgbW9tMkp7CYi1y7qKrEWU7W4AumxX/8OINnDQWLiwLasLQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [arm] + os: [android] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@next/swc-android-arm64/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cMwQjnB8vrYkWyK/H0Rf2c2pKIH4RGjpKUDvbjVAit6SbwPDpmaijLio0LWFV3/tOnY6kvzbL62lndVA0mkYpw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [android] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@next/swc-darwin-arm64/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KKRQH4DDE4kONXCvFMNBZGDb499Hs+xcFAwvj+rfSUssIDrZOlyfJNy55rH5t2Qxed1e4K80KEJgsxKQN1/fyw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [darwin] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@next/swc-darwin-x64/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/uOky5PaZDoaU99ohjtNcDTJ6ks/gZ5ykTQDvNZDjIoCxFe3+t06bxsTPY6tAO6uEAw5f6vVFX5H5KLwhrkZCA==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [darwin] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@next/swc-freebsd-x64/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qaEALZeV7to6weSXk3Br80wtFQ7cFTpos/q+m9XVRFggu+8Ib895XhMWdJBzew6aaOcMvYR6KQ6JmHA2/eMzWw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [freebsd] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@next/swc-linux-arm-gnueabihf/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OybkbC58A1wJ+JrJSOjGDvZzrVEQA4sprJejGqMwiZyLqhr9Eo8FXF0y6HL+m1CPCpPhXEHz/2xKoYsl16kNqw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [arm] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@next/swc-linux-arm64-gnu/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yCH+yDr7/4FDuWv6+GiYrPI9kcTAO3y48UmaIbrKy8ZJpi7RehJe3vIBRUmLrLaNDH3rY1rwoHi471NvR5J5NQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@next/swc-linux-arm64-musl/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ECagB8LGX25P9Mrmlc7Q/TQBb9rGScxHbv/kLqqIWs2fIXy6Y/EiBBiM72NTwuXUFCNrWR4sjUPSooVBJJ3ESQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@next/swc-linux-x64-gnu/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GT5w2mruk90V/I5g6ScuueE7fqj/d8Bui2qxdw6lFxmuTgMeol5rnzAv4uAoVQgClOUO/MULilzlODg9Ib3Y4Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@next/swc-linux-x64-musl/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-keFD6KvwOPzmat4TCnlnuxJCQepPN+8j3Nw876FtULxo8005Y9Ghcl7ACcR8GoiKoddAq8gxNBrpjoxjQRHeAQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@next/swc-win32-arm64-msvc/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OwertslIiGQluFvHyRDzBCIB07qJjqabAmINlXUYt7/sY7Q7QPE8xVi5beBxX/rxTGPIbtyIe3faBE6Z2KywhQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [win32] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@next/swc-win32-ia32-msvc/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-g8zowiuP8FxUR9zslPmlju7qYbs2XBtTLVSxVikPtUDQedhcls39uKYLvOOd1JZg0ehyhopobRoH1q+MHlIN/w==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [ia32] + os: [win32] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@next/swc-win32-x64-msvc/13.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ls2OL9hi3YlJKGNdKv8k3X/lLgc3VmLG3a/DeTkAd+lAituJp8ZHmRmm9f9SL84fT3CotlzcgbdaCDfFwFA6bA==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [win32] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@nodelib/fs.scandir/2.1.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vq24Bq3ym5HEQm2NKCr3yXDwjc7vTsEThRDnkp2DK9p1uqLR+DHurm/NOTo0KG7HYHU7eppKZj3MyqYuMBf62g==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + dependencies: + '@nodelib/fs.stat': 2.0.5 + run-parallel: 1.2.0 + + /@nodelib/fs.stat/2.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RkhPPp2zrqDAQA/2jNhnztcPAlv64XdhIp7a7454A5ovI7Bukxgt7MX7udwAu3zg1DcpPU0rz3VV1SeaqvY4+A==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + /@nodelib/fs.walk/1.2.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oGB+UxlgWcgQkgwo8GcEGwemoTFt3FIO9ababBmaGwXIoBKZ+GTy0pP185beGg7Llih/NSHSV2XAs1lnznocSg==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + dependencies: + '@nodelib/fs.scandir': 2.1.5 + fastq: 1.15.0 + + /@opentelemetry/api-metrics/0.31.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PcL1x0kZtMie7NsNy67OyMvzLEXqf3xd0TZJKHHPMGTe89oMpNVrD1zJB1kZcwXOxLlHHb6tz21G3vvXPdXyZg==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + deprecated: Please use @opentelemetry/api >= 1.3.0 + dependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/api/1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hf+3bwuBwtXsugA2ULBc95qxrOqP2pOekLz34BJhcAKawt94vfeNyUKpYc0lZQ/3sCP6LqRa7UAdHA7i5UODzQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8.0.0'} + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/context-async-hooks/1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-mhBPP0BU0RaH2HB8U4MDd5OjWA1y7SoLOovCT0iEpJAltaq2z04uxRJVzIs91vkpNnV0utUZowQQD3KElgU+VA==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': '>=1.0.0 <1.2.0' + dependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/core/1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-B3DIMkQN0DANrr7XrMLS4pR6d2o/jqT09x4nZJz6wSJ9SHr4eQIqeFBNeEUQG1I+AuOcH2UbJtgFm7fKxLqd+w==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': '>=1.0.0 <1.2.0' + dependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions': 1.5.0 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-grpc/0.31.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WapHtHPLOFObRMvtfRJX/EBRZS4YLpRY8E/OtIQmmAqwImDMAnMVF9fAjP6DSE/thOIN3Ot0/PLK5zFZUVV8SA==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': ^1.0.0 + dependencies: + '@grpc/grpc-js': 1.8.7 + '@grpc/proto-loader': 0.6.13 + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/core': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/otlp-grpc-exporter-base': 0.31.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/otlp-transformer': 0.31.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/resources': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/otlp-exporter-base/0.31.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MI+LtGo/ZYL/g7ldWTAY9vMjMqlcWMj2undgcnq8Y5BoDLI8oBwGn//Lizjk4NikF+SkcolKB3+U05nCeT5djg==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': ^1.0.0 + dependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/core': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/otlp-grpc-exporter-base/0.31.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TfNZsQhWNd05CAaOwgN2lVthC8mkxvoArV6LfSyKyqSZ6srCnYPuW64yS/9buEhNvTkT3y63dzkVSnnv/1b3ow==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': ^1.0.0 + dependencies: + '@grpc/grpc-js': 1.8.7 + '@grpc/proto-loader': 0.6.13 + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/core': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/otlp-exporter-base': 0.31.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/otlp-transformer/0.31.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xCEsB0gTs7s/FMEv8+DWE6awfHJ5oHkFKSGePr6tT5Mh95rd1845WTefvLc++mYpewY8KnQ7tyo/zEfwywCIhw==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': '>=1.0.0 <1.2.0' + dependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/api-metrics': 0.31.0 + '@opentelemetry/core': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/resources': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics-base': 0.31.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/propagator-b3/1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-38iGIScgU9OLhoPKAV3p2rEf4RmmQC/Lo4LvpQ6TaSQrRht/oDgnpsPJnmNQLFboklmukKataJO+FhAieOc7mg==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': '>=1.0.0 <1.2.0' + dependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/core': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/propagator-jaeger/1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aSUH5RDEZj+lmy4PbXAJ26E+yJcZloyPUBWgqYX+JBS4NnbriIznCF/tXV5s/RUXeVABibi/+yAZndv+2XBg4w==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': '>=1.0.0 <1.2.0' + dependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/core': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/resources/1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YeEfC6IY54U3xL3P2+UAiom+r50ZF2jM0J47RV5uTFGF19Xjd5zazSwDPgmxtAd6DwLX0/5S5iqrsH4nEXMYoA==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': '>=1.0.0 <1.2.0' + dependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/core': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions': 1.5.0 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics-base/0.31.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4R2Bjl3wlqIGcq4bCoI9/pD49ld+tEoM9n85UfFzr/aUe+2huY2jTPq/BP9SVB8d2Zfg7mGTIFeapcEvAdKK7g==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + deprecated: Please use @opentelemetry/sdk-metrics + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': ^1.0.0 + dependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/api-metrics': 0.31.0 + '@opentelemetry/core': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/resources': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + lodash.merge: 4.6.2 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base/1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6lx7YDf67HSQYuWnvq3XgSrWikDJLiGCbrpUP6UWJ5Z47HLcJvwZPRH+cQGJu1DFS3dT2cV3GpAR75/OofPNHQ==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': '>=1.0.0 <1.2.0' + dependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/core': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/resources': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions': 1.5.0 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node/1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MzS+urf2KufpwgaHbGcUgccHr6paxI98lHFMgJAkK6w76AmPYavsxSwjiVPrchy/24d2J9svDirSgui3NNZo8g==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': '>=1.0.0 <1.2.0' + dependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': 1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/context-async-hooks': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/core': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/propagator-b3': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/propagator-jaeger': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base': 1.5.0_@opentelemetry+api@1.1.0 + semver: 7.3.8 + dev: false + + /@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions/1.5.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wlYG/U6ddW1ilXslnDLLQYJ8nd97W8JJTTfwkGhubx6dzW6SUkd+N4/MzTjjyZlrHQunxHtkHFvVpUKiROvFDw==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + dev: false + + /@pkgr/utils/2.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wfzX8kc1PMyUILA+1Z/EqoE4UCXGy0iRGMhPwdfae1+f0OXlLqCk+By+aMzgJBzR9AzS4CDizioG6Ss1gvAFJw==} + engines: {node: ^12.20.0 || ^14.18.0 || >=16.0.0} + dependencies: + cross-spawn: 7.0.3 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + open: 8.4.0 + picocolors: 1.0.0 + tiny-glob: 0.2.9 + tslib: 2.5.0 + dev: false + + /@protobufjs/aspromise/1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-j+gKExEuLmKwvz3OgROXtrJ2UG2x8Ch2YZUxahh+s1F2HZ+wAceUNLkvy6zKCPVRkU++ZWQrdxsUeQXmcg4uoQ==} + dev: false + + /@protobufjs/base64/1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AZkcAA5vnN/v4PDqKyMR5lx7hZttPDgClv83E//FMNhR2TMcLUhfRUBHCmSl0oi9zMgDDqRUJkSxO3wm85+XLg==} + dev: false + + /@protobufjs/codegen/2.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YyFaikqM5sH0ziFZCN3xDC7zeGaB/d0IUb9CATugHWbd1FRFwWwt4ld4OYMPWu5a3Xe01mGAULCdqhMlPl29Jg==} + dev: false + + 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sha512-0kELaGSIDBKvcgS4zkjz1PeddatrjYcmMWOlAuAPwAeccUrPHdUqo/J6LiymHHEiJT5NrF1UVwxY14f+fy4WQw==} + dev: false + + /@protobufjs/utf8/1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Vvn3zZrhQZkkBE8LSuW3em98c0FwgO4nxzv6OdSxPKJIEKY2bGbHn+mhGIPerzI4twdxaP8/0+06HBpwf345Lw==} + dev: false + + /@rushstack/eslint-patch/1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sXo/qW2/pAcmT43VoRKOJbDOfV3cYpq3szSVfIThQXNt+E4DfKj361vaAt3c88U5tPUxzEswam7GW48PJqtKAg==} + dev: false + + /@swc/helpers/0.4.14: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4C7nX/dvpzB7za4Ql9K81xK3HPxCpHMgwTZVyf+9JQ6VUbn9jjZVN7/Nkdz/Ugzs2CSjqnL/UPXroiVBVHUWUw==} + dependencies: + tslib: 2.5.0 + dev: false + + /@tailwindcss/typography/0.5.9_tailwindcss@3.2.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-t8Sg3DyynFysV9f4JDOVISGsjazNb48AeIYQwcL+Bsq5uf4RYL75C1giZ43KISjeDGBaTN3Kxh7Xj/vRSMJUUg==} + peerDependencies: + tailwindcss: '>=3.0.0 || insiders' + dependencies: + lodash.castarray: 4.4.0 + lodash.isplainobject: 4.0.6 + lodash.merge: 4.6.2 + postcss-selector-parser: 6.0.10 + tailwindcss: 3.2.4_postcss@8.4.21 + dev: true + + /@types/acorn/4.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-veQTnWP+1D/xbxVrPC3zHnCZRjSrKfhbMUlEA43iMZLu7EsnTtkJklIuwrCPbOi8YkvDQAiW05VQQFvvz9oieQ==} + dependencies: + '@types/estree': 1.0.0 + + /@types/debug/4.1.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9AonUzyTjXXhEOa0DnqpzZi6VHlqKMswga9EXjpXnnqxwLtdvPPtlO8evrI5D9S6asFRCQ6v+wpiUKbw+vKqyg==} + dependencies: + '@types/ms': 0.7.31 + + /@types/estree-jsx/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3qvGd0z8F2ENTGr/GG1yViqfiKmRfrXVx5sJyHGFu3z7m5g5utCQtGp/g29JnjflhtQJBv1WDQukHiT58xPcYQ==} + dependencies: + '@types/estree': 1.0.0 + + /@types/estree/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WulqXMDUTYAXCjZnk6JtIHPigp55cVtDgDrO2gHRwhyJto21+1zbVCtOYB2L1F9w4qCQ0rOGWBnBe0FNTiEJIQ==} + + /@types/hast/2.3.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wLEm0QvaoawEDoTRwzTXp4b4jpwiJDvR5KMnFnVodm3scufTlBOWRD6N1OBf9TZMhjlNsSfcO5V+7AF4+Vy+9g==} + dependencies: + '@types/unist': 2.0.6 + + /@types/json5/0.0.29: + resolution: 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sha512-DHQpWGjyQKSHj3ebjFI/wRKcqQcdR+MoFBygntYOZytCqNfkd2ZC4ARDJ2DQqhjH5p85Nnd3jhUJIXrszFX/JA==} + dev: false + + /@types/parse5/6.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SuT16Q1K51EAVPz1K29DJ/sXjhSQ0zjvsypYJ6tlwVsRV9jwW5Adq2ch8Dq8kDBCkYnELS7N7VNCSB5nC56t/g==} + dev: false + + /@types/prop-types/15.7.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JCB8C6SnDoQf0cNycqd/35A7MjcnK+ZTqE7judS6o7utxUCg6imJg3QK2qzHKszlTjcj2cn+NwMB2i96ubpj7w==} + + /@types/react-dom/18.0.10: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-E42GW/JA4Qv15wQdqJq8DL4JhNpB3prJgjgapN3qJT9K2zO5IIAQh4VXvCEDupoqAwnz0cY4RlXeC/ajX5SFHg==} + dependencies: + '@types/react': 18.0.27 + dev: false + + /@types/react/18.0.27: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3vtRKHgVxu3Jp9t718R9BuzoD4NcQ8YJ5XRzsSKxNDiDonD2MXIT1TmSkenxuCycZJoQT5d2vE8LwWJxBC1gmA==} + dependencies: + '@types/prop-types': 15.7.5 + '@types/scheduler': 0.16.2 + csstype: 3.1.1 + + /@types/resolve/1.20.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-60BCwRFOZCQhDncwQdxxeOEEkbc5dIMccYLwbxsS4TUNeVECQ/pBJ0j09mrHOl/JJvpRPGwO9SvE4nR2Nb/a4Q==} + dev: false + + /@types/scheduler/0.16.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hppQEBDmlwhFAXKJX2KnWLYu5yMfi91yazPb2l+lbJiwW+wdo1gNeRA+3RgNSO39WYX2euey41KEwnqesU2Jew==} + + /@types/unist/2.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PBjIUxZHOuj0R15/xuwJYjFi+KZdNFrehocChv4g5hu6aFroHue8m0lBP0POdK2nKzbw0cgV1mws8+V/JAcEkQ==} + + /@typescript-eslint/parser/5.50.0_4vsywjlpuriuw3tl5oq6zy5a64: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KCcSyNaogUDftK2G9RXfQyOCt51uB5yqC6pkUYqhYh8Kgt+DwR5M0EwEAxGPy/+DH6hnmKeGsNhiZRQxjH71uQ==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0 + typescript: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + typescript: + optional: true + dependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager': 5.50.0 + '@typescript-eslint/types': 5.50.0 + '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree': 5.50.0_typescript@4.9.5 + debug: 4.3.4 + eslint: 8.33.0 + typescript: 4.9.5 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + dev: false + + /@typescript-eslint/scope-manager/5.50.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rt03kaX+iZrhssaT974BCmoUikYtZI24Vp/kwTSy841XhiYShlqoshRFDvN1FKKvU2S3gK+kcBW1EA7kNUrogg==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + dependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/types': 5.50.0 + '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys': 5.50.0 + dev: false + + /@typescript-eslint/types/5.50.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-atruOuJpir4OtyNdKahiHZobPKFvZnBnfDiyEaBf6d9vy9visE7gDjlmhl+y29uxZ2ZDgvXijcungGFjGGex7w==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + dev: false + + /@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree/5.50.0_typescript@4.9.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Gq4zapso+OtIZlv8YNAStFtT6d05zyVCK7Fx3h5inlLBx2hWuc/0465C2mg/EQDDU2LKe52+/jN4f0g9bd+kow==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + peerDependencies: + typescript: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + typescript: + optional: true + dependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/types': 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4.0.2 + dev: true + + /acorn-walk/7.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OPdCF6GsMIP+Az+aWfAAOEt2/+iVDKE7oy6lJ098aoe59oAmK76qV6Gw60SbZ8jHuG2wH058GF4pLFbYamYrVA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'} + dev: true + + /acorn/7.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nQyp0o1/mNdbTO1PO6kHkwSrmgZ0MT/jCCpNiwbUjGoRN4dlBhqJtoQuCnEOKzgTVwg0ZWiCoQy6SxMebQVh8A==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'} + hasBin: true + dev: true + + /acorn/8.8.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xjIYgE8HBrkpd/sJqOGNspf8uHG+NOHGOw6a/Urj8taM2EXfdNAH2oFcPeIFfsv3+kz/mJrS5VuMqbNLjCa2vw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'} + hasBin: true + + /ajv/6.12.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-j3fVLgvTo527anyYyJOGTYJbG+vnnQYvE0m5mmkc1TK+nxAppkCLMIL0aZ4dblVCNoGShhm+kzE4ZUykBoMg4g==} + dependencies: + fast-deep-equal: 3.1.3 + fast-json-stable-stringify: 2.1.0 + json-schema-traverse: 0.4.1 + uri-js: 4.4.1 + dev: false + + /ansi-regex/5.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-quJQXlTSUGL2LH9SUXo8VwsY4soanhgo6LNSm84E1LBcE8s3O0wpdiRzyR9z/ZZJMlMWv37qOOb9pdJlMUEKFQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: false + + /ansi-styles/4.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zbB9rCJAT1rbjiVDb2hqKFHNYLxgtk8NURxZ3IZwD3F6NtxbXZQCnnSi1Lkx+IDohdPlFp222wVALIheZJQSEg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + color-convert: 2.0.1 + dev: false + + /anymatch/3.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KMReFUr0B4t+D+OBkjR3KYqvocp2XaSzO55UcB6mgQMd3KbcE+mWTyvVV7D/zsdEbNnV6acZUutkiHQXvTr1Rw==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + dependencies: + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + picomatch: 2.3.1 + + /arg/5.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PYjyFOLKQ9y57JvQ6QLo8dAgNqswh8M1RMJYdQduT6xbWSgK36P/Z/v+p888pM69jMMfS8Xd8F6I1kQ/I9HUGg==} + dev: true + + /argparse/1.0.10: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-o5Roy6tNG4SL/FOkCAN6RzjiakZS25RLYFrcMttJqbdd8BWrnA+fGz57iN5Pb06pvBGvl5gQ0B48dJlslXvoTg==} + dependencies: + sprintf-js: 1.0.3 + dev: false + + /argparse/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8+9WqebbFzpX9OR+Wa6O29asIogeRMzcGtAINdpMHHyAg10f05aSFVBbcEqGf/PXw1EjAZ+q2/bEBg3DvurK3Q==} + dev: false + + /aria-query/5.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-R5iJ5lkuHybztUfuOAznmboyjWq8O6sqNqtK7CLOqdydi54VNbORp49mb14KbWgG1QD3JFO9hJdZ+y4KutfdOQ==} + dependencies: + deep-equal: 2.2.0 + dev: false + + /array-includes/3.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sgTbLvL6cNnw24FnbaDyjmvddQ2ML8arZsgaJhoABMoplz/4QRhtrYS+alr1BUM1Bwp6dhx8vVCBSLG+StwOFw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.4 + es-abstract: 1.21.1 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + is-string: 1.0.7 + dev: false + + /array-timsort/1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/+3GRL7dDAGEfM6TseQk/U+mi18TU2Ms9I3UlLdUMhz2hbvGNTKdj9xniwXfUqgYhHxRx0+8UnKkvlNwVU+cWQ==} + dev: false + + /array-union/2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HGyxoOTYUyCM6stUe6EJgnd4EoewAI7zMdfqO+kGjnlZmBDz/cR5pf8r/cR4Wq60sL/p0IkcjUEEPwS3GFrIyw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: false + + 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sha512-eBvWn1lvIApYMhzQMsu9ciLfkBY499mFZlNqG+/9WR7PVlroQw0vG30cOQQbaKz3sCEc44TAOu2ykzqXSNnwag==} + dev: false + + /astring/1.8.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-97a+l2LBU3Op3bBQEff79i/E4jMD2ZLFD8rHx9B6mXyB2uQwhJQYfiDqUwtfjF4QA1F2qs//N6Cw8LetMbQjcw==} + hasBin: true + + /autoprefixer/10.4.13_postcss@8.4.21: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-49vKpMqcZYsJjwotvt4+h/BCjJVnhGwcLpDt5xkcaOG3eLrG/HUYLagrihYsQ+qrIBgIzX1Rw7a6L8I/ZA1Atg==} + engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || >=14} + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + postcss: ^8.1.0 + dependencies: + browserslist: 4.21.5 + caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001450 + fraction.js: 4.2.0 + normalize-range: 0.1.2 + picocolors: 1.0.0 + postcss: 8.4.21 + postcss-value-parser: 4.2.0 + dev: true + + /available-typed-arrays/1.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DMD0KiN46eipeziST1LPP/STfDU0sufISXmjSgvVsoU2tqxctQeASejWcfNtxYKqETM1UxQ8sp2OrSBWpHY6sw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dev: false + + /axe-core/4.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/BQzOX780JhsxDnPpH4ZiyrJAzcd8AfzFPkv+89veFSr1rcMjuq2JDCwypKaPeB6ljHp9KjXhPpjgCvQlWYuqg==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + dev: false + + /axobject-query/3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-goKlv8DZrK9hUh975fnHzhNIO4jUnFCfv/dszV5VwUGDFjI6vQ2VwoyjYjYNEbBE8AH87TduWP5uyDR1D+Iteg==} + dependencies: + deep-equal: 2.2.0 + dev: false + + /bail/2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0xO6mYd7JB2YesxDKplafRpsiOzPt9V02ddPCLbY1xYGPOX24NTyN50qnUxgCPcSoYMhKpAuBTjQoRZCAkUDRw==} + + /balanced-match/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3oSeUO0TMV67hN1AmbXsK4yaqU7tjiHlbxRDZOpH0KW9+CeX4bRAaX0Anxt0tx2MrpRpWwQaPwIlISEJhYU5Pw==} + dev: false + + /binary-extensions/2.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jDctJ/IVQbZoJykoeHbhXpOlNBqGNcwXJKJog42E5HDPUwQTSdjCHdihjj0DlnheQ7blbT6dHOafNAiS8ooQKA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + /brace-expansion/1.1.11: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iCuPHDFgrHX7H2vEI/5xpz07zSHB00TpugqhmYtVmMO6518mCuRMoOYFldEBl0g187ufozdaHgWKcYFb61qGiA==} + dependencies: + balanced-match: 1.0.2 + concat-map: 0.0.1 + dev: false + + /braces/3.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-b8um+L1RzM3WDSzvhm6gIz1yfTbBt6YTlcEKAvsmqCZZFw46z626lVj9j1yEPW33H5H+lBQpZMP1k8l+78Ha0A==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + fill-range: 7.0.1 + + /browserslist/4.21.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tUkiguQGW7S3IhB7N+c2MV/HZPSCPAAiYBZXLsBhFB/PCy6ZKKsZrmBayHV9fdGV/ARIfJ14NkxKzRDjvp7L6w==} + engines: {node: ^6 || ^7 || ^8 || ^9 || ^10 || ^11 || ^12 || >=13.7} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001450 + electron-to-chromium: 1.4.284 + node-releases: 2.0.9 + update-browserslist-db: 1.0.10_browserslist@4.21.5 + dev: true + + /buffer-from/1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-E+XQCRwSbaaiChtv6k6Dwgc+bx+Bs6vuKJHHl5kox/BaKbhiXzqQOwK4cO22yElGp2OCmjwVhT3HmxgyPGnJfQ==} + dev: false + + /call-bind/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7O+FbCihrB5WGbFYesctwmTKae6rOiIzmz1icreWJ+0aA7LJfuqhEso2T9ncpcFtzMQtzXf2QGGueWJGTYsqrA==} + dependencies: + function-bind: 1.1.1 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + dev: false + + /callsites/3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-P8BjAsXvZS+VIDUI11hHCQEv74YT67YUi5JJFNWIqL235sBmjX4+qx9Muvls5ivyNENctx46xQLQ3aTuE7ssaQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + dev: false + + /camel-case/4.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gxGWBrTT1JuMx6R+o5PTXMmUnhnVzLQ9SNutD4YqKtI6ap897t3tKECYla6gCWEkplXnlNybEkZg9GEGxKFCgw==} + dependencies: + pascal-case: 3.1.2 + tslib: 2.5.0 + dev: false + + /camelcase-css/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QOSvevhslijgYwRx6Rv7zKdMF8lbRmx+uQGx2+vDc+KI/eBnsy9kit5aj23AgGu3pa4t9AgwbnXWqS+iOY+2aA==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + dev: true + + /caniuse-lite/1.0.30001450: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qMBmvmQmFXaSxexkjjfMvD5rnDL0+m+dUMZKoDYsGG8iZN29RuYh9eRoMvKsT6uMAWlyUUGDEQGJJYjzCIO9ew==} + + /ccount/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eyrF0jiFpY+3drT6383f1qhkbGsLSifNAjA61IUjZjmLCWjItY6LB9ft9YhoDgwfmclB2zhu51Lc7+95b8NRAg==} + + /chalk/4.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oKnbhFyRIXpUuez8iBMmyEa4nbj4IOQyuhc/wy9kY7/WVPcwIO9VA668Pu8RkO7+0G76SLROeyw9CpQ061i4mA==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 4.3.0 + supports-color: 7.2.0 + dev: false + + /character-entities-html4/2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1v7fgQRj6hnSwFpq1Eu0ynr/CDEw0rXo2B61qXrLNdHZmPKgb7fqS1a2JwF0rISo9q77jDI8VMEHoApn8qDoZA==} + + /character-entities-legacy/3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RpPp0asT/6ufRm//AJVwpViZbGM/MkjQFxJccQRHmISF/22NBtsHqAWmL+/pmkPWoIUJdWyeVleTl1wydHATVQ==} + + /character-entities/2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-shx7oQ0Awen/BRIdkjkvz54PnEEI/EjwXDSIZp86/KKdbafHh1Df/RYGBhn4hbe2+uKC9FnT5UCEdyPz3ai9hQ==} + + /character-reference-invalid/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iBZ4F4wRbyORVsu0jPV7gXkOsGYjGHPmAyv+HiHG8gi5PtC9KI2j1+v8/tlibRvjoWX027ypmG/n0HtO5t7unw==} + + /chokidar/3.5.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Dr3sfKRP6oTcjf2JmUmFJfeVMvXBdegxB0iVQ5eb2V10uFJUCAS8OByZdVAyVb8xXNz3GjjTgj9kLWsZTqE6kw==} + engines: {node: '>= 8.10.0'} + dependencies: + anymatch: 3.1.3 + braces: 3.0.2 + glob-parent: 5.1.2 + is-binary-path: 2.1.0 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + readdirp: 3.6.0 + optionalDependencies: + fsevents: 2.3.2 + + /client-only/0.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IV3Ou0jSMzZrd3pZ48nLkT9DA7Ag1pnPzaiQhpW7c3RbcqqzvzzVu+L8gfqMp/8IM2MQtSiqaCxrrcfu8I8rMA==} + dev: false + + /clipanion/3.2.0-rc.14: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lj5zydbH786t6gpXe6oNX7CM5YKhd0CDhcXG8pKyRa2Nz5cgj1yhnNKxDi/MyPYwjyvAG5oVBeDdYCGUAgD8lQ==} + dependencies: + typanion: 3.12.1 + dev: false + + /cliui/7.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OcRE68cOsVMXp1Yvonl/fzkQOyjLSu/8bhPDfQt0e0/Eb283TKP20Fs2MqoPsr9SwA595rRCA+QMzYc9nBP+JQ==} + dependencies: + string-width: 4.2.3 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + wrap-ansi: 7.0.0 + dev: false + + /color-convert/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RRECPsj7iu/xb5oKYcsFHSppFNnsj/52OVTRKb4zP5onXwVF3zVmmToNcOfGC+CRDpfK/U584fMg38ZHCaElKQ==} + engines: {node: '>=7.0.0'} + dependencies: + color-name: 1.1.4 + dev: false + + /color-name/1.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dOy+3AuW3a2wNbZHIuMZpTcgjGuLU/uBL/ubcZF9OXbDo8ff4O8yVp5Bf0efS8uEoYo5q4Fx7dY9OgQGXgAsQA==} + + /comma-separated-tokens/2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Fu4hJdvzeylCfQPp9SGWidpzrMs7tTrlu6Vb8XGaRGck8QSNZJJp538Wrb60Lax4fPwR64ViY468OIUTbRlGZg==} + + /comment-json/4.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SsxdiOf064DWoZLH799Ata6u7iV658A11PlWtZATDlXPpKGJnbJZ5Z24ybixAi+LUUqJ/GKowAejtC5GFUG7Tw==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + dependencies: + array-timsort: 1.0.3 + core-util-is: 1.0.3 + esprima: 4.0.1 + has-own-prop: 2.0.0 + repeat-string: 1.6.1 + dev: false + + /concat-map/0.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/Srv4dswyQNBfohGpz9o6Yb3Gz3SrUDqBH5rTuhGR7ahtlbYKnVxw2bCFMRljaA7EXHaXZ8wsHdodFvbkhKmqg==} + dev: false + + /contentlayer/0.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3LEF5HMHjSytlT8SErC3U59Pt2LP80a6Z2f/0mSIPeA4xty0LNChyHqzALySSM0osAEz32RY56Fifk5P+2dCIA==} + engines: {node: '>=14.18'} + hasBin: true + requiresBuild: true + dependencies: + '@contentlayer/cli': 0.3.0 + '@contentlayer/client': 0.3.0 + '@contentlayer/core': 0.3.0 + '@contentlayer/source-files': 0.3.0 + '@contentlayer/source-remote-files': 0.3.0 + '@contentlayer/utils': 0.3.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - '@effect-ts/otel-node' + - markdown-wasm + - supports-color + dev: false + + /core-util-is/1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZQBvi1DcpJ4GDqanjucZ2Hj3wEO5pZDS89BWbkcrvdxksJorwUDDZamX9ldFkp9aw2lmBDLgkObEA4DWNJ9FYQ==} + dev: false + + /cross-spawn/7.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iRDPJKUPVEND7dHPO8rkbOnPpyDygcDFtWjpeWNCgy8WP2rXcxXL8TskReQl6OrB2G7+UJrags1q15Fudc7G6w==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + dependencies: + path-key: 3.1.1 + shebang-command: 2.0.0 + which: 2.0.2 + dev: false + + /cssesc/3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/Tb/JcjK111nNScGob5MNtsntNM1aCNUDipB/TkwZFhyDrrE47SOx/18wF2bbjgc3ZzCSKW1T5nt5EbFoAz/Vg==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + hasBin: true + dev: true + + /csstype/3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DJR/VvkAvSZW9bTouZue2sSxDwdTN92uHjqeKVm+0dAqdfNykRzQ95tay8aXMBAAPpUiq4Qcug2L7neoRh2Egw==} + + /damerau-levenshtein/1.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sdQSFB7+llfUcQHUQO3+B8ERRj0Oa4w9POWMI/puGtuf7gFywGmkaLCElnudfTiKZV+NvHqL0ifzdrI8Ro7ESA==} + dev: false + + /data-uri-to-buffer/4.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0R9ikRb668HB7QDxT1vkpuUBtqc53YyAwMwGeUFKRojY/NWKvdZ+9UYtRfGmhqNbRkTSVpMbmyhXipFFv2cb/A==} + engines: {node: '>= 12'} + dev: false + + /debug/3.2.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CFjzYYAi4ThfiQvizrFQevTTXHtnCqWfe7x1AhgEscTz6ZbLbfoLRLPugTQyBth6f8ZERVUSyWHFD/7Wu4t1XQ==} + peerDependencies: + supports-color: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + supports-color: + optional: true + dependencies: + ms: 2.1.3 + dev: false + + /debug/4.3.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PRWFHuSU3eDtQJPvnNY7Jcket1j0t5OuOsFzPPzsekD52Zl8qUfFIPEiswXqIvHWGVHOgX+7G/vCNNhehwxfkQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0'} + peerDependencies: + supports-color: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + supports-color: + optional: true + dependencies: + ms: 2.1.2 + + /decode-named-character-reference/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-O8x12RzrUF8xyVcY0KJowWsmaJxQbmy0/EtnNtHRpsOcT7dFk5W598coHqBVpmWo1oQQfsCqfCmkZN5DJrZVdg==} + dependencies: + character-entities: 2.0.2 + + /deep-equal/2.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RdpzE0Hv4lhowpIUKKMJfeH6C1pXdtT1/it80ubgWqwI3qpuxUBpC1S4hnHg+zjnuOoDkzUtUCEEkG+XG5l3Mw==} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + es-get-iterator: 1.1.3 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + is-arguments: 1.1.1 + is-array-buffer: 3.0.1 + is-date-object: 1.0.5 + is-regex: 1.1.4 + is-shared-array-buffer: 1.0.2 + isarray: 2.0.5 + object-is: 1.1.5 + object-keys: 1.1.1 + object.assign: 4.1.4 + regexp.prototype.flags: 1.4.3 + side-channel: 1.0.4 + which-boxed-primitive: 1.0.2 + which-collection: 1.0.1 + which-typed-array: 1.1.9 + dev: false + + /deep-is/0.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oIPzksmTg4/MriiaYGO+okXDT7ztn/w3Eptv/+gSIdMdKsJo0u4CfYNFJPy+4SKMuCqGw2wxnA+URMg3t8a/bQ==} + dev: false + + /define-lazy-prop/2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ds09qNh8yw3khSjiJjiUInaGX9xlqZDY7JVryGxdxV7NPeuqQfplOpQ66yJFZut3jLa5zOwkXw1g9EI2uKh4Og==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: false + + /define-properties/1.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uckOqKcfaVvtBdsVkdPv3XjveQJsNQqmhXgRi8uhvWWuPYZCNlzT8qAyblUgNoXdHdjMTzAqeGjAoli8f+bzPA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + has-property-descriptors: 1.0.0 + object-keys: 1.1.1 + dev: false + + /defined/1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hsBd2qSVCRE+5PmNdHt1uzyrFu5d3RwmFDKzyNZMFq/EwDNJF7Ee5+D5oEKF0hU6LhtoUF1macFvOe4AskQC1Q==} + dev: true + + /dequal/2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0je+qPKHEMohvfRTCEo3CrPG6cAzAYgmzKyxRiYSSDkS6eGJdyVJm7WaYA5ECaAD9wLB2T4EEeymA5aFVcYXCA==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + /detective/5.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-v9XE1zRnz1wRtgurGu0Bs8uHKFSTdteYZNbIPFVhUZ39L/S79ppMpdmVOZAnoz1jfEFodc48n6MX483Xo3t1yw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.8.0'} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + acorn-node: 1.8.2 + defined: 1.0.1 + minimist: 1.2.7 + dev: true + + /didyoumean/1.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gxtyfqMg7GKyhQmb056K7M3xszy/myH8w+B4RT+QXBQsvAOdc3XymqDDPHx1BgPgsdAA5SIifona89YtRATDzw==} + dev: true + + /diff/5.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-D+mk+qE8VC/PAUrlAU34N+VfXev0ghe5ywmpqrawphmVZc1bEfn56uo9qpyGp1p4xpzOHkSW4ztBd6L7Xx4ACw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.3.1'} + + /dir-glob/3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WkrWp9GR4KXfKGYzOLmTuGVi1UWFfws377n9cc55/tb6DuqyF6pcQ5AbiHEshaDpY9v6oaSr2XCDidGmMwdzIA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + path-type: 4.0.0 + dev: false + + /dlv/1.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+HlytyjlPKnIG8XuRG8WvmBP8xs8P71y+SKKS6ZXWoEgLuePxtDoUEiH7WkdePWrQ5JBpE6aoVqfZfJUQkjXwA==} + dev: true + + /doctrine/2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-35mSku4ZXK0vfCuHEDAwt55dg2jNajHZ1odvF+8SSr82EsZY4QmXfuWso8oEd8zRhVObSN18aM0CjSdoBX7zIw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + dependencies: + esutils: 2.0.3 + dev: false + + /doctrine/3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yS+Q5i3hBf7GBkd4KG8a7eBNNWNGLTaEwwYWUijIYM7zrlYDM0BFXHjjPWlWZ1Rg7UaddZeIDmi9jF3HmqiQ2w==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + dependencies: + esutils: 2.0.3 + dev: false + + /electron-to-chromium/1.4.284: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-M8WEXFuKXMYMVr45fo8mq0wUrrJHheiKZf6BArTKk9ZBYCKJEOU5H8cdWgDT+qCVZf7Na4lVUaZsA+h6uA9+PA==} + dev: true + + /emoji-regex/8.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MSjYzcWNOA0ewAHpz0MxpYFvwg6yjy1NG3xteoqz644VCo/RPgnr1/GGt+ic3iJTzQ8Eu3TdM14SawnVUmGE6A==} + dev: false + + /emoji-regex/9.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-L18DaJsXSUk2+42pv8mLs5jJT2hqFkFE4j21wOmgbUqsZ2hL72NsUU785g9RXgo3s0ZNgVl42TiHp3ZtOv/Vyg==} + dev: false + + /enhanced-resolve/5.12.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QHTXI/sZQmko1cbDoNAa3mJ5qhWUUNAq3vR0/YiD379fWQrcfuoX1+HW2S0MTt7XmoPLapdaDKUtelUSPic7hQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + dependencies: + graceful-fs: 4.2.10 + tapable: 2.2.1 + dev: false + + /es-abstract/1.21.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QudMsPOz86xYz/1dG1OuGBKOELjCh99IIWHLzy5znUB6j8xG2yMA7bfTV86VSqKF+Y/H08vQPR+9jyXpuC6hfg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + available-typed-arrays: 1.0.5 + call-bind: 1.0.2 + es-set-tostringtag: 2.0.1 + es-to-primitive: 1.2.1 + function-bind: 1.1.1 + function.prototype.name: 1.1.5 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + get-symbol-description: 1.0.0 + globalthis: 1.0.3 + gopd: 1.0.1 + has: 1.0.3 + has-property-descriptors: 1.0.0 + has-proto: 1.0.1 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + internal-slot: 1.0.4 + is-array-buffer: 3.0.1 + is-callable: 1.2.7 + is-negative-zero: 2.0.2 + is-regex: 1.1.4 + is-shared-array-buffer: 1.0.2 + is-string: 1.0.7 + is-typed-array: 1.1.10 + is-weakref: 1.0.2 + object-inspect: 1.12.3 + object-keys: 1.1.1 + object.assign: 4.1.4 + regexp.prototype.flags: 1.4.3 + safe-regex-test: 1.0.0 + string.prototype.trimend: 1.0.6 + string.prototype.trimstart: 1.0.6 + typed-array-length: 1.0.4 + unbox-primitive: 1.0.2 + which-typed-array: 1.1.9 + dev: false + + 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'>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + is-callable: 1.2.7 + is-date-object: 1.0.5 + is-symbol: 1.0.4 + dev: false + + /esbuild/0.17.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Bu6WLCc9NMsNoMJUjGl3yBzTjVLXdysMltxQWiLAypP+/vQrf+3L1Xe8fCXzxaECus2cEJ9M7pk4yKatEwQMqQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + hasBin: true + requiresBuild: true + optionalDependencies: + '@esbuild/android-arm': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/android-arm64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/android-x64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/darwin-arm64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/darwin-x64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/freebsd-arm64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/freebsd-x64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/linux-arm': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/linux-arm64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/linux-ia32': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/linux-loong64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/linux-mips64el': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/linux-ppc64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/linux-riscv64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/linux-s390x': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/linux-x64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/netbsd-x64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/openbsd-x64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/sunos-x64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/win32-arm64': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/win32-ia32': 0.17.5 + '@esbuild/win32-x64': 0.17.5 + dev: false + + /escalade/3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k0er2gUkLf8O0zKJiAhmkTnJlTvINGv7ygDNPbeIsX/TJjGJZHuh9B2UxbsaEkmlEo9MfhrSzmhIlhRlI2GXnw==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + /escape-string-regexp/4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TtpcNJ3XAzx3Gq8sWRzJaVajRs0uVxA2YAkdb1jm2YkPz4G6egUFAyA3n5vtEIZefPk5Wa4UXbKuS5fKkJWdgA==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dev: false + + /escape-string-regexp/5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/veY75JbMK4j1yjvuUxuVsiS/hr/4iHs9FTT6cgTexxdE0Ly/glccBAkloH/DofkjRbZU3bnoj38mOmhkZ0lHw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + dev: true + + /eslint-config-next/13.1.6_4vsywjlpuriuw3tl5oq6zy5a64: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0cg7h5wztg/SoLAlxljZ0ZPUQ7i6QKqRiP4M2+MgTZtxWwNKb2JSwNc18nJ6/kXBI6xYvPraTbQSIhAuVw6czw==} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^7.23.0 || ^8.0.0 + typescript: '>=3.3.1' + peerDependenciesMeta: + typescript: + optional: true + dependencies: + '@next/eslint-plugin-next': 13.1.6 + '@rushstack/eslint-patch': 1.2.0 + '@typescript-eslint/parser': 5.50.0_4vsywjlpuriuw3tl5oq6zy5a64 + eslint: 8.33.0 + eslint-import-resolver-node: 0.3.7 + eslint-import-resolver-typescript: 3.5.3_ohdts44xlqyeyrlje4qnefqeay + eslint-plugin-import: 2.27.5_nowqz4jutkd4a233czbfk7jsgu + eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y: 6.7.1_eslint@8.33.0 + eslint-plugin-react: 7.32.2_eslint@8.33.0 + eslint-plugin-react-hooks: 4.6.0_eslint@8.33.0 + typescript: 4.9.5 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - eslint-import-resolver-webpack + - supports-color + dev: false + + /eslint-import-resolver-node/0.3.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gozW2blMLJCeFpBwugLTGyvVjNoeo1knonXAcatC6bjPBZitotxdWf7Gimr25N4c0AAOo4eOUfaG82IJPDpqCA==} + dependencies: + debug: 3.2.7 + is-core-module: 2.11.0 + resolve: 1.22.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + dev: false + + /eslint-import-resolver-typescript/3.5.3_ohdts44xlqyeyrlje4qnefqeay: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-njRcKYBc3isE42LaTcJNVANR3R99H9bAxBDMNDr2W7yq5gYPxbU3MkdhsQukxZ/Xg9C2vcyLlDsbKfRDg0QvCQ==} + engines: {node: ^14.18.0 || >=16.0.0} + peerDependencies: + eslint: '*' + eslint-plugin-import: '*' + dependencies: + debug: 4.3.4 + enhanced-resolve: 5.12.0 + eslint: 8.33.0 + eslint-plugin-import: 2.27.5_nowqz4jutkd4a233czbfk7jsgu + get-tsconfig: 4.3.0 + globby: 13.1.3 + is-core-module: 2.11.0 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + synckit: 0.8.5 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + dev: false + + /eslint-module-utils/2.7.4_4lq3tljpmtdh3elqaianviuctu: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-j4GT+rqzCoRKHwURX7pddtIPGySnX9Si/cgMI5ztrcqOPtk5dDEeZ34CQVPphnqkJytlc97Vuk05Um2mJ3gEQA==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + peerDependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': '*' + eslint: '*' + eslint-import-resolver-node: '*' + eslint-import-resolver-typescript: '*' + eslint-import-resolver-webpack: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': + optional: true + eslint: + optional: true + eslint-import-resolver-node: + optional: true + eslint-import-resolver-typescript: + optional: true + eslint-import-resolver-webpack: + optional: true + dependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': 5.50.0_4vsywjlpuriuw3tl5oq6zy5a64 + debug: 3.2.7 + eslint: 8.33.0 + eslint-import-resolver-node: 0.3.7 + eslint-import-resolver-typescript: 3.5.3_ohdts44xlqyeyrlje4qnefqeay + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + dev: false + + /eslint-plugin-import/2.27.5_nowqz4jutkd4a233czbfk7jsgu: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LmEt3GVofgiGuiE+ORpnvP+kAm3h6MLZJ4Q5HCyHADofsb4VzXFsRiWj3c0OFiV+3DWFh0qg3v9gcPlfc3zRow==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + peerDependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': '*' + eslint: ^2 || ^3 || ^4 || ^5 || ^6 || ^7.2.0 || ^8 + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': + optional: true + dependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': 5.50.0_4vsywjlpuriuw3tl5oq6zy5a64 + array-includes: 3.1.6 + array.prototype.flat: 1.3.1 + array.prototype.flatmap: 1.3.1 + debug: 3.2.7 + doctrine: 2.1.0 + eslint: 8.33.0 + eslint-import-resolver-node: 0.3.7 + eslint-module-utils: 2.7.4_4lq3tljpmtdh3elqaianviuctu + has: 1.0.3 + is-core-module: 2.11.0 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + object.values: 1.1.6 + resolve: 1.22.1 + semver: 6.3.0 + tsconfig-paths: 3.14.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - eslint-import-resolver-typescript + - eslint-import-resolver-webpack + - supports-color + dev: false + + /eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/6.7.1_eslint@8.33.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-63Bog4iIethyo8smBklORknVjB0T2dwB8Mr/hIC+fBS0uyHdYYpzM/Ed+YC8VxTjlXHEWFOdmgwcDn1U2L9VCA==} + engines: {node: '>=4.0'} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^3 || ^4 || ^5 || ^6 || ^7 || ^8 + dependencies: + '@babel/runtime': 7.20.13 + aria-query: 5.1.3 + array-includes: 3.1.6 + array.prototype.flatmap: 1.3.1 + ast-types-flow: 0.0.7 + axe-core: 4.6.3 + axobject-query: 3.1.1 + damerau-levenshtein: 1.0.8 + emoji-regex: 9.2.2 + eslint: 8.33.0 + has: 1.0.3 + jsx-ast-utils: 3.3.3 + language-tags: 1.0.5 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + object.entries: 1.1.6 + object.fromentries: 2.0.6 + semver: 6.3.0 + dev: false + + /eslint-plugin-react-hooks/4.6.0_eslint@8.33.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oFc7Itz9Qxh2x4gNHStv3BqJq54ExXmfC+a1NjAta66IAN87Wu0R/QArgIS9qKzX3dXKPI9H5crl9QchNMY9+g==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0 || ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0-0 + dependencies: + eslint: 8.33.0 + dev: false + + /eslint-plugin-react/7.32.2_eslint@8.33.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-t2fBMa+XzonrrNkyVirzKlvn5RXzzPwRHtMvLAtVZrt8oxgnTQaYbU6SXTOO1mwQgp1y5+toMSKInnzGr0Knqg==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^3 || ^4 || ^5 || ^6 || ^7 || ^8 + dependencies: + array-includes: 3.1.6 + array.prototype.flatmap: 1.3.1 + array.prototype.tosorted: 1.1.1 + doctrine: 2.1.0 + eslint: 8.33.0 + estraverse: 5.3.0 + jsx-ast-utils: 3.3.3 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + object.entries: 1.1.6 + object.fromentries: 2.0.6 + object.hasown: 1.1.2 + object.values: 1.1.6 + prop-types: 15.8.1 + resolve: 2.0.0-next.4 + semver: 6.3.0 + string.prototype.matchall: 4.0.8 + dev: false + + /eslint-scope/7.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QKQM/UXpIiHcLqJ5AOyIW7XZmzjkzQXYE54n1++wb0u9V/abW3l9uQnxX8Z5Xd18xyKIMTUAyQ0k1e8pz6LUrw==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + dependencies: + esrecurse: 4.3.0 + estraverse: 5.3.0 + dev: false + + /eslint-utils/3.0.0_eslint@8.33.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uuQC43IGctw68pJA1RgbQS8/NP7rch6Cwd4j3ZBtgo4/8Flj4eGE7ZYSZRN3iq5pVUv6GPdW5Z1RFleo84uLDA==} + engines: {node: ^10.0.0 || ^12.0.0 || >= 14.0.0} + peerDependencies: + eslint: '>=5' + dependencies: + eslint: 8.33.0 + eslint-visitor-keys: 2.1.0 + dev: false + + /eslint-visitor-keys/2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0rSmRBzXgDzIsD6mGdJgevzgezI534Cer5L/vyMX0kHzT/jiB43jRhd9YUlMGYLQy2zprNmoT8qasCGtY+QaKw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dev: false + + /eslint-visitor-keys/3.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-mQ+suqKJVyeuwGYHAdjMFqjCyfl8+Ldnxuyp3ldiMBFKkvytrXUZWaiPCEav8qDHKty44bD+qV1IP4T+w+xXRA==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + dev: false + + /eslint/8.33.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WjOpFQgKK8VrCnAtl8We0SUOy/oVZ5NHykyMiagV1M9r8IFpIJX7DduK6n1mpfhlG7T1NLWm2SuD8QB7KFySaA==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + '@eslint/eslintrc': 1.4.1 + '@humanwhocodes/config-array': 0.11.8 + '@humanwhocodes/module-importer': 1.0.1 + '@nodelib/fs.walk': 1.2.8 + ajv: 6.12.6 + chalk: 4.1.2 + cross-spawn: 7.0.3 + debug: 4.3.4 + doctrine: 3.0.0 + escape-string-regexp: 4.0.0 + eslint-scope: 7.1.1 + eslint-utils: 3.0.0_eslint@8.33.0 + eslint-visitor-keys: 3.3.0 + espree: 9.4.1 + esquery: 1.4.0 + esutils: 2.0.3 + fast-deep-equal: 3.1.3 + file-entry-cache: 6.0.1 + find-up: 5.0.0 + glob-parent: 6.0.2 + globals: 13.20.0 + grapheme-splitter: 1.0.4 + ignore: 5.2.4 + import-fresh: 3.3.0 + imurmurhash: 0.1.4 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + is-path-inside: 3.0.3 + js-sdsl: 4.3.0 + js-yaml: 4.1.0 + json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify: 1.0.1 + levn: 0.4.1 + lodash.merge: 4.6.2 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + natural-compare: 1.4.0 + optionator: 0.9.1 + regexpp: 3.2.0 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + strip-json-comments: 3.1.1 + text-table: 0.2.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + dev: false + + /espree/9.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XwctdmTO6SIvCzd9810yyNzIrOrqNYV9Koizx4C/mRhf9uq0o4yHoCEU/670pOxOL/MSraektvSAji79kX90Vg==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + dependencies: + acorn: 8.8.2 + acorn-jsx: 5.3.2_acorn@8.8.2 + eslint-visitor-keys: 3.3.0 + dev: false + + /esprima/4.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eGuFFw7Upda+g4p+QHvnW0RyTX/SVeJBDM/gCtMARO0cLuT2HcEKnTPvhjV6aGeqrCB/sbNop0Kszm0jsaWU4A==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + hasBin: true + dev: false + + /esquery/1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cCDispWt5vHHtwMY2YrAQ4ibFkAL8RbH5YGBnZBc90MolvvfkkQcJro/aZiAQUlQ3qgrYS6D6v8Gc5G5CQsc9w==} + engines: 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{integrity: sha512-OVJZ3fGGt9By77Ix9NhaRbzfbDV/2rx9EP7YIDJTmsZSEc5kYn2vWcNccYyahJL2uAQZK2a5Or2i0wtIKTPoRQ==} + dev: false + + /estree-util-is-identifier-name/2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bEN9VHRyXAUOjkKVQVvArFym08BTWB0aJPppZZr0UNyAqWsLaVfAqP7hbaTJjzHifmB5ebnR8Wm7r7yGN/HonQ==} + + /estree-util-to-js/1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tW/ADSJON4o+T8rSmSX1ZXdat4n6bVOu0iTUFY9ZFF2dD/1/Hug8Lc/HYuJRA4Mop9zDZHQMo1m4lIxxJHkTjQ==} + dependencies: + '@types/estree-jsx': 1.0.0 + astring: 1.8.4 + source-map: 0.7.4 + + /estree-util-value-to-estree/1.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y+ughcF9jSUJvncXwqRageavjrNPAI+1M/L3BI3PyLp1nmgYTGUXU6t5z1Y7OWuThoDdhPME07bQU+d5LxdJqw==} + engines: {node: '>=12.0.0'} + dependencies: + is-plain-obj: 3.0.0 + dev: false + + /estree-util-visit/1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xbgqcrkIVbIG+lI/gzbvd9SGTJL4zqJKBFttUl5pP27KhAjtMKbX/mQXJ7qgyXpMgVy/zvpm0xoQQaGL8OloOw==} + dependencies: + '@types/estree-jsx': 1.0.0 + '@types/unist': 2.0.6 + + 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sha512-DVj4CQIYYow0BlaelwK1pHl5n5cRSJfM60UA0zK891sVInoPri2Ekj7+e1CT3/3qxXenpI+nBBmQAcJPJgaj4w==} + engines: {node: '>=8.6.0'} + dependencies: + '@nodelib/fs.stat': 2.0.5 + '@nodelib/fs.walk': 1.2.8 + glob-parent: 5.1.2 + merge2: 1.4.1 + micromatch: 4.0.5 + + /fast-json-stable-stringify/2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lhd/wF+Lk98HZoTCtlVraHtfh5XYijIjalXck7saUtuanSDyLMxnHhSXEDJqHxD7msR8D0uCmqlkwjCV8xvwHw==} + dev: false + + /fast-levenshtein/2.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DCXu6Ifhqcks7TZKY3Hxp3y6qphY5SJZmrWMDrKcERSOXWQdMhU9Ig/PYrzyw/ul9jOIyh0N4M0tbC5hodg8dw==} + dev: false + + /fastq/1.15.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wBrocU2LCXXa+lWBt8RoIRD89Fi8OdABODa/kEnyeyjS5aZO5/GNvI5sEINADqP/h8M29UHTHUb53sUu5Ihqdw==} + dependencies: + reusify: 1.0.4 + + /fault/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WtySTkS4OKev5JtpHXnib4Gxiurzh5NCGvWrFaZ34m6JehfTUhKZvn9njTfw48t6JumVQOmrKqpmGcdwxnhqBQ==} + dependencies: + format: 0.2.2 + dev: false + + /fetch-blob/3.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7yAQpD2UMJzLi1Dqv7qFYnPbaPx7ZfFK6PiIxQ4PfkGPyNyl2Ugx+a/umUonmKqjhM4DnfbMvdX6otXq83soQQ==} + engines: {node: ^12.20 || >= 14.13} + dependencies: + node-domexception: 1.0.0 + web-streams-polyfill: 3.2.1 + dev: false + + /file-entry-cache/6.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7Gps/XWymbLk2QLYK4NzpMOrYjMhdIxXuIvy2QBsLE6ljuodKvdkWs/cpyJJ3CVIVpH0Oi1Hvg1ovbMzLdFBBg==} + engines: {node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0} + dependencies: + flat-cache: 3.0.4 + dev: false + + /fill-range/7.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qOo9F+dMUmC2Lcb4BbVvnKJxTPjCm+RRpe4gDuGrzkL7mEVl/djYSu2OdQ2Pa302N4oqkSg9ir6jaLWJ2USVpQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + to-regex-range: 5.0.1 + + /find-up/5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-78/PXT1wlLLDgTzDs7sjq9hzz0vXD+zn+7wypEe4fXQxCmdmqfGsEPQxmiCSQI3ajFV91bVSsvNtrJRiW6nGng==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dependencies: + locate-path: 6.0.0 + path-exists: 4.0.0 + dev: false + + /flat-cache/3.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dm9s5Pw7Jc0GvMYbshN6zchCA9RgQlzzEZX3vylR9IqFfS8XciblUXOKfW6SiuJ0e13eDYZoZV5wdrev7P3Nwg==} + engines: {node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0} + dependencies: + flatted: 3.2.7 + rimraf: 3.0.2 + dev: false + + /flatted/3.2.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5nqDSxl8nn5BSNxyR3n4I6eDmbolI6WT+QqR547RwxQapgjQBmtktdP+HTBb/a/zLsbzERTONyUB5pefh5TtjQ==} + dev: false + + /for-each/0.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jqYfLp7mo9vIyQf8ykW2v7A+2N4QjeCeI5+Dz9XraiO1ign81wjiH7Fb9vSOWvQfNtmSa4H2RoQTrrXivdUZmw==} + dependencies: + is-callable: 1.2.7 + dev: false + + /format/0.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wzsgA6WOq+09wrU1tsJ09udeR/YZRaeArL9e1wPbFg3GG2yDnC2ldKpxs4xunpFF9DgqCqOIra3bc1HWrJ37Ww==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.x'} + dev: false + + /formdata-polyfill/4.0.10: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-buewHzMvYL29jdeQTVILecSaZKnt/RJWjoZCF5OW60Z67/GmSLBkOFM7qh1PI3zFNtJbaZL5eQu1vLfazOwj4g==} + engines: {node: '>=12.20.0'} + dependencies: + fetch-blob: 3.2.0 + dev: false + + /fraction.js/4.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MhLuK+2gUcnZe8ZHlaaINnQLl0xRIGRfcGk2yl8xoQAfHrSsL3rYu6FCmBdkdbhc9EPlwyGHewaRsvwRMJtAlA==} + dev: true + + /fs.realpath/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OO0pH2lK6a0hZnAdau5ItzHPI6pUlvI7jMVnxUQRtw4owF2wk8lOSabtGDCTP4Ggrg2MbGnWO9X8K1t4+fGMDw==} + dev: false + + /fsevents/2.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xiqMQR4xAeHTuB9uWm+fFRcIOgKBMiOBP+eXiyT7jsgVCq1bkVygt00oASowB7EdtpOHaaPgKt812P9ab+DDKA==} + engines: {node: ^8.16.0 || ^10.6.0 || >=11.0.0} + os: [darwin] + requiresBuild: true + optional: true + + /function-bind/1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yIovAzMX49sF8Yl58fSCWJ5svSLuaibPxXQJFLmBObTuCr0Mf1KiPopGM9NiFjiYBCbfaa2Fh6breQ6ANVTI0A==} + + /function.prototype.name/1.1.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uN7m/BzVKQnCUF/iW8jYea67v++2u7m5UgENbHRtdDVclOUP+FMPlCNdmk0h/ysGyo2tavMJEDqJAkJdRa1vMA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.4 + es-abstract: 1.21.1 + functions-have-names: 1.2.3 + dev: false + + /functions-have-names/1.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xckBUXyTIqT97tq2x2AMb+g163b5JFysYk0x4qxNFwbfQkmNZoiRHb6sPzI9/QV33WeuvVYBUIiD4NzNIyqaRQ==} + dev: false + + /get-caller-file/2.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DyFP3BM/3YHTQOCUL/w0OZHR0lpKeGrxotcHWcqNEdnltqFwXVfhEBQ94eIo34AfQpo0rGki4cyIiftY06h2Fg==} + engines: {node: 6.* || 8.* || >= 10.*} + dev: false + + /get-intrinsic/1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-L049y6nFOuom5wGyRc3/gdTLO94dySVKRACj1RmJZBQXlbTMhtNIgkWkUHq+jYmZvKf14EW1EoJnnjbmoHij0Q==} + dependencies: + function-bind: 1.1.1 + has: 1.0.3 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + dev: false + + /get-symbol-description/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2EmdH1YvIQiZpltCNgkuiUnyukzxM/R6NDJX31Ke3BG1Nq5b0S2PhX59UKi9vZpPDQVdqn+1IcaAwnzTT5vCjw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + dev: false + + /get-tsconfig/4.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YCcF28IqSay3fqpIu5y3Krg/utCBHBeoflkZyHj/QcqI2nrLPC3ZegS9CmIo+hJb8K7aiGsuUl7PwWVjNG2HQQ==} + dev: false + + /glob-parent/5.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AOIgSQCepiJYwP3ARnGx+5VnTu2HBYdzbGP45eLw1vr3zB3vZLeyed1sC9hnbcOc9/SrMyM5RPQrkGz4aS9Zow==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + dependencies: + is-glob: 4.0.3 + + /glob-parent/6.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XxwI8EOhVQgWp6iDL+3b0r86f4d6AX6zSU55HfB4ydCEuXLXc5FcYeOu+nnGftS4TEju/11rt4KJPTMgbfmv4A==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + dependencies: + is-glob: 4.0.3 + + /glob/7.1.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OvD9ENzPLbegENnYP5UUfJIirTg4+XwMWGaQfQTY0JenxNvvIKP3U3/tAQSPIu/lHxXYSZmpXlUHeqAIdKzBLQ==} + dependencies: + fs.realpath: 1.0.0 + inflight: 1.0.6 + inherits: 2.0.4 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + once: 1.4.0 + path-is-absolute: 1.0.1 + dev: false + + /glob/7.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nFR0zLpU2YCaRxwoCJvL6UvCH2JFyFVIvwTLsIf21AuHlMskA1hhTdk+LlYJtOlYt9v6dvszD2BGRqBL+iQK9Q==} + dependencies: + fs.realpath: 1.0.0 + inflight: 1.0.6 + inherits: 2.0.4 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + once: 1.4.0 + path-is-absolute: 1.0.1 + dev: false + + /globals/13.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Qg5QtVkCy/kv3FUSlu4ukeZDVf9ee0iXLAUYX13gbR17bnejFTzr4iS9bY7kwCf1NztRNm1t91fjOiyx4CSwPQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + type-fest: 0.20.2 + dev: false + + /globalthis/1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sFdI5LyBiNTHjRd7cGPWapiHWMOXKyuBNX/cWJ3NfzrZQVa8GI/8cofCl74AOVqq9W5kNmguTIzJ/1s2gyI9wA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + define-properties: 1.1.4 + dev: false + + /globalyzer/0.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-40oNTM9UfG6aBmuKxk/giHn5nQ8RVz/SS4Ir6zgzOv9/qC3kKZ9v4etGTcJbEl/NyVQH7FGU7d+X1egr57Md2Q==} + dev: false + + /globby/11.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jhIXaOzy1sb8IyocaruWSn1TjmnBVs8Ayhcy83rmxNJ8q2uWKCAj3CnJY+KpGSXCueAPc0i05kVvVKtP1t9S3g==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dependencies: + array-union: 2.1.0 + dir-glob: 3.0.1 + fast-glob: 3.2.12 + ignore: 5.2.4 + merge2: 1.4.1 + slash: 3.0.0 + dev: false + + /globby/13.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8krCNHXvlCgHDpegPzleMq07yMYTO2sXKASmZmquEYWEmCx6J5UTRbp5RwMJkTJGtcQ44YpiUYUiN0b9mzy8Bw==} + engines: {node: ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.1 || >=16.0.0} + dependencies: + dir-glob: 3.0.1 + fast-glob: 3.2.12 + ignore: 5.2.4 + merge2: 1.4.1 + slash: 4.0.0 + dev: false + + /globrex/0.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uHJgbwAMwNFf5mLst7IWLNg14x1CkeqglJb/K3doi4dw6q2IvAAmM/Y81kevy83wP+Sst+nutFTYOGg3d1lsxg==} + dev: false + + /gopd/1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-d65bNlIadxvpb/A2abVdlqKqV563juRnZ1Wtk6s1sIR8uNsXR70xqIzVqxVf1eTqDunwT2MkczEeaezCKTZhwA==} + dependencies: + get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + dev: false + + /graceful-fs/4.2.10: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9ByhssR2fPVsNZj478qUUbKfmL0+t5BDVyjShtyZZLiK7ZDAArFFfopyOTj0M05wE2tJPisA4iTnnXl2YoPvOA==} + dev: false + + /grapheme-splitter/1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bzh50DW9kTPM00T8y4o8vQg89Di9oLJVLW/KaOGIXJWP/iqCN6WKYkbNOF04vFLJhwcpYUh9ydh/+5vpOqV4YQ==} + dev: false + + 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get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + dev: false + + /has-proto/1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7qE+iP+O+bgF9clE5+UoBFzE65mlBiVj3tKCrlNQ0Ogwm0BjpT/gK4SlLYDMybDh5I3TCTKnPPa0oMG7JDYrhg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dev: false + + /has-symbols/1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-l3LCuF6MgDNwTDKkdYGEihYjt5pRPbEg46rtlmnSPlUbgmB8LOIrKJbYYFBSbnPaJexMKtiPO8hmeRjRz2Td+A==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dev: false + + /has-tostringtag/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kFjcSNhnlGV1kyoGk7OXKSawH5JOb/LzUc5w9B02hOTO0dfFRjbHQKvg1d6cf3HbeUmtU9VbbV3qzZ2Teh97WQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + dev: false + + /has/1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-f2dvO0VU6Oej7RkWJGrehjbzMAjFp5/VKPp5tTpWIV4JHHZK1/BxbFRtf/siA2SWTe09caDmVtYYzWEIbBS4zw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4.0'} + dependencies: + function-bind: 1.1.1 + + /hash-wasm/4.9.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7SW7ejyfnRxuOc7ptQHSf4LDoZaWOivfzqw+5rpcQku0nHfmicPKE51ra9BiRLAmT8+gGLestr1XroUkqdjL6w==} + dev: false + + /hast-util-from-parse5/7.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-R6PoNcUs89ZxLJmMWsVbwSWuz95/9OriyQZ3e2ybwqGsRXzhA6gv49rgGmQvLbZuSNDv9fCg7vV7gXUsvtUFaA==} + dependencies: + '@types/hast': 2.3.4 + '@types/unist': 2.0.6 + hastscript: 7.2.0 + property-information: 6.2.0 + vfile: 5.3.6 + vfile-location: 4.0.1 + web-namespaces: 2.0.1 + dev: false + + /hast-util-parse-selector/3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jdlwBjEexy1oGz0aJ2f4GKMaVKkA9jwjr4MjAAI22E5fM/TXVZHuS5OpONtdeIkRKqAaryQ2E9xNQxijoThSZA==} + dependencies: + '@types/hast': 2.3.4 + dev: false + + /hast-util-raw/7.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RujVQfVsOrxzPOPSzZFiwofMArbQke6DJjnFfceiEbFh7S05CbPt0cYN+A5YeD3pso0JQk6O1aHBnx9+Pm2uqg==} + dependencies: + '@types/hast': 2.3.4 + '@types/parse5': 6.0.3 + hast-util-from-parse5: 7.1.1 + hast-util-to-parse5: 7.1.0 + html-void-elements: 2.0.1 + parse5: 6.0.1 + unist-util-position: 4.0.4 + unist-util-visit: 4.1.2 + vfile: 5.3.6 + web-namespaces: 2.0.1 + zwitch: 2.0.4 + dev: false + + /hast-util-to-estree/2.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kiGD9WIW3gRKK8Gao3n1f+ahUeTMeJUJILnIT2QNrPigDNdH7rJxzhEbh81UajGeAdAHFecT1a+fLVOCTq9B4Q==} + dependencies: + '@types/estree': 1.0.0 + '@types/estree-jsx': 1.0.0 + '@types/hast': 2.3.4 + '@types/unist': 2.0.6 + comma-separated-tokens: 2.0.3 + estree-util-attach-comments: 2.1.1 + estree-util-is-identifier-name: 2.1.0 + hast-util-whitespace: 2.0.1 + mdast-util-mdx-expression: 1.3.2 + mdast-util-mdxjs-esm: 1.3.1 + property-information: 6.2.0 + space-separated-tokens: 2.0.2 + style-to-object: 0.4.1 + unist-util-position: 4.0.4 + zwitch: 2.0.4 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + /hast-util-to-html/8.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4tpQTUOr9BMjtYyNlt0P50mH7xj0Ks2xpo8M943Vykljf99HW6EzulIoJP1N3eKOSScEHzyzi9dm7/cn0RfGwA==} + dependencies: + '@types/hast': 2.3.4 + '@types/unist': 2.0.6 + ccount: 2.0.1 + comma-separated-tokens: 2.0.3 + hast-util-raw: 7.2.3 + hast-util-whitespace: 2.0.1 + html-void-elements: 2.0.1 + property-information: 6.2.0 + space-separated-tokens: 2.0.2 + stringify-entities: 4.0.3 + zwitch: 2.0.4 + dev: false + + /hast-util-to-parse5/7.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YNRgAJkH2Jky5ySkIqFXTQiaqcAtJyVE+D5lkN6CdtOqrnkLfGYYrEcKuHOJZlp+MwjSwuD3fZuawI+sic/RBw==} + dependencies: + '@types/hast': 2.3.4 + comma-separated-tokens: 2.0.3 + property-information: 6.2.0 + space-separated-tokens: 2.0.2 + web-namespaces: 2.0.1 + zwitch: 2.0.4 + dev: false + + /hast-util-whitespace/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nAxA0v8+vXSBDt3AnRUNjyRIQ0rD+ntpbAp4LnPkumc5M9yUbSMa4XDU9Q6etY4f1Wp4bNgvc1yjiZtsTTrSng==} + + /hastscript/7.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TtYPq24IldU8iKoJQqvZOuhi5CyCQRAbvDOX0x1eW6rsHSxa/1i2CCiptNTotGHJ3VoHRGmqiv6/D3q113ikkw==} + dependencies: + '@types/hast': 2.3.4 + comma-separated-tokens: 2.0.3 + hast-util-parse-selector: 3.1.1 + property-information: 6.2.0 + space-separated-tokens: 2.0.2 + dev: false + + /html-void-elements/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0quDb7s97CfemeJAnW9wC0hw78MtW7NU3hqtCD75g2vFlDLt36llsYD7uB7SUzojLMP24N5IatXf7ylGXiGG9A==} + dev: false + + /ignore/5.2.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MAb38BcSbH0eHNBxn7ql2NH/kX33OkB3lZ1BNdh7ENeRChHTYsTvWrMubiIAMNS2llXEEgZ1MUOBtXChP3kaFQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 4'} + dev: false + + /imagescript/1.2.15: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-um9tWylwZrK2T7hzMlajRB6sGEgjYQYFm5jKommOV/v2ANpLozyVBGhe3ZeYxCO1lLh/QZqpGq7u6qOyUrh8DQ==} + engines: {node: '>=14.0.0'} + dev: false + + /import-fresh/3.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-veYYhQa+D1QBKznvhUHxb8faxlrwUnxseDAbAp457E0wLNio2bOSKnjYDhMj+YiAq61xrMGhQk9iXVk5FzgQMw==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + dependencies: + parent-module: 1.0.1 + resolve-from: 4.0.0 + dev: false + + /imurmurhash/0.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JmXMZ6wuvDmLiHEml9ykzqO6lwFbof0GG4IkcGaENdCRDDmMVnny7s5HsIgHCbaq0w2MyPhDqkhTUgS2LU2PHA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.8.19'} + dev: false + + /inflection/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wzkZHqpb4eGrOKBl34xy3umnYHx8Si5R1U4fwmdxLo5gdH6mEK8gclckTj/qWqy4Je0bsDYe/qazZYuO7xe3XQ==} + engines: {node: '>=14.0.0'} + dev: false + + /inflight/1.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k92I/b08q4wvFscXCLvqfsHCrjrF7yiXsQuIVvVE7N82W3+aqpzuUdBbfhWcy/FZR3/4IgflMgKLOsvPDrGCJA==} + dependencies: + once: 1.4.0 + wrappy: 1.0.2 + dev: false + + /inherits/2.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k/vGaX4/Yla3WzyMCvTQOXYeIHvqOKtnqBduzTHpzpQZzAskKMhZ2K+EnBiSM9zGSoIFeMpXKxa4dYeZIQqewQ==} + dev: false + + /inline-style-parser/0.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7NXolsK4CAS5+xvdj5OMMbI962hU/wvwoxk+LWR9Ek9bVtyuuYScDN6eS0rUm6TxApFpw7CX1o4uJzcd4AyD3Q==} + + /internal-slot/1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tA8URYccNzMo94s5MQZgH8NB/XTa6HsOo0MLfXTKKEnHVVdegzaQoFZ7Jp44bdvLvY2waT5dc+j5ICEswhi7UQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + has: 1.0.3 + side-channel: 1.0.4 + dev: false + + /is-alphabetical/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FWyyY60MeTNyeSRpkM2Iry0G9hpr7/9kD40mD/cGQEuilcZYS4okz8SN2Q6rLCJ8gbCt6fN+rC+6tMGS99LaxQ==} + + /is-alphanumerical/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hmbYhX/9MUMF5uh7tOXyK/n0ZvWpad5caBA17GsC6vyuCqaWliRG5K1qS9inmUhEMaOBIW7/whAnSwveW/LtZw==} + dependencies: + is-alphabetical: 2.0.1 + is-decimal: 2.0.1 + + /is-arguments/1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8Q7EARjzEnKpt/PCD7e1cgUS0a6X8u5tdSiMqXhojOdoV9TsMsiO+9VLC5vAmO8N7/GmXn7yjR8qnA6bVAEzfA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + has-tostringtag: 1.0.0 + dev: false + + /is-array-buffer/3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ASfLknmY8Xa2XtB4wmbz13Wu202baeA18cJBCeCy0wXUHZF0IPyVEXqKEcd+t2fNSLLL1vC6k7lxZEojNbISXQ==} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + is-typed-array: 1.1.10 + dev: false + + /is-bigint/1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zB9CruMamjym81i2JZ3UMn54PKGsQzsJeo6xvN3HJJ4CAsQNB6iRutp2To77OfCNuoxspsIhzaPoO1zyCEhFOg==} + dependencies: + has-bigints: 1.0.2 + dev: false + + /is-binary-path/2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZMERYes6pDydyuGidse7OsHxtbI7WVeUEozgR/g7rd0xUimYNlvZRE/K2MgZTjWy725IfelLeVcEM97mmtRGXw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + binary-extensions: 2.2.0 + + /is-boolean-object/1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gDYaKHJmnj4aWxyj6YHyXVpdQawtVLHU5cb+eztPGczf6cjuTdwve5ZIEfgXqH4e57An1D1AKf8CZ3kYrQRqYA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + has-tostringtag: 1.0.0 + dev: false + + /is-buffer/2.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-i2R6zNFDwgEHJyQUtJEk0XFi1i0dPFn/oqjK3/vPCcDeJvW5NQ83V8QbicfF1SupOaB0h8ntgBC2YiE7dfyctQ==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + /is-callable/1.2.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1BC0BVFhS/p0qtw6enp8e+8OD0UrK0oFLztSjNzhcKA3WDuJxxAPXzPuPtKkjEY9UUoEWlX/8fgKeu2S8i9JTA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dev: false + + /is-core-module/2.11.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RRjxlvLDkD1YJwDbroBHMb+cukurkDWNyHx7D3oNB5x9rb5ogcksMC5wHCadcXoo67gVr/+3GFySh3134zi6rw==} + 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sha512-k1U0IRzLMo7ZlYIfzRu23Oh6MiIFasgpb9X76eqfFZAqwH44UI4KTBvBYIZ1dSL9ZzChTB9ShHfLkR4pdW5krQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + has-tostringtag: 1.0.0 + dev: false + + /is-number/7.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-41Cifkg6e8TylSpdtTpeLVMqvSBEVzTttHvERD741+pnZ8ANv0004MRL43QKPDlK9cGvNp6NZWZUBlbGXYxxng==} + engines: {node: '>=0.12.0'} + + /is-path-inside/3.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Fd4gABb+ycGAmKou8eMftCupSir5lRxqf4aD/vd0cD2qc4HL07OjCeuHMr8Ro4CoMaeCKDB0/ECBOVWjTwUvPQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: false + + /is-plain-obj/3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gwsOE28k+23GP1B6vFl1oVh/WOzmawBrKwo5Ev6wMKzPkaXaCDIQKzLnvsA42DRlbVTWorkgTKIviAKCWkfUwA==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dev: false + + /is-plain-obj/4.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+Pgi+vMuUNkJyExiMBt5IlFoMyKnr5zhJ4Uspz58WOhBF5QoIZkFyNHIbBAtHwzVAgk5RtndVNsDRN61/mmDqg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + /is-reference/3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-baJJdQLiYaJdvFbJqXrcGv3WU3QCzBlUcI5QhbesIm6/xPsvmO+2CDoi/GMOFBQEQm+PXkwOPrp9KK5ozZsp2w==} + dependencies: + '@types/estree': 1.0.0 + + /is-regex/1.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kvRdxDsxZjhzUX07ZnLydzS1TU/TJlTUHHY4YLL87e37oUA49DfkLqgy+VjFocowy29cKvcSiu+kIv728jTTVg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + has-tostringtag: 1.0.0 + dev: false + + /is-set/2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+2cnTEZeY5z/iXGbLhPrOAaK/Mau5k5eXq9j14CpRTftq0pAJu2MwVRSZhyZWBzx3o6X795Lz6Bpb6R0GKf37g==} + dev: false + + /is-shared-array-buffer/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sqN2UDu1/0y6uvXyStCOzyhAjCSlHceFoMKJW8W9EU9cvic/QdsZ0kEU93HEy3IUEFZIiH/3w+AH/UQbPHNdhA==} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + dev: false + + /is-string/1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tE2UXzivje6ofPW7l23cjDOMa09gb7xlAqG6jG5ej6uPV32TlWP3NKPigtaGeHNu9fohccRYvIiZMfOOnOYUtg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + has-tostringtag: 1.0.0 + dev: false + + /is-symbol/1.0.4: + 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sha512-t2yVvttHkQktwnNNmBQ98AhENLdPUTDTE21uPqAQ0ARwQfGeQKRVS0NNurH7bTf7RrvcVn1OOge45CnBeHCSmg==} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + dev: false + + /is-wsl/2.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fKzAra0rGJUUBwGBgNkHZuToZcn+TtXHpeCgmkMJMMYx1sQDYaCSyjJBSCa2nH1DGm7s3n1oBnohoVTBaN7Lww==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + is-docker: 2.2.1 + dev: false + + /isarray/2.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xHjhDr3cNBK0BzdUJSPXZntQUx/mwMS5Rw4A7lPJ90XGAO6ISP/ePDNuo0vhqOZU+UD5JoodwCAAoZQd3FeAKw==} + dev: false + + /isexe/2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RHxMLp9lnKHGHRng9QFhRCMbYAcVpn69smSGcq3f36xjgVVWThj4qqLbTLlq7Ssj8B+fIQ1EuCEGI2lKsyQeIw==} + dev: false + + /js-sdsl/4.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-mifzlm2+5nZ+lEcLJMoBK0/IH/bDg8XnJfd/Wq6IP+xoCjLZsTOnV2QpxlVbX9bMnkl5PdEjNtBJ9Cj1NjifhQ==} + dev: false + + /js-tokens/4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RdJUflcE3cUzKiMqQgsCu06FPu9UdIJO0beYbPhHN4k6apgJtifcoCtT9bcxOpYBtpD2kCM6Sbzg4CausW/PKQ==} + + 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sha512-g1MWMLBiz8FKi1e4w0UyVL3w+iJceWAFBAaBnnGKOpNa5f8TLktkbre1+s6oICydWAm+HRUGTmI+//xv2hvXYA==} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + minimist: 1.2.7 + dev: false + + /jsx-ast-utils/3.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fYQHZTZ8jSfmWZ0iyzfwiU4WDX4HpHbMCZ3gPlWYiCl3BoeOTsqKBqnTVfH2rYT7eP5c3sVbeSPHnnJOaTrWiw==} + engines: {node: '>=4.0'} + dependencies: + array-includes: 3.1.6 + object.assign: 4.1.4 + dev: false + + /kind-of/6.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dcS1ul+9tmeD95T+x28/ehLgd9mENa3LsvDTtzm3vyBEO7RPptvAD+t44WVXaUjTBRcrpFeFlC8WCruUR456hw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + dev: false + + /kleur/4.1.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-o+NO+8WrRiQEE4/7nwRJhN1HWpVmJm511pBHUxPLtp0BUISzlBplORYSmTclCnJvQq2tKu/sgl3xVpkc7ZWuQQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + /language-subtag-registry/0.3.22: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tN0MCzyWnoz/4nHS6uxdlFWoUZT7ABptwKPQ52Ea7URk6vll88bWBVhodtnlfEuCcKWNGoc+uGbw1cwa9IKh/w==} + dev: false + + /language-tags/1.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: 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sha512-9Ri+o0JYgehTaVBBDoMqIl8GXtbWg711O3srftcHhZ0dqnETqLaoIK0x17fUw9rFSlK/0NlsKe0Ahhyl5pXE2g==} + + /loose-envify/1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lyuxPGr/Wfhrlem2CL/UcnUc1zcqKAImBDzukY7Y5F/yQiNdko6+fRLevlw1HgMySw7f611UIY408EtxRSoK3Q==} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + js-tokens: 4.0.0 + + /lower-case/2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7fm3l3NAF9WfN6W3JOmf5drwpVqX78JtoGJ3A6W0a6ZnldM41w2fV5D490psKFTpMds8TJse/eHLFFsNHHjHgg==} + dependencies: + tslib: 2.5.0 + dev: false + + /lru-cache/6.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Jo6dJ04CmSjuznwJSS3pUeWmd/H0ffTlkXXgwZi+eq1UCmqQwCh+eLsYOYCwY991i2Fah4h1BEMCx4qThGbsiA==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dependencies: + yallist: 4.0.0 + dev: false + + /markdown-extensions/1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WWC0ZuMzCyDHYCasEGs4IPvLyTGftYwh6wIEOULOF0HXcqZlhwRzrK0w2VUlxWA98xnvb/jszw4ZSkJ6ADpM6Q==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + /markdown-table/3.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Z1NL3Tb1M9wH4XESsCDEksWoKTdlUafKc4pt0GRwjUyXaCFZ+dc3g2erqB6zm3szA2IUSi7VnPI+o/9jnxh9hw==} + dev: true + + /mdast-util-definitions/5.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8SVPMuHqlPME/z3gqVwWY4zVXn8lqKv/pAhC57FuJ40ImXyBpmO5ukh98zB2v7Blql2FiHjHv9LVztSIqjY+MA==} + dependencies: + '@types/mdast': 3.0.10 + '@types/unist': 2.0.6 + unist-util-visit: 4.1.2 + + /mdast-util-find-and-replace/2.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MTtdFRz/eMDHXzeK6W3dO7mXUlF82Gom4y0oOgvHhh/HXZAGvIQDUvQ0SuUx+j2tv44b8xTHOm8K/9OoRFnXKw==} + dependencies: + '@types/mdast': 3.0.10 + escape-string-regexp: 5.0.0 + unist-util-is: 5.2.0 + unist-util-visit-parents: 5.1.3 + dev: true + + /mdast-util-from-markdown/1.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HN3W1gRIuN/ZW295c7zi7g9lVBllMgZE40RxCX37wrTPWXCWtpvOZdfnuK+1WNpvZje6XuJeI3Wnb4TJEUem+g==} + dependencies: + '@types/mdast': 3.0.10 + '@types/unist': 2.0.6 + decode-named-character-reference: 1.0.2 + mdast-util-to-string: 3.1.1 + micromark: 3.1.0 + 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sha512-56D19KOGbE00uKVj3sgIykpwKL179QsVFwx/DCW0u/0+URsryacI4MAdNJl0dh+u2PSsD9FtxPFbHCzJ78qJFQ==} + dependencies: + '@types/mdast': 3.0.10 + mdast-util-to-markdown: 1.5.0 + micromark-util-normalize-identifier: 1.0.0 + dev: true + + /mdast-util-gfm-strikethrough/1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DAPhYzTYrRcXdMjUtUjKvW9z/FNAMTdU0ORyMcbmkwYNbKocDpdk+PX1L1dQgOID/+vVs1uBQ7ElrBQfZ0cuiQ==} + dependencies: + '@types/mdast': 3.0.10 + mdast-util-to-markdown: 1.5.0 + dev: true + + /mdast-util-gfm-table/1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jjcpmNnQvrmN5Vx7y7lEc2iIOEytYv7rTvu+MeyAsSHTASGCCRA79Igg2uKssgOs1i1po8s3plW0sTu1wkkLGg==} + dependencies: + '@types/mdast': 3.0.10 + markdown-table: 3.0.3 + mdast-util-from-markdown: 1.3.0 + mdast-util-to-markdown: 1.5.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + dev: true + + /mdast-util-gfm-task-list-item/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PFTA1gzfp1B1UaiJVyhJZA1rm0+Tzn690frc/L8vNX1Jop4STZgOE6bxUhnzdVSB+vm2GU1tIsuQcA9bxTQpMQ==} + 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sha512-dV398twlcAKiqQfj3BkC4PWinVlG1YSL/qs71M7z8xmSksqp3lATH+qrmWUJBOIjOYcD5xuIu6k1ld2btB3EqQ==} + dependencies: + '@types/estree-jsx': 1.0.0 + '@types/hast': 2.3.4 + '@types/mdast': 3.0.10 + ccount: 2.0.1 + mdast-util-from-markdown: 1.3.0 + mdast-util-to-markdown: 1.5.0 + parse-entities: 4.0.0 + stringify-entities: 4.0.3 + unist-util-remove-position: 4.0.2 + unist-util-stringify-position: 3.0.3 + vfile-message: 3.1.3 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + /mdast-util-mdx/2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-M09lW0CcBT1VrJUaF/PYxemxxHa7SLDHdSn94Q9FhxjCQfuW7nMAWKWimTmA3OyDMSTH981NN1csW1X+HPSluw==} + dependencies: + mdast-util-mdx-expression: 1.3.2 + mdast-util-mdx-jsx: 2.1.1 + mdast-util-mdxjs-esm: 1.3.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + /mdast-util-mdxjs-esm/1.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SXqglS0HrEvSdUEfoXFtcg7DRl7S2cwOXc7jkuusG472Mmjag34DUDeOJUZtl+BVnyeO1frIgVpHlNRWc2gk/w==} + dependencies: + '@types/estree-jsx': 1.0.0 + '@types/hast': 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2.0.6 + longest-streak: 3.1.0 + mdast-util-phrasing: 3.0.1 + mdast-util-to-string: 3.1.1 + micromark-util-decode-string: 1.0.2 + unist-util-visit: 4.1.2 + zwitch: 2.0.4 + + /mdast-util-to-string/3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tGvhT94e+cVnQt8JWE9/b3cUQZWS732TJxXHktvP+BYo62PpYD53Ls/6cC60rW21dW+txxiM4zMdc6abASvZKA==} + dependencies: + '@types/mdast': 3.0.10 + + /mdx-bundler/9.2.1_esbuild@0.17.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hWEEip1KU9MCNqeH2rqwzAZ1pdqPPbfkx9OTJjADqGPQz4t9BO85fhI7AP9gVYrpmfArf9/xJZUN0yBErg/G/Q==} + engines: {node: '>=14', npm: '>=6'} + peerDependencies: + esbuild: 0.* + dependencies: + '@babel/runtime': 7.20.13 + '@esbuild-plugins/node-resolve': 0.1.4_esbuild@0.17.5 + '@fal-works/esbuild-plugin-global-externals': 2.1.2 + '@mdx-js/esbuild': 2.2.1_esbuild@0.17.5 + esbuild: 0.17.5 + gray-matter: 4.0.3 + remark-frontmatter: 4.0.1 + remark-mdx-frontmatter: 1.1.1 + uuid: 8.3.2 + vfile: 5.3.6 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + dev: false + + 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sha512-EXjmRnupoX6yYuUJSQhrQ9ggK0iQtQlpi6xeJzVD5xscyAI+giqco5fdymayZhJMbIFecjnE2yz85S9NzIgQpg==} + dependencies: + fault: 2.0.1 + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + dev: false + + /micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal/1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-i3dmvU0htawfWED8aHMMAzAVp/F0Z+0bPh3YrbTPPL1v4YAlCZpy5rBO5p0LPYiZo0zFVkoYh7vDU7yQSiCMjg==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-sanitize-uri: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + dev: true + + /micromark-extension-gfm-footnote/1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-E/fmPmDqLiMUP8mLJ8NbJWJ4bTw6tS+FEQS8CcuDtZpILuOb2kjLqPEeAePF1djXROHXChM/wPJw0iS4kHCcIg==} + dependencies: + micromark-core-commonmark: 1.0.6 + micromark-factory-space: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-normalize-identifier: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-sanitize-uri: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + dev: true + + /micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough/1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/vjHU/lalmjZCT5xt7CcHVJGq8sYRm80z24qAKXzaHzem/xsDYb2yLL+NNVbYvmpLx3O7SYPuGL5pzusL9CLIQ==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-chunked: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-classify-character: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-resolve-all: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + dev: true + + /micromark-extension-gfm-table/1.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xAZ8J1X9W9K3JTJTUL7G6wSKhp2ZYHrFk5qJgY/4B33scJzE2kpfRL6oiw/veJTbt7jiM/1rngLlOKPWr1G+vg==} + dependencies: + micromark-factory-space: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + dev: true + + /micromark-extension-gfm-tagfilter/1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ty6psLAcAjboRa/UKUbbUcwjVAv5plxmpUTy2XC/3nJFL37eHej8jrHrRzkqcpipJliuBH30DTs7+3wqNcQUVA==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + dev: true + + /micromark-extension-gfm-task-list-item/1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PpysK2S1Q/5VXi72IIapbi/jliaiOFzv7THH4amwXeYXLq3l1uo8/2Be0Ac1rEwK20MQEsGH2ltAZLNY2KI/0Q==} + dependencies: + micromark-factory-space: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + dev: true + + /micromark-extension-gfm/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-p2sGjajLa0iYiGQdT0oelahRYtMWvLjy8J9LOCxzIQsllMCGLbsLW+Nc+N4vi02jcRJvedVJ68cjelKIO6bpDA==} + dependencies: + micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal: 1.0.3 + micromark-extension-gfm-footnote: 1.0.4 + micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough: 1.0.4 + micromark-extension-gfm-table: 1.0.5 + micromark-extension-gfm-tagfilter: 1.0.1 + micromark-extension-gfm-task-list-item: 1.0.3 + micromark-util-combine-extensions: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + dev: true + + /micromark-extension-mdx-expression/1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TCgLxqW6ReQ3AJgtj1P0P+8ZThBTloLbeb7jNaqr6mCOLDpxUiBFE/9STgooMZttEwOQu5iEcCCa3ZSDhY9FGw==} + dependencies: + micromark-factory-mdx-expression: 1.0.7 + micromark-factory-space: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-events-to-acorn: 1.2.1 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + + /micromark-extension-mdx-jsx/1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VfA369RdqUISF0qGgv2FfV7gGjHDfn9+Qfiv5hEwpyr1xscRj/CiVRkU7rywGFCO7JwJ5L0e7CJz60lY52+qOA==} + dependencies: + '@types/acorn': 4.0.6 + estree-util-is-identifier-name: 2.1.0 + micromark-factory-mdx-expression: 1.0.7 + micromark-factory-space: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + vfile-message: 3.1.3 + + /micromark-extension-mdx-md/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xaRAMoSkKdqZXDAoSgp20Azm0aRQKGOl0RrS81yGu8Hr/JhMsBmfs4wR7m9kgVUIO36cMUQjNyiyDKPrsv8gOw==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + + /micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm/1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2N13ol4KMoxb85rdDwTAC6uzs8lMX0zeqpcyx7FhS7PxXomOnLactu8WI8iBNXW8AVyea3KIJd/1CKnUmwrK9A==} + dependencies: + micromark-core-commonmark: 1.0.6 + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-events-to-acorn: 1.2.1 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + unist-util-position-from-estree: 1.1.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + vfile-message: 3.1.3 + + /micromark-extension-mdxjs/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TZZRZgeHvtgm+IhtgC2+uDMR7h8eTKF0QUX9YsgoL9+bADBpBY6SiLvWqnBlLbCEevITmTqmEuY3FoxMKVs1rQ==} + dependencies: + acorn: 8.8.2 + acorn-jsx: 5.3.2_acorn@8.8.2 + micromark-extension-mdx-expression: 1.0.4 + micromark-extension-mdx-jsx: 1.0.3 + micromark-extension-mdx-md: 1.0.0 + micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm: 1.0.3 + micromark-util-combine-extensions: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + + /micromark-factory-destination/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eUBA7Rs1/xtTVun9TmV3gjfPz2wEwgK5R5xcbIM5ZYAtvGF6JkyaDsj0agx8urXnO31tEO6Ug83iVH3tdedLnw==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + + /micromark-factory-label/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CTIwxlOnU7dEshXDQ+dsr2n+yxpP0+fn271pu0bwDIS8uqfFcumXpj5mLn3hSC8iw2MUr6Gx8EcKng1dD7i6hg==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + + /micromark-factory-mdx-expression/1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QAdFbkQagTZ/eKb8zDGqmjvgevgJH3+aQpvvKrXWxNJp3o8/l2cAbbrBd0E04r0Gx6nssPpqWIjnbHFvZu5qsQ==} + dependencies: + micromark-factory-space: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-events-to-acorn: 1.2.1 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + unist-util-position-from-estree: 1.1.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + vfile-message: 3.1.3 + + /micromark-factory-space/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qUmqs4kj9a5yBnk3JMLyjtWYN6Mzfcx8uJfi5XAveBniDevmZasdGBba5b4QsvRcAkmvGo5ACmSUmyGiKTLZew==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + + /micromark-factory-title/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zily+Nr4yFqgMGRKLpTVsNl5L4PMu485fGFDOQJQBl2NFpjGte1e86zC0da93wf97jrc4+2G2GQudFMHn3IX+A==} + dependencies: + micromark-factory-space: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + + /micromark-factory-whitespace/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Qx7uEyahU1lt1RnsECBiuEbfr9INjQTGa6Err+gF3g0Tx4YEviPbqqGKNv/NrBaE7dVHdn1bVZKM/n5I/Bak7A==} + dependencies: + micromark-factory-space: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + + /micromark-util-character/1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-agJ5B3unGNJ9rJvADMJ5ZiYjBRyDpzKAOk01Kpi1TKhlT1APx3XZk6eN7RtSz1erbWHC2L8T3xLZ81wdtGRZzg==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + + /micromark-util-chunked/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5e8xTis5tEZKgesfbQMKRCyzvffRRUX+lK/y+DvsMFdabAicPkkZV6gO+FEWi9RfuKKoxxPwNL+dFF0SMImc1g==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + + /micromark-util-classify-character/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-F8oW2KKrQRb3vS5ud5HIqBVkCqQi224Nm55o5wYLzY/9PwHGXC01tr3d7+TqHHz6zrKQ72Okwtvm/xQm6OVNZA==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + + /micromark-util-combine-extensions/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-J8H058vFBdo/6+AsjHp2NF7AJ02SZtWaVUjsayNFeAiydTxUwViQPxN0Hf8dp4FmCQi0UUFovFsEyRSUmFH3MA==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-chunked: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + + /micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OzO9AI5VUtrTD7KSdagf4MWgHMtET17Ua1fIpXTpuhclCqD8egFWo85GxSGvxgkGS74bEahvtM0WP0HjvV0e4w==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + + /micromark-util-decode-string/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DLT5Ho02qr6QWVNYbRZ3RYOSSWWFuH3tJexd3dgN1odEuPNxCngTCXJum7+ViRAd9BbdxCvMToPOD/IvVhzG6Q==} + dependencies: + decode-named-character-reference: 1.0.2 + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + + /micromark-util-encode/1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-U2s5YdnAYexjKDel31SVMPbfi+eF8y1U4pfiRW/Y8EFVCy/vgxk/2wWTxzcqE71LHtCuCzlBDRU2a5CQ5j+mQA==} + + /micromark-util-events-to-acorn/1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-mkg3BaWlw6ZTkQORrKVBW4o9ICXPxLtGz51vml5mQpKFdo9vqIX68CAx5JhTOdjQyAHH7JFmm4rh8toSPQZUmg==} + dependencies: + '@types/acorn': 4.0.6 + '@types/estree': 1.0.0 + estree-util-visit: 1.2.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + vfile-location: 4.0.1 + vfile-message: 3.1.3 + + /micromark-util-html-tag-name/1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BKlClMmYROy9UiV03SwNmckkjn8QHVaWkqoAqzivabvdGcwNGMMMH/5szAnywmsTBUzDsU57/mFi0sp4BQO6dA==} + + /micromark-util-normalize-identifier/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yg+zrL14bBTFrQ7n35CmByWUTFsgst5JhA4gJYoty4Dqzj4Z4Fr/DHekSS5aLfH9bdlfnSvKAWsAgJhIbogyBg==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + + /micromark-util-resolve-all/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CB/AGk98u50k42kvgaMM94wzBqozSzDDaonKU7P7jwQIuH2RU0TeBqGYJz2WY1UdihhjweivStrJ2JdkdEmcfw==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + + /micromark-util-sanitize-uri/1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RoxtuSCX6sUNtxhbmsEFQfWzs8VN7cTctmBPvYivo98xb/kDEoTCtJQX5wyzIYEmk/lvNFTat4hL8oW0KndFpg==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-encode: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + + /micromark-util-subtokenize/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-d90uqCnXp/cy4G881Ub4psE57Sf8YD0pim9QdjCRNjfas2M1u6Lbt+XZK9gnHL2XFhnozZiEdCa9CNfXSfQ6xA==} + dependencies: + micromark-util-chunked: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + + /micromark-util-symbol/1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oKDEMK2u5qqAptasDAwWDXq0tG9AssVwAx3E9bBF3t/shRIGsWIRG+cGafs2p/SnDSOecnt6hZPCE2o6lHfFmQ==} + + /micromark-util-types/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DCfg/T8fcrhrRKTPjRrw/5LLvdGV7BHySf/1LOZx7TzWZdYRjogNtyNq885z3nNallwr3QUKARjqvHqX1/7t+w==} + + /micromark/3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6Mj0yHLdUZjHnOPgr5xfWIMqMWS12zDN6iws9SLuSz76W8jTtAv24MN4/CL7gJrl5vtxGInkkqDv/JIoRsQOvA==} + dependencies: + '@types/debug': 4.1.7 + debug: 4.3.4 + decode-named-character-reference: 1.0.2 + micromark-core-commonmark: 1.0.6 + micromark-factory-space: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-character: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-chunked: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-combine-extensions: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-encode: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-normalize-identifier: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-resolve-all: 1.0.0 + micromark-util-sanitize-uri: 1.1.0 + micromark-util-subtokenize: 1.0.2 + micromark-util-symbol: 1.0.1 + micromark-util-types: 1.0.2 + uvu: 0.5.6 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + /micromatch/4.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DMy+ERcEW2q8Z2Po+WNXuw3c5YaUSFjAO5GsJqfEl7UjvtIuFKO6ZrKvcItdy98dwFI2N1tg3zNIdKaQT+aNdA==} + engines: {node: '>=8.6'} + dependencies: + braces: 3.0.2 + picomatch: 2.3.1 + + /minimatch/3.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-J7p63hRiAjw1NDEww1W7i37+ByIrOWO5XQQAzZ3VOcL0PNybwpfmV/N05zFAzwQ9USyEcX6t3UO+K5aqBQOIHw==} + dependencies: + brace-expansion: 1.1.11 + dev: false + + /minimist/1.2.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bzfL1YUZsP41gmu/qjrEk0Q6i2ix/cVeAhbCbqH9u3zYutS1cLg00qhrD0M2MVdCcx4Sc0UpP2eBWo9rotpq6g==} + + /mri/1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tzzskb3bG8LvYGFF/mDTpq3jpI6Q9wc3LEmBaghu+DdCssd1FakN7Bc0hVNmEyGq1bq3RgfkCb3cmQLpNPOroA==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + /ms/2.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sGkPx+VjMtmA6MX27oA4FBFELFCZZ4S4XqeGOXCv68tT+jb3vk/RyaKWP0PTKyWtmLSM0b+adUTEvbs1PEaH2w==} + + /ms/2.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6FlzubTLZG3J2a/NVCAleEhjzq5oxgHyaCU9yYXvcLsvoVaHJq/s5xXI6/XXP6tz7R9xAOtHnSO/tXtF3WRTlA==} + dev: false + + /nanoid/3.3.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MqBkQh/OHTS2egovRtLk45wEyNXwF+cokD+1YPf9u5VfJiRdAiRwB2froX5Co9Rh20xs4siNPm8naNotSD6RBw==} + engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || ^13.7 || ^14 || >=15.0.1} + hasBin: true + + /natural-compare/1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OWND8ei3VtNC9h7V60qff3SVobHr996CTwgxubgyQYEpg290h9J0buyECNNJexkFm5sOajh5G116RYA1c8ZMSw==} + dev: false + + /next-contentlayer/0.3.0_3vryta7zmbcsw4rrqf4axjqggm: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vt+RaD3nIgZ6oXadtZH19a1mpxvGEoiifdtmXqBSz4rHMRcMA1YZCuSWyj+P9uX7MDmIL6JT6QSp+hvTBMaxiw==} + peerDependencies: + next: ^12 || ^13 + react: '*' + react-dom: '*' + dependencies: + '@contentlayer/core': 0.3.0 + '@contentlayer/utils': 0.3.0 + next: 13.1.6_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y + react: 18.2.0 + react-dom: 18.2.0_react@18.2.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - '@effect-ts/otel-node' + - markdown-wasm + - supports-color + dev: false + + /next/13.1.6_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hHlbhKPj9pW+Cymvfzc15lvhaOZ54l+8sXDXJWm3OBNBzgrVj6hwGPmqqsXg40xO1Leq+kXpllzRPuncpC0Phw==} + engines: {node: '>=14.6.0'} + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + fibers: '>= 3.1.0' + node-sass: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 + react: ^18.2.0 + react-dom: ^18.2.0 + sass: ^1.3.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + fibers: + optional: true + node-sass: + optional: true + sass: + optional: true + dependencies: + '@next/env': 13.1.6 + '@swc/helpers': 0.4.14 + caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001450 + postcss: 8.4.14 + react: 18.2.0 + react-dom: 18.2.0_react@18.2.0 + styled-jsx: 5.1.1_react@18.2.0 + optionalDependencies: + '@next/swc-android-arm-eabi': 13.1.6 + '@next/swc-android-arm64': 13.1.6 + '@next/swc-darwin-arm64': 13.1.6 + '@next/swc-darwin-x64': 13.1.6 + '@next/swc-freebsd-x64': 13.1.6 + '@next/swc-linux-arm-gnueabihf': 13.1.6 + '@next/swc-linux-arm64-gnu': 13.1.6 + '@next/swc-linux-arm64-musl': 13.1.6 + '@next/swc-linux-x64-gnu': 13.1.6 + '@next/swc-linux-x64-musl': 13.1.6 + '@next/swc-win32-arm64-msvc': 13.1.6 + '@next/swc-win32-ia32-msvc': 13.1.6 + '@next/swc-win32-x64-msvc': 13.1.6 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - '@babel/core' + - babel-plugin-macros + dev: false + + /no-case/3.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fgAN3jGAh+RoxUGZHTSOLJIqUc2wmoBwGR4tbpNAKmmovFoWq0OdRkb0VkldReO2a2iBT/OEulG9XSUc10r3zg==} + dependencies: + lower-case: 2.0.2 + tslib: 2.5.0 + dev: false + + /node-domexception/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/jKZoMpw0F8GRwl4/eLROPA3cfcXtLApP0QzLmUT/HuPCZWyB7IY9ZrMeKw2O/nFIqPQB3PVM9aYm0F312AXDQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10.5.0'} + dev: false + + /node-fetch/3.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BKwRP/O0UvoMKp7GNdwPlObhYGB5DQqwhEDQlNKuoqwVYSxkSZCSbHjnFFmUEtwSKRPU4kNK8PbDYYitwaE3QA==} + engines: {node: ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.1 || >=16.0.0} + dependencies: + data-uri-to-buffer: 4.0.1 + fetch-blob: 3.2.0 + formdata-polyfill: 4.0.10 + dev: false + + /node-releases/2.0.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2xfmOrRkGogbTK9R6Leda0DGiXeY3p2NJpy4+gNCffdUvV6mdEJnaDEic1i3Ec2djAo8jWYoJMR5PB0MSMpxUA==} + dev: true + + /normalize-path/3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6eZs5Ls3WtCisHWp9S2GUy8dqkpGi4BVSz3GaqiE6ezub0512ESztXUwUB6C6IKbQkY2Pnb/mD4WYojCRwcwLA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + /normalize-range/0.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bdok/XvKII3nUpklnV6P2hxtMNrCboOjAcyBuQnWEhO665FwrSNRxU+AqpsyvO6LgGYPspN+lu5CLtw4jPRKNA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + dev: true + + /object-assign/4.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rJgTQnkUnH1sFw8yT6VSU3zD3sWmu6sZhIseY8VX+GRu3P6F7Fu+JNDoXfklElbLJSnc3FUQHVe4cU5hj+BcUg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + dev: false + + /object-hash/3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RSn9F68PjH9HqtltsSnqYC1XXoWe9Bju5+213R98cNGttag9q9yAOTzdbsqvIa7aNm5WffBZFpWYr2aWrklWAw==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + dev: true + + /object-inspect/1.12.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-geUvdk7c+eizMNUDkRpW1wJwgfOiOeHbxBR/hLXK1aT6zmVSO0jsQcs7fj6MGw89jC/cjGfLcNOrtMYtGqm81g==} + dev: false + + /object-is/1.1.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3cyDsyHgtmi7I7DfSSI2LDp6SK2lwvtbg0p0R1e0RvTqF5ceGx+K2dfSjm1bKDMVCFEDAQvy+o8c6a7VujOddw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.4 + dev: false + + /object-keys/1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NuAESUOUMrlIXOfHKzD6bpPu3tYt3xvjNdRIQ+FeT0lNb4K8WR70CaDxhuNguS2XG+GjkyMwOzsN5ZktImfhLA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dev: false + + /object.assign/4.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1mxKf0e58bvyjSCtKYY4sRe9itRk3PJpquJOjeIkz885CczcI4IvJJDLPS72oowuSh+pBxUFROpX+TU++hxhZQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.4 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + object-keys: 1.1.1 + dev: false + + /object.entries/1.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-leTPzo4Zvg3pmbQ3rDK69Rl8GQvIqMWubrkxONG9/ojtFE2rD9fjMKfSI5BxW3osRH1m6VdzmqK8oAY9aT4x5w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.4 + es-abstract: 1.21.1 + dev: false + + /object.fromentries/2.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VciD13dswC4j1Xt5394WR4MzmAQmlgN72phd/riNp9vtD7tp4QQWJ0R4wvclXcafgcYK8veHRed2W6XeGBvcfg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.4 + es-abstract: 1.21.1 + dev: false + + /object.hasown/1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-B5UIT3J1W+WuWIU55h0mjlwaqxiE5vYENJXIXZ4VFe05pNYrkKuK0U/6aFcb0pKywYJh7IhfoqUfKVmrJJHZHw==} + dependencies: + define-properties: 1.1.4 + es-abstract: 1.21.1 + dev: false + + /object.values/1.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FVVTkD1vENCsAcwNs9k6jea2uHC/X0+JcjG8YA60FN5CMaJmG95wT9jek/xX9nornqGRrBkKtzuAu2wuHpKqvw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.4 + es-abstract: 1.21.1 + dev: false + + /once/1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lNaJgI+2Q5URQBkccEKHTQOPaXdUxnZZElQTZY0MFUAuaEqe1E+Nyvgdz/aIyNi6Z9MzO5dv1H8n58/GELp3+w==} + dependencies: + wrappy: 1.0.2 + dev: false + + /oo-ascii-tree/1.74.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tV5BBZhFvALFKY/DMVILN5jDznPRZte0Yoj1hPmbAVGL4VSpsEXx0ZrP8fnFZKbAOyCwWq+PV26n7S5+cP86Xw==} + engines: {node: '>= 14.6.0'} + dev: false + + /open/8.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XgFPPM+B28FtCCgSb9I+s9szOC1vZRSwgWsRUA5ylIxRTgKozqjOCrVOqGsYABPYK5qnfqClxZTFBa8PKt2v6Q==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + dependencies: + define-lazy-prop: 2.0.0 + is-docker: 2.2.1 + is-wsl: 2.2.0 + dev: false + + /optionator/0.9.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-74RlY5FCnhq4jRxVUPKDaRwrVNXMqsGsiW6AJw4XK8hmtm10wC0ypZBLw5IIp85NZMr91+qd1RvvENwg7jjRFw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + dependencies: + deep-is: 0.1.4 + fast-levenshtein: 2.0.6 + levn: 0.4.1 + prelude-ls: 1.2.1 + type-check: 0.4.0 + word-wrap: 1.2.3 + dev: false + + /p-limit/3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TYOanM3wGwNGsZN2cVTYPArw454xnXj5qmWF1bEoAc4+cU/ol7GVh7odevjp1FNHduHc3KZMcFduxU5Xc6uJRQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dependencies: + yocto-queue: 0.1.0 + dev: false + + /p-locate/5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LaNjtRWUBY++zB5nE/NwcaoMylSPk+S+ZHNB1TzdbMJMny6dynpAGt7X/tl/QYq3TIeE6nxHppbo2LGymrG5Pw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dependencies: + p-limit: 3.1.0 + dev: false + + /parent-module/1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GQ2EWRpQV8/o+Aw8YqtfZZPfNRWZYkbidE9k5rpl/hC3vtHHBfGm2Ifi6qWV+coDGkrUKZAxE3Lot5kcsRlh+g==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + dependencies: + callsites: 3.1.0 + dev: false + + /parse-entities/4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5nk9Fn03x3rEhGaX1FU6IDwG/k+GxLXlFAkgrbM1asuAFl3BhdQWvASaIsmwWypRNcZKHPYnIuOSfIWEyEQnPQ==} + dependencies: + '@types/unist': 2.0.6 + character-entities: 2.0.2 + character-entities-legacy: 3.0.0 + character-reference-invalid: 2.0.1 + decode-named-character-reference: 1.0.2 + is-alphanumerical: 2.0.1 + is-decimal: 2.0.1 + is-hexadecimal: 2.0.1 + + /parse5/6.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ofn/CTFzRGTTxwpNEs9PP93gXShHcTq255nzRYSKe8AkVpZY7e1fpmTfOyoIvjP5HG7Z2ZM7VS9PPhQGW2pOpw==} + dev: false + + /pascal-case/3.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uWlGT3YSnK9x3BQJaOdcZwrnV6hPpd8jFH1/ucpiLRPh/2zCVJKS19E4GvYHvaCcACn3foXZ0cLB9Wrx1KGe5g==} + dependencies: + no-case: 3.0.4 + tslib: 2.5.0 + dev: false + + /path-exists/4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ak9Qy5Q7jYb2Wwcey5Fpvg2KoAc/ZIhLSLOSBmRmygPsGwkVVt0fZa0qrtMz+m6tJTAHfZQ8FnmB4MG4LWy7/w==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: false + + /path-is-absolute/1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AVbw3UJ2e9bq64vSaS9Am0fje1Pa8pbGqTTsmXfaIiMpnr5DlDhfJOuLj9Sf95ZPVDAUerDfEk88MPmPe7UCQg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + dev: false + + /path-key/3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ojmeN0qd+y0jszEtoY48r0Peq5dwMEkIlCOu6Q5f41lfkswXuKtYrhgoTpLnyIcHm24Uhqx+5Tqm2InSwLhE6Q==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: false + + /path-parse/1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LDJzPVEEEPR+y48z93A0Ed0yXb8pAByGWo/k5YYdYgpY2/2EsOsksJrq7lOHxryrVOn1ejG6oAp8ahvOIQD8sw==} + + /path-type/4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gDKb8aZMDeD/tZWs9P6+q0J9Mwkdl6xMV8TjnGP3qJVJ06bdMgkbBlLU8IdfOsIsFz2BW1rNVT3XuNEl8zPAvw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: false + + /periscopic/3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vKiQ8RRtkl9P+r/+oefh25C3fhybptkHKCZSPlcXiJux2tJF55GnEj3BVn4A5gKfq9NWWXXrxkHBwVPUfH0opw==} + dependencies: + '@types/estree': 1.0.0 + estree-walker: 3.0.3 + is-reference: 3.0.1 + + /picocolors/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1fygroTLlHu66zi26VoTDv8yRgm0Fccecssto+MhsZ0D/DGW2sm8E8AjW7NU5VVTRt5GxbeZ5qBuJr+HyLYkjQ==} + + /picomatch/2.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JU3teHTNjmE2VCGFzuY8EXzCDVwEqB2a8fsIvwaStHhAWJEeVd1o1QD80CU6+ZdEXXSLbSsuLwJjkCBWqRQUVA==} + engines: {node: '>=8.6'} + + /pify/2.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-udgsAY+fTnvv7kI7aaxbqwWNb0AHiB0qBO89PZKPkoTmGOgdbrHDKD+0B2X4uTfJ/FT1R09r9gTsjUjNJotuog==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + dev: true + + /postcss-import/14.1.0_postcss@8.4.21: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-flwI+Vgm4SElObFVPpTIT7SU7R3qk2L7PyduMcokiaVKuWv9d/U+Gm/QAd8NDLuykTWTkcrjOeD2Pp1rMeBTGw==} + engines: {node: '>=10.0.0'} + peerDependencies: + postcss: ^8.0.0 + dependencies: + postcss: 8.4.21 + postcss-value-parser: 4.2.0 + read-cache: 1.0.0 + resolve: 1.22.1 + dev: true + + /postcss-js/4.0.0_postcss@8.4.21: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-77QESFBwgX4irogGVPgQ5s07vLvFqWr228qZY+w6lW599cRlK/HmnlivnnVUxkjHnCu4J16PDMHcH+e+2HbvTQ==} + engines: {node: ^12 || ^14 || >= 16} + peerDependencies: + postcss: ^8.3.3 + dependencies: + camelcase-css: 2.0.1 + postcss: 8.4.21 + dev: true + + /postcss-load-config/3.1.4_postcss@8.4.21: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6DiM4E7v4coTE4uzA8U//WhtPwyhiim3eyjEMFCnUpzbrkK9wJHgKDT2mR+HbtSrd/NubVaYTOpSpjUl8NQeRg==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + peerDependencies: + postcss: '>=8.0.9' + ts-node: '>=9.0.0' + peerDependenciesMeta: + postcss: + optional: true + ts-node: + optional: true + dependencies: + lilconfig: 2.0.6 + postcss: 8.4.21 + yaml: 1.10.2 + dev: true + + /postcss-nested/6.0.0_postcss@8.4.21: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0DkamqrPcmkBDsLn+vQDIrtkSbNkv5AD/M322ySo9kqFkCIYklym2xEmWkwo+Y3/qZo34tzEPNUw4y7yMCdv5w==} + engines: {node: '>=12.0'} + peerDependencies: + postcss: ^8.2.14 + dependencies: + postcss: 8.4.21 + postcss-selector-parser: 6.0.11 + dev: true + + /postcss-selector-parser/6.0.10: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IQ7TZdoaqbT+LCpShg46jnZVlhWD2w6iQYAcYXfHARZ7X1t/UGhhceQDs5X0cGqKvYlHNOuv7Oa1xmb0oQuA3w==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + dependencies: + cssesc: 3.0.0 + util-deprecate: 1.0.2 + dev: true + + /postcss-selector-parser/6.0.11: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zbARubNdogI9j7WY4nQJBiNqQf3sLS3wCP4WfOidu+p28LofJqDH1tcXypGrcmMHhDk2t9wGhCsYe/+szLTy1g==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + dependencies: + cssesc: 3.0.0 + util-deprecate: 1.0.2 + dev: true + + /postcss-value-parser/4.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1NNCs6uurfkVbeXG4S8JFT9t19m45ICnif8zWLd5oPSZ50QnwMfK+H3jv408d4jw/7Bttv5axS5IiHoLaVNHeQ==} + dev: true + + /postcss/8.4.14: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-E398TUmfAYFPBSdzgeieK2Y1+1cpdxJx8yXbK/m57nRhKSmk1GB2tO4lbLBtlkfPQTDKfe4Xqv1ASWPpayPEig==} + engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || >=14} + dependencies: + nanoid: 3.3.4 + picocolors: 1.0.0 + source-map-js: 1.0.2 + dev: false + + /postcss/8.4.21: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tP7u/Sn/dVxK2NnruI4H9BG+x+Wxz6oeZ1cJ8P6G/PZY0IKk4k/63TDsQf2kQq3+qoJeLm2kIBUNlZe3zgb4Zg==} + engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || >=14} + dependencies: + nanoid: 3.3.4 + picocolors: 1.0.0 + source-map-js: 1.0.2 + dev: true + + /prelude-ls/1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vkcDPrRZo1QZLbn5RLGPpg/WmIQ65qoWWhcGKf/b5eplkkarX0m9z8ppCat4mlOqUsWpyNuYgO3VRyrYHSzX5g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + dev: false + + /prop-types/15.8.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oj87CgZICdulUohogVAR7AjlC0327U4el4L6eAvOqCeudMDVU0NThNaV+b9Df4dXgSP1gXMTnPdhfe/2qDH5cg==} + dependencies: + loose-envify: 1.4.0 + object-assign: 4.1.1 + react-is: 16.13.1 + dev: false + + /property-information/6.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kma4U7AFCTwpqq5twzC1YVIDXSqg6qQK6JN0smOw8fgRy1OkMi0CYSzFmsy6dnqSenamAtj0CyXMUJ1Mf6oROg==} + + /protobufjs/6.11.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xL96WDdCZYdU7Slin569tFX712BxsxslWwAfAhCYjQKGTq7dAU91Lomy6nLLhh/dyGhk/YH4TwTSRxTzhuHyZg==} + hasBin: true + requiresBuild: true + dependencies: + '@protobufjs/aspromise': 1.1.2 + '@protobufjs/base64': 1.1.2 + '@protobufjs/codegen': 2.0.4 + '@protobufjs/eventemitter': 1.1.0 + '@protobufjs/fetch': 1.1.0 + '@protobufjs/float': 1.0.2 + '@protobufjs/inquire': 1.1.0 + '@protobufjs/path': 1.1.2 + '@protobufjs/pool': 1.1.0 + '@protobufjs/utf8': 1.1.0 + '@types/long': 4.0.2 + '@types/node': 18.11.18 + long: 4.0.0 + dev: false + + /protobufjs/7.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hYCqTDuII4iJ4stZqiuGCSU8xxWl5JeXYpwARGtn/tWcKCAro6h3WQz+xpsNbXW0UYqpmTQFEyFWO0G0Kjt64g==} + engines: {node: '>=12.0.0'} + requiresBuild: true + dependencies: + '@protobufjs/aspromise': 1.1.2 + '@protobufjs/base64': 1.1.2 + '@protobufjs/codegen': 2.0.4 + '@protobufjs/eventemitter': 1.1.0 + '@protobufjs/fetch': 1.1.0 + '@protobufjs/float': 1.0.2 + '@protobufjs/inquire': 1.1.0 + '@protobufjs/path': 1.1.2 + '@protobufjs/pool': 1.1.0 + '@protobufjs/utf8': 1.1.0 + '@types/node': 18.11.18 + long: 5.2.1 + dev: false + + /punycode/2.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rRV+zQD8tVFys26lAGR9WUuS4iUAngJScM+ZRSKtvl5tKeZ2t5bvdNFdNHBW9FWR4guGHlgmsZ1G7BSm2wTbuA==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + dev: false + + /queue-microtask/1.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NuaNSa6flKT5JaSYQzJok04JzTL1CA6aGhv5rfLW3PgqA+M2ChpZQnAC8h8i4ZFkBS8X5RqkDBHA7r4hej3K9A==} + + /quick-lru/5.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WuyALRjWPDGtt/wzJiadO5AXY+8hZ80hVpe6MyivgraREW751X3SbhRvG3eLKOYN+8VEvqLcf3wdnt44Z4S4SA==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dev: true + + /react-dom/18.2.0_react@18.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6IMTriUmvsjHUjNtEDudZfuDQUoWXVxKHhlEGSk81n4YFS+r/Kl99wXiwlVXtPBtJenozv2P+hxDsw9eA7Xo6g==} + peerDependencies: + react: ^18.2.0 + dependencies: + loose-envify: 1.4.0 + react: 18.2.0 + scheduler: 0.23.0 + dev: false + + /react-is/16.13.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-24e6ynE2H+OKt4kqsOvNd8kBpV65zoxbA4BVsEOB3ARVWQki/DHzaUoC5KuON/BiccDaCCTZBuOcfZs70kR8bQ==} + dev: false + + /react/18.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/3IjMdb2L9QbBdWiW5e3P2/npwMBaU9mHCSCUzNln0ZCYbcfTsGbTJrU/kGemdH2IWmB2ioZ+zkxtmq6g09fGQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + dependencies: + loose-envify: 1.4.0 + + /read-cache/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Owdv/Ft7IjOgm/i0xvNDZ1LrRANRfew4b2prF3OWMQLxLfu3bS8FVhCsrSCMK4lR56Y9ya+AThoTpDCTxCmpRA==} + dependencies: + pify: 2.3.0 + dev: true + + /readdirp/3.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hOS089on8RduqdbhvQ5Z37A0ESjsqz6qnRcffsMU3495FuTdqSm+7bhJ29JvIOsBDEEnan5DPu9t3To9VRlMzA==} + engines: {node: '>=8.10.0'} + dependencies: + picomatch: 2.3.1 + + 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sha512-38fJrB0KnmD3E33a5jZC/5+gGAC2WKNiPw1/fdXJvijBlhA7RCsvJklrYJakS0HedninvaCYW8lQGf9C918GfA==} + dependencies: + '@types/mdast': 3.0.10 + mdast-util-frontmatter: 1.0.1 + micromark-extension-frontmatter: 1.0.0 + unified: 10.1.2 + dev: false + + /remark-gfm/3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lEFDoi2PICJyNrACFOfDD3JlLkuSbOa5Wd8EPt06HUdptv8Gn0bxYTdbU/XXQ3swAPkEaGxxPN9cbnMHvVu1Ig==} + dependencies: + '@types/mdast': 3.0.10 + mdast-util-gfm: 2.0.1 + micromark-extension-gfm: 2.0.1 + unified: 10.1.2 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + dev: true + + /remark-mdx-frontmatter/1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7teX9DW4tI2WZkXS4DBxneYSY7NHiXl4AKdWDO9LXVweULlCT8OPWsOjLEnMIXViN1j+QcY8mfbq3k0EK6x3uA==} + engines: {node: '>=12.2.0'} + dependencies: + estree-util-is-identifier-name: 1.1.0 + estree-util-value-to-estree: 1.3.0 + js-yaml: 4.1.0 + toml: 3.0.0 + dev: false + + /remark-mdx/2.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-R9wcN+/THRXTKyRBp6Npo/mcbGA2iT3N4G8qUqLA5pOEg7kBidHv8K2hHidCMYZ6DXmwK18umu0K4cicgA2PPQ==} + dependencies: + mdast-util-mdx: 2.0.0 + micromark-extension-mdxjs: 1.0.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + /remark-parse/10.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1fUyHr2jLsVOkhbvPRBJ5zTKZZyD6yZzYaWCS6BPBdQ8vEMBCH+9zNCDA6tET/zHCi/jLqjCWtlJZUPk+DbnFw==} + dependencies: + '@types/mdast': 3.0.10 + mdast-util-from-markdown: 1.3.0 + unified: 10.1.2 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + /remark-rehype/10.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EFmR5zppdBp0WQeDVZ/b66CWJipB2q2VLNFMabzDSGR66Z2fQii83G5gTBbgGEnEEA0QRussvrFHxk1HWGJskw==} + dependencies: + '@types/hast': 2.3.4 + '@types/mdast': 3.0.10 + mdast-util-to-hast: 12.2.6 + unified: 10.1.2 + + /repeat-string/1.6.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PV0dzCYDNfRi1jCDbJzpW7jNNDRuCOG/jI5ctQcGKt/clZD+YcPS3yIlWuTJMmESC8aevCFmWJy5wjAFgNqN6w==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10'} + dev: false + + /require-directory/2.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fGxEI7+wsG9xrvdjsrlmL22OMTTiHRwAMroiEeMgq8gzoLC/PQr7RsRDSTLUg/bZAZtF+TVIkHc6/4RIKrui+Q==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + dev: false + + /resolve-from/4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pb/MYmXstAkysRFx8piNI1tGFNQIFA3vkE3Gq4EuA1dF6gHp/+vgZqsCGJapvy8N3Q+4o7FwvquPJcnZ7RYy4g==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + dev: false + + /resolve/1.22.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nBpuuYuY5jFsli/JIs1oldw6fOQCBioohqWZg/2hiaOybXOft4lonv85uDOKXdf8rhyK159cxU5cDcK/NKk8zw==} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + is-core-module: 2.11.0 + path-parse: 1.0.7 + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: 1.0.0 + + /resolve/2.0.0-next.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iMDbmAWtfU+MHpxt/I5iWI7cY6YVEZUQ3MBgPQ++XD1PELuJHIl82xBmObyP2KyQmkNB2dsqF7seoQQiAn5yDQ==} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + is-core-module: 2.11.0 + path-parse: 1.0.7 + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: 1.0.0 + dev: false + + /reusify/1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-U9nH88a3fc/ekCF1l0/UP1IosiuIjyTh7hBvXVMHYgVcfGvt897Xguj2UOLDeI5BG2m7/uwyaLVT6fbtCwTyzw==} + engines: {iojs: '>=1.0.0', node: '>=0.10.0'} + + /rimraf/3.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JZkJMZkAGFFPP2YqXZXPbMlMBgsxzE8ILs4lMIX/2o0L9UBw9O/Y3o6wFw/i9YLapcUJWwqbi3kdxIPdC62TIA==} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + glob: 7.2.3 + dev: false + + /run-parallel/1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5l4VyZR86LZ/lDxZTR6jqL8AFE2S0IFLMP26AbjsLVADxHdhB/c0GUsH+y39UfCi3dzz8OlQuPmnaJOMoDHQBA==} + dependencies: + queue-microtask: 1.2.3 + + /sade/1.8.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xal3CZX1Xlo/k4ApwCFrHVACi9fBqJ7V+mwhBsuf/1IOKbBy098Fex+Wa/5QMubw09pSZ/u8EY8PWgevJsXp1A==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + dependencies: + mri: 1.2.0 + + /safe-regex-test/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JBUUzyOgEwXQY1NuPtvcj/qcBDbDmEvWufhlnXZIm75DEHp+afM1r1ujJpJsV/gSM4t59tpDyPi1sd6ZaPFfsA==} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + is-regex: 1.1.4 + dev: false + + /scheduler/0.23.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CtuThmgHNg7zIZWAXi3AsyIzA3n4xx7aNyjwC2VJldO2LMVDhFK+63xGqq6CsJH4rTAt6/M+N4GhZiDYPx9eUw==} + dependencies: + loose-envify: 1.4.0 + dev: false + + /section-matter/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vfD3pmTzGpufjScBh50YHKzEu2lxBWhVEHsNGoEXmCmn2hKGfeNLYMzCJpe8cD7gqX7TJluOVpBkAequ6dgMmA==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + dependencies: + extend-shallow: 2.0.1 + kind-of: 6.0.3 + dev: false + + /semver/6.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-b39TBaTSfV6yBrapU89p5fKekE2m/NwnDocOVruQFS1/veMgdzuPcnOM34M6CwxW8jH/lxEa5rBoDeUwu5HHTw==} + hasBin: true + dev: false + + /semver/7.3.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NB1ctGL5rlHrPJtFDVIVzTyQylMLu9N9VICA6HSFJo8MCGVTMW6gfpicwKmmK/dAjTOrqu5l63JJOpDSrAis3A==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + lru-cache: 6.0.0 + dev: false + + /shebang-command/2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kHxr2zZpYtdmrN1qDjrrX/Z1rR1kG8Dx+gkpK1G4eXmvXswmcE1hTWBWYUzlraYw1/yZp6YuDY77YtvbN0dmDA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + shebang-regex: 3.0.0 + dev: false + + /shebang-regex/3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7++dFhtcx3353uBaq8DDR4NuxBetBzC7ZQOhmTQInHEd6bSrXdiEyzCvG07Z44UYdLShWUyXt5M/yhz8ekcb1A==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: false + + /side-channel/1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-q5XPytqFEIKHkGdiMIrY10mvLRvnQh42/+GoBlFW3b2LXLE2xxJpZFdm94we0BaoV3RwJyGqg5wS7epxTv0Zvw==} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + object-inspect: 1.12.3 + dev: false + + /slash/3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-g9Q1haeby36OSStwb4ntCGGGaKsaVSjQ68fBxoQcutl5fS1vuY18H3wSt3jFyFtrkx+Kz0V1G85A4MyAdDMi2Q==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: false + + /slash/4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3dOsAHXXUkQTpOYcoAxLIorMTp4gIQr5IW3iVb7A7lFIp0VHhnynm9izx6TssdrIcVIESAlVjtnO2K8bg+Coew==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + dev: false + + /source-map-js/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-R0XvVJ9WusLiqTCEiGCmICCMplcCkIwwR11mOSD9CR5u+IXYdiseeEuXCVAjS54zqwkLcPNnmU4OeJ6tUrWhDw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + /source-map-support/0.5.21: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uBHU3L3czsIyYXKX88fdrGovxdSCoTGDRZ6SYXtSRxLZUzHg5P/66Ht6uoUlHu9EZod+inXhKo3qQgwXUT/y1w==} + dependencies: + buffer-from: 1.1.2 + source-map: 0.6.1 + dev: false + + /source-map/0.6.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UjgapumWlbMhkBgzT7Ykc5YXUT46F0iKu8SGXq0bcwP5dz/h0Plj6enJqjz1Zbq2l5WaqYnrVbwWOWMyF3F47g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + dev: false + + /source-map/0.7.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-l3BikUxvPOcn5E74dZiq5BGsTb5yEwhaTSzccU6t4sDOH8NWJCstKO5QT2CvtFoK6F0saL7p9xHAqHOlCPJygA==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + /space-separated-tokens/2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PEGlAwrG8yXGXRjW32fGbg66JAlOAwbObuqVoJpv/mRgoWDQfgH1wDPvtzWyUSNAXBGSk8h755YDbbcEy3SH2Q==} + + /sprintf-js/1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-D9cPgkvLlV3t3IzL0D0YLvGA9Ahk4PcvVwUbN0dSGr1aP0Nrt4AEnTUbuGvquEC0mA64Gqt1fzirlRs5ibXx8g==} + dev: false + + /stop-iteration-iterator/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iCGQj+0l0HOdZ2AEeBADlsRC+vsnDsZsbdSiH1yNSjcfKM7fdpCMfqAL/dwF5BLiw/XhRft/Wax6zQbhq2BcjQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + internal-slot: 1.0.4 + dev: false + + /string-width/4.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wKyQRQpjJ0sIp62ErSZdGsjMJWsap5oRNihHhu6G7JVO/9jIB6UyevL+tXuOqrng8j/cxKTWyWUwvSTriiZz/g==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + emoji-regex: 8.0.0 + is-fullwidth-code-point: 3.0.0 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + dev: false + + /string.prototype.matchall/4.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6zOCOcJ+RJAQshcTvXPHoxoQGONa3e/Lqx90wUA+wEzX78sg5Bo+1tQo4N0pohS0erG9qtCqJDjNCQBjeWVxyg==} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.4 + es-abstract: 1.21.1 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.0 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + internal-slot: 1.0.4 + regexp.prototype.flags: 1.4.3 + side-channel: 1.0.4 + dev: false + + /string.prototype.trimend/1.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JySq+4mrPf9EsDBEDYMOb/lM7XQLulwg5R/m1r0PXEFqrV0qHvl58sdTilSXtKOflCsK2E8jxf+GKC0T07RWwQ==} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.4 + es-abstract: 1.21.1 + dev: false + + /string.prototype.trimstart/1.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-omqjMDaY92pbn5HOX7f9IccLA+U1tA9GvtU4JrodiXFfYB7jPzzHpRzpglLAjtUV6bB557zwClJezTqnAiYnQA==} + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.4 + es-abstract: 1.21.1 + dev: false + + /stringify-entities/4.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BP9nNHMhhfcMbiuQKCqMjhDP5yBCAxsPu4pHFFzJ6Alo9dZgY4VLDPutXqIjpRiMoKdp7Av85Gr73Q5uH9k7+g==} + dependencies: + character-entities-html4: 2.1.0 + character-entities-legacy: 3.0.0 + + /strip-ansi/6.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y38VPSHcqkFrCpFnQ9vuSXmquuv5oXOKpGeT6aGrr3o3Gc9AlVa6JBfUSOCnbxGGZF+/0ooI7KrPuUSztUdU5A==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + ansi-regex: 5.0.1 + dev: false + + /strip-bom-string/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uCC2VHvQRYu+lMh4My/sFNmF2klFymLX1wHJeXnbEJERpV/ZsVuonzerjfrGpIGF7LBVa1O7i9kjiWvJiFck8g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + dev: false + + /strip-bom/3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vavAMRXOgBVNF6nyEEmL3DBK19iRpDcoIwW+swQ+CbGiu7lju6t+JklA1MHweoWtadgt4ISVUsXLyDq34ddcwA==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + dev: false + + /strip-json-comments/3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6fPc+R4ihwqP6N/aIv2f1gMH8lOVtWQHoqC4yK6oSDVVocumAsfCqjkXnqiYMhmMwS/mEHLp7Vehlt3ql6lEig==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: false + + /style-to-object/0.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HFpbb5gr2ypci7Qw+IOhnP2zOU7e77b+rzM+wTzXzfi1PrtBCX0E7Pk4wL4iTLnhzZ+JgEGAhX81ebTg/aYjQw==} + dependencies: + inline-style-parser: 0.1.1 + + /styled-jsx/5.1.1_react@18.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pW7uC1l4mBZ8ugbiZrcIsiIvVx1UmTfw7UkC3Um2tmfUq9Bhk8IiyEIPl6F8agHgjzku6j0xQEZbfA5uSgSaCw==} + engines: {node: '>= 12.0.0'} + peerDependencies: + '@babel/core': '*' + babel-plugin-macros: '*' + react: '>= 16.8.0 || 17.x.x || ^18.0.0-0' + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@babel/core': + optional: true + babel-plugin-macros: + optional: true + dependencies: + client-only: 0.0.1 + react: 18.2.0 + dev: false + + /supports-color/7.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qpCAvRl9stuOHveKsn7HncJRvv501qIacKzQlO/+Lwxc9+0q2wLyv4Dfvt80/DPn2pqOBsJdDiogXGR9+OvwRw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + has-flag: 4.0.0 + dev: false + + /supports-preserve-symlinks-flag/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ot0WnXS9fgdkgIcePe6RHNk1WA8+muPa6cSjeR3V8K27q9BB1rTE3R1p7Hv0z1ZyAc8s6Vvv8DIyWf681MAt0w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + /synckit/0.8.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-L1dapNV6vu2s/4Sputv8xGsCdAVlb5nRDMFU/E27D44l5U6cw1g0dGd45uLc+OXjNMmF4ntiMdCimzcjFKQI8Q==} + engines: {node: ^14.18.0 || >=16.0.0} + dependencies: + '@pkgr/utils': 2.3.1 + tslib: 2.5.0 + dev: false + + /tailwindcss/3.2.4_postcss@8.4.21: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AhwtHCKMtR71JgeYDaswmZXhPcW9iuI9Sp2LvZPo9upDZ7231ZJ7eA9RaURbhpXGVlrjX4cFNlB4ieTetEb7hQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12.13.0'} + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + postcss: ^8.0.9 + dependencies: + arg: 5.0.2 + chokidar: 3.5.3 + color-name: 1.1.4 + detective: 5.2.1 + didyoumean: 1.2.2 + dlv: 1.1.3 + fast-glob: 3.2.12 + glob-parent: 6.0.2 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + lilconfig: 2.0.6 + micromatch: 4.0.5 + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + object-hash: 3.0.0 + picocolors: 1.0.0 + postcss: 8.4.21 + postcss-import: 14.1.0_postcss@8.4.21 + postcss-js: 4.0.0_postcss@8.4.21 + postcss-load-config: 3.1.4_postcss@8.4.21 + postcss-nested: 6.0.0_postcss@8.4.21 + postcss-selector-parser: 6.0.11 + postcss-value-parser: 4.2.0 + quick-lru: 5.1.1 + resolve: 1.22.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - ts-node + dev: true + + /tapable/2.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GNzQvQTOIP6RyTfE2Qxb8ZVlNmw0n88vp1szwWRimP02mnTsx3Wtn5qRdqY9w2XduFNUgvOwhNnQsjwCp+kqaQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + dev: false + + /text-table/0.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-N+8UisAXDGk8PFXP4HAzVR9nbfmVJ3zYLAWiTIoqC5v5isinhr+r5uaO8+7r3BMfuNIufIsA7RdpVgacC2cSpw==} + dev: false + + /tiny-glob/0.2.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-g/55ssRPUjShh+xkfx9UPDXqhckHEsHr4Vd9zX55oSdGZc/MD0m3sferOkwWtp98bv+kcVfEHtRJgBVJzelrzg==} + dependencies: + globalyzer: 0.1.0 + globrex: 0.1.2 + dev: false + + /to-regex-range/5.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-65P7iz6X5yEr1cwcgvQxbbIw7Uk3gOy5dIdtZ4rDveLqhrdJP+Li/Hx6tyK0NEb+2GCyneCMJiGqrADCSNk8sQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8.0'} + dependencies: + is-number: 7.0.0 + + /toml/3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-y/mWCZinnvxjTKYhJ+pYxwD0mRLVvOtdS2Awbgxln6iEnt4rk0yBxeSBHkGJcPucRiG0e55mwWp+g/05rsrd6w==} + dev: false + + /trim-lines/3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kRj8B+YHZCc9kQYdWfJB2/oUl9rA99qbowYYBtr4ui4mZyAQ2JpvVBd/6U2YloATfqBhBTSMhTpgBHtU0Mf3Rg==} + + /trough/2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AqTiAOLcj85xS7vQ8QkAV41hPDIJ71XJB4RCUrzo/1GM2CQwhkJGaf9Hgr7BOugMRpgGUrqRg/DrBDl4H40+8g==} + + /ts-pattern/4.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8beXMWTGEv1JfDjSxfNhe4uT5jKYdhmEUKzt4gZW9dmHlquq3b+IbEyA7vX9LjBfzHmvKnM4HiomAUCyaW2Pew==} + dev: false + + 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sha512-0yaU+rj2gKAyEk12ffdSbBfjnnj+b1zqTBv3OQCTn8yEB02bsPizwdBPrLJjHnK+cU9EMMcUnNv938XcZIkmdA==} + dependencies: + '@types/unist': 2.0.6 + unist-util-stringify-position: 3.0.3 + + /vfile/5.3.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ADBsmerdGBs2WYckrLBEmuETSPyTD4TuLxTrw0DvjirxW1ra4ZwkbzG8ndsv3Q57smvHxo677MHaQrY9yxH8cA==} + dependencies: + '@types/unist': 2.0.6 + is-buffer: 2.0.5 + unist-util-stringify-position: 3.0.3 + vfile-message: 3.1.3 + + /web-namespaces/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bKr1DkiNa2krS7qxNtdrtHAmzuYGFQLiQ13TsorsdT6ULTkPLKuu5+GsFpDlg6JFjUTwX2DyhMPG2be8uPrqsQ==} + dev: false + + /web-streams-polyfill/3.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-e0MO3wdXWKrLbL0DgGnUV7WHVuw9OUvL4hjgnPkIeEvESk74gAITi5G606JtZPp39cd8HA9VQzCIvA49LpPN5Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + dev: false + + /which-boxed-primitive/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bwZdv0AKLpplFY2KZRX6TvyuN7ojjr7lwkg6ml0roIy9YeuSr7JS372qlNW18UQYzgYK9ziGcerWqZOmEn9VNg==} + dependencies: + is-bigint: 1.0.4 + is-boolean-object: 1.1.2 + is-number-object: 1.0.7 + is-string: 1.0.7 + is-symbol: 1.0.4 + dev: false + + /which-collection/1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-W8xeTUwaln8i3K/cY1nGXzdnVZlidBcagyNFtBdD5kxnb4TvGKR7FfSIS3mYpwWS1QUCutfKz8IY8RjftB0+1A==} + dependencies: + is-map: 2.0.2 + is-set: 2.0.2 + is-weakmap: 2.0.1 + is-weakset: 2.0.2 + dev: false + + /which-typed-array/1.1.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-w9c4xkx6mPidwp7180ckYWfMmvxpjlZuIudNtDf4N/tTAUB8VJbX25qZoAsrtGuYNnGw3pa0AXgbGKRB8/EceA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + dependencies: + available-typed-arrays: 1.0.5 + call-bind: 1.0.2 + for-each: 0.3.3 + gopd: 1.0.1 + has-tostringtag: 1.0.0 + is-typed-array: 1.1.10 + dev: false + + /which/2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BLI3Tl1TW3Pvl70l3yq3Y64i+awpwXqsGBYWkkqMtnbXgrMD+yj7rhW0kuEDxzJaYXGjEW5ogapKNMEKNMjibA==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + isexe: 2.0.0 + dev: false + + /word-wrap/1.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Hz/mrNwitNRh/HUAtM/VT/5VH+ygD6DV7mYKZAtHOrbs8U7lvPS6xf7EJKMF0uW1KJCl0H701g3ZGus+muE5vQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + dev: false + + /wrap-ansi/7.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YVGIj2kamLSTxw6NsZjoBxfSwsn0ycdesmc4p+Q21c5zPuZ1pl+NfxVdxPtdHvmNVOQ6XSYG4AUtyt/Fi7D16Q==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 4.3.0 + string-width: 4.2.3 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + dev: false + + /wrappy/1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-l4Sp/DRseor9wL6EvV2+TuQn63dMkPjZ/sp9XkghTEbV9KlPS1xUsZ3u7/IQO4wxtcFB4bgpQPRcR3QCvezPcQ==} + dev: false + + /xtend/4.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LKYU1iAXJXUgAXn9URjiu+MWhyUXHsvfp7mcuYm9dSUKK0/CjtrUwFAxD82/mCWbtLsGjFIad0wIsod4zrTAEQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4'} + dev: true + + /y18n/5.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0pfFzegeDWJHJIAmTLRP2DwHjdF5s7jo9tuztdQxAhINCdvS+3nGINqPd00AphqJR/0LhANUS6/+7SCb98YOfA==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dev: false + + /yallist/4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3wdGidZyq5PB084XLES5TpOSRA3wjXAlIWMhum2kRcv/41Sn2emQ0dycQW4uZXLejwKvg6EsvbdlVL+FYEct7A==} + dev: false + + /yaml/1.10.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-r3vXyErRCYJ7wg28yvBY5VSoAF8ZvlcW9/BwUzEtUsjvX/DKs24dIkuwjtuprwJJHsbyUbLApepYTR1BN4uHrg==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + /yargs-parser/20.2.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-y11nGElTIV+CT3Zv9t7VKl+Q3hTQoT9a1Qzezhhl6Rp21gJ/IVTW7Z3y9EWXhuUBC2Shnf+DX0antecpAwSP8w==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dev: false + + /yargs/16.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-D1mvvtDG0L5ft/jGWkLpG1+m0eQxOfaBvTNELraWj22wSVUMWxZUvYgJYcKh6jGGIkJFhH4IZPQhR4TKpc8mBw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dependencies: + cliui: 7.0.4 + escalade: 3.1.1 + get-caller-file: 2.0.5 + require-directory: 2.1.1 + string-width: 4.2.3 + y18n: 5.0.8 + yargs-parser: 20.2.9 + dev: false + + /yocto-queue/0.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rVksvsnNCdJ/ohGc6xgPwyN8eheCxsiLM8mxuE/t/mOVqJewPuO1miLpTHQiRgTKCLexL4MeAFVagts7HmNZ2Q==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + dev: false + + 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/dev/null and b/public/images/paper-texture.webp differ diff --git a/public/next.svg b/public/next.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 5174b28..0000000 --- a/public/next.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/thirteen.svg b/public/thirteen.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 8977c1b..0000000 --- a/public/thirteen.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/vercel.svg b/public/vercel.svg deleted file mode 100644 index d2f8422..0000000 --- a/public/vercel.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/styles/globals.css b/styles/globals.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2aed1c --- /dev/null +++ b/styles/globals.css @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Barlow+Condensed:ital,wght@0,100;0,200;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;0,900;1,100;1,200;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800;1,900&family=Inter:wght@100;200;300;400;500;600;700;800;900&family=Vollkorn:ital,wght@0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;0,900;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800;1,900&display=swap"); + +@tailwind base; +@tailwind components; +@tailwind utilities; + +@layer base { + body { + background: url(/images/paper-texture.webp); + } +} diff --git a/tailwind.config.js b/tailwind.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b77a859 --- /dev/null +++ b/tailwind.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +const defaultTheme = require("tailwindcss/defaultTheme"); + +/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ +module.exports = { + content: [ + "./pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", + "./layouts/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", + "./components/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", + ], + theme: { + extend: { + fontFamily: { + sans: ["Inter", ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans], + display: ["Barlow Semi Condensed", ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans], + serif: ["Vollkorn", ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.serif], + }, + }, + }, + plugins: [require("@tailwindcss/typography")], +}; diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json index 597f483..4af8353 100644 --- a/tsconfig.json +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -21,9 +21,16 @@ ], "baseUrl": ".", "paths": { - "@/*": ["./*"] + "@/*": ["./*"], + "contentlayer/generated": ["./.contentlayer/generated"] } }, - "include": ["next-env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx", ".next/types/**/*.ts"], + "include": [ + "next-env.d.ts", + "**/*.ts", + "**/*.tsx", + ".next/types/**/*.ts", + ".contentlayer/generated" + ], "exclude": ["node_modules"] } diff --git a/types/mdx.d.ts b/types/mdx.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..158f566 --- /dev/null +++ b/types/mdx.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +declare module "*.mdx" { + let MDXComponent: (props: any) => JSX.Element; + export default MDXComponent; +} diff --git a/vaults/classes/savage.mdx b/vaults/classes/savage.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7580df --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/classes/savage.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +title: Savage +source: Dark Pacts & Ancient Secrets p.69 +quote: | + When I first laid eyes on a savage... + I knew my time was over. +quote_source: The last words of a dying man along the road, circa 13a.53 +lead: |- + Low armor, extremely high damage. A martial who just keeps on hitting—literally. +--- + +## Level Progression + +| Savage Level | Total Hit Points | Total Feats | Frenzy Powers | Pool Avail. | Frenzy Dice on Hit | Maximum Frenzy Pool | Level-Up Ability Bonuses | Ability Score Damage Bonus | +| ------------ | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------- | ----------- | ------------------ | ------------------- | ------------------------ | -------------------------- | +| 1 | (8 + CON mod) × 3 | 1 adventurer | 3 | 1st level | 1d4 | 3d4 | | ability modifier | +| 2 | (8 + CON mod) × 3 | 2 adventurer | 4 | 1st level | 1d6 | 3d6 | | ability modifier | +| 3 | (8 + CON mod) × 3 | 3 adventurer | 4 | 3rd level | 1d8 | 3d8 | | ability modifier | +| 4 | (8 + CON mod) × 3 | 4 adventurer | 5 | 3rd level | 1d10 | 3d10 | +1 to 3 abilities | ability modifier | +| 5 | (8 + CON mod) × 3 | 4 adventurer
1 champion | 5 | 5th level | 2d6 | 6d6 | | 2 × ability modifier | +| 6 | (8 + CON mod) × 3 | 4 adventurer
2 champion | 5 | 5th level | 2d8 | 6d8 | | 2 × ability modifier | +| 7 | (8 + CON mod) × 3 | 4 adventurer
3 champion | 6 | 7th level | 2d10 | 6d10 | +1 to 3 abilities | 2 × ability modifier | +| 8 | (8 + CON mod) × 3 | 4 adventurer
3 champion
1 epic | 6 | 7th level | 4d6 | 12d6 | | 3 × ability modifier | +| 9 | (8 + CON mod) × 3 | 4 adventurer
3 champion
2 epic | 6 | 9th level | 4d8 | 12d8 | | 3 × ability modifier | +| 10 | (8 + CON mod) × 3 | 4 adventurer
3 champion
3 epic | 7 | 9th level | 4d10 | 12d10 | +1 to 3 abilities | 3 × ability modifier | + +## Class Features + +### Frenzy Dice + +With each hit you score in a battle, you build up a pool of frenzy dice. +You add these dice to damage, but you can also expend them to fuel your powers or heal yourself. + +You start each battle with zero frenzy dice. +Whenever you hit with a melee attack or a thrown weapon ranged attack, you gain frenzy dice at the end of that turn. +Only the first hit counts, multiple hits in one turn still only grant you frenzy dice once. +At first level, you gain a single d4. +The die increases by one step each level, as per the level progression table. +At 5th level, you gain two dice, and at 8th level, four. + +The frenzy dice you gain are added to your frenzy pool. +You can keep adding frenzy dice until you reach the maximum, which is three times the dice you gain per hit. + +When an attack or power uses your current frenzy dice, the pool is referred to as FRENZY (similar to WEAPON for your weapon damage dice). +Most importantly, you add FRENZY to damage when you hit with a basic melee attack. +Using FRENZY does not expend the dice; they remain in your pool. +However, there are two uses that expend your frenzy dice. +One is to pay the cost of your frenzy powers, the other is your frenzied healing class feature below. diff --git a/vaults/monsters/adult-remorhaz.yml b/vaults/monsters/adult-remorhaz.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23483e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/adult-remorhaz.yml @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +_id: 'acdLcpev3KnflNCr' +name: 'Adult Remorhaz' +type: 'Npc' +img: 'systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp' +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: 'Number' + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: 'Number' + value: 0 + def: + type: 'Number' + value: 0 + ac: + type: 'Number' + label: 'Armor Class' + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: 'Number' + label: 'Physical Defense' + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: 'Number' + label: 'Mental Defense' + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: 'Number' + label: 'Hit Points' + value: 280 + min: 0 + max: 280 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: 'Number' + label: 'Initiative Modifier' + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: 'Number' + label: 'Level' + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + details: + biography: + type: 'String' + label: 'Biography' + flavor: + value: '' + role: + value: 'wrecker' + type: 'String' + label: 'Role' + size: + value: 'large' + type: 'String' + label: 'Size' + type: + value: 'beast' + type: 'String' + label: 'Type' + resistance: + value: '' + type: 'String' + label: 'Resistance' + vulnerability: + value: '' + type: 'String' + label: 'Vulnerability' + level: + type: 'Number' + label: 'Level' + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: 'Adult Remorhaz' + displayName: 0 + img: 'systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp' + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: 'YAfiEgDGxPO0vD5i' + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: 'Ss2Qb18x5PMrpztt' + flags: {} + name: '[Special trigger] C: Death from below!' + type: 'action' + img: 'icons/svg/mystery-man.svg' + system: + name: + type: 'String' + label: 'Name' + description: + type: '' + label: 'Description' + value: 'Limited use: 1/battle, during the remorhaz’s first turn or if appearing on the surface after burrowing.' + group: + type: 'String' + label: 'Group' + value: '' + attack: + type: '' + label: 'Attack Roll' + value: '[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC (each nearby creature)' + hit: + type: '' + label: 'Hit' + value: '[[45]] damage; OR [[22]] damage, and the target is *stunned* (save ends)' + hit1: + type: 'String' + label: 'Hit' + hit2: + type: 'String' + label: 'Hit' + hit3: + type: 'String' + label: 'Hit' + hit4: + type: 'String' + label: 'Hit' + hit5: + type: 'String' + label: 'Hit' + miss: + type: '' + label: 'Hit' + name: 'Miss' + value: '[[15]] damage.' + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: 'PHvKce1QVleKqG2C' + flags: {} + name: 'Savage bite' + type: 'action' + img: 'icons/svg/mystery-man.svg' + system: + name: + type: 'String' + label: 'Name' + description: + type: '' + label: 'Description' + value: '' + group: + type: 'String' + label: 'Group' + value: '' + attack: + type: '' + label: 'Attack Roll' + value: '[[d20 + 16]] vs. AC' + hit: + type: '' + label: 'Hit' + value: '[[50]] damage, [[20]] fire damage, and the remorhaz grabs the target if it’s not already grabbing a creature' + hit1: + type: 'String' + label: 'Hit' + hit2: + type: 'String' + label: 'Hit' + hit3: + type: 'String' + label: 'Hit' + hit4: + type: 'String' + label: 'Hit' + hit5: + type: 'String' + label: 'Hit' + miss: + type: '' + label: 'Hit' + name: 'Miss' + value: '[[15]] fire damage.' + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: 'afwIpj25nb4zkoKJ' + flags: {} + name: 'Burrow' + type: 'trait' + img: 'icons/svg/mystery-man.svg' + system: + name: + type: 'String' + label: 'Name' + description: + type: '' + label: 'Description' + value: 'As the standard monster ability, except the remorhaz only needs to roll 6+ in snow and ice.' + group: + type: 'String' + label: 'Group' + value: '' + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: 'RwjB54KB0gBlNjcs' + flags: {} + name: 'Furnace aura' + type: 'trait' + img: 'icons/svg/mystery-man.svg' + system: + name: + type: 'String' + label: 'Name' + description: + type: '' + label: 'Description' + value: 'When a creature is engaged with the remorhaz (or grabbed by it) at the start of its turn, it takes fire damage equal to 6 x the escalation die.' + group: + type: 'String' + label: 'Group' + value: '' + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: 'DyP8utGUCJVoHGwV' + flags: {} + name: 'Bejeweled remorhaz' + type: 'nastierSpecial' + img: 'icons/svg/mystery-man.svg' + system: + name: + type: 'String' + label: 'Name' + description: + type: '' + label: 'Description' + value: 'It takes [[10]] fire damage; OR one piece of its non-magical equipment (something useful, but player’s choice) melts or burns up. Adjust skill checks or stats accordingly.' + group: + type: 'String' + label: 'Group' + value: '' + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: 'KpWf0Bw4KqR0v3q8' + flags: {} + name: 'Remorhaz steamer' + type: 'nastierSpecial' + img: 'icons/svg/mystery-man.svg' + system: + name: + type: 'String' + label: 'Name' + description: + type: '' + label: 'Description' + value: 'The remorhaz is melting the ice/snow all the time and obscuring steam rises into the air. Ranged attacks against the remorhaz take a -2 penalty, or a -4 penalty if the attacker is far away.' + group: + type: 'String' + label: 'Group' + value: '' + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: 'JAekL5cTYdMxxpEs' + flags: {} + name: 'Spiney remorhaz' + type: 'nastierSpecial' + img: 'icons/svg/mystery-man.svg' + system: + name: + type: 'String' + label: 'Name' + description: + type: '' + label: 'Description' + value: 'The remorhaz is covered in red-hot spines. When a nearby enemy rolls a natural 1-5 with an attack roll, it takes [[20]] fire damage unless it has somehow protected itself from the heat.' + group: + type: 'String' + label: 'Group' + value: '' + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/aerial-spore.yml b/vaults/monsters/aerial-spore.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a37397d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/aerial-spore.yml @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +_id: "YGm0aLYOxYuDLEBF" +name: "Aerial Spore" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 9 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 7 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 1 + mod: 1 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Aerial Spore" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "hyA3pK1RDRRjkNOo" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "dd30JoNopPVNFrsc" + flags: {} + name: "C: Stinging tendrils" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] poison damage, and the target is *weakened* until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LpEuZ77jhXzwF5J3" + flags: {} + name: "Puffball exploder" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The first time each round an aerial spore in the battle drops to 0 hp, it explodes and [[1d3]] nearby non-fungus non-construct creatures are covered in spores and begin to choke. Until the end of the battle, when a choking creature rolls a natural 1-5 on an attack roll, it takes damage equal to the natural roll. If a creature is affected twice by this attack, the damage it takes on a natural 1-5 doubles; if affected three times, it triples, etc." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FBNfuZywbE63Z67s" + flags: {} + name: "Spores" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A creature choking from puffball exploder can use a standard action to wash the spores off itself and/or cough them up, preventing further choking effects until it’s affected by puffball exploder again." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BnifikzlD4JOydA5" + flags: {} + name: "Weightless" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The aerial spore floats upon air currents, but it prefers to stay within 5 to 7 feet of the ground so it can use its tendrils to keep it in place or propel it. A free-floating spore too far away from the ground to use its tendrils can easily be blown about from strong winds or similar magical effects." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/air-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/air-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dfffeb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/air-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +_id: "JDrpfSABC3rrAUAa" +name: "Air Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-air.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 52 + min: 0 + max: 52 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Air Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-air.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Zau2dEyiwaSSQeCB" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Iga35UPZHLk85tHo" + flags: {} + name: "Slam" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Js3igS6GGKQ7Suzp" + flags: {} + name: "C: Swirling winds" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] random nearby conscious enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target pops free from the elemental." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6ROWXQJSpSOECkML" + flags: {} + name: "Elemental whirlwind" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD (each enemy engaged with it and [[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fAJKynroqtJAwbkh" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "It’s quick and lively." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OaOEgmarp6NnF5Ux" + flags: {} + name: "Resist non-spell damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a non-spell attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3PCoUci5bcoX5hZA" + flags: {} + name: "Whirlwind transformation" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ancient-purple-worm.yml b/vaults/monsters/ancient-purple-worm.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8509a99 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ancient-purple-worm.yml @@ -0,0 +1,429 @@ +_id: "PfM0Q4bWexZzF5kG" +name: "Ancient Purple Worm" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 1200 + min: 0 + max: 1200 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 17 + mod: 17 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Purple Worm" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + tint: null + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "eQpfzroPu01MpME6" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Rc9Ml6aEsBaHJPX9" + flags: {} + name: "Devouring maw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+18]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[100]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is swallowed whole if it's smaller than the worm (see below)" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "Half damage" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hcNmED25Cc07cGnL" + flags: {} + name: "Tall sting" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+18]] vs. AC (up to [[2]] random nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage, and [[40]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "[[20]] damage" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HOZNQoN1nbTx818U" + flags: {} + name: "Prodigious trash" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Limited use: The worm can make this attack as a free action if it has no enemies swallowed after using its standar action during its turn.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+13]] vs. AC ([[1d4]] random nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 1-2" + value: "The worm and any creatures it has swallowed take [[8d6]] damage (but it still deals miss damage on a 2)" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "Half damage" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8Y8jjCXN26OstjaU" + flags: {} + name: "Swallow whole" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

While a creature is swallowed whole, it takes [[10d12]] acid damage at the start of its turn and is *stuck*, *hampered*, and unable to attack or affect anything outside the worm’s stomach (and vice-versa). Most teleport abilities don’t work because you’re hampered and you can’t see the location out of the worm you want to teleport to. There are two ways out.

  • Cut your way out: Deal [[80]] damage to the worm with a single attack and you can cut your way out. All edged or bladed weapons are reduced to d6 damage dice (at most) inside the worm’s gullet, so good luck. At least you’ll be damaging the worm attacking it from within.
  • Get upchucked: While the worm is staggered, you can use a standard action to try and crawl out of its mouth. Roll a hard save (16+); on a success, the worm vomits you out and spits you somewhere nearby. The worm also vomits out all creatures it has swallowed when it drops to 0 hp.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kRxrh5pr9eWZ8qVo" + flags: {} + name: "Burrow" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

As the standard monster ability

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BQueHhahfEZw0Jg7" + flags: {} + name: "Larval feeding" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The worm's stomach also includes a mob of larval mook (purple larvae or parasitic lightning beetles). Feel free to add this nastier special if a PC acts dismissive about the possibility of being swallowed by the worm.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rq0CZdRSCEW7ylGr" + flags: {} + name: "Resist most energy damage 16+" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Purple worms generate weird energy resistances thanks to underworld radiation and their odd diets. Roll a [[1d8]], in secret, to determine what energy types the worm is not resistant to. The PCs probably have to find out what energy works best against the worm the hard way, though you might have mercy and allow a DC 35 Wisdom skill check to figure out what energy types work against the worm.

1: acid; 2: cold; 3: fire; 4: lightning; 5: thunder; 6: holy; 7: negative energy; 8: poison.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ankheg.yml b/vaults/monsters/ankheg.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..331fbdf --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ankheg.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "kcQCI1bWod0Z5qBH" +name: "Ankheg" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 60 + min: 0 + max: 60 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ankheg" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Qwl4OhyWS0Nt6VsJ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "c0XdWUtoUIpANJtW" + flags: {} + name: "Mandibles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "If the target is small, the ankheg grabs it. While the ankheg is grabbing a creature, the only legal target for its mandibles attack is the grabbed creature." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "aoCeEQE9BL7CAkwo" + flags: {} + name: "C: Acid spit" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/round, as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "plus any enemy the ankheg has grabbed);5 ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UYBEIyFnIlcjDEW1" + flags: {} + name: "Escape speed" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the end of the ankheg’s turn, roll a [[d6]]. If it’s equal to or less than the escalation die, the ankheg can move again as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/apex-zorigami.yml b/vaults/monsters/apex-zorigami.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3128594 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/apex-zorigami.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "3zO3zi1oItXUS3vN" +name: "Apex Zorigami" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 75 + min: 0 + max: 75 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Apex Zorigami" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Myf7gZbBwOmGQG3D" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "WroDAMJnCK9wEZ8W" + flags: {} + name: "Multi-geared mace" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The target can’t use the bonuses and powers of one of its randomly determined true magic items until the end of the battle." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jH5G8w1Dr72SZ2Q8" + flags: {} + name: "R: Spray of sharpened gears" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[1d3]] nearby enemies or [[1]] far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[8]] damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ud9IhJgpXvAaZW1u" + flags: {} + name: "Lethal parries" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy engaged with the apex zorigami misses it with an attack, the apex zorigami rolls a normal save; on a success, it can make a multi-geared mace attack as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NaPz33NtJOpA51Kb" + flags: {} + name: "Take five" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The escalation die does not increase the round after an apex zorigami is staggered or drops to 0 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/archer-stirge.yml b/vaults/monsters/archer-stirge.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5546187 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/archer-stirge.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "ym0fowWROpOZkbM3" +name: "Archer Stirge" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 22 + min: 0 + max: 22 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "archer" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Archer Stirge" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "vzXtOvbtDZrO1UCP" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "FJp3ksQXQRnciMiH" + flags: {} + name: "Serrated claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gnr1lpof48kGxjF9" + flags: {} + name: "R: Barbed stinger" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage, and [[3]] ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "One stirge ally engaged with the target can make a melee attack against it as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "E6XUbSGJ4bfwXzOa" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The archer stirge flies faster and higher than a normal stirge, but on louder wings." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/avenging-orb.yml b/vaults/monsters/avenging-orb.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..935f0a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/avenging-orb.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "sMhDYM1KPC23VcZp" +name: "Avenging Orb" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 46 + min: 0 + max: 46 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Avenging Orb" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Fdj5TdNrFMz17wy4" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "iDaQgRYZgf8iHZRB" + flags: {} + name: "Gauntlet slap" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, 20" + value: "The target also takes [[3]] ongoing psychic damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HNxANX0S88MHI8q7" + flags: {} + name: "R: Orb of pain" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. MD ([[1]] or more nearby or far away enemies; see history of abuse)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, 20" + value: "The target also takes [[3]] ongoing psychic damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Cy5LSPJM1wUKp3Bm" + flags: {} + name: "Beyond saving" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The avenging orb takes a -5 penalty to saving throws." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PSbLZISFyeXxL1A7" + flags: {} + name: "History of abuse" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Keep track of the number of enemy attacks that hit the avenging orb during the battle. Until the end of the battle, the avenging orb can target an additional enemy beyond the first with its orb of pain attack for each of those hits. (Note that avenging orbs engaged in melee usually choose to use orb of pain and suffer any resulting opportunity attacks; if they’re lucky they’ll survive the attack and be able to choose more targets for the orb of pain.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/awakened-trees.yml b/vaults/monsters/awakened-trees.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c74e822 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/awakened-trees.yml @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +_id: "ibtWNHE226OXTy9L" +name: "Awakened Trees" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 13 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Awakened Trees" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "P564xxgEaY944s7q" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "c0cmRTsfr7mBSJxx" + flags: {} + name: "Lashing branches" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "26pmKE6iPGnHOljB" + flags: {} + name: "Hardwood resistance" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature has resist damage 12+ to all damage except fire damage and melee weapon damage, which damages it normally." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/azer-soldier.yml b/vaults/monsters/azer-soldier.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1238c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/azer-soldier.yml @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +_id: "iuHhXriG1gLeJpjL" +name: "Azer Soldier" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 50 + min: 0 + max: 50 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Azer Soldier" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "KPwiaWv5EvyzJs9s" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "mmRpfkIuLmVo7VNO" + flags: {} + name: "Red-hot hammer" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "[[4]] ongoing fire damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ncEpRqLIaiBPqiDO" + flags: {} + name: "R: Throwing axe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jLWDjp4sAkSdNdzF" + flags: {} + name: "Blistering heat" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy engaged with the azer attacks it, that enemy takes [[2]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jzRXlZpEbZqg5ic2" + flags: {} + name: "Fighting surge" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle when an attack crits the azer but doesn’t kill it, the azer can heal [[4d6]] hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LcoJIYeH8PC2nzil" + flags: {} + name: "Cold haters" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The azer adds the escalation die to its attacks against a target that is capable of dealing cold damage with a spell, attack, or magic item." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6tks9MpoWKQ6wmpB" + flags: {} + name: "Fire resistance 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/balor-flame-demon.yml b/vaults/monsters/balor-flame-demon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac55f35 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/balor-flame-demon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,388 @@ +_id: "0qv7c4kXhHdKFWUl" +name: "Balor (flame demon)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 29 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 850 + min: 0 + max: 850 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 17 + mod: 17 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Balor (flame demon)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "W3ECbSlAJvYS0Qxo" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "iBzBX7aZPTYxJb4Y" + flags: {} + name: "Abyssal blade" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 18]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[160]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The balor deals +[[1d20]] lightning damage to the target and to one other nearby enemy of balor’s choice. Then repeat that damage roll against the targets once for each point on the escalation die (so if it’s 4, that’s four more [[d20]] rolls)" + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "[[80]] damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "97vHN5HPyK9Yz1p4" + flags: {} + name: "C: Flaming whip" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/round, as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 18]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] fire damage, and the target is pulled to the balor, who engages it." + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "[[25]] fire damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "t0Kujn8emq2zXXhK" + flags: {} + name: "Desperate escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While staggered, the balor adds the escalation die to its attack rolls." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "inAh5u3imo4DL5aH" + flags: {} + name: "Fiery aura" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of the balor’s turn, each enemy engaged with it takes [[4d10]] fire damage; any die result of 10 is kept and the die rerolled." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VrpD9w5b3ZlxPsVM" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Flight" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2psRY6TEvvtCOI5W" + flags: {} + name: "Shadow and flame" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The balor gains a +5 bonus to all defenses against attacks by far away enemies." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TdmReDpo71gcyV0d" + flags: {} + name: "Vorpal blade" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Critical hits with the abyssal blade deal triple damage instead of double damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/barbarous-bugbear.yml b/vaults/monsters/barbarous-bugbear.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91542ce --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/barbarous-bugbear.yml @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +_id: "SFMSruUvPzJvVVvx" +name: "Barbarous Bugbear" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 51 + min: 0 + max: 51 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Barbarous Bugbear" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "IvZJbqKAEc5rpj0I" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "qDN3xp79YryDaWwC" + flags: {} + name: "Warclub" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[11]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "Each enemy engaged with the barbarous bugbear takes [[1d8]] damage" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YfDeF2SYE5IHw3Gf" + flags: {} + name: "R: Throwing axe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Limited use: 2/battle.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[d20+8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Nyf4FdmNiII6KIxR" + flags: {} + name: "Ferocious start" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Until the barbarous bugbear is staggered or the escalation die is 2+, it acts twice per round. Roll initiative once at +12. It takes its second turn when the initiative count is seven less (minimum 1).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/barbed-devil-hamatula.yml b/vaults/monsters/barbed-devil-hamatula.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8acd57c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/barbed-devil-hamatula.yml @@ -0,0 +1,414 @@ +_id: "Es4CNaaB5E76JxLA" +name: "Barbed Devil (Hamatula)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 175 + min: 0 + max: 175 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Barbed Devil (Hamatula)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "7E5Mnq9B6ylPWCFN" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "xGEJ97LRsbz7aIlF" + flags: {} + name: "Glistening claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The barbed devil can make a whirling barbs attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[6]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0wzRS0s9VZO7smad" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Whirling barbs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[9]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Swz3gMbxlXtSX966" + flags: {} + name: "R: Ball of hellfire" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[20]] poison damage and is *hampered* until the end of its next turn as it chokes on sulphurous fumes." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ns19bXMInGJESiAd" + flags: {} + name: "Barbs everywhere" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy engages the devil, the barbed devil can make a whirling barbs attack against it as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "z2ZTT5ThHl6jy5wr" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Loot)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a barbed devil, you must expend one of your unused true magic item powers as the item gets a close encounter with the barbed devil’s “soul.” If you can’t expend such a power, no escalation die for you." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FFjFUmwLt7mlmaV3" + flags: {} + name: "Slashing dodge" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with a single enemy, the barbed devil can “take 11” on a disengage check, taking a natural result of 11 instead of rolling. When it does so and successfully disengages, it can make a whirling barbs attack against that enemy as part of the move action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KmLJ6w0Pvcm5KPY8" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/barbellite.yml b/vaults/monsters/barbellite.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee7998c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/barbellite.yml @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +_id: "UjSCx3qHeiCzLZYr" +name: "Barbellite" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 36 + min: 0 + max: 36 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Barbellite" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "UdqpVIaHUSGIVnoV" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "DcKzQeEv8puV1doU" + flags: {} + name: "Arctic bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sETVJ1qtBM57FTRx" + flags: {} + name: "Heat absorption" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature is engaged with the remorhaz at the start of its turn, it takes cold damage equal to the escalation die." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pmPbHXWm5F7zNFcz" + flags: {} + name: "Shatterer" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Death can cause fluid-filled sacks inside the barbellite to explode. When the attack roll that kills the barbellite is a natural even roll, each nearby creature takes [[10]] cold damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/basilisk.yml b/vaults/monsters/basilisk.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d0caf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/basilisk.yml @@ -0,0 +1,538 @@ +_id: "n8esrezVvm0eSBV6" +name: "Basilisk" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 85 + min: 0 + max: 85 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Basilisk" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "fWw82Ut2Abqwu3rQ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "5SOoHJg8tZbBnJ2d" + flags: {} + name: "Multi-legged attack" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC ([[3]] attacks" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "each against a different enemy);12 damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes [[5]] ongoing poison damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RSITmVbqHx3CEjT2" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Basilisk’s stare" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] ongoing poison damage, and the target must start making last gasp saves depending on the basilisk’s type (see below) as it accidentally takes a full look at the basilisk. Constructs and undead are immune to this effect." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "70vsKUvErvhvnrqJ" + flags: {} + name: "Basilisk’s stare" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a basilisk hits an enemy that is already taking ongoing poison damage, the basilisk can make a basilisk’s stare attack against the target as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qOQISPkvHe4CqTS8" + flags: {} + name: "Failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target takes [[25]] poison damage as its blood turns to poison." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NL4YOhntJTUH8aiW" + flags: {} + name: "Fourth failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target’s body liquefies and they die." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RKZLxzDZkULV2HwX" + flags: {} + name: "Failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target takes [[15]] fire damage, and each of the target’s nearby allies takes [[5]] fire damage as the target’s blood boils under their skin and sprays outward in gouts of liquid fire." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pFi2SwlpfmGqfUk1" + flags: {} + name: "Fourth failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target’s body ignites as their flaming skull shoots upward on a jet of burning blood, killing them." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "avR7EKPIx6knlHh6" + flags: {} + name: "Failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target’s blood begins to coagulate and harden, and dust puffs out of their lungs through their mouth." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3s0kOIGtMnD04AYE" + flags: {} + name: "Fourth failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target’s body turns to stone and they die." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3vIF7u6ThFTzlLPc" + flags: {} + name: "Failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target begins to evaporate. The target must make an immediate normal save (11+) or it loses a chunk of flesh or a limb, whatever is dramatic but will allow the creature to survive (perhaps with minuses until healed)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KC0nF5CmsVudZa8P" + flags: {} + name: "Fourth failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target’s body explodes into a fine red mist and they die." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1000000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zfg0C4ekhLsKRXIU" + flags: {} + name: "Resist melee damage 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a melee attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage. An attacker can ignore this resistance by declaring they are looking directly at the basilisk during the attack. If they do, the basilisk can make a basilisk’s stare attack against them as a free action before the attack. Constructs and undead are not affected by this resistance." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iD4wjK4tCPuYi0S6" + flags: {} + name: "Stare-down" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy makes a ranged attack against the basilisk, the basilisk can make a basilisk’s stare attack against them as a free action before the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "O3BBD3jhd0vHV59I" + flags: {} + name: "Death breath" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each creature engaged with the basilisk at the end of the basilisk’s turn takes [[10]] poison damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/bat-demon.yml b/vaults/monsters/bat-demon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a57c51d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/bat-demon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "fsM10X052LBugz52" +name: "Bat Demon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 22 + min: 0 + max: 22 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Bat Demon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "RbW0zOmPnMtOgWGT" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "TkaRHrg20qzoUojn" + flags: {} + name: "Scrabbling claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[3]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "WIYI4d6jgRVcjUpg" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Bat demons are indifferent flyers, better suited to gliding between stalactites and clinging to walls than to skillful flying." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MAJglvGAGyGNAs7H" + flags: {} + name: "Murder-pile At the start of each of the bat demon mob’s turns, choose one random nearby conscious enemy. All bat demons in the battle attempt to attack that enemy this turn, moving to it without disengaging and relying on their shifty ability to protect them. They keep attacking their target that turn even if it drops to 0 hp or below." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Murder-pile At the start of each of the bat demon mob’s turns, choose one random nearby conscious enemy. All bat demons in the battle attempt to attack that enemy this turn, moving to it without disengaging and relying on their shifty ability to protect them. They keep attacking their target that turn even if it drops to 0 hp or below." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Zppgd2JDknvWHpcd" + flags: {} + name: "Shifty" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Bat demons gain a +5 AC bonus against opportunity attacks. In addition, they have resist damage 18+ against opportunity attacks (half damage if the natural attack roll isn’t 18+)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/bear.yml b/vaults/monsters/bear.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14f9c0e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/bear.yml @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +_id: "8xTrdlMs5KdLKvxJ" +name: "Bear" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 45 + min: 0 + max: 45 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Bear" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "l7uHNoKVdvp5xouS" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "8k29lUey3Va9swfx" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "6 damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target takes +[[1d6]] damage from a claw swipe." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/bearded-devil-barbazu.yml b/vaults/monsters/bearded-devil-barbazu.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cf29da --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/bearded-devil-barbazu.yml @@ -0,0 +1,406 @@ +_id: "9eFvIDQYNWJY8o0r" +name: "Bearded Devil (Barbazu)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 200 + min: 0 + max: 200 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Bearded Devil (Barbazu)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "eK9K7uOFkGK8G9db" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "XCG7dycXH0I2cvvT" + flags: {} + name: "Wicked halberd" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The bearded devil gains a +4 bonus to all defenses until the start of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "U35Tv0Dku9OoMI0L" + flags: {} + name: "Supernaturally filthy beard" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *weakened* until the end of its next turn (-4 attacks and defenses)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BhkVyY864ZzJO6fN" + flags: {} + name: "Bearded defense" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy engaged with the bearded devil misses it with an attack, the devil can make a filthy beard attack against that enemy as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "WRg4S6zjdm89t38t" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Solidity)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a bearded devil, the devil or one of its nearby allies can roll a save against a save ends effect." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "uZYh7OE2rzxl9aZD" + flags: {} + name: "Opportunistic beard" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the bearded devil makes an opportunity attack, it can also make a filthy beard attack against the same target as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Nw3rCjeOTHptWYMX" + flags: {} + name: "Skilled interceptor" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A bearded devil can intercept an enemy while engaged with other enemies. As a free action, it can either make a disengage check to try to move to intercept the enemy, or move to intercept the enemy and only take half damage from opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "A2RmcEDKOIybI8Bc" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "L9qxvfno9EvOE1vV" + flags: {} + name: "Toxic beard" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target of the bearded devil’s filthy beard attack now takes [[10]] ongoing poison damage and is *weakened* (save ends both) instead." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/bergship-raider-frost.yml b/vaults/monsters/bergship-raider-frost.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f87909 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/bergship-raider-frost.yml @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +_id: "Y1eomXamSryinrMI" +name: "Bergship Raider (Frost)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 270 + min: 0 + max: 270 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Bergship Raider (Frost)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "gdJYRKnvL2ofwdSG" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "7MyKascXPTwU8sVV" + flags: {} + name: "Whirling ice hook" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage, and the target takes a -5 penalty to disengage checks until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[15]] damage to each enemy engaged with the giant." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "u8jeE4xvEx8M5beM" + flags: {} + name: "R: Frost chain" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC ([[one]] nearby enemy or far away enemy at -2 atk)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage, and the target is pulled next to the giant, who engages it" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SovCfQ4rCuXZZlvo" + flags: {} + name: "Knockdown" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD ([[1]] enemy smaller than it)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage, and the target can’t disengage until the end of its next turn." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dRkBReutwl4H36Et" + flags: {} + name: "Ancient cold" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While battling one or more frost giants, there is only a 50% chance that the escalation die increases at the start of the round." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RwxCy6ac6o9Z4c0M" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "048KjgGEfw2Gm7tP" + flags: {} + name: "Winter’s bite" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die is odd, each enemy engaged with the raider takes [[35]] cold damage at the start of its turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FLf2XsfqJEFjIBsZ" + flags: {} + name: "Overbearing" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Twice per battle, the raider can make a knockdown attack as a quick action (once per round)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/big-air-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/big-air-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7695987 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/big-air-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +_id: "aMJ8Y30BUkdVvAvw" +name: "Big Air Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-air.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 88 + min: 0 + max: 88 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Big Air Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-air.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "xTkjfteIvv3J6MTk" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Fh1frZSbxELOyJq9" + flags: {} + name: "Slam" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2ktWqDQNdcwHXErx" + flags: {} + name: "C: Swirling winds" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] random conscious nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[22]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target pops free from the elemental." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JryvGjrsGar1rAEB" + flags: {} + name: "Elemental whirlwind" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD (each enemy engaged with it and [[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[22]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "AoIi4aQPhwt11Yvw" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "It’s quick and direct." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ILlfsEXXCZSK3OoJ" + flags: {} + name: "Resist non-spell damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a non-spell attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VJmoEjUf4hVwvdeh" + flags: {} + name: "Whirlwind transformation" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/big-earth-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/big-earth-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7c26dc --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/big-earth-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "C5MD7oU7MkKNF9VN" +name: "Big Earth Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-earth.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 94 + min: 0 + max: 94 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Big Earth Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-earth.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "gufCWBWcFB049NmQ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ZKRlKhlsmR3nIShf" + flags: {} + name: "Rocky fists" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[16]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[7]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "oF7iw504FmycKJkQ" + flags: {} + name: "Boulder up" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll a [[d8]] at the start of each of the earth elemental’s turns. If you roll less than or equal to the escalation die, it shifts into boulder guardian form until the end of the battle. While in this form, it gains a +2 bonus to AC and the relentless pursuit ability (and you stop rolling boulder up checks)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MpFNMitMGhbu4yv9" + flags: {} + name: "Relentless pursuit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The elemental must be in boulder guardian form to use this ability. Staggered enemies can’t disengage from the earth elemental. (They can pop free, but they can’t roll disengage checks.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wZtDiqdPdHt6S1UU" + flags: {} + name: "Repair damage 10 and below" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the earth elemental is targeted by a natural attack roll of 10 or less, the elemental heals [[3d6]] damage before taking any damage from the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/big-fire-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/big-fire-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9f3282 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/big-fire-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +_id: "aqbohmuNvVut8pzW" +name: "Big Fire Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-fire.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 92 + min: 0 + max: 92 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Big Fire Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-fire.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "zPh4a3PeYYUZqvly" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "cyCx5uDSFkRscQs8" + flags: {} + name: "Whipping flames" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[22]] fire damage, and [[11]] ongoing fire damage to a random nearby enemy (including an *unconscious* one)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "87zu2ZAFup2RSL0r" + flags: {} + name: "C: Elemental wildfire" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy OR each nearby enemy taking ongoing fire damage)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] fire damage, and [[11]] ongoing fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[11]] ongoing fire damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Q7SVDIP1tdjjJnrg" + flags: {} + name: "Melee burn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy makes a natural odd melee attack roll against the fire elemental, that attacker takes [[2d12]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7WVpfrYuzVZiUNyt" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UuG4YiWJAyqMJKmb" + flags: {} + name: "Wildfire transformation" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/big-water-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/big-water-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bea8d27 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/big-water-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "wUJXFt0QCBtxcJ5K" +name: "Big Water Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-water.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 100 + min: 0 + max: 100 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Big Water Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-water.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "YpUVztvih1lh1lCi" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "sH9ir9RNorFCbRY8" + flags: {} + name: "Surge" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC (up to [[2]] enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[22]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The elemental heals 9 hp." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zwPFGKDoLJH58iwb" + flags: {} + name: "Great wave transformation" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll a [[d8]] at the start of each of the water elemental’s turns. If you roll less than or equal to the escalation die, it shifts into great wave form until the end of the battle. While in this form, each enemy engaged with the elemental is *hampered* (and you stop rolling great wave transformation checks)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YLGrCrd5RIPlORGR" + flags: {} + name: "Liquid empowerment" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The water elemental gains a +2 bonus to attacks and all defenses while it’s in contact with a body of water, or while it’s nearby a sizeable body of water. A bucket or a bathtub of liquid doesn’t count; it must be at least a pond, creek, or maybe a large fountain. If the water elemental moves far away from the body of water the empowerment ends." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZUE4aik9vSEh6q9E" + flags: {} + name: "Resist weapon damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/big-zombie.yml b/vaults/monsters/big-zombie.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3579a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/big-zombie.yml @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +_id: "IiqizvB3zMlWsmj1" +name: "Big Zombie" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 160 + min: 0 + max: 160 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Big Zombie" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "To2YronknLZdl5hz" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "DyXrieh1zzsSPGfw" + flags: {} + name: "Club or club-like fists" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[22]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "Both the zombie and its target take [[4d6]] damage!" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ysoIeNUXMt9F70au" + flags: {} + name: "Headshot" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A critical hit against a zombie drops it to 0 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/binding-bride.yml b/vaults/monsters/binding-bride.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5117d9c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/binding-bride.yml @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ +_id: "1efai4ra5C5OQl7c" +name: "Binding Bride" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 72 + min: 0 + max: 72 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Binding Bride" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "WkgvTUCpqaEHUL4E" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "6qh4gp559GWO57GL" + flags: {} + name: "Biting kiss" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes [[10]] ongoing poison damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lGMBUafRX9wv29IJ" + flags: {} + name: "Unwrapping my gift" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The binding bride can make a biting kiss attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "us0k6d1PzpKQPVYD" + flags: {} + name: "R: A bouquet of webs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD (up to [[2]] enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xSMmYeuTY4SYc1TO" + flags: {} + name: "R: You ruined my special day" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target takes [[18]] psychic damage each time it attacks the binding bride (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tiorOmTpWGB0Hx7x" + flags: {} + name: "Give me your heart" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the binding bride drops an enemy to 0 hit points or lower, she will move next to that creature as a free action and attempt to remove the target’s heart. The creature must begin making last gasp saves as she cuts its chest open. On the fourth failed save, the bride takes the heart and the target dies and becomes undead under her control. If the bride is *stunned* or moved away from the creature and can’t return to it on her turn, the creature doesn’t have to make a last gasp save that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/black-pudding.yml b/vaults/monsters/black-pudding.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e58097a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/black-pudding.yml @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +_id: "cFP4zaOlRmaSk6nL" +name: "Black Pudding" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 470 + min: 0 + max: 470 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "ooze" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Black Pudding" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "UsQHJn4SZDdh586O" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "rOrLUMSp16EBlybf" + flags: {} + name: "C: Acid-drenched pseudopod" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD (up to [[4]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "each against a different nearby enemy); [[30]] acid damage, and [[10]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] acid damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "X5ZaRQj9GPfXfmlE" + flags: {} + name: "Climber" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A black pudding sticks to ceilings and walls when it wishes, sliding along as easily as on the floor." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sezYdppXk7VuFvrY" + flags: {} + name: "Slippery" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The pudding has resist weapons 12+." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/black-skull.yml b/vaults/monsters/black-skull.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e4c75b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/black-skull.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "wZQL8SQxuOCZMB3D" +name: "Black Skull" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 110 + min: 0 + max: 110 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Black Skull" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Qeix704QS1ywlsSK" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "7s6ea9aaLqEEG2Mh" + flags: {} + name: "R: Telekinetic grasp" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[28]] force damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *stuck* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sQk79HPBCR0xrGSL" + flags: {} + name: "Telekinetic crush" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die is even, one enemy of the skull’s choice that is *stuck* from its telekinetic grasp takes [[18]] force damage at the start of the skull’s turn. When the escalation die is odd, one such stuck enemy of its choice is *hampered* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gDvaO36DZRSpD0ph" + flags: {} + name: "Limited flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The haunted skull glides and hovers, always within seven or eight feet of the ground. If the skull is incognito, its empty clothing moves around beneath it, held in the shape of a person by telekinesis and it stays closer to the ground to appear normal." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6YrWcBqOJqPrTbVx" + flags: {} + name: "Lost opportunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature can’t make opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/blackamber-skeletal-legionnaire.yml b/vaults/monsters/blackamber-skeletal-legionnaire.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1144487 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/blackamber-skeletal-legionnaire.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "dTWPeDSevoFRFrgC" +name: "Blackamber Skeletal Legionnaire" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 48 + min: 0 + max: 48 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Blackamber Skeletal Legionnaire" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "VnbYPKk7c7EEufWx" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "8r25GhOAacXblddm" + flags: {} + name: "Shortsword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target moves down [[1d3]] points in initiative order, to a minimum of 1." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "[[5]] damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6YAjM6VnPCNgalw6" + flags: {} + name: "R: Javelin" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YCLceA9UbMPtYkXO" + flags: {} + name: "Press advantage" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The legionnaire deals +[[1d8]] damage with its attacks against enemies that have a lower initiative than it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/blizzard-dragon-white.yml b/vaults/monsters/blizzard-dragon-white.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..383f294 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/blizzard-dragon-white.yml @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +_id: "5Vp1aeQc2jQGNgpy" +name: "Blizzard Dragon (White)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 175 + min: 0 + max: 175 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Blizzard Dragon (White)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "9vAFSyM4ob6h7WJj" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "giUcCdg4MVr0RyUr" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The blizzard dragon can make a blizzard breath attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vGL383VaISmWIhAv" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Blizzard breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD (each nearby creature)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] cold damage, and [[5]] ongoing cold damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The target takes [[10]] ongoing cold damage instead of 5." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit or miss" + value: "The dragon takes [[2d6]] damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TDgPpy0kM1YlryxN" + flags: {} + name: "Continuous breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A blizzard dragon can use blizzard breath as its standard action during the round after it uses the breath as a free action. Blizzard breath doesn’t deal miss damage to the dragon when used as a standard action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VN87akYNfQWYRf9P" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 14+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 14+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nx05h24aIwYeEdBT" + flags: {} + name: "Wreathed in snow and cold" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy is engaged with the blizzard dragon at the start of its turn, it takes [[5]] cold damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/blood-rose.yml b/vaults/monsters/blood-rose.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e375cc --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/blood-rose.yml @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +_id: "3dFpHdddefleCcae" +name: "Blood Rose" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 110 + min: 0 + max: 110 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Blood Rose" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "5MdJ6wk0cE3iIDPR" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "gX6jI03m9t14AAkr" + flags: {} + name: "Fangs in the blossoms" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target takes [[10]] ongoing damage." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd miss" + value: "[[5]] ongoing damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LKKRBSo7mKAG9hd3" + flags: {} + name: "Bristling thorns" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature makes a melee attack against the blood rose, that creature takes damage equal to its natural attack roll." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "aXtWjadrfc4C1p5N" + flags: {} + name: "Black-gray resurgence" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the blood rose drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed until the start of its next turn. At the start of its next turn, it returns to life as a death blossom or lich flower that lacks the red-yellow resurrection ability but is otherwise undamaged and whole." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/blue-sorcerer.yml b/vaults/monsters/blue-sorcerer.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d418db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/blue-sorcerer.yml @@ -0,0 +1,486 @@ +_id: "z61MzDMbczedGDls" +name: "Blue Sorcerer" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 48 + min: 0 + max: 48 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Blue Sorcerer" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "aPXj5qDCtUM0wVGB" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "hjI6MwJIHvJExo4h" + flags: {} + name: "Nasty dagger or shot spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "aNbhel42WSI13bxe" + flags: {} + name: "R: Lightning fork" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "Minor Spell" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The sorceder can target a different nearby enemy with the attack" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8Bt4Ccu6y2SfNiv9" + flags: {} + name: "C: Breath of the Blue" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "Major Spell" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] lightning damage, and at the start of the target's next turn, [[1d6]] nearby allies of the target take [[4]] lightning damage." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6MCeal3SkvoTXKWU" + flags: {} + name: "C: Chaos orb" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "Major Spell" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The sorcerer gains one use of the target’s racial power, if any. It must use that power by the end of the battle or lose it, and it can’t use the power this turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7w8MpCU25te0G4Hz" + flags: {} + name: "Power-monger" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

When the blue sorcerer starts its turn and it didn’t gather power the previous turn, choose whether it will gather power or cast a spell this turn. When it chooses to cast a spell, roll a [[1d20]] to see if it uses a minor spell or a major spell: 1–10: minor spell; 11–20: major spell.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "uT2YUtd3dyKyjHJt" + flags: {} + name: "Gather power" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Like a PC sorcerer, a blue sorcerer can use its standard action to gather power in order to cast a double-strength and double-damage spell with its next standard action. When it gathers power, the sorcerer rolls a d6 and gains one of the following chaotic benefits.

1–2: The sorcerer gains a +1 bonus to AC until the start of its next turn.

3–4: One nearby enemy of the sorcerer’s choice takes damage equal to sorcerer’s level (3).

5–6: Each nearby enemy engaged with the sorcerer’s allies takes damage equal to sorcerer’s level (3); OR grant one nearby dragon with intermittent breath an additional use of its breath weapon this battle.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PZyc5SGB22V03eif" + flags: {} + name: "Escalating caster" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Add the escalation die to the sorcerer’s power-monger rolls and attack rolls.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iCOfeC1qEI8lSNZi" + flags: {} + name: "Sorcerous evasion (kobold sorcerers only)" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Once per battle when an attack misses the sorcerer, the attacker takes the miss damage from that attack, if any, and the sorcerer takes no damage

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1000000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/bone-devil-osyluth.yml b/vaults/monsters/bone-devil-osyluth.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc80c8d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/bone-devil-osyluth.yml @@ -0,0 +1,386 @@ +_id: "kIMBOvK9yRdLY32D" +name: "Bone Devil (Osyluth)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 320 + min: 0 + max: 320 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Bone Devil (Osyluth)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "i2jOnR8K1vMlt4jZ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "PmSwVna23sX8T5A0" + flags: {} + name: "Bone claw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[80]] damage, and the bone devil can make a doom venom sting attack as a free action." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "I1sztcRVoVmifv2w" + flags: {} + name: "Doom venom sting" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage, and the target can’t use recoveries, even involuntarily (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jkFrBainHMZ4sTs0" + flags: {} + name: "R: Bone javelin" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GE3uDdDh6ydX2DNf" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Free!)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a bone devil, one bone devil in the battle can teleport to a nearby location it can see as a move action once later this battle. Multiple attacks accumulate into multiple possible move action teleports for any bone devils in the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pfDCYbBlF0pnhgME" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Kyll0syEbf8WcdeV" + flags: {} + name: "Mana venom" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The devil’s doom venom sting attack also negates one spell effect created by the target until the target is able to use recoveries again. (The effect isn’t canceled, only suppressed until the target saves.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/boombug.yml b/vaults/monsters/boombug.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9d9334 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/boombug.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "cpZE2FJOGUPVcer1" +name: "Boombug" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 36 + min: 0 + max: 36 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Boombug" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "gwknI6t2R1orcsgL" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "4pG0w8HM1Cwcp2kf" + flags: {} + name: "Gnawing teeth" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[2]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hEDGUBsy1aZKSfWR" + flags: {} + name: "C: Thunderous explosion" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] thunder damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[5]] thunder damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SMizoxLWaTbz8K6s" + flags: {} + name: "Puff go boom" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy’s attack hits the boombug and leaves it staggered with an odd number of hit points, it explodes and dies. (Even hit points does nothing.) When it explodes, each nearby creature not engaged with it takes [[1d4]] thunder damage, and it makes the following attack against each creature engaged with it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pldDTENfdwNyOMe2" + flags: {} + name: "Latches on" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the boombug hits with gnawing teeth, the target takes a -5 penalty to disengage checks until it’s no longer engaged with the boombug." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/braincap.yml b/vaults/monsters/braincap.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6390d30 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/braincap.yml @@ -0,0 +1,368 @@ +_id: "2ayP8nkrJUfbTKxn" +name: "Braincap" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Braincap" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "0o7bowWnzXKmkc8o" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "obSiil3HKkUbVMhd" + flags: {} + name: "R: Focused brain blast" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby or far away staggered enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[21]] force damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[5]] psychic damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Xbr57s9vuSEEfD6c" + flags: {} + name: "C: Hallucinogenia" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *confused* (easy save ends, 6+) and *vulnerable* to psychic damage until the end of the battle" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The target sees odd colors at the corners of its vision until it has taken a full heal-up (-2 penalty to skill checks to see things)." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "khblwgABnxlho5pK" + flags: {} + name: "C: Psionic filaments" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pw0nGAJuI40pXALr" + flags: {} + name: "Programmed brain" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "During its turn when one or more nearby enemies are staggered, the braincap uses focused brain blast. When no enemies are staggered, the braincap uses hallucinogenia if its hit points are even, and psionic filaments if its hit points are odd." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gdJu2jmHNnRsFUjE" + flags: {} + name: "Lost opportunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature can’t make opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/bronze-golem.yml b/vaults/monsters/bronze-golem.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0672fcb --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/bronze-golem.yml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +_id: "tda4lMHYL8KKDAmp" +name: "Bronze Golem" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 190 + min: 0 + max: 190 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Bronze Golem" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "jjY1Ki8MIZjOnlKT" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Q9cAmJ90WiB2NQ3H" + flags: {} + name: "Gong-like fists of bronze" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit against a target in heavy armor" + value: "The target is *dazed* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit against a target in light armor or no armor" + value: "The target takes [[10]] extra damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[4d6]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HxZtIHLVNZEfZfxd" + flags: {} + name: "Golem immunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Non-organic golems are immune to effects. They can’t be *dazed*, *weakened*, *confused*, made *vulnerable*, or touched by ongoing damage. You can damage a golem, but that’s about it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fv28H9RGknIocwUB" + flags: {} + name: "Hidden flaw" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "An enemy who hits the bronze golem with a natural 18+ attack roll can roll a DC 25 skill check using Intelligence or Wisdom to notice the bronze golem’s hidden flaw! On a success, until the end of the battle, the golem loses its damage resistance and becomes *vulnerable* to all attacks (against each enemy informed of the flaw)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "P7IL55olHtkNOuJe" + flags: {} + name: "Resist damage 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "T2gFHVndhVD7kw51" + flags: {} + name: "Percussion resonance" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die reaches 3+, the bronze golem gains a bonus to its first gong-like fists of bronze attack roll each turn equal to the number of attacks made against it so far that turn. (Each turn is separate, not cumulative.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jawzR6z8oHDjEMRz" + flags: {} + name: "Spiky" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy engaged with the bronze golem misses it with a melee attack, that enemy takes [[2d12]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/bugbear-schemer.yml b/vaults/monsters/bugbear-schemer.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ebc1fd --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/bugbear-schemer.yml @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +_id: "Vfu1rIzPcWUzV48h" +name: "Bugbear Schemer" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 42 + min: 0 + max: 42 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Bugbear Schemer" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "yc14nB7ohkBNMtoE" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "sr9wtZ55sagqzCnT" + flags: {} + name: "Big-ass warclub" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "Each of the bugbear schemer’s nearby humanoid allies gains a +2 bonus to melee attacks until the start of the schemer’s next turn." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd miss" + value: "[[4]] damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "P0TkguEhEMY5pwjw" + flags: {} + name: "R: Ridiculously heavy crossbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target takes [[1d6]] extra damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8lJBWuxITCz8z2c1" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Rebuke to fools" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/round as an interrupt action, when a nearby enemy rolls a natural 1-5 with an attack against it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[2d6]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gkYG2vkLXZUEghhT" + flags: {} + name: "Combat reload" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "During the bugbear schemer’s turn, if it doesn’t engage an enemy or move, it regains a use of ridiculously heavy crossbow if it’s expended as it reloads the crossbow." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7lOkFMq0ymefwdlv" + flags: {} + name: "Fighting withdrawal" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the bugbear schemer successfully disengages, one of the enemies engaged with it takes [[1d6]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "da6rUrwMf9OC2qlq" + flags: {} + name: "Flee is a four-letter word" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the bugbear schemer thinks the battle is out of reach and it isn’t engaged, it can try to flee once per battle. As a move action, roll a hard save. On a success, the bugbear schemer had a bolt-hole or escape plan ready and it gets away (though it’s probably just getting more troops)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/bugbear-scout.yml b/vaults/monsters/bugbear-scout.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d948e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/bugbear-scout.yml @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ +_id: "5o1zaDDT6HPt0ixY" +name: "Bugbear Scout" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 88 + min: 0 + max: 88 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Bugbear Scout" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "6LIgy8K1DnCY9atu" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "3UqsuAbyOrQkCSG6" + flags: {} + name: "Flanged mace" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RVQDxdwEknqDTFRt" + flags: {} + name: "R: Throwing axe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cZD82vXgmiC0Oa8B" + flags: {} + name: "C: Stealthy maneuver" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/round, as a quick action when the bugbear scout starts its turn unengaged." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. MD (the nearby enemy with the highest MD)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The next attack the bugbear scout makes against the target this turn deals +[[1d12]] extra damage." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9XaGC6ibo68WS52L" + flags: {} + name: "Unpredictable" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The bugbear scout gains a +5 bonus to disengage checks, and when it successfully disengages, one of the enemies engaged with it takes [[1d6]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/bugbear.yml b/vaults/monsters/bugbear.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..116dd8a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/bugbear.yml @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +_id: "wsPxNxR7bjqwEp1R" +name: "Bugbear" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 55 + min: 0 + max: 55 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Bugbear" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "su3FKjqNgoD8ahyT" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Phw7LjqXhpy5lwxu" + flags: {} + name: "Oversized weapon" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The attack deals +5 damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "If the target is engaged with two or more foes, it takes [[1d8]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/bulette.yml b/vaults/monsters/bulette.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bbca3c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/bulette.yml @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +_id: "F0sQyvqvg3Sv5iy7" +name: "Bulette" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 170 + min: 0 + max: 170 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Bulette" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "h9ZbFARhOuA75oTS" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "kvQ4NnAXCHixpD3P" + flags: {} + name: "Gigantic claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "4mgCdZTJ4cZnfDEi" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Terrible bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[45]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[22]] damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hSIpi0BjNJIFeq9L" + flags: {} + name: "Dual hit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If both claws hit during the same turn, the bulette can make a terrible bite attack during its next turn as a standard action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Pbuw9CCJeaFB7bo2" + flags: {} + name: "Blood frenzy" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The bulette’s crit range expands to 16+ while the escalation die is 4+." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5CaT3idcy1nWQkGr" + flags: {} + name: "Serious burrower" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A bulette can burrow incredibly quickly for short distances. They’re renowned for the mounds of dirt and rock they push above them as they surge through the ground like land torpedoes." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SLNxi2MUsYF05mkS" + flags: {} + name: "Savage response" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an attacker scores a critical hit against the bulette and it survives, the bulette can make a terrible bite attack as a free action against one target engaged with it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/cambion-dirk.yml b/vaults/monsters/cambion-dirk.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a4bbee --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/cambion-dirk.yml @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +_id: "SSUTh5xDMEmUQ4Ea" +name: "Cambion Dirk" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 13 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Cambion Dirk" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "AuRkhJjnYQxQEXTR" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "sZ3XJkt8jaapi5iw" + flags: {} + name: "Damned dirk" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The cambion becomes cloaked until it’s hit by an attack against MD or until it misses with a natural odd attack roll." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2l4NF4kiYN6KSt9Y" + flags: {} + name: "Dark step" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While cloaked, the cambion dirk automatically succeeds on all disengage checks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/cambion-hellblade.yml b/vaults/monsters/cambion-hellblade.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbd0b9d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/cambion-hellblade.yml @@ -0,0 +1,399 @@ +_id: "sJFphooMtZVPJKd3" +name: "Cambion Hellblade" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 140 + min: 0 + max: 140 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 17 + mod: 17 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Cambion Hellblade" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "vf2f4jrmjhNVh0dl" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "3Co1U0AvDuHy1OTt" + flags: {} + name: "Damned hellblade" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The cambion becomes cloaked until it’s hit by an attack against MD or until it misses with a natural odd attack roll." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[20]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6IZfmaoYPaE2ECBs" + flags: {} + name: "Spiky headbutt" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and [[15]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7xv6PGrmgIppDG02" + flags: {} + name: "R: Ray of darkness" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *confused* until the end of its next turn, or if the cambion was cloaked when it attacked, the confusion is save ends." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "The attacker takes [[15]] poison damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + hitt3: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd miss" + value: "The cambion hellblade can make a spiky headbutt attack against the attacker as a free action." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "krt5inbo18oB3AgM" + flags: {} + name: "Cloaked in evil" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The cambion hellblade starts every battle cloaked. As a quick action, the hellblade can drop its cloaking to make a spiky headbutt attack as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "aSMUcoaRagGJJoGR" + flags: {} + name: "Corruption aura" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "i3OCEIDkvZiOymCT" + flags: {} + name: "Ultimate dark step" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While cloaked, the cambion hellblade automatically succeeds on all disengage checks, gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against close and ranged attacks, and can drop its cloaking as a quick action to teleport to a nearby location it can see (instead of making an extra attack)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/cambion-katar.yml b/vaults/monsters/cambion-katar.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48983ed --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/cambion-katar.yml @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +_id: "AVurdV9m5R8LAEkr" +name: "Cambion Katar" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 80 + min: 0 + max: 80 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Cambion Katar" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "T8SsHTBQw5MRo8oG" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "kwk9hFe4lviWuUgT" + flags: {} + name: "Damned katar" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The cambion becomes cloaked until it’s hit by an attack against MD or until it misses with a natural odd attack roll." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ugvZ8MuAAqlPrJvS" + flags: {} + name: "Spiky headbutt" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage, and [[10]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "j7Xat8ju9airtiNd" + flags: {} + name: "R: Ray of darkness" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *confused* until the end of its next turn, or if the cambion was cloaked when it attacked, the confusion is save ends." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "The attacker takes [[5]] poison damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + hitt3: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd miss" + value: "The cambion katar can make a spiky headbutt attack against the attacker as a free action." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NLTNkfgJN5u1EFHj" + flags: {} + name: "Corruption aura" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DDR5WvUaOUEBz4Uq" + flags: {} + name: "Superior dark step" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While cloaked, the cambion katar automatically succeeds on all disengage checks and gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against close and ranged attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/cambion-sickle.yml b/vaults/monsters/cambion-sickle.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b88bfea --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/cambion-sickle.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "f0gfVhnPlNW1MIOD" +name: "Cambion Sickle" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 70 + min: 0 + max: 70 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Cambion Sickle" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "1fK8MgFz5wEbsptv" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "2YAG1bw5yluMKmh4" + flags: {} + name: "Damned sickle" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[17]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The cambion becomes cloaked until it’s hit by an attack against MD or until it misses with a natural odd attack roll." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Mhke5p7DfzOGwWCj" + flags: {} + name: "R: Ray of darkness" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *confused* until the end of its next turn, or if the cambion was cloaked when it attacked, the confusion is save ends." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CrhToADnmPfSDP5b" + flags: {} + name: "Improved dark step" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While cloaked, the cambion sickle automatically succeeds on all disengage checks and gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/catacomb-dragon-black.yml b/vaults/monsters/catacomb-dragon-black.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34b213c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/catacomb-dragon-black.yml @@ -0,0 +1,408 @@ +_id: "8cTzRPlsPBXxpmiT" +name: "Catacomb Dragon (Black)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 104 + min: 0 + max: 104 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "thunder" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Catacomb Dragon (Black)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "NiWGRNxJ1G4PSexL" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "6LvyIWA0wzug5qLE" + flags: {} + name: "Acid fangs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, or 20" + value: "The dragon regains the use of its caustic breath if it’s expended and can use it during its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "4DtodHKOCcwNJRMJ" + flags: {} + name: "C: Caustic breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] acid damage, [[5]] ongoing acid damage, and the target is caught in an acidic haze (see below) with an effect that depends on the roll" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[5]] ongoing acid damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "b1CXZPEmgEvVuJS5" + flags: {} + name: "Even hit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While in the haze, the target is *dazed* from choking or blinding." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rJXucYjUdo3p7yJZ" + flags: {} + name: "Odd hit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While in the haze, the target takes a -5 penalty to all saves against acid damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iQheBKJyBanSEE2z" + flags: {} + name: "Acidic haze" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "the mist can be burned, condensed/frozen, blown away, absorbed, transmuted, etc. At the GM’s discretion, there may be physical ways to remove the haze, but it should require a hard DC." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "O22uAN6chhBhbOdl" + flags: {} + name: "All-terrain terror" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A catacomb dragon flies reasonably well, powerful and fast in a straight line though it’s not as maneuverable as more agile flyers. It can also burrow quickly and effectively due to the acidic coating on its skin." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6UjVpJ1b6QaL94RW" + flags: {} + name: "Corrosive contact" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy is engaged with the catacomb dragon at the start of its turn, it takes [[3]] acid damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rKpKIMxkqEsbkmeK" + flags: {} + name: "Resist acid 14+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an acid attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 14+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/cave-orc.yml b/vaults/monsters/cave-orc.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..759da11 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/cave-orc.yml @@ -0,0 +1,316 @@ +_id: "qfWyLE7l3EwHFwiL" +name: "Cave Orc" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 10 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Cave Orc" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "nOwKXA5Xn2BqaHHR" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "eC7TYaaj8Yea3HPp" + flags: {} + name: "Obsidian knife" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage, and +[[1d4]] damage for each other orc engaged with the target (max +[[4d4]])" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PVJkW33HiNw8Ciku" + flags: {} + name: "R: Rock" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qSlqR55D53BAVsjT" + flags: {} + name: "Hears everything" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Increase the DC to sneak past cave orcs silently by +5." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "4mmKqPuj8yX7rNMV" + flags: {} + name: "Nocturnal predator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the battle is at night (or in darkness), the orc gains a +2 attack bonus. If the battle is during the day (or in daylight) it takes a -2 penalty to all defenses." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/cenotaph-dragon-white.yml b/vaults/monsters/cenotaph-dragon-white.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42721a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/cenotaph-dragon-white.yml @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +_id: "jyFDzHVEsQjP2nJ4" +name: "Cenotaph Dragon (White)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 48 + min: 0 + max: 48 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Cenotaph Dragon (White)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "NLWhnn7ypHBEQzmP" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Lpop0FIP64qxLTBq" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The cenotaph dragon can make an infused ice breath attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "WxsZzJjDTJvFlHEW" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Infused ice breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 20" + value: "The target also takes [[5]] ongoing holy damage (in addition to double damage for crit)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit or miss" + value: "The dragon takes [[1d6]] damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xHZXSixe1BXz5aMs" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold and negative energy 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold or negative energy attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 12+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/centaur-champion.yml b/vaults/monsters/centaur-champion.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8de032 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/centaur-champion.yml @@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ +_id: "JNbV3Qgpq1Zjr8gJ" +name: "Centaur Champion" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 170 + min: 0 + max: 170 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Centaur Champion" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "euQuvJhhJToO14el" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Z2SiUk66YwrG3Hb3" + flags: {} + name: "Two-handed sword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lMC5pQ4U8n2Y084W" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing hooves" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[13]] damage, and the target is *vulnerable* until the start of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rhskmlh7bPWgDP7b" + flags: {} + name: "Champion’s challenge" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the centaur champion scores a crit against the target, it can challenge that enemy. If it does, until the end of the battle the champion and the target each take a -4 attack penalty against any target except the other. If the centaur champion dies or challenges a new foe, the old challenge is canceled." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "oJrbSskUqnDXwSwz" + flags: {} + name: "Hooves and slash" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As a standard action, the centaur champion can make a crushing hooves attack and a single two-handed sword attack (one attack roll) against the same enemy." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ww80clKceqCvfhiB" + flags: {} + name: "Leader of the clan" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the centaur champion engages an enemy, each other centaur ally engaged with that creature can pop free from it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ky977YemQLvKsiTR" + flags: {} + name: "Moving combatant" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The centaur champion gains a +4 AC bonus against opportunity attacks and only takes half damage from opportunity attacks that hit it. When an enemy makes an opportunity attack against it and misses, that enemy takes [[20]] damage from a counter-attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cFIqVQURDg2RRsTA" + flags: {} + name: "Chief’s challenge" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the champion issues a champion’s challenge, it only takes a -2 attack penalty against other enemies than its chosen foe, but that enemy still takes the -4 attack penalty. In addition, the champion can use champion’s challenge as a free action when it becomes staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CCVdWGJuhUEOhyj0" + flags: {} + name: "Champion’s scorn" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each of the champion’s centaur allies in the battle gains a +5 damage bonus with ranged attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/centaur-lancer.yml b/vaults/monsters/centaur-lancer.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d6613f --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/centaur-lancer.yml @@ -0,0 +1,368 @@ +_id: "b1TAqwAquBlduSFG" +name: "Centaur Lancer" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 60 + min: 0 + max: 60 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Centaur Lancer" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "up9RUbItgwIP8U0A" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "TyMpalW4atj8oIWL" + flags: {} + name: "Charging lance" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage, and the target pops free from the centaur" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The target is also *dazed* until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NJC0WuizVPMPcSyO" + flags: {} + name: "Spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[13]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The centaur lancer can make a kick attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "IEExpTFva9d6s95X" + flags: {} + name: "Kick" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1d2]] enemies engaged with the centaur)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target takes [[5]] damage and pops free from the centaur." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gnFO5Vk9d2Wewztq" + flags: {} + name: "Hit ’em hard" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range of the attack expands by 2 and instead deals [[20]] damage on a hit if the centaur first moves before attacking an enemy it wasn’t engaged with at the start of its turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SM6mUtgrwIf3OILW" + flags: {} + name: "Harnessed speed" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The centaur lancer gains a +4 AC bonus against opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/centaur-raider.yml b/vaults/monsters/centaur-raider.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba2c03a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/centaur-raider.yml @@ -0,0 +1,368 @@ +_id: "FXvkDsAChdYKJSFe" +name: "Centaur Raider" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 70 + min: 0 + max: 70 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Centaur Raider" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "EyOOjMU0HZ7F2iaR" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "6DOpXToZi6Fp0VQq" + flags: {} + name: "Hoof and weapon" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "As a free action, the centaur raider can move and make another hoof and weapon attack against a different nearby enemy (it will take opportunity attacks for moving)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "X2KdMeLYiiXicW8A" + flags: {} + name: "R: Short bow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The centaur raider can take an additional move action this turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LCa86L4h4mY7hmRd" + flags: {} + name: "Sweeping blow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage, and the target loses its next move action." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BbVWBgKN9M6nNF7n" + flags: {} + name: "Harnessed speed" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The centaur raider gains a +4 AC bonus against opportunity attacks and only takes half damage from opportunity attacks that hit it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "paATApHms8bMeiLk" + flags: {} + name: "Barreling charge" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die is even, the centaur raider can use a standard action and a move action to make a sweeping blow attack against multiple enemies as it moves past them (it will take opportunity attacks). It ends this move and attack unengaged." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/centaur-ranger.yml b/vaults/monsters/centaur-ranger.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df9c147 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/centaur-ranger.yml @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +_id: "7zv0bhbdj3Sy8ypo" +name: "Centaur Ranger" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 85 + min: 0 + max: 85 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "archer" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Centaur Ranger" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ZUN7zlWyTD0W7WlM" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "X5J5tQMroxQcRgRx" + flags: {} + name: "Twin scimitars" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "4C2Aq3KPY7AQa0Oj" + flags: {} + name: "R: Longbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The centaur ranger can take an additional move action this turn." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The centaur ranger can make a second (but not a third) longbow attack this turn as a free action." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NSDyg3w7Or8Wi2Hv" + flags: {} + name: "R: Pinning volley" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 2/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage, and the target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The target is *stuck* (save ends) instead of *hampered*." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "glmbPCBoVJUzxtq3" + flags: {} + name: "Moving combatant" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The centaur ranger gains a +4 AC bonus against opportunity attacks and only takes half damage from opportunity attacks that hit it. When an enemy makes an opportunity attack against it and misses, that enemy takes [[10]] damage from a counter-attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MetbNxo51SW6Iwr4" + flags: {} + name: "Terrain familiarity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once each round when the escalation die is odd, the centaur ranger can make use of the area’s terrain to its advantage as a free action. It can choose either to gain a +2 attack bonus for its attacks that turn, or to gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against the next attack that targets it by using a flashy or tricky maneuver (leaping off a rock over an enemy, stirring up a hornet’s nest near an attacker, etc.). The target of its attack or a creature attacking it when it attempts this stunt rolls a normal save; on a success, the bonus is negated." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/chaos-beast.yml b/vaults/monsters/chaos-beast.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d44e830 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/chaos-beast.yml @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +_id: "W7XwFoQiwLTpMpo1" +name: "Chaos Beast" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 48 + min: 0 + max: 48 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Chaos Beast" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "TUbPujZ8nsSgc41F" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "nV8XPbVBzeT5oMBd" + flags: {} + name: "Bestial chaos" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "Damage and effect depends on the natural roll" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "[[7]] damage, and the chaos beast can make another bestial chaos attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "[[15]] ongoing damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The chaos beast pops free from all enemies and moves to engage a random nearby enemy as a free action, preferably one it wasn’t just engaged with." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "afmcQ6URZkOJxXao" + flags: {} + name: "Chaos combined" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once a chaos beast is staggered, it can combine with another chaos beast next to it as a quick action to become a full-strength chaos brute acting on this beast’s initiative. Replace the other beast with a chaos glorp mook." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/chaos-behemoth.yml b/vaults/monsters/chaos-behemoth.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ca2de1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/chaos-behemoth.yml @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +_id: "xOTIyU0eCfGx6gn2" +name: "Chaos Behemoth" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Chaos Behemoth" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "hBJmPQuWu4UaKffT" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "qvpH3fJfZiUi3rHm" + flags: {} + name: "Behemoth chaos" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "Damage and effect depends on the natural roll" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "[[30]] damage, and the chaos behemoth can make a mewhowlwail attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "[[25]] ongoing damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] damage, and the target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9pwM832PoSmnAlEH" + flags: {} + name: "Mewhowlwail" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD (each nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] psychic damage, and if the target is taking ongoing damage, saves against that ongoing damage become hard saves (16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "okcj4hc0XKg8EFIN" + flags: {} + name: "The betrayal of flesh" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a nearby enemy taking ongoing damage drops to 0 hp or below, add +15 to the amount of ongoing damage that enemy is taking as its body melts and warps. At the GM’s option, a creature slain in a battle involving a chaos behemoth might transform into a chaos glorp or chaos beast instead of having the decency to just die." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/chaos-brute.yml b/vaults/monsters/chaos-brute.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff52b2e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/chaos-brute.yml @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +_id: "uYjUlrxxdK2c2GSs" +name: "Chaos Brute" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 60 + min: 0 + max: 60 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Chaos Brute" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "anvOAyNY1oKoCPkX" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "y7LQQBVMDnJ7FCO0" + flags: {} + name: "Brute chaos" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "Damage and effect depends on the natural roll" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "[[25]] damage." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "[[15]] ongoing damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[1d3]] random nearby enemies each take [[10]] psychic damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tQKpo50dJmCaW5Go" + flags: {} + name: "Chaos combined" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "the new creature rolls initiative as if it had just entered the battle. If a chaos beast and a chaos brute combine to create a chaos behemoth, the behemoth starts with 70 hp instead of 90 hp and takes a -1 penalty to all attacks and defenses." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/chaos-glorp.yml b/vaults/monsters/chaos-glorp.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0859c49 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/chaos-glorp.yml @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +_id: "CwO44w2SdkYGhNCi" +name: "Chaos Glorp" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 20 + min: 0 + max: 20 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Chaos Glorp" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "MfRMGGNctk38yCua" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "gAvlsgE24umh2ZeL" + flags: {} + name: "Oozespasm" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] ongoing damage, or [[10]] damage if the target is already taking ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The chaos glorp pops free from all enemies and moves as a free action to engage a nearby enemy taking ongoing damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NgJt7Cl2cC2kgU5r" + flags: {} + name: "Spontaneous chaos" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die reaches 6, the chaos glorp rolls a normal save. If it succeeds, it transforms into a chaos beast with full hit points." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/chimera.yml b/vaults/monsters/chimera.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb401c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/chimera.yml @@ -0,0 +1,325 @@ +_id: "ARlH94tHb7INBir8" +name: "Chimera" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 320 + min: 0 + max: 320 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Chimera" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ZEFeBrIAUGlbYZzr" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "PBJgHBzBmQRdw84b" + flags: {} + name: "Fangs, claws, and horns" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC ([[3]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 14-15" + value: "The target is *dazed* until the end of the chimera’s next turn from a headbutt." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16-17" + value: "The target takes [[20]] ongoing damage from raking claws." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + hitt3: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18-20" + value: "The chimera makes a fiery breath attack as a free action." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "l4qpgVODMOGjtZt2" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Fiery breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD (up to [[3]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3d10]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Yrk5A5N9fJlL1t2D" + flags: {} + name: "Bestial thresher" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever a creature misses the chimera with a melee attack, the chimera’s multiple sharp bits deal [[3d10]] damage to that attacker." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zNjU8qMHLqng0h8H" + flags: {} + name: "Now it’s angry" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an attacker scores a critical hit against the chimera and it survives, its attack rolls on its next turn deal the effects of the lower rolls as well as their own results." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/chuul.yml b/vaults/monsters/chuul.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc53941 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/chuul.yml @@ -0,0 +1,448 @@ +_id: "0Pnt7PdeHGEMgpyX" +name: "Chuul" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 126 + min: 0 + max: 126 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Chuul" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "LzJmw6sdQze7qCyS" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "nE37I6NUEWwDp5aq" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[21]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fKZdSr70sMUIP0Y2" + flags: {} + name: "Crippling tentacles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *weakened* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kdTqKjk9B559xP5E" + flags: {} + name: "Both attacks hit the same target" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The chuul grabs the target." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8Z6Kff7lN1qZPWJO" + flags: {} + name: "First failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target is *hampered* and *weakened* (save ends both)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "eVaqcBIQnXzj4amT" + flags: {} + name: "Second failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target is instead *helpless* (hard save ends, 16+)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UxtMeA7zjh9o9YyK" + flags: {} + name: "Quick use" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This attack only requires a quick action when used against an enemy the chuul is grabbing." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YA0JcKp7EW6DJCsa" + flags: {} + name: "Resist psychic 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a psychic attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DcBTJ1pdVRNZGrL7" + flags: {} + name: "Water-breathing" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Chuuls swim well and can breathe underwater, though they prefer not to." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VjdNnvaqQ0cBe2uR" + flags: {} + name: "Bite it off" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the chuul scores a critical hit against a *weakened* or *helpless* foe, it bites off one of that enemy’s hands. An adventurer with no hands might have trouble casting spells or holding weapons. (A cleric might be able to restore the missing appendage with a ritual.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zlhfeu3hOU7OaX9w" + flags: {} + name: "Fueled by hate" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per round when the chuul misses with an attack, its next attack that battle deals [[4d6]] extra poison damage on a hit." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/chuulish-slave.yml b/vaults/monsters/chuulish-slave.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52d9e8a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/chuulish-slave.yml @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +_id: "SrLdDkYVCPSW8OAL" +name: "Chuulish Slave" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 54 + min: 0 + max: 54 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Chuulish Slave" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "LTTqI12xN6CkoGkD" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "NQQGvG6pxtoYXb0t" + flags: {} + name: "Misshapen claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9seynB4LlT6Dn0Gd" + flags: {} + name: "Writhing tentacles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *weakened* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nWCQ52QLWpDJplbS" + flags: {} + name: "Both attacks hit the same target" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The chuulish slave can make a writhing tentacles attack against that target as a quick action this turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "u3xBgkHi7bywFgKt" + flags: {} + name: "Chitinous plates" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The slave gains a +2 AC bonus." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "osqLpPbZHQu2DOTX" + flags: {} + name: "Acid saliva" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The writhing tentacles attack also deals [[10]] acid damage on a hit." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OEuu0F42sT4sFmBz" + flags: {} + name: "Poisonous blood" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a melee attack hits the chuulish slave, the attacker takes [[10]] poison damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "IBeeBe0NIzvwNHZK" + flags: {} + name: "Grossness" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The slave is a large blob-like mess. It has 72 HP but takes a -2 penalty to all defenses." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/chuulish-swarm.yml b/vaults/monsters/chuulish-swarm.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a26c930 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/chuulish-swarm.yml @@ -0,0 +1,386 @@ +_id: "1abXzx4IUEgfmOgc" +name: "Chuulish Swarm" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 80 + min: 0 + max: 80 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Chuulish Swarm" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "fThOyVmCXIKZnmqJ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ZFCukUW7e1gB8ro6" + flags: {} + name: "Fly-by tentacle sting" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] poison damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "The swarm can pop free from all enemies, and as a quick action this turn, it can move normally even if it has already moved this turn." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit or miss" + value: "The swarm can make a sharp claws attack this turn as a quick action instead of a standard action." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "g3BGEP4QJEFFRa6d" + flags: {} + name: "Sharp claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mmYHcx6VxGyXJ0PT" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The swarm flies fast and is agile, but has a wide turning circle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "AJ6vWaNGt7PE5nks" + flags: {} + name: "Resist damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When any attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Mo5R9dSawtamPihI" + flags: {} + name: "Swarm" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This monster is a swarm of chuul body-parts cooperating to attack humanoids. Even though there are thousands of them, treat them as a single creature." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jh5BfqiFCyKm2OO2" + flags: {} + name: "Water-breathing" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Chuuls swim well and can breathe underwater, though they prefer not to." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VO4demis5uUgm5F9" + flags: {} + name: "Burrow under your skin" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an attacker misses the swarm with a melee attack, that enemy takes [[10]] ongoing damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/claw-flower.yml b/vaults/monsters/claw-flower.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..734224c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/claw-flower.yml @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ +_id: "lj4VWRHTFpy9fTeU" +name: "Claw Flower" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 40 + min: 0 + max: 40 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Claw Flower" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "WcXcavkwdP3tR9MB" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "dDzQW3ATwmfo09KK" + flags: {} + name: "Attack name" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 1-5" + value: "The claw flower takes [[1d4]] damage from burst roots." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0wCFF4D60CcbMLk3" + flags: {} + name: "C: Bumble spores" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 4]] vs. MD ([[1d2]] nearby random non-plant creatures)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The effect depends on the roll" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "[[4]] psychic damage, and the target is *confused* until end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "[[3]] psychic damage, and the target is *stuck* until end of its next turn." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[2]] psychic damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8C1TqQskMG5ym9zD" + flags: {} + name: "Immobile until pressed" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The claw flower has roots and normally can’t move, but when it takes [[10]] or more damage from a single attack it can move normally during its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vvoZknWKEXR2VC3q" + flags: {} + name: "Spore escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The claw flower adds the escalation die to its bumble spores attack rolls." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "V4yuJRQ7vHPNwpsh" + flags: {} + name: "Gentle roar" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle, the claw flower can make a bumble spores attack as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/clay-golem.yml b/vaults/monsters/clay-golem.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e4d6bd --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/clay-golem.yml @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +_id: "hfAhD1HZv3FPxYXA" +name: "Clay Golem" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 120 + min: 0 + max: 120 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Clay Golem" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "BrY7RNdFfoa0yZGv" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "F2IqUtvy3xHxQl2S" + flags: {} + name: "Bare brutal hands" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[36]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wPqxJbwQDrP7IDvN" + flags: {} + name: "Cursed wound" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A non-dwarf creature damaged by a clay golem can’t be healed to above half its maximum hit points until after the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rbB1AF1KceusJV0W" + flags: {} + name: "Golem immunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Non-organic golems are immune to effects. They can’t be *dazed*, *weakened*, *confused*, made *vulnerable*, or touched by ongoing damage. You can damage a golem, but that’s about it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "68p8UNkGhxNNiRtA" + flags: {} + name: "Ignore attacks 11+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an attack hits this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 11+ on the attack roll or it misses instead. That’s all attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/cloud-giant-magician.yml b/vaults/monsters/cloud-giant-magician.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..379648f --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/cloud-giant-magician.yml @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +_id: "zCM6En98e0rcKNSw" +name: "Cloud Giant Magician" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 280 + min: 0 + max: 280 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Cloud Giant Warrior" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "YMtR1D9QLzVOuPNI" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "lSrVALLeYYHvjYVa" + flags: {} + name: "Staff" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "S8dg1xGiS8xZg1YM" + flags: {} + name: "R: Sleep, little ones" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "or [[1d3]] nearby enemies in a group if the escalation die is 3+); [[20]] psychic damage, and if the target has 50 hp or fewer after the attack, it falls *unconscious* (hard save ends, 16+; it also ends if the target takes [[10]] or more damage)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lIsOdkvxzIE3Lpaa" + flags: {} + name: "R: Zzzzzottttttttttt!" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] force damage, and [[35]] ongoing lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[20]] force damage, and [[20]] ongoing lightning damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Rns4GoZreO43NuIr" + flags: {} + name: "Strike with advantage" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A cloud giant gains a +4 attack bonus against any enemy taking ongoing damage or that has an ongoing condition (*unconscious* sleep, for instance)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/cloud-giant-thane.yml b/vaults/monsters/cloud-giant-thane.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c86a69 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/cloud-giant-thane.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "X7X7ul3wPBkjlCqZ" +name: "Cloud Giant Thane" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 290 + min: 0 + max: 290 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Cloud Giant Thane" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "LGsnZMDlbrGpCuDg" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "2yT2y4D1lBwdyHSu" + flags: {} + name: "Cloud-forged morningstar" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[60]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target loses any flight abilities and can’t gain flight in any way (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit or miss" + value: "The thane can make a chains and shrapnel attack as a free action." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Hk2pJKrSiJm6e5O8" + flags: {} + name: "C: Chains and shrapnel" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[1d4]] random nearby creatures)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cGkVE2BdLT265wea" + flags: {} + name: "Strike with advantage" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A cloud giant gains a +4 attack bonus against any enemy taking ongoing damage or that has an ongoing condition (*dazed*, for instance)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/cloud-giant-warrior.yml b/vaults/monsters/cloud-giant-warrior.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c7effb --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/cloud-giant-warrior.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "iv1HdE32vrCbA73S" +name: Cloud Giant Warrior +type: Npc +img: systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: Number + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: Number + value: 0 + def: + type: Number + value: 0 + ac: + type: Number + label: Armor Class + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: Number + label: Physical Defense + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: Number + label: Mental Defense + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: Number + label: Hit Points + value: 300 + min: 0 + max: 300 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: Number + label: Initiative Modifier + value: 10 + level: + type: Number + label: Level + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + details: + alignment: + type: String + label: Alignment + biography: + type: String + label: Biography + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: troop + size: + value: huge + type: + value: giant + resistance: + value: "" + vulnerability: + value: "" +prototypeToken: + name: Cloud Giant Warrior + displayName: 0 + actorLink: false + texture: + src: systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp + scaleX: 1 + scaleY: 1 + offsetX: 0 + offsetY: 0 + rotation: 0 + tint: + width: 1 + height: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + alpha: 1 + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: attributes.hp + bar2: + attribute: + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 360 + bright: 0 + color: + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + attenuation: 0.5 + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + type: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 + sight: + enabled: false + range: + angle: 360 + visionMode: basic + color: + attenuation: 0.1 + brightness: 0 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + detectionModes: [] + flags: {} + randomImg: false +items: + - name: Sword or spear + type: action + img: icons/svg/target.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + attack: + type: String + label: Attack Roll + value: "[[d20+12]] vs AC (up to 2 enemies)" + hit: + type: String + label: Hit + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: String + label: Hit + name: Natural 16+ + value: The target is *dazed* (save ends). + hit2: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: String + label: Hit + hit5: + type: String + label: Hit + miss: + type: String + label: Miss + value: "" + embeddedMacro: + value: "" + _id: e6B7ZDmem64p1Xb0 + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671649686901 + modifiedTime: 1671649733701 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: "R: Hurled spear" + type: action + img: icons/svg/target.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + attack: + type: String + label: Attack Roll + value: "[[d20+12]] vs AC (up to 3 enemies in a group with a single spear)" + hit: + type: String + label: Hit + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: String + label: Hit + hit5: + type: String + label: Hit + miss: + type: String + label: Miss + value: "" + embeddedMacro: + value: "" + _id: vcdIB8HmFVmNYjmc + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671649690803 + modifiedTime: 1671649833531 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: Strike with advantage + type: trait + img: icons/svg/regen.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + value: + "

A cloud giant gains a +4 attack bonus against any enemy taking ongoing + damage or that has an ongoing condition (*dazed*, for instance).

" + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + _id: T4Ra5LjJu3Rjn616 + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671649693443 + modifiedTime: 1671649863921 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/cobbler-stirge.yml b/vaults/monsters/cobbler-stirge.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca8b43b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/cobbler-stirge.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "HrY8fcq7rjtpbQ1J" +name: "Cobbler Stirge" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 30 + min: 0 + max: 30 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Cobbler Stirge" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "tQ6UMSXzWiIcKCUg" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "xU6ft3noquBnzTTs" + flags: {} + name: "Claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "4Y3mnecy4J4ANTXM" + flags: {} + name: "C: Gooey bloody spray" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The target is *stuck* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit or miss" + value: "The cobbler stirge takes [[3]] damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RiwHncwEqVt7rMNt" + flags: {} + name: "Painful flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The cobbler has stubby ill-proportioned wings and takes [[1d6]] damage at the end of each round that it flies during battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/common-treant.yml b/vaults/monsters/common-treant.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4575df --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/common-treant.yml @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +_id: "cYnIt3NJH7OO8Wqy" +name: "Common Treant" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 65 + min: 0 + max: 65 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Common Treant" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "kiB45niSyaAGT7aC" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "tqBAHocUBlAUW7ju" + flags: {} + name: "Grasping branches" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[9]] damage, and the treant grabs the target. When the treant starts its turn grabbing an enemy, it can make a twist and snap attack against that target as a standard action that turn." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vNjCDRPCv6bZQJwh" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Twist and snap" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[27]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "aU62HjV5APHfP9Yd" + flags: {} + name: "Fire fire fire!" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the treant takes [[15]] or more fire damage from a single attack, it releases all grabbed creatures." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "N7Ue6XWlgoA53rOA" + flags: {} + name: "Hardwood resistance" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature has resist damage 12+ to all damage except fire damage and melee weapon damage, which damages it normally." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1DfdzNcuuSJgnmFk" + flags: {} + name: "Toxic haze" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The treant exudes a toxic cloud of pollen. When an enemy engages the treant or starts its turn engaged with the treant, it takes [[4]] poison damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/corpse-dybbuk.yml b/vaults/monsters/corpse-dybbuk.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37ca92a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/corpse-dybbuk.yml @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +_id: "ujYCygji9WkxdQ4e" +name: "Corpse Dybbuk" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 180 + min: 0 + max: 180 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Corpse Dybbuk" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "DWf3G7aUXimM8215" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "IVI9zQTzA9TbfYyY" + flags: {} + name: "Supernatural strength" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is *vulnerable* to the dybbuk’s attacks until the end of the battle." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The dybbuk gains a *fear* aura against the target (save ends) as the dybbuk warps its corpse-flesh into a horrifying form. While engaged with the dybbuk, if the scared target has 30 hp or fewer, it’s *dazed* (-4 attack) and does not add the escalation die to its attacks." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[3d6]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ufT6XFNNIaBhdKc3" + flags: {} + name: "Unholy aversion" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy makes a spell attack or magic weapon attack against the corpse dybbuk that deals holy damage and rolls a natural 18+, the dybbuk leaves its host body. The body drops in place and the corpse dybbuk becomes an undamaged ethereal dybbuk (see that entry). If the escalation die is 3+, reset the escalation die to 2." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NTGuWrd2oAB6nhCJ" + flags: {} + name: "Warp another’s flesh" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action, the corpse dybbuk can grant a nearby ally a +2 bonus to attack and damage until the end of the battle. The warped ally takes damage equal to its level each time it uses a standard action to attack. If this ability is expended, the dybbuk regains it when the escalation die reaches 4+." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/couatl.yml b/vaults/monsters/couatl.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a0a145 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/couatl.yml @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +_id: "kRT3BxYbtTFr1rn1" +name: "Couatl" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 300 + min: 0 + max: 300 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Couatl" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ld6jB0KwBi1UGuzA" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "DtY7rXR7dKvgt5o6" + flags: {} + name: "Rippling scales" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD (each enemy engaged with it)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and the couatl must pop free from the target" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9Zs7oj4YHpHGNW6N" + flags: {} + name: "Serpent strike" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC ([[1]] *dazed*, *confused*, staggered, or *stunned* enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[60]] damage, and [[20]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "w51BBYdoXbnxgwg5" + flags: {} + name: "R: Forked devastation" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage of the following type (couatl’s choice): fire, holy, or lightning" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The couatl can make a forked devastation attack against a different enemy as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "o41m92tOHpLewLSW" + flags: {} + name: "Quick use" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This attack only requires a quick action (once per round) to use." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "I46SP67yIeot9oTM" + flags: {} + name: "Resist holy and poison 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a holy or poison attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "c4dfYhmhrtTMUQMd" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Couatls fly and hover so smoothly on their multi-colored wings that other flyers get jealous." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PhGwte1VtwpfZY1Q" + flags: {} + name: "Cyclic escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die is even, the couatl adds the escalation die to its attack rolls." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "S22h4MkS1UQHzcAU" + flags: {} + name: "Ever-rippling" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The couatl can use more than one rippling scales attack during its turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "G4qjVrgPopQUQc1Y" + flags: {} + name: "Flee" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per campaign, the couatl can take a “campaign loss” similar to the PC-oriented flee special action to escape from certain death, along with its allies." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lhPxrpLE8SBWkWdw" + flags: {} + name: "One or two icon-centric abilities" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Choose each appropriate ability from the couatl’s Icon-centered Abilities list." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/coursing-manticore.yml b/vaults/monsters/coursing-manticore.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f612616 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/coursing-manticore.yml @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ +_id: "PzQLZfzoDii33JJT" +name: "Coursing Manticore" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 170 + min: 0 + max: 170 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Coursing Manticore" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "sHJzNNJuR7C5z0ow" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "QEe9BZ96tz0lkOYf" + flags: {} + name: "Battering paws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The manticore can make a scorpion sting attack against a different target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mEhrZt0m9ZWmUqxV" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing leonine jaws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage, or [[50]] damage against a creature taking ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dQPKLDRMlA2bR8vh" + flags: {} + name: "C: Scorpion sting" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing poison damage (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "G9vKpFkyYcOromWE" + flags: {} + name: "R: Volley of tail spikes" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] ongoing poison damage (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gMC8LgFC0JBwJfD5" + flags: {} + name: "Fly-by attack" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While flying, the manticore can make a scorpion sting attack, pop free from the target, and keep flying to somewhere nearby." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZcpOB9RolK4HiSuB" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Giant batlike dragon wings put the final horrid touch on the coursing manticore’s “everything awful” design aesthetic." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LY8fDlo85BHpdrQd" + flags: {} + name: "Poison reservoirs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each time the manticore uses its scorpion sting attack, it takes [[1d6]] damage, or [[2d6]] damage if it’s staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Yp90rQxGblMV6lH5" + flags: {} + name: "Diving leap" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The manticore leaps toward its prey, using its wings to arrow into battle at tremendous speed. During its first turn only, add +6 to its initiative count. After that, the beast returns to its normal initiative order." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HLzI1GvxueNXTh3S" + flags: {} + name: "Aerial archer" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Instead of a scorpion tail, the manticore has a spiked tail full of quills and can make volley of tail spikes attacks instead of scorpion sting attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/crimsoncap.yml b/vaults/monsters/crimsoncap.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57cdc3d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/crimsoncap.yml @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +_id: "qAMkW4I35HKwrbqK" +name: "Crimsoncap" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 84 + min: 0 + max: 84 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Crimsoncap" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Clm4juORgVOhUbHR" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "gjYsD4b9KJeSdbnI" + flags: {} + name: "Huge bloody cleavers" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[13]] damage, and the crimsoncap can pop free from the target" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "skh0CTWnoBYmNE55" + flags: {} + name: "Horrible stompy boots" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD ([[1]] staggered or *unconscious* enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage, and the target is *hampered* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[5]] damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ScCLEGDNxsMjSoJk" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Pop-out and slash ‘em" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[1d4]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0Pa20yaj9e5HvmcX" + flags: {} + name: "Impossible teleport" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the crimsoncap scores a critical hit OR when a PC or a player at the table says the bad word, the crimsoncap can teleport to a nearby hidden location it can see or can’t see (like inside a closet) as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZNCE24BmfflVpLtb" + flags: {} + name: "Pop-out surprise" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the crimsoncap starts its turn and no enemy can see it, it can make a pop-out and slash ’em attack that turn as a standard action" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QsQqmLO4hudexwoR" + flags: {} + name: "F*** T***" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crimsoncap has two bad words instead of one. And the PCs find that out the hard way. Write the words down ahead of time to prove you’re not just being a mean GM." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/crustycap.yml b/vaults/monsters/crustycap.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71afb46 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/crustycap.yml @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +_id: "PTbAUuN6KqYw0Kab" +name: "Crustycap" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 100 + min: 0 + max: 100 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Crustycap" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "XZtQ5djeHDmlBSFH" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "DDowZCRvR5s6gjFw" + flags: {} + name: "Big bloody axe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The crustycap can make a single big bloody axe attack against a different nearby enemy as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[5]] ongoing damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "X8zsgODN85mE9ksJ" + flags: {} + name: "Devastating stompy boots" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[1]] staggered or *unconscious* enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gSsEHylGTDi8EO9i" + flags: {} + name: "Oh no oh no" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a PC or a player at the table says the bad word, the crustycap can take an extra standard action during its next turn. Feel free to let the extra actions stack a few times if someone gets cocky." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zxi6xLnsoWWduXoI" + flags: {} + name: "Just plain mean" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the crustycap scores a critical hit OR when a PC or a player at the table says the bad word, the crustycap can teleport away as a free action. Far away, even to a location it can’t see, and out of the battle. Then at the start of the PCs’ next battle, it teleports back and attacks the PCs, no matter what enemies they are fighting. It will continue to use this power if it can until the PCs take a full heal-up, at which point, if it’s still alive, it loses interest." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/dawn-zorigami.yml b/vaults/monsters/dawn-zorigami.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..538144d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/dawn-zorigami.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "eDikUkWnx7yJotnj" +name: "Dawn Zorigami" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 30 + min: 0 + max: 30 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Dawn Zorigami" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "U9hv6GVQY4zL65Ga" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "OCFgA1BdVA2dbFM9" + flags: {} + name: "Headbutt" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and the target moves down [[1d6]] points in initiative order" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5pVamRx2P7qiWtKb" + flags: {} + name: "R: Ray of wasted time" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies or [[1]] far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] psychic damage, and [[5]] ongoing psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also moves down [[1d6]] points in initiative order." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "85uCtYbQpuwK5Mod" + flags: {} + name: "A moment of silence" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The escalation die does not increase the round after a dawn zorigami drops to 0 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ie1QDMuDvlka0Fn4" + flags: {} + name: "On pause" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A creature that is reduced to a negative initiative count in a battle involving one or more dawn zorigami moves forward in time, reappearing somewhere nearby in a number of minutes equal to their negative initiative count, presumably long after the current battle is over. The target may be *confused* by this effect, since the ways of zorigami are mysterious." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/death-blossom.yml b/vaults/monsters/death-blossom.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e50247e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/death-blossom.yml @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +_id: "jqLWn6eaQSVmRPAc" +name: "Death Blossom" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 100 + min: 0 + max: 100 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Death Blossom" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "3iEpz7q7dX9DrToY" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "yKGZtapegGs51knP" + flags: {} + name: "Sapping touch" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[16]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20" + value: "The target is *weakened* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8DEsAwukHPrnYwmG" + flags: {} + name: "R: Unlife ray" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[24]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target takes [[1d6]] extra negative energy damage for each unexpended recovery it has." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd miss" + value: "If the target currently has less than its maximum recoveries, it gains a recovery! Gaining a recovery is not healing, but it can use that recovery later to heal as normal." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LaRt78MtiFs8wwRP" + flags: {} + name: "Red-yellow resurrection" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the death blossom drops to 0 hit points, it’s destroyed until the start of its next turn. At the start of its next turn, it returns to life as a blood rose or poison dandelion that lacks the black-gray resurgence ability but is otherwise undamaged and whole." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/death-plague-orc.yml b/vaults/monsters/death-plague-orc.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fef38ce --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/death-plague-orc.yml @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +_id: "Qh2CGKPuUwfYPB0w" +name: "Death-Plague Orc" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 2 + mod: 2 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Death-Plague Orc" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + tint: null + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "6PluOHWgQdGG3guh" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "XuRbT9uAV41gIdao" + flags: {} + name: "Huge spiked flail" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[21]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural roll is above target's Constitution" + value: "The target catches a disease." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kOG363EorLNLH2hP" + flags: {} + name: "Disease" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

When a creature contracts a death-plague orc disease, roll a [[1d4]] for the disease type and a [[1d6]] for that disease’s symptoms after the battle. Until cured, at the start of each day (after each full heal-up) the PC makes a Constitution check (including any appropriate background) to determine the severity of the disease for that day, or if the PC is cured.

Full bed rest under the care of a healer reduces severity roll from a d6 to a d4 (so a severity check result of 18 would be 1d4 + 2 not 1d6 + 2). A PC under the care of and experience healer or someone who knows healing magic gains a +10 bonus to the Constitution check. At the GM’s option, special ingredients or healing items, found via quest, can give additional bonuses to the check.

Disease Type (d4)

  1. Filthy Fever (d6 roll for symptoms that day)
  2. Chatter Pox (d6 roll for symptoms that day)
  3. Slug Scourge (d6 roll for symptoms that day)
  4. Red Fever (d6 roll for symptoms that day)

Filthy Fever Symptoms (d6)

  • Slight temperature.
  • 2–3: The runs. You gain 1 less recovery than normal after a full heal-up due to fluid loss.
  • 4+: You have a hacking cough that sounds like insane laughter and are losing fluids. You gain 2 fewer recoveries than normal after a full heal-up and can’t remain silent.

Chatter Pox Symptoms (d6)

  • 1: Unsightly and painful sores, occasional shivers.
  • 2–3: Running sores, shivering and chattering teeth. You take a –3 penalty to social skill checks and to attack rolls with spells.
  • 4+: Infected sores, fever dreams. Your constitution is *weakened*. After each full heal-up, roll 1d4 + 3 to determine your starting maximum recoveries for that day. Each time you cast a spell that isn’t at-will, there’s a 25% chance it fails (but you don’t expend the spell).

Slug Scourge Symptoms (d6)

  • 1: Extreme appetite, nausea.
  • 2–3: Vomiting up slugs. Whenever you make a non-combat Charisma check, roll 2d20 and take the lower result.
  • 4+: The slugs are inside your lungs! After each quick rest, you lose 25% of your maximum hit points. If you drop to 0 hp this way, you enter into a coma until the next day.

Red Fever Symptoms (d6)

  • 1: Scarlet stripes on the eyeballs, itching, buzzing in ears.
  • 2–3: Blurred vision. You take a –3 penalty to ranged attacks.
  • 4+: Fever, rage, and confusion. Whenever you roll a natural odd attack roll, you are *confused* until the end of your next turn. Ranged attacks have a 25% chance of accidentally targeting an ally (check before making the attack roll).

Disease Severity (Con check each day; result affects d6 symptoms roll)

  • 1–14: d6 + 3
  • 15–20: d6 + 2
  • 20–24: d6 + 1
  • 25–29: d6 + 0
  • 30+: Cured
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/deathly-warbanner.yml b/vaults/monsters/deathly-warbanner.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0398399 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/deathly-warbanner.yml @@ -0,0 +1,451 @@ +_id: "CbqHA6AgmgiEm5ae" +name: "Deathly Warbanner" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 104 + min: 0 + max: 104 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Vicious Warbanner" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "tyL9SAQrmE1hXKwy" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "VKWQBZXlbynLcWnp" + flags: {} + name: "Bladed fringe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage, and [[10]] ongoing negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] damage" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tzTUph3dfEGRz2tZ" + flags: {} + name: "Banner magic" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "
  • 1–5: The warbanner’s bearer can make a basic attack with a +2 attack bonus as a free action.
  • 6–10: Each different enemy engaged with a creature in the warbanner’s band takes [[1d10]] psychic damage.
  • 11–15: If any mooks in the warbanner’s band have dropped this battle, return one of those mooks to the battle next to the warbanner. (If the warbanner has no mooks in its band, choose a lower result.)
  • 16–20: The warbanner can make a false rally attack as a free action.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "Roll [[1d20]] and [[1d20]] and use each roll (or a lower result of your choice) to determine one effect" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EmA4YzPbzIRAezBj" + flags: {} + name: "False rally" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "Special trigger C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+9]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy with 18HP or fewer)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *confused* (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Critical hit" + value: "The target can now only save against the confusion with a natural 20 (or until the warbanner drops) and can’t flee if the rest of the PCs choose to do so." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hcAStbTNapnkkSek" + flags: {} + name: "Designated bearer" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Once per round as a quick action, the warbanner can fly directly above a lower-level ally in its band and designate that ally as its bearer. Alternately, it can release itself from a bearer and fly free.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "loPz9DAC3Y3bPwvB" + flags: {} + name: "Bearer beware" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

While the warbanner has a bearer it moves with the bearer and is engaged by enemies that engage the bearer. The bearer is *vulnerable* to all attacks but it can use the escalation die.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0cBLgHZ6Qm3HRtFE" + flags: {} + name: "Conditional resist damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

As feral warbanner

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gkEoGqQ7PSN0UBRg" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

As feral warbanner

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "j9tZRZCXSP4KARSI" + flags: {} + name: "Mook morale" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Mooks fighting in the warbanner’s band gain a bonus to their hit points equal to the warbanner’s level (3).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/decrepit-skeleton.yml b/vaults/monsters/decrepit-skeleton.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bfd544 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/decrepit-skeleton.yml @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +_id: "gFyVNR29nobL9tSx" +name: "Decrepit Skeleton" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 10 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 7 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Decrepit Skeleton" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "gomoyclIj6WNjJhK" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "nBsMrshAaLhYlEjZ" + flags: {} + name: "Sword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/deep-bulette.yml b/vaults/monsters/deep-bulette.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aac2f51 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/deep-bulette.yml @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +_id: "slyMHP5kFkIC6NxQ" +name: "Deep Bulette" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 378 + min: 0 + max: 378 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Deep Bulette" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "gO9PyfvYRo5TrhpF" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "DKpiFW9MEgyA3N4h" + flags: {} + name: "Pulverizing maw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC ([[1d3]] enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[90]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[45]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "246ZODwAL3XYDVEf" + flags: {} + name: "Blood frenzy" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The deep bulette’s crit range expands by 4 while the escalation die is 4+." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dkqouMExgaKNtCQM" + flags: {} + name: "Tunnel fighter" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DIktHh16ddDqIAga" + flags: {} + name: "Escalation die is odd" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the bulette hits an enemy engaged with it with an attack, that target pops free from it and is *hampered* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dHcjJkSRQgoAxUnk" + flags: {} + name: "Escalation die is even" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The deep bulette engages each nearby enemy in front of it as it pushes its bulk inexorably forward down the tunnel. Enemies pushed ahead of it this way don’t get to make opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/demon-touched-human-ranger.yml b/vaults/monsters/demon-touched-human-ranger.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3487909 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/demon-touched-human-ranger.yml @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +_id: "3dlnQkhx8TpCarCt" +name: "Demon-Touched Human Ranger" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 80 + min: 0 + max: 80 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "archer" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Demon-Touched Human Ranger" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "BN0uJOYJIqrpT65V" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "xS2nXrgcYBbOaOfW" + flags: {} + name: "M or R: Demon bow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage, and the target is *dazed* (-4 attack) until it pulls the arrow out using a quick action, which deals [[10]] ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit or miss" + value: "The demon bow eats at the ranger’s arm and the ranger takes [[1d6]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9RKENXcClPS88cnW" + flags: {} + name: "Bow teeth" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever an attacker hits the ranger with a melee attack, that creature takes [[1d6]] damage as the bow chews on it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/demonic-ogre.yml b/vaults/monsters/demonic-ogre.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c586080 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/demonic-ogre.yml @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +_id: "eSxjbNlWKIsQ77Tc" +name: "Demonic Ogre" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 100 + min: 0 + max: 100 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Demonic Ogre" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + tint: null + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "7iYbg1mbMzEGgRL7" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "m5ReaiXkTtc7H8Dy" + flags: {} + name: "Demon-kissed blade" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[24]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15 or 20" + value: "The ogre gains a random demonic advantage (see below) until the end of the battle. All demonic advantages end if the ogre experiences a demonic eruption." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "Half-damage" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7EkmPQ9IW4YsjTDc" + flags: {} + name: "Flaming spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15 or 20" + value: "The tarket takes [[10]] ongoing fire damage" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GLUxZEGWeUTYyXOZ" + flags: {} + name: "Demonic advantage" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Roll a d6 to determine which demonic ability the ogre gains.

  1. The ogre gains resist energy 16+
  2. Once per battle, the ogre can teleport anywhere it can see as a move action.
  3. The ogre’s attacks deal +1d8 damage, hit or miss.
  4. At the start of the ogre’s turn, each enemy engaged with it takes [[2d6]] negative energy damage.
  5. The ogre gains a +5 bonus to saves this battle.
  6. The ogre begins making demonic eruption rolls when the escalation die is 4+ instead of 6+.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sJ1qILSJq6FSETMO" + flags: {} + name: "Demonic eruption" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

When the escalation die is 6+, the demonic ogre rolls a normal save at the start of each of its turns. On a success, roll a [[1d6]] and replace the demonic ogre with a new undamaged demon.

  • 1–2: Imp;
  • 3–4: Despoiler;
  • 5: Frenzy demon;
  • 6: Cambion sickle.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Yt34TuhX8HlgCjCX" + flags: {} + name: "Early erution" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Begin making demonic eruption rolls when the escalation die is 5+ instead of 6+. Also use stronger demons for the options that the ogre could turn into.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/derro-maniac.yml b/vaults/monsters/derro-maniac.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6561d71 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/derro-maniac.yml @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +_id: "sPBu8zUGj5Ia6J55" +name: "Derro Maniac" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 52 + min: 0 + max: 52 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Derro Maniac" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "VlM7DaZx72BYpAJC" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Mo6iuYQCPO51SGOb" + flags: {} + name: "Shortsword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The derro can cast one of the following close-quarters spells as a quick action this turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "v2I0sMiydl6EnGIS" + flags: {} + name: "R: Light repeating crossbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[5]] ongoing poison damage." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 19+" + value: "As above, and the derro maniac can make another light repeating crossbow attack as a free action." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9LLeYRIxL1uqzoQ8" + flags: {} + name: "Cloaking dark" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "All nearby derro gain a +1 bonus to attacks and defenses until the end of the derro maniac’s next turn (cumulative)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KFtRJGuyLlMpKfSL" + flags: {} + name: "Sonic squeal" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Two random nearby non-derro creatures take [[2d4]] thunder damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/derro-sage.yml b/vaults/monsters/derro-sage.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5caad4c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/derro-sage.yml @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ +_id: "W0M2ejIUlD2TxYbx" +name: "Derro Sage" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 40 + min: 0 + max: 40 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Derro Sage" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "YSNz76YRbUSLZo8J" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "XtGgkvQsQRSPmpzV" + flags: {} + name: "Staff" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The derro can cast one of the following close-quarters spells as a quick action this turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BA0hxqpPeShFXezV" + flags: {} + name: "R: Mind scream" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] psychic damage, and the target is *confused* (make a basic or at-will attack vs. ally) until the end of the derro sage’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The derro sage can make another mind scream attack against a different nearby target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TFZNNUR4jH66bKlF" + flags: {} + name: "Cloaking dark" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "All nearby derro gain a +1 bonus to attacks and defenses until end of the derro sage’s next turn (cumulative)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1kEyb3KUEnWzPlkM" + flags: {} + name: "Sonic squeal" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Two random nearby non-derro creatures take [[2d8]] thunder damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "reFQgAE6qQq0IEyu" + flags: {} + name: "Group gibbering" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The derro sage starts a group of derro gibbering as a quick action. It can maintain the gibber as a free action at the start of each turn by taking [[1]] damage. Each nearby non-derro creature that hears the gibber must roll a [[d6]] at the start of its turn and takes psychic damage equal to the die roll or to the number of gibbering derro, whichever is lower." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/despoiler-mage.yml b/vaults/monsters/despoiler-mage.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79114c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/despoiler-mage.yml @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +_id: "nCYamGsCRPItZSI1" +name: "Despoiler Mage" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 170 + min: 0 + max: 170 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Despoiler Mage" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "aMDIMhJXoqCBSGO2" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "8Esb7fdwVOQmyoMr" + flags: {} + name: "Horns and swords" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The despoiler mage can pop free from the target." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZPXTLnjJZRFa8bdf" + flags: {} + name: "R: Abyssal whispers" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "45 psychic damage, and the target is *confused* (save ends); OR the target can choose to avoid the confusion effect by taking [[10d10]] psychic damage to clear their head .\_.\_." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "43RLn6GkEqtFzQqD" + flags: {} + name: "R: Magic missile" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/round, as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "Automatic hit" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] automatic force damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RddNR9m9tzUX8qkw" + flags: {} + name: "C: Sow discord" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, as quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. MD ([[2]] nearby enemies engaged with the same creature or with each other)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "one target makes an at-will melee attack against this power’s other target" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MD2IezG1YvGUmLnb" + flags: {} + name: "Aura of betrayal" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of each of the despoiler mage’s turns, choose a random nearby enemy. Until the start of the despoiler mage’s next turn, that creature’s allies no longer consider it an ally, though its enemies’ powers can still target it as an enemy. The creature isn’t compelled to attack its former friends." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/despoiler.yml b/vaults/monsters/despoiler.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..088ad37 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/despoiler.yml @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +_id: "EmaL5mH7R4EUTg5H" +name: "Despoiler" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 52 + min: 0 + max: 52 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Despoiler" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "kQoY7O5Py6xKZruy" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "6lGr5CPnOvgTqlXa" + flags: {} + name: "Horns and daggers" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The despoiler can pop free from the target." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "E3BveKHTXgpsoZMw" + flags: {} + name: "R: Abyssal whispers" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] psychic damage, and the target is *confused* (save ends); OR the target can choose to avoid the confusion effect by taking [[6d6]] psychic damage." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "V87dSJxGQii47Fe1" + flags: {} + name: "C: Sow discord" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/day, as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD ([[2]] nearby enemies engaged with the same creature or with each other)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "one target makes an at-will melee attack against this power’s other target" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/destroying-sword.yml b/vaults/monsters/destroying-sword.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d23e291 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/destroying-sword.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "44WH5nxugTaJ6Z3b" +name: "Destroying Sword" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 38 + min: 0 + max: 38 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Destroying Sword" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "UTZc4cxGJm4i4glg" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Bu2iK5FcglEBQGqO" + flags: {} + name: "Cheap greatsword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target takes extra damage equal to half the amount the destroying sword took from the last attack that hit it this battle." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0dMbL3CKd7LxCpOZ" + flags: {} + name: "R: Shortbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9NaDmyVAGLBqp0sb" + flags: {} + name: "Beyond saving" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The destroying sword takes a -5 penalty to saving throws." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/dire-bear.yml b/vaults/monsters/dire-bear.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e0c6a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/dire-bear.yml @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +_id: "Diczik9saugCGzYB" +name: "Dire Bear" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 130 + min: 0 + max: 130 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Dire Bear" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "f9bKebN7u28YNpiK" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "q0XOzynCjv5Lpxm1" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[24]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target takes +[[2d6]] damage from a claw swipe." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yvf3U9tHh6NMX7Bw" + flags: {} + name: "Savage" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The dire bear gains a +2 attack bonus against staggered enemies." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3ulfnAgzE3aCF1dS" + flags: {} + name: "One dire feature" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll randomly unless you know this beast’s story already." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/dire-boar.yml b/vaults/monsters/dire-boar.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40ebde4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/dire-boar.yml @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +_id: "aCX8HjyvuWck0jAg" +name: "Dire Boar" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 180 + min: 0 + max: 180 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Dire Boar" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "d2f9GjJ12M4bqtP0" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "HC7OGU8S7yFjE4cb" + flags: {} + name: "Battle-hardened tusks" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[22]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The dire boar can make a bash attack against a different target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9iYwvNERNZDN8ysE" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Bash" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *weakened* (-4 to attacks and defenses) until the end of the boar’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2UBOgN0Urepy2zOU" + flags: {} + name: "Bestial durability" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy’s attack has an effect on the dire boar other than damage, the boar can roll an immediate hard save (16+); on a success, it negates that effect." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "w9GiHjDnjD2BhLTj" + flags: {} + name: "Last stand" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "pile on damage to drop it to -60 hp, or trust the save roll to go their way.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bZqHizjfnzeoQfcY" + flags: {} + name: "One random dire feature" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Use the dire features table." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Lo4wuFTGNgbTRdKg" + flags: {} + name: "Furious streak" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the dire boar can make a bash attack, if it isn’t engaged with a different enemy, as a free action it can pop free of the enemy engaged with it and move to a nearby enemy to make that bash attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/dire-rat.yml b/vaults/monsters/dire-rat.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b1aaca --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/dire-rat.yml @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +_id: "5xA4KU43DJLTfLWP" +name: "Dire Rat" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 10 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 6 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 2 + mod: 2 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Dire Rat" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "z4x1aLEkaiJUxTJz" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "LBiMATHeQ8yRLhIa" + flags: {} + name: "Infected bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3XH6v8YJXLXvK9vC" + flags: {} + name: "Squealing pack attack" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature gains a +1 attack bonus per other dire rat engaged with the target it’s attacking." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/dire-tiger.yml b/vaults/monsters/dire-tiger.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afcd671 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/dire-tiger.yml @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +_id: "DRmwqEMBhL5K5DII" +name: "Dire Tiger" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 160 + min: 0 + max: 160 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Dire Tiger" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "NNr4cgw5zPAulBHe" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "d0TM8po7rvH3EwaE" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing jaws and shredding claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[17]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "coOOJai3Vjha2wnY" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Pounce" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[38]] damage, and the target is *hampered* while it’s engaged with the tiger" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yAu20ZRrZ7EA9YTE" + flags: {} + name: "Pouncing opportunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy moves to engage the dire tiger while it’s unengaged, it can meet that enemy halfway and make a pounce atStack as an interrupt action before the target’s attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZWb1gxuYRzMxCAUD" + flags: {} + name: "Springing attack" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the dire tiger is unengaged and moves to engage an enemy (with a springing leap), it can make a pounce attack as a standard action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LVgKxMWuUYIZBDsU" + flags: {} + name: "One random dire feature" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Use the dire features table." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/dire-wolf.yml b/vaults/monsters/dire-wolf.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f880eb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/dire-wolf.yml @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +_id: "jxaQNMCUhbQsz8z6" +name: "Dire Wolf" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 80 + min: 0 + max: 80 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Dire Wolf" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "w0rRRrCBzmDvBTEt" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "dEfnowYbLcVFx8rm" + flags: {} + name: "Vicious bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cZnLqmvQ2cNI7vKP" + flags: {} + name: "Pack attack" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage for each other ally engaged with the target (max +4 bonus)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mFlxrh1Kqoo6ToGx" + flags: {} + name: "Chilling howl" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever a dire wolf’s attack drops an enemy to 0 hp or below, all dire wolves in the battle can howl as a free action. When the wolves howl, each enemy in the battle takes a penalty to its attacks and all defenses equal to the number of living dire wolves in the battle (max -5) until the end of the attacking wolf’s next turn. New howls extend the duration of the current howl rather than downgrading the howl’s effect if dire wolves have been slain in the meantime." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0EisTXk9KwC5bLia" + flags: {} + name: "One dire feature" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll randomly unless you know this beast’s story already." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/djinn.yml b/vaults/monsters/djinn.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..826e365 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/djinn.yml @@ -0,0 +1,508 @@ +_id: "AHweCvDlAvWJjZc3" +name: "Djinn" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 420 + min: 0 + max: 420 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "Cold (only while staggered)" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Djinn" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + tint: null + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "xuTvsdRQAkOkpjPo" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "IaRm6tp1C1aEOeGA" + flags: {} + name: "Greatsword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+13]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, 20" + value: "Increases the escalation die by 1 (cumulative), and until the end of the battle, the djinn adds the escalation die to its attacks" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "s6Ta0Wut29ksRqmg" + flags: {} + name: "c: Assault of the whirlwind" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Limited use: The djinn can only use this attack while it's not staggered.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+13]] vs. PD ([[1d4+1]] nearby creatures, including invisible creatures)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage, and after the attack the djinn teleports to one of the targets and engages it" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, 20" + value: "The target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] damage" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XYEzB0KvGtub3yDb" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Genies fly extremely well, but lumber, at best, when walking on the ground.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Ge1u12cqZXnPRaiI" + flags: {} + name: "Grant-a-wish" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

A PC whose attack drops a djinn to 0 hp gains the equivalent of an extremely favorable roll of 6 with an icon relationship die with an icon of the PC’s choice that the PC already has a positive or conflicted relationship with. Treat this advantage as if it came from a positive relationship. The GM is encouraged to treat this result with the utmost benevolence and compassion.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NgjOtCBLB4s1t16q" + flags: {} + name: "Protection boon" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

While not staggered, the djinn gains resist spell damage 16+ against all spells except those cast by a PC that has at least a one point icon relationship with the icon that is channeling the djinn.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nXGLZvtWhl3QoLl3" + flags: {} + name: "Spiky bits" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

When an enemy makes a melee attack against the djinn and misses, it takes [[2d20]] damage.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "AuNwgSNgzO18n9Mm" + flags: {} + name: "Demonic taint" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The djinn gains a random demonic feature (see Demon).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YU5qvPd8tLuUKEX0" + flags: {} + name: "Unwelcome resonance" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Whenever a nearby enemy attempts to trigger a magic item power, there’s a 50% chance that the power fails. If it does, the item refuses to let its owner use that power until the end of the battle.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NnhLLBMrTZxxFneW" + flags: {} + name: "Sorcerous reach" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The djinn’s assault of the whirlwind attack can also target far away enemies.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "4ck4Rp8OrYjxZ6ql" + flags: {} + name: "Aura of command" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Twice per battle as a free action, the djinn can turn an ally’s normal save into an easy save (6+), or an enemy’s normal save into a hard save (16+).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1000000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Y53huhLAtThYacww" + flags: {} + name: "Wind/Shadow form" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

While not staggered, the djinn has resist melee damage 16+.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TQE7pbwvwPzLQPmU" + flags: {} + name: "Frenzied" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The djinn takes a –1 penalty to all defenses. While not staggered, its crit range expands by 3.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/dread-specter.yml b/vaults/monsters/dread-specter.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89c2cd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/dread-specter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +_id: "dhCsJSO9z6fGIO5Z" +name: "Dread Specter" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 550 + min: 0 + max: 550 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "triple" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Dread Specter" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "tIWSaKNzmLPNkmFV" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "KSVn0uTJ7wzNCs4J" + flags: {} + name: "Icy, life-draining touch" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[110]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "Each enemy engaged with the specter (including the target) takes [[20]] negative energy damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "eAI7m5dus0e4zUlB" + flags: {} + name: "R: Deathly stare" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. MD (up to [[2]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[75]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qSDX7cnSuxGrxnYk" + flags: {} + name: "C: Death grasp" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy with 60 hp or fewer)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[60]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hFv5Ss5Ws2aKM3zZ" + flags: {} + name: "Phantom movement" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As a move action when the escalation die is odd, the specter can teleport anywhere nearby, dematerializing from its location to materialize in another." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nGdbFfVvHQAcMuDr" + flags: {} + name: "Punishing aura" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy attacks the specter and misses, it takes [[24]] negative energy damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "59C5gURRdC78rdsK" + flags: {} + name: "Wrack and ruin" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While a specter is in the battle, the PCs don’t add the escalation die to attack rolls, but it does." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "g1FPMk186ijzmFnN" + flags: {} + name: "Death grasp" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of each of the specter’s turns, if any enemy in the battle has 60 hp or fewer, the specter can make a death grasp attack against one of those enemies as a free action. Be sure to let players see this one coming." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/dretch.yml b/vaults/monsters/dretch.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..102d761 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/dretch.yml @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +_id: "BgnA5UCONHAlU5Kh" +name: "Dretch" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 13 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Dretch" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "PTAf6Da39ony1wT4" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "F7bQww31BbXlC2od" + flags: {} + name: "Claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TMEc59KtfVAVELaf" + flags: {} + name: "Fear" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with this creature, enemies that have 15 hp or fewer are *dazed* (-4 attack) and do not add the escalation die to their attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/drider.yml b/vaults/monsters/drider.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..296b5c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/drider.yml @@ -0,0 +1,372 @@ +_id: "xeqmCIkBb12jNem7" +name: "Drider" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 170 + min: 0 + max: 170 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Drider" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "dTJHqAoJZsCuuw6Z" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "irdy8oU62IOIRuaN" + flags: {} + name: "Sword or mace" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The drider can make a poison bite attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "P5lhYTHQ7AJSbDCT" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Poison bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] poison damage, and [[10]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jM4Vs6WmGjk6zhqo" + flags: {} + name: "R: Lightning bolt spell" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The drider can make a lightning bolt spell attack against a second nearby enemy, followed by a third and final different nearby enemy if the second attack is also a natural even hit." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "igjB68u6aGoD5n4f" + flags: {} + name: "C: Web attack" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/round as a quick action, if the escalation die is even." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD (up to [[2]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "the target is *hampered* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/drow-cavalry.yml b/vaults/monsters/drow-cavalry.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67da0ac --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/drow-cavalry.yml @@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ +_id: "xB3JF1GyM5b7u5Fj" +name: "Drow Cavalry" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 270 + min: 0 + max: 270 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Drow Cavalry" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "N92jxVas256zR3jW" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "lNZGtGmcn5eGEe1e" + flags: {} + name: "Glass-tipped lance" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, during a surprise round or the first round of battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "75 (90/25) damage, and the target pops free from the cavalry and is *weakened* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JqU9vyjuP4oRzDgG" + flags: {} + name: "Spider saber" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "75 (90/25) damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "trUKZLzE8fTorAqL" + flags: {} + name: "Expert spider-rider" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While mounted, the drow cavalry deals +15 damage with its attacks, hit or miss, against unmounted enemies." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OrmPFYr8SUEwGcJG" + flags: {} + name: "Mounted combatant" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Reduce the drow cavalry’s attack damage by 50 when it’s not riding a spider." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HI4BvFN4RY6pIKWm" + flags: {} + name: "Spider mount" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Gk2DEggXRnsRhPvH" + flags: {} + name: "Bite—The spider makes a bite attack." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Bite—The spider makes a bite attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "R4oAbpUhwD3wyp5G" + flags: {} + name: "Jump & Scuttle" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The spider and its rider pop free from all enemies and can move somewhere nearby." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "oEYjEH1YuWmvP9Im" + flags: {} + name: "Web—The spider makes a web attack." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Web—The spider makes a web attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/drow-soldier.yml b/vaults/monsters/drow-soldier.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fb913e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/drow-soldier.yml @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +_id: "z2gt1gtC6YN1uw6T" +name: "Drow Soldier" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 18 + min: 0 + max: 18 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Drow Soldier" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Av0IInK5abJKQPCE" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "2iZGj9Acod7tmn0E" + flags: {} + name: "Paired swords" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Snhh7pEX7LsqdEnI" + flags: {} + name: "R: Crossbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby enemy" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "or a far away enemy at -2 atk);7 damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QNx3RTWy5SLYSS5K" + flags: {} + name: "With my dying breath I curse at thee" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the drow soldier drops to 0 hp, one enemy engaged with it takes [[2]] poison damage before the drow soldier dies." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/drow-spider-mage.yml b/vaults/monsters/drow-spider-mage.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8492fc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/drow-spider-mage.yml @@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ +_id: "a1CPXigDfNc634RD" +name: "Drow Spider-Mage" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 40 + min: 0 + max: 40 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Drow Spider-Mage" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "t2F4IBLBRKusgbJj" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "9bNemtVhtHt265HY" + flags: {} + name: "Sharpened wand" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iydJgCtVU7azaD6j" + flags: {} + name: "R: Shadowfire" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: Once the spider-mage hits with shadowfire, she can’t use it again until the target saves against it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage, and the target is *weakened* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pr4bWz9DSKDzwsXK" + flags: {} + name: "C: Malediction of webs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD (up to [[2]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *stuck* (save ends), and takes [[5]] damage each time it fails the save" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wN7p4lBYsdlcIijQ" + flags: {} + name: "Dark orison" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each time the spider-mage misses with an attack, the crit range of attacks by drow and spiders in the battle expands by 1." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "advWbDHJb2ZNZh5B" + flags: {} + name: "Spider speaker" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The first time each battle an enemy hits the spider-mage with a melee attack, that attacker takes [[8]] ongoing poison damage from her familiar." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/drow-spider-sorceress.yml b/vaults/monsters/drow-spider-sorceress.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bde739c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/drow-spider-sorceress.yml @@ -0,0 +1,386 @@ +_id: "FxGpvVUgRqFo4yh6" +name: "Drow Spider-Sorceress" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 84 + min: 0 + max: 84 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Drow Spider-Sorceress" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "WIplDmIQUEqkcAPI" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "28uPkVzMJTsfzRxs" + flags: {} + name: "Sharpened wand" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vrbpGbPAJoNFPLGf" + flags: {} + name: "R: Darkfire" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: Once the sorceress hits with darkfire, she can’t use it again until the target saves." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage, and the target is *weakened* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rULVXxIINg5joDLq" + flags: {} + name: "C: Greater malediction of webs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD (up to [[2]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and the target is *stuck* (save ends) and takes [[10]] damage each time it fails the save" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gSaS2MMbywA3xFIr" + flags: {} + name: "Dark orison" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each time the spider-sorceress misses with an attack, the crit range of attacks by drow and spiders in the battle expands by 1." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "W2qi3qIoWTdB4pzY" + flags: {} + name: "Spider speaker" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The first time each battle an enemy hits the spider-sorceress with a melee attack, that attacker takes [[16]] ongoing poison damage from her familiar." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nzFyYc2RsRiMSgho" + flags: {} + name: "Arcane arachnids" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The spider-sorceress has a true magic item (probably an implement) and uses it to her benefit (adjust stats accordingly)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/drow-sword-maiden.yml b/vaults/monsters/drow-sword-maiden.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97bc34e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/drow-sword-maiden.yml @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +_id: "pH2bYqxtYdMKkooC" +name: "Drow Sword Maiden" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 75 + min: 0 + max: 75 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Drow Sword Maiden" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "MooE5Y0ZiJXJJrxN" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "4C1deemMbzY0gcnn" + flags: {} + name: "Cruel cutlass" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qiXEQuW4iiPb3rWI" + flags: {} + name: "c: Dagger dance" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+10]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby enemy, or a far away enemy at -2 atk)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "Each other enemy engaged with the sword maiden takes [[10]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6ujzh1cwhv5SQREd" + flags: {} + name: "Effortles grace" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Once per round when an attack misses the sword maiden, she can move or make a cruel cutlass attack as a free action.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "eCEP6L5wzdah4nLZ" + flags: {} + name: "Arcane warrior" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The sword maiden has a true magic item (probably a weapon) and uses it to her benefit (adjust stats accordingly).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/dusk-zorigami.yml b/vaults/monsters/dusk-zorigami.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af8d50e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/dusk-zorigami.yml @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +_id: "txuQ5FWVKX9u4HRk" +name: "Dusk Zorigami" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 200 + min: 0 + max: 200 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 18 + mod: 18 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Dusk Zorigami" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "bfwbyyTC3ccjIhzj" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "BGrkgoCR0wx2YTtO" + flags: {} + name: "Arm full of blades" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target can’t heal using its own recoveries (save ends)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + hitt3: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 1-5" + value: "The dusk zorigami can make a shaking the hourglass attack against a single target as a free action." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yJlBXGHVMcC2Ux8I" + flags: {} + name: "C: Shaking the hourglass" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. MD (each nearby enemy not engaged with a zorigami)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] psychic damage, and the target is *vulnerable* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The escalation die increases by one." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The escalation die decreases by one." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fxEBx2DVatcqvTRr" + flags: {} + name: "The ticking clock of its own mortality" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While it’s staggered, the dusk zorigami uses the escalation die." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/earth-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/earth-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a73c54 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/earth-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "1Ctzvj8kceqsowbU" +name: "Earth Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-earth.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 66 + min: 0 + max: 66 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Earth Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-earth.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "HE1PdI7iHGPHTT9D" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "40Oz28qX1wEXxmD6" + flags: {} + name: "Rocky fists" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[11]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[4]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cA5Ku2QoWxvVRK8R" + flags: {} + name: "Boulder up" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll a [[d10]] at the start of each of the earth elemental’s turns. If you roll less than or equal to the escalation die, it shifts into boulder guardian form until the end of the battle. While in this form, it gains a +2 bonus to AC and the relentless pursuit ability (and you stop rolling boulder up checks)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SjsvYYWMKuBRQvih" + flags: {} + name: "Relentless pursuit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The elemental must be in boulder guardian form to use this ability. Staggered enemies can’t disengage from the earth elemental. (They can pop free, but they can’t roll disengage checks.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XpffVlmECGrTdYM4" + flags: {} + name: "Repair damage 10 and below" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the earth elemental is targeted by a natural attack roll of 10 or less, the elemental heals [[1d12]] damage before taking any damage from the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/efreet.yml b/vaults/monsters/efreet.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d7ce8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/efreet.yml @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +_id: "KZnOoom2nKpBYKeW" +name: "Efreet" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 420 + min: 0 + max: 420 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "Fire 18+" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "Cold (only while staggered)" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Efreet" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + tint: null + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "clqYLHtjzNyJwVgZ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "FPgzF46fouFahIN5" + flags: {} + name: "Blade of the perfect warrior" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+15]] vs. AC ([[3]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "Natural 5, 10, 15, 20" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Each nearby enemy takes [[20]] fire damage" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ITmQeq0vH6KpDYfX" + flags: {} + name: "R: Jet of absolute conflagration" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+15]] vs. PD ([[1]] random nearby conscious enemy(" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[110]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, 20" + value: "The target loses all fire resistance until the end of the battle and is *hampered* (save ends)" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YPiOF8hnPxu9818I" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Efreet don’t fly as well or as quickly as djinn, but they are able to get around okay.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Y2c19z4es9DQXKKv" + flags: {} + name: "Grant-a-wish" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

 PC whose attack drops an efreet to 0 hp gains the equivalent of an extremely favorable roll of [[1d6]] with an icon relationship die with an icon of the PC’s choice that the PC already has a positive or conflicted relationship with. Treat this advantage as if it came from a positive relationship. The GM is encouraged to treat this result with the utmost benevolence and compassion.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "v2qS42zhya9jWMe6" + flags: {} + name: "Efreet's Icon" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

f you want an efreet to be even tougher, add a nastier special depending on which icon or icons the efreet is presently working for. The abilities represent the innate magic of the genie being channeled through the influence of the icon.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/elder-manafang-naga.yml b/vaults/monsters/elder-manafang-naga.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..967468f --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/elder-manafang-naga.yml @@ -0,0 +1,385 @@ +_id: "rvpic1GaPiPJzfMo" +name: "Elder Manafang Naga" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 210 + min: 0 + max: 210 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Manafang Naga" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + tint: null + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "WzZ6XAPr2aaRbnsD" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "X5jjOzazEui12uQT" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[45]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The naga gains resist spell damage 16+ against the target spells until the end of the battle" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "[[25]] damage" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PssyfnBA0mz9IUU5" + flags: {} + name: "Force missiles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Limited use: 1/battle.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "R" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[1d4]] nearby or far away enemies" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[45]] force damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wlQcA7PRNUrRgDPY" + flags: {} + name: "Ritual movements" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+15]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy, or [[1]] nearby enemy per point of es. die if mystic escalator benefit is active)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[45]] psychic damage, and the target can't cast spells or use the activated powers of true magit items (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "[[20]] psychic damage" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "y15hKUg0Bf3Uqtbk" + flags: {} + name: "Arcane mirror" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

 When an enemy targets the manafang naga with a spell, the naga regains the use of force missiles if it’s expended. In addition, if that spell is a recharge spell, roll its recharge check immediately after the spell is cast. If the spell is a per-battle or daily spell, roll a hard save (16+) immediately after the spell is cast; on a success, the spellcaster doesn’t expend the spell.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KQbvW5buwNQCfGyr" + flags: {} + name: "Supreme Mystic escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: '

The naga and each of its nearby allies can use the escalation die unless the naga has been hit by two enemy spells since its last turn.

' + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/elder-sparkscale-naga.yml b/vaults/monsters/elder-sparkscale-naga.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65edcc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/elder-sparkscale-naga.yml @@ -0,0 +1,372 @@ +_id: "cfahZzXSitFIPQgs" +name: "Elder Sparkscale Naga" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 190 + min: 0 + max: 190 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Elder Sparkscale Naga" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "xevw6aop2whvIKpz" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "YQ3tKhHKBvEL90UY" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "Each nearby enemy takes [[10]] thunder damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[20]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "uu0pkXfjquhc7UqU" + flags: {} + name: "R: Bloom of lightning" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "Each nearby enemy takes [[10]] thunder damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Each nearby creature (including allies) takes [[5]] thunder damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SHsg41GlUqpb5zYf" + flags: {} + name: "C: Sparking aura" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "or [[1]] nearby enemy per point of esc. die if supreme mystic escalator benefit is active);40 lightning damage, and the target is *vulnerable* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BPFgHIyXp7FXEF7A" + flags: {} + name: "Arcane mirror" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever an enemy targets the elder sparkscale naga with a spell, the naga regains the use of bloom of lightning if it’s expended. In addition, if that spell is a recharge spell, roll its recharge check immediately after the spell is cast. If the spell is a per-battle or daily spell, roll a hard save (16+) immediately after the spell is cast; on a success, the spellcaster doesn’t expend the spell." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mgJ6ByODxbtjK7ae" + flags: {} + name: "Supreme mystic escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The naga and each of its nearby allies can use the escalation die unless the naga has been hit by two enemy spells since its last turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/elder-spore.yml b/vaults/monsters/elder-spore.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a3b958 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/elder-spore.yml @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +_id: "RSkN7WrG1bs3oyHd" +name: "Elder Spore" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 7 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 0 + mod: 0 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Elder Spore" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "FeMQwel47HtvhFBs" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "oUvkUxkpk3ZaUaay" + flags: {} + name: "Slime spikes" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/elder-swaysong-naga.yml b/vaults/monsters/elder-swaysong-naga.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8601594 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/elder-swaysong-naga.yml @@ -0,0 +1,372 @@ +_id: "APcsUizHmsMR7tFH" +name: "Elder Swaysong Naga" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 144 + min: 0 + max: 144 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Elder Swaysong Naga" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "qI0AKASDnfH2HPaz" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "2LUbK79WgiEZNx2E" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[24]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[15]] ongoing poison damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[12]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TjtRbQ8zStL9tpbJ" + flags: {} + name: "R: Song of reversals" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is *confused* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] psychic damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Alg4vM4sO29Bx1bD" + flags: {} + name: "C: Hypnotic movements" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "or [[1]] nearby enemy per point of esc. die if supreme mystic escalator benefit is active);15 psychic damage, and the target is *hampered* (save ends); until the target saves, it takes [[15]] psychic damage each time it attacks the naga" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DP3pR2pFVx8eUENi" + flags: {} + name: "Arcane mirror" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever an enemy targets the elder swaysong naga with a spell, the naga regains the use of song of reversals if it’s expended. In addition, if that spell is a recharge spell, roll its recharge check immediately after the spell is cast. If the spell is a per-battle or daily spell, roll a hard save (16+) immediately after the spell is cast; on a success, the spellcaster doesn’t expend the spell." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0VjTYm3i3pX2AlnI" + flags: {} + name: "Supreme mystic escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The naga and each of its nearby allies can use the escalation die unless the naga has been hit by two enemy spells since its last turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/elder-wendigo.yml b/vaults/monsters/elder-wendigo.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32ffc24 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/elder-wendigo.yml @@ -0,0 +1,456 @@ +_id: "CZPQxHUFA7EVNJ2K" +name: "Elder Wendigo" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 600 + min: 0 + max: 600 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 18 + mod: 18 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Elder Wendigo" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "IKeLIik4Q9NSbw2r" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "K2bROT4QtdGRelzc" + flags: {} + name: "Icy claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD ([[3]] attacks" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "each against a different nearby enemy);50 cold damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3iQw0jRJB7iCgwX9" + flags: {} + name: "C: Flame blizzard" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD ([[1d6]] nearby or far away enemies" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "but not more than esc. die);90 fire or cold damage (GM choice)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rBX3U3IgUXyWTYP6" + flags: {} + name: "C: Horrific gaze" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[120]] psychic damage, and the target is *confused* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[60]] psychic damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gZ2tmPy042YTw0Xs" + flags: {} + name: "Frostburn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If all three attacks hit, each nearby enemy takes [[4d10]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nqGxEEynrqXhk2Iv" + flags: {} + name: "Fourth failed confusion save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target slips into madness and becomes a cannibal cultist or wendigo or some other terrible demon-thing of the GM’s or player’s choice in [[2d10]] hours." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Gefw9nywPafunTLM" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The elder wendigo can walk on the wind. It is not a graceful flyer, but it moves as fast as the wind that carries it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8gyuZv6M9vzhhHO0" + flags: {} + name: "Swirling snow and fog and flame" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The elder wendigo gains a +5 bonus to all defenses against attacks by far away enemies." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fxsiPPkPOgzGalBA" + flags: {} + name: "Force of disruption" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the elder wendigo scores a critical hit against a target or drops a target to 0 hp or lower, that creature must permanently change one of its icon relationship points to a relationship with a different icon—one of a few that the GM chooses. Alternatively, a point the character already has with one of those icons changes to involve another icon (of the PC’s choice)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pG9PfZKyEEhfm711" + flags: {} + name: "The demon stares back" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per round when a nearby or far away enemy attacks the elder wendigo and rolls a natural odd miss, the wendigo can make a horrific gaze attack against that attacker as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/empyrean-dragon-black.yml b/vaults/monsters/empyrean-dragon-black.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cc3fcb --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/empyrean-dragon-black.yml @@ -0,0 +1,498 @@ +_id: "MT7D2ZQhiio010YI" +name: "Empyrean Dragon (Black)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 510 + min: 0 + max: 510 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 17 + mod: 17 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Empyrean Dragon (Black)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "USFIMwDHz20OkADA" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "TJ9F0VxozBMgeGv3" + flags: {} + name: "Gleaming bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage, and one effect triggers based on the head that attacks (GM’s choice)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cPI4vy8VBovZDEQN" + flags: {} + name: "C: Venom breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD ([[1d3 + 1]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XgMaLDsO6LbitDKn" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Crying heavens" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, as a free action when first staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. MD (each enemy in the battle)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] ongoing damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jBFuZofQfGvy9Tl5" + flags: {} + name: "Head 1" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target can’t use recoveries until end of its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "83ooIoFapRiVAiM1" + flags: {} + name: "Head 2" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "One enemy that hit the dragon since the dragon’s last turn takes [[12]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9hdWe7LtafQo19oZ" + flags: {} + name: "Head 3" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target moves to a nearby non-harmful location of the dragon’s choice as a free action. This movement can provoke opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2e4kLhpStoybokAj" + flags: {} + name: "Swarming motes" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Take [[25]] damage; OR roll twice for each attack roll it makes that turn, taking the lower result." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yUQwcHx8JjKV5gFH" + flags: {} + name: "Temporal manastorm" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The empyrean dragon’s connection to the overworld falters, creating a storm of distorted time and magic in the area. The dragon’s critical hit range for all attacks expands by 2 until the end of the battle. In addition, when a target saves against the ongoing damage from this attack, the crit range of its attacks against the dragon expands by 1 until the end of the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cotSqXOTIFuoDrpr" + flags: {} + name: "Three heads are better than one" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The empyrean dragon can make two gleaming bite attacks as a single standard action, one each from two heads. The third head is assumed to be maneuvering the body around. It can choose not to make one of those attacks to end any condition affecting it except for ongoing damage (this includes the *stunned* condition, even though it technically doesn’t get an action when stunned)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ifzyMvtsTrYZDyTr" + flags: {} + name: "An enemy who scores a critical hit against an empyrean dragon can forego the extra damage to lop off one of the dragon’s heads. If an enemy deals [[150]] damage with a single attack against the dragon, the attack will also remove a head. An empyrean dragon with two remaining heads can make only one gleaming bite attack as a standard action and can’t sacrifice that attack to remove conditions. The dragon dies if all three heads are removed." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "An enemy who scores a critical hit against an empyrean dragon can forego the extra damage to lop off one of the dragon’s heads. If an enemy deals [[150]] damage with a single attack against the dragon, the attack will also remove a head. An empyrean dragon with two remaining heads can make only one gleaming bite attack as a standard action and can’t sacrifice that attack to remove conditions. The dragon dies if all three heads are removed." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0INnXGZKsxBj2jBJ" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "An empyrean dragon can use venom breath [[1d2]] + 1 times per battle, but never two turns in a row." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1000000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/enduring-shield.yml b/vaults/monsters/enduring-shield.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..563bd38 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/enduring-shield.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "pRvk6BaDt3hpMGFn" +name: "Enduring Shield" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 40 + min: 0 + max: 40 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Enduring Shield" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "NE5UPgxltn1nY86F" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "LJGdc6oOZyAIi8pq" + flags: {} + name: "Steel hammer" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[1d4]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KZKnhWCYhgL8iydn" + flags: {} + name: "Anguished interceptor" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enduring shield is engaged and an enemy attempts to move past it, the enduring shield can roll a disengage check to intercept it as an interrupt action (once per round). If the attempt fails, the enduring shield takes [[1d6]] psychic damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Z0syIlXueBJU6XU2" + flags: {} + name: "Beyond saving" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The enduring shield takes a -5 penalty to saving throws." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ReWy4N8do9qo3DbO" + flags: {} + name: "Supernatural endurance" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an attack hits the enduring shield, it gains a +5 bonus to the defense that the attack targeted until the end of the battle or until another attack hits it, in which case the bonus switches to the defense most recently hit." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/epic-air-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/epic-air-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fff42e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/epic-air-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,442 @@ +_id: "7ikZRRXC0chRAch7" +name: "Epic Air Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-air.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 140 + min: 0 + max: 140 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Epic Air Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-air.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "8ZzWSq0TBZrBtueo" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "jcLxlimb5lzVwtll" + flags: {} + name: "Slam" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "IRr4bq3ek9H5q8AG" + flags: {} + name: "C: Swirling winds" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] random conscious nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target pops free from the elemental." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ors9s8P6ClH0c6lk" + flags: {} + name: "Elemental whirlwind" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD (each enemy engaged with it and [[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FzLKHiRHDViHECYV" + flags: {} + name: "R: Gale force jets" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *dazed* until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "Half damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "b6Kk0lp3SaqMHlkM" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "It’s quick and forceful." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TEbCBIPsYzQtGmGq" + flags: {} + name: "Resist non-spell damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a non-spell attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZM5OP9HAvu2ODmdv" + flags: {} + name: "Whirlwind transformation" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/epic-earth-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/epic-earth-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4a5abc --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/epic-earth-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +_id: "7lQkborFfbe5bhia" +name: "Epic Earth Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-earth.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 170 + min: 0 + max: 170 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Epic Earth Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-earth.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "dUN6gdkvifF6csoq" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "IpqtP80TsADVgcWi" + flags: {} + name: "Rocky fists" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[28]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[14]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bdxnEmqPY7Z6CiUM" + flags: {} + name: "Boulder up" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll a [[d6]] at the start of each of the earth elemental’s turns. If you roll less than or equal to the escalation die, it shifts into boulder guardian form until the end of the battle. While in this form, it gains a +2 bonus to AC and the relentless pursuit ability (and you stop rolling boulder up checks)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QDpwWW7YLtgCNMge" + flags: {} + name: "Relentless pursuit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The elemental must be in boulder guardian form to use this ability. Staggered enemies can’t disengage from the earth elemental. (They can pop free, but they can’t roll disengage checks.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OWCahPbugfeoxHEu" + flags: {} + name: "Repair damage 10 and below" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the earth elemental is targeted by a natural attack roll of 10 or less, the elemental heals [[5d6]] damage before taking any damage from the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gyUMlJC1YeedIC7Q" + flags: {} + name: "Endless vitality" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy engaged with the epic earth elemental heals using one or more recoveries, the elemental heals [[5d6]] hit points." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/epic-fire-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/epic-fire-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0c7c86 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/epic-fire-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +_id: "a4Klpt6gf9DKgzK7" +name: "Epic Fire Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-fire.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 166 + min: 0 + max: 166 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Epic Fire Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-fire.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "tcTAbXpFaFraNpTf" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Coqw5PfZXfSH5LvB" + flags: {} + name: "Whipping flames" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] fire damage, and [[20]] ongoing fire damage to a random nearby enemy (including an *unconscious* one)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "A18bj2K67C85HAaw" + flags: {} + name: "C: Elemental wildfire" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy OR each nearby enemy taking ongoing fire damage)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[55]] fire damage, and [[20]] ongoing fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[20]] ongoing fire damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Kk8oRj8K8sExi5yp" + flags: {} + name: "Melee burn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy makes a natural odd melee attack roll against the fire elemental, that attacker takes [[3d12]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TcryNuUvosTBspiS" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "w64O3kIuJmNfiqXg" + flags: {} + name: "Wildfire transformation" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TLVmxyfGRXRZPSsv" + flags: {} + name: "Fligh" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Fire elementals that can fly are rare. This one can, and it only touches the ground to set something ablaze." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/epic-water-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/epic-water-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ba178b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/epic-water-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "M6bS5hZ8wKPwEesy" +name: "Epic Water Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-water.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 170 + min: 0 + max: 170 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Epic Water Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-water.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Td9woNO3z0ST05Cv" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "fQYfqTlPZXrGFEsd" + flags: {} + name: "Surge" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC (up to [[2]] enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[22]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The elemental heals 9 hp." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "AoWbLqeFyWWhFx5u" + flags: {} + name: "Great wave transformation" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll a [[d6]] at the start of each of the water elemental’s turns. If you roll less than or equal to the escalation die, it shifts into great wave form until the end of the battle. While in this form, each enemy engaged with the elemental is *hampered* (and you stop rolling great wave transformation checks)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tOYwRS8Yv95NBsqy" + flags: {} + name: "Liquid empowerment" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The water elemental gains a +2 bonus to attacks and all defenses while it’s in contact with a body of water, or while it’s nearby a sizeable body of water. A bucket or a bathtub of liquid doesn’t count; it must be at least a pond, creek, or maybe a large fountain. If the water elemental moves far away from the body of water the empowerment ends." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "IJZHNUkVEUEESOll" + flags: {} + name: "Resist weapon damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ethereal-dybbuk.yml b/vaults/monsters/ethereal-dybbuk.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..423117b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ethereal-dybbuk.yml @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +_id: "inegqMJFhP2AmYVD" +name: "Ethereal Dybbuk" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 206 + min: 0 + max: 206 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ethereal Dybbuk" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Gsx0TSi3j2JBhnJv" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "nul8sHRinRX6sOXl" + flags: {} + name: "R: Soul-suck" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: If the dybbuk hits the same target with its first two soul-suck attacks, it must make the third attack against a different target if it can (or loses the attack)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. MD ([[3]] attacks" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "against nearby or far away enemies);38 negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DMzEwfe7ydJ99ME2" + flags: {} + name: "Fading" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die is 2+, the dybbuk’s soul-suck attack only deals [[19]] damage, and when it’s 4+, soul-suck only deals [[10]] damage. When the escalation die reaches 6, the dybbuk fades away at the end of the round. A dybbuk that fades away undefeated is not gone forever and may return in a later adventure." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pXqFR0pcOy412VcS" + flags: {} + name: "Fear" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with this creature, enemies that have 36 hp or fewer are *dazed* (-4 attack) and do not add the escalation die to their attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iIB1mFE9F2qIERIS" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The dybbuk hovers eerily, roughly 6 feet off the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "q0ySSoLxoirG6zuW" + flags: {} + name: "Otherworldly" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a melee attack that doesn’t deal holy damage targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ettercap-acolyte.yml b/vaults/monsters/ettercap-acolyte.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62bfa4e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ettercap-acolyte.yml @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +_id: "zu2F2IjGPGL3jObN" +name: "Ettercap Acolyte" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 7 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 2 + mod: 2 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ettercap Acolyte" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "5WXlNA5HmoFgSavi" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "YXsEJi3o0HHJvGlW" + flags: {} + name: "Sacrificial dagger" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "o6y76ezmh0DPq6tV" + flags: {} + name: "Fanatical devotion" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As a standard action, an ettercap acolyte can deal [[2d6]] poison damage to one *dazed*, *hampered*, or *stuck* enemy engaged with it. The ettercap acolyte also takes [[7]] damage from this kamikaze action, killing it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TzkdbB7MtKgzK3WX" + flags: {} + name: "Goopy webs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy of level 3 or lower rolls a natural 1-5 with a melee attack against an ettercap acolyte, that enemy is *dazed* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ettercap-hunter.yml b/vaults/monsters/ettercap-hunter.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..062dd59 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ettercap-hunter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +_id: "wTE6yodJNOOL7ZM9" +name: "Ettercap Hunter" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 32 + min: 0 + max: 32 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ettercap Hunter" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "FJ5zB1g0IOpwtuK2" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "PHUuxsYiCUnkxjv4" + flags: {} + name: "Poison bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage, and [[4]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "If the target is *dazed*, *hampered*, or *stuck*, it takes [[4]] extra damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "y1ktfjIqjggoL0cE" + flags: {} + name: "C: Web spray" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target is *stuck* (save ends)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mWWZaN9oHtHJj4lz" + flags: {} + name: "Goopy webs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy of level 4 or lower rolls a natural 1-5 with a melee attack against an ettercap hunter, that enemy is *dazed* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ettercap-keeper.yml b/vaults/monsters/ettercap-keeper.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cab251f --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ettercap-keeper.yml @@ -0,0 +1,416 @@ +_id: "vGoKjhVw0YbIBRGC" +name: "Ettercap Keeper" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 50 + min: 0 + max: 50 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ettercap Keeper" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "blrrGnFBNbGSPfDm" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Y92n4ltix52ptsxj" + flags: {} + name: "Staff and fangs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "[[5]] ongoing poison damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qvPY3YCampTmGsYA" + flags: {} + name: "R: Staff of tongues" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] psychic damage, and the target can’t cast spells or speak (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zGnznARWY6C8TR14" + flags: {} + name: "C: Her first whisper" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD (each nearby enemy engaged with one or more ettercaps)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] ongoing psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "j6dMuJ3D2wylJvan" + flags: {} + name: "R: Her other thought" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy per point on esc. die)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[13]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[7]] psychic damage." + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tyPahOmuQaX45Gje" + flags: {} + name: "The web of faith" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While one or more lower-level non-mook ettercap allies are nearby it, the ettercap keeper gains resist damage 16+." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "at9g80WAEjdYplP8" + flags: {} + name: "Goopy webs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy of level 6 or lower rolls a natural 1-5 with a melee attack against an ettercap keeper, that enemy is *dazed* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ettercap-supplicant.yml b/vaults/monsters/ettercap-supplicant.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b109d0e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ettercap-supplicant.yml @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +_id: "nCvgaEGi9l1w6jfD" +name: "Ettercap Supplicant" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 44 + min: 0 + max: 44 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ettercap Supplicant" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "01ctM7fTamFBPyla" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "VD9Dviyed314GpI5" + flags: {} + name: "Sacrificial dagger" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage, and the ettercap supplicant can use the web that burns an additional time this battle." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XCBER7kyAtoVoYm6" + flags: {} + name: "R: The skein of pain" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] psychic damage, and until the end of the battle, the target takes [[1d6]] psychic damage each time it fails a save." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "v2U4AsbcHp8giJoO" + flags: {} + name: "C: The web that burns" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "g0osUYsCxlLKtQdF" + flags: {} + name: "Goopy webs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy of level 5 or lower rolls a natural 1-5 with a melee attack against an ettercap supplicant, that enemy is *dazed* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ettercap-warrior.yml b/vaults/monsters/ettercap-warrior.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3035d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ettercap-warrior.yml @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +_id: "Nhkat9IKTYjDDmpA" +name: "Ettercap Warrior" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 48 + min: 0 + max: 48 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ettercap Warrior" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "BRdZVObu5vtQcvHx" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "LeoJ9mbbYUYLZsW0" + flags: {} + name: "Thrusting spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The ettercap warrior can make a poison bite attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "[[4]] damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3NCQbvTFKClEdvCC" + flags: {} + name: "Poison bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage, and [[4]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "If the target is *dazed*, *hampered*, or *stuck*, it takes [[4]] damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7tlrhj5Xh6QJSJI7" + flags: {} + name: "C: Web spray" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target is *stuck* (save ends)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CmJMZdf1QZUei3qp" + flags: {} + name: "Goopy webs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy of level 5 or lower rolls a natural 1-5 with a melee attack against an ettercap warrior, that enemy is *dazed* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ettin.yml b/vaults/monsters/ettin.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7e3873 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ettin.yml @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +_id: "mpfOqaO3FDhLPDXW" +name: "Ettin" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 160 + min: 0 + max: 160 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ettin" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "I33F3ewxDDZxa5z4" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "XPqPzlZkVHW3oAYv" + flags: {} + name: "First big swing" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage, and the target pops free from the ettin; then as a free action, the ettin can move (or choose not to move) and make a second swing attack." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Z7D8xlqMs0LkuBdM" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Second swing" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC (different target from first big swing)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OHHUYPKOgN3k4Rtc" + flags: {} + name: "Two-headed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If an ettin’s first save against an effect fails, it can roll a second save." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tMwE514IQ0kjQjNy" + flags: {} + name: "Big bully" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The ettin deals double damage with its attacks against staggered enemies." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Y5hbiZ7x7Udglw5E" + flags: {} + name: "Escalating agreement" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the escalation die is 3+, the ettin can target two engaged enemies with its first big swing attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/fallen-lammasu.yml b/vaults/monsters/fallen-lammasu.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d61abcd --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/fallen-lammasu.yml @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ +_id: "eJLzKl3r89V7ATUR" +name: "Fallen Lammasu" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 205 + min: 0 + max: 205 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Fallen Lammasu" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "lTq3kSLDMTuO8bjk" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "fKWOg2eQWgqmVXbU" + flags: {} + name: "Fiery hoof" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target takes [[20]] ongoing fire damage." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The fallen lammasu can make a second fiery hoof attack (but not a third) as a free action." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "c1bfEpiC1CIVpgFg" + flags: {} + name: "R: Rain of hellfire" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] random nearby creatures)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit against an ally" + value: "The target takes [[10]] ongoing fire damage instead of [[20]] fire damage, and until that ally saves against that damage, it adds the escalation die to its attacks." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit against an enemy" + value: "The target also takes [[15]] ongoing fire damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mFXInlhhxnKHFiYy" + flags: {} + name: "C: Abyssal curse" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: When the escalation die is odd, as a quick action (once per round)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target takes [[10]] ongoing negative energy damage each time the fallen lammasu hits it with an attack (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0nwcg2gkiY0rN3R4" + flags: {} + name: "Blessing of hellfire" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the fallen lammasu fails a save against an effect created by an enemy, each enemy engaged with it takes [[3d10]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "icA0AFmnTcuCIqNt" + flags: {} + name: "The fire that burns" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the fallen lammasu makes an attack that deals fire damage and the attack roll beats the target’s fire resistance, the target loses its fire resistance until the end of the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Ww7Me1K0BtiBE7IA" + flags: {} + name: "Curse of the fallen" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The lammasu gains an Abyssal curse attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/fang-devil.yml b/vaults/monsters/fang-devil.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3803559 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/fang-devil.yml @@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ +_id: "zgih0GWcaiDOs7iU" +name: "Fang Devil" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 360 + min: 0 + max: 360 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Fang Devil" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "qcJZevWmkp7rcwjz" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "aangEl2xq8jChAUA" + flags: {} + name: "Mighty tentacles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[2]] attacks; can target nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target pops free from each enemy and moves next to the Devil, which engages and grabs it. (The Devil can grab any number of enemies simultaneously.) If it has quick actions left, it will use its devil’s beak and cutting talon attacks." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wRW5aBzAV9dr5mSO" + flags: {} + name: "Cutting talon" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target also takes [[20]] ongoing damage." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd miss" + value: "[[20]] ongoing damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7lbifIeOWMYzidbX" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Devil’s beak" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. AC ([[1]] enemy it’s grabbing; includes +4 grab bonus)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[15]] damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "si0G437Mfm8XL0L9" + flags: {} + name: "Quick use" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This ability only requires a quick action (once per round) to use." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hli2hKXXXlEnLhgB" + flags: {} + name: "Quick use" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This ability only requires a quick action (once per round) to use." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "15u8KkA3JHk60i0F" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Trouble)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against Fang Devil, you are *hampered* until the end of your next turn after you make the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rZuFTrok2qH40tLU" + flags: {} + name: "Resist energy 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an energy attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/feral-warbanner.yml b/vaults/monsters/feral-warbanner.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f48b4e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/feral-warbanner.yml @@ -0,0 +1,451 @@ +_id: "V3dfS90T5aSpJe3T" +name: "Feral Warbanner" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 70 + min: 0 + max: 70 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Feral Warbanner" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "syjUEyYQXhLJSeTV" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "WOVhxBniydfae8Un" + flags: {} + name: "Whipping barbed tassel" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Tkg2W3rt8g2Z4f0s" + flags: {} + name: "Baner magic" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "
  • 1–5: The warbanner’s bearer can make a basic attack with a +2 attack bonus as a free action.
  • 6–10: Each different enemy engaged with a creature in the warbanner’s band takes 1d6 psychic damage.
  • 11–15: If any mooks in the warbanner’s band have dropped this battle, return one of those mooks to the battle next to the warbanner. (If the warbanner has no mooks in its band, choose a lower result.)
  • 16–20: The warbanner can make a false rally attack as a free action.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "Roll [[1d20] and [[1d20]] and use each roll (or a lower result of your choice) to determine one effect" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "x9ic4o4IQPTDxYuQ" + flags: {} + name: "False Rally" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "Special trigger C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+7]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy with 12HP or fewer)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *confused* (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Critical hit" + value: "he target can now only save against the confusion with a natural 20 (or until the warbanner drops) and can’t flee if the rest of the PCs choose to do so." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lOuSyvdoDpQXJ40P" + flags: {} + name: "Designated bearer" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Once per round as a quick action, the warbanner can fly directly above a lower-level ally in its band and designate that ally as its bearer. Alternately, it can release itself from a bearer and fly free.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "aaQrMdeK2HnwDTVJ" + flags: {} + name: "Bearer beware" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

While the warbanner has a bearer it moves with the bearer and is engaged by enemies that engage the bearer. The bearer is *vulnerable* to all attacks but it can use the escalation die.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5q6Tq7Jx7dKxlVlb" + flags: {} + name: "Conditional resist damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Unless an ally in the warbanner’s band dropped to 0 hp since the start of the current round, an enemy attacking the warbanner must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only takes half damage. This ability has no effect if the warbanner has no allies in its band.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DoesdDCnrbiQGP2h" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Warbanners fly quickly, fluttering in winds only they can feel, preferably never touching the ground. They can’t fly off the ground higher than a flag on a pole can be carried into battle, so enemies on the ground can still target them. At best, a warbanner might gain a +2 bonus to defenses against attacks made by small PCs like halflings and gnomes.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ntpceara22XEZBqc" + flags: {} + name: "Mook morale" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Mooks fighting in the warbanner’s band gain a bonus to their hit points equal to the warbanner’s level (2).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/fire-bat.yml b/vaults/monsters/fire-bat.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..105f55d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/fire-bat.yml @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +_id: "ysQE2YF4RoQYdhmV" +name: "Fire Bat" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 10 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Fire Bat" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "8VldrEkorSPd9cTs" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "DU6yw3UzemdbMbVk" + flags: {} + name: "Burning claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[2]] damage, and [[2]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bxyqQR5JP9n5JegQ" + flags: {} + name: "Burning contrail" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JA2Hizu4k7dD3LQ3" + flags: {} + name: "Fiery flier" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "An unengaged fire bat can move, make a burning contrail attack, and move away from the target as a standard action without taking an opportunity attack from the target." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8ROMQLC0z7MM9n8F" + flags: {} + name: "Blistering heat" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy engaged with the fire bat attacks it, that enemy takes [[2]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EFViXOFS3JAqWRU4" + flags: {} + name: "Fire resistance 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "exD44gLhn45Kd0JL" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Fire bats are agile fliers, especially when riding hot air currents. They slow down a bit away from warmth." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/fire-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/fire-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8cae8b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/fire-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +_id: "8tB4mhjzjIhwxT9F" +name: "Fire Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-fire.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 64 + min: 0 + max: 64 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Fire Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-fire.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "lVZDgtM05eTql81I" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "G9RoyyWmEusuhAUd" + flags: {} + name: "Whipping flames" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] fire damage, and [[7]] ongoing fire damage to a random nearby enemy (including an *unconscious* one)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sCgh8tDoT5Xg9kAw" + flags: {} + name: "C: Elemental wildfire" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy OR each nearby enemy taking ongoing fire damage)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] fire damage, and [[7]] ongoing fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[7]] ongoing fire damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "49QLe3nKUnWv6XRx" + flags: {} + name: "Melee burn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy makes a natural odd melee attack roll against the fire elemental, that attacker takes [[1d12]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HJpwK7Z00vf1FYfh" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CjvnsJtQ0uG4S5Ej" + flags: {} + name: "Wildfire transformation" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/fire-giant-warlord.yml b/vaults/monsters/fire-giant-warlord.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad7ff7a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/fire-giant-warlord.yml @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +_id: "f0vOJcihqGrqhmGV" +name: "Fire Giant Warlord" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 355 + min: 0 + max: 355 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "cold" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Fire Giant Warlord" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "aAizlemZ00BbcvCA" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "GaUQzm6xQYOjfqsZ" + flags: {} + name: "Flaming greatsword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The target also takes [[10]] ongoing fire damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6LXUHK6VpwGAz7Uf" + flags: {} + name: "Massive strike" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[90]] damage, and [[10]] ongoing fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rKD9F455EKXV7qNx" + flags: {} + name: "Fiery escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The fire giant warlord adds the escalation die to its attacks against targets taking ongoing fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nC830E7OMgciSbD2" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Pc42uvIVPFEEtwCs" + flags: {} + name: "Warlord of fire" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As a standard action, the warlord can command one nearby ally that has resistance to fire to make a melee attack as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DcNbhr1hM0pQY8j2" + flags: {} + name: "Unquenchable fires" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Enemies engaged with the fire giant warlord take a -5 penalty to saves against ongoing fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/fire-giant.yml b/vaults/monsters/fire-giant.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c6ab9b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/fire-giant.yml @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +_id: "m2cAw8ju6JtfAp1W" +name: "Fire Giant" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 285 + min: 0 + max: 285 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "cold" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Fire Giant" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "2Le1ylK4lvvcBnnt" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "2OiktR6A4rkkLqqi" + flags: {} + name: "Flaming greatsword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The target also takes [[10]] ongoing fire damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dyyHf6izYF7PUvJL" + flags: {} + name: "R: Flaming black-iron javelin" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The target also takes [[10]] ongoing fire damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Y0Dxbx9hTddPg6nk" + flags: {} + name: "Slam" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[1]] enemy smaller than it)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, the target pops free from the giant, and the target loses its next move action." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OuEiYAdMTOFd8zfw" + flags: {} + name: "Fiery escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The fire giant adds the escalation die to its attacks against targets taking ongoing fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TSEeFcVHIdrgRyaG" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mF7rkTQHf5ybM5cQ" + flags: {} + name: "Burning blood" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire giant becomes staggered, it deals [[10]] ongoing fire damage to each enemy engaged with it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YN2sS66afaEHOqbz" + flags: {} + name: "Strength of giants" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Twice per battle, the giant can make a slam attack as a quick action (once per round)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/five-headed-hydra.yml b/vaults/monsters/five-headed-hydra.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..845691d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/five-headed-hydra.yml @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +_id: "ZEpelUvJiCTTrnau" +name: "Five-Headed Hydra" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 150 + min: 0 + max: 150 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Five-Headed Hydra" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "7g8j3DFzbkiom4zH" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "DtEADxe15QjVwjil" + flags: {} + name: "Gnashing teeth" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC ([[5]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The hydra’s next gnashing teeth attack, if it has an attack left this turn, can be against any nearby enemy instead of against a creature engaged with it." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[5]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ubSb0GQ4CaN5jBP4" + flags: {} + name: "Too tough to trick" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "*confused*, *dazed*, *hampered*, *stunned*, or *weakened*." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iDAQIa5xTiHQlVY3" + flags: {} + name: "Roiling swirl" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the hydra has at least two gnashing teeth attacks left during a turn, it can expend one of those attacks to move to engage a nearby enemy as a free action (but it will take opportunity attacks for doing so)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8CbrbfhJtzIIZTdb" + flags: {} + name: "Sprout sixth head" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The first time the hydra is staggered, as a free action it gains 40 hit points and a sixth gnashing teeth attack, and is considered undamaged at its new hit point total. Using the hydra’s current hit points as a new baseline, the hydra will be staggered again when it drops below 50% of that total." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qu9NhKORpBy7KjJ5" + flags: {} + name: "Sprout seventh head" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The second time the hydra is staggered, as a free action it gains 40 hit points and a seventh gnashing teeth attack, etc. Use a new hit point baseline as before, but there is no eighth head waiting to sprout." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mafofVA7oaWboqi8" + flags: {} + name: "Sprout eighth head" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "You know the drill." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/flamewreathed-dragon-red.yml b/vaults/monsters/flamewreathed-dragon-red.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e410af9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/flamewreathed-dragon-red.yml @@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ +_id: "NC2LGEPu81AyTj3X" +name: "Flamewreathed Dragon (Red)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 1100 + min: 0 + max: 1100 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Flamewreathed Dragon (Red)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "DIoRt6a041INTEqT" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "vapoOzENSucCNRet" + flags: {} + name: "Fangs and claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. AC ([[3]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[75]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes [[20]] ongoing fire damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "31MYT4yzWwEIdnMm" + flags: {} + name: "C: Primal fire breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. PD ([[1d4 + 1]] nearby enemies" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "or one enemy);60 fire damage, and [[15]] ongoing fire damage; OR [[180]] fire damage, and [[30]] ongoing fire damage and the target is *weakened* (save ends both) if used against a single enemy" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "If the breath targeted multiple enemies, the target takes [[25]] ongoing fire damage instead of 15. If the breath targeted a single enemy, the target takes [[60]] ongoing fire damage instead of 30." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SNMcHSpvLqfTDqj1" + flags: {} + name: "C: Whirling inferno" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 2/battle, as a quick action (once per round)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. PD (each nearby enemy taking ongoing fire damage)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target’s ongoing fire damage increases by 5 and becomes hard save ends (16+) as the dragon fans the flames" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RA96Xl2f5vx0m38P" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A flamewreathed dragon can use primal fire breath [[1d4]] + 2 times per battle, but never two turns in a row." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "K91kYAYcUc3Bpmol" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "792IKkmLbQD4PTx0" + flags: {} + name: "Wyrm of *fear* and flame" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with this creature, enemies with 120 hp or fewer are *dazed* (-4 attacks), do not add the escalation die to their attacks, and take [[4d20]] fire damage at the start of their turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NMqK1B7aTsLp6o4j" + flags: {} + name: "Draconic fire" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The dragon’s will and magic are so powerful that it ignores the fire resistance of creatures battling it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VmW0nbD0eSGTqgsz" + flags: {} + name: "Smoke minions" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The dragon’s lair is wreathed in smoke and fumes, and through its magic the dragon has some control over those hot gases. Once per round as a quick action, the flamewreathed dragon can summon [[1d4]] smoke minions that take humanoid or bestial form and defend the dragon’s lair. Roll initiative for the minions once and use that count for all additional minions." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/flaming-skull.yml b/vaults/monsters/flaming-skull.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5172b80 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/flaming-skull.yml @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +_id: "YV7RVp2f4ef5fbht" +name: "Flaming Skull" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 54 + min: 0 + max: 54 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy OR negative energy, depending on the skull" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Flaming Skull" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "n0uEIhABUJlbyvXY" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "DX1x16Z2eNUHGNHJ" + flags: {} + name: "R: Burning gaze" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies or one far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DyokbDYxP2oLm3Mt" + flags: {} + name: "C: Smoldering flames" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] fire damage, and each time the target fails a save this battle, it bursts into flames and takes [[5]] ongoing fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1lt52rgc6REoLqee" + flags: {} + name: "First natural even hit each battle" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target is *confused* (easy save ends, 6+)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ORaJhNSnr8vx5J4S" + flags: {} + name: "Limited flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The haunted skull can glide and hover, always within seven or eight feet of the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5Z9u4129nrr87w06" + flags: {} + name: "Lost opportunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature can’t make opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "AyuMFXFTipS6POhj" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/flesh-golem.yml b/vaults/monsters/flesh-golem.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0450228 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/flesh-golem.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "UA5DfEwzN2BrPIfW" +name: "Flesh Golem" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 100 + min: 0 + max: 100 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Flesh Golem" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "i5eVBQmlxdOh6gJC" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "F4ZqpRoEjTXh4hOD" + flags: {} + name: "Sweeping fists" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "WAeu89MYXqijhgoG" + flags: {} + name: "Maddened battlefield repairs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: The flesh golem can only use this attack while it’s staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[1]] staggered living enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage, and the flesh golem heals [[2d10]] hit points" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] damage, and the flesh golem heals [[1d10]] hit points." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xqdzBmRCehTuotun" + flags: {} + name: "Energy magnet" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever a spell that causes cold, fire, force, lightning, or negative energy damage targets one of the flesh golem’s nearby allies, the flesh golem has a 50% chance of becoming the main target instead. Therefore, spells that affect groups would spread out from the flesh golem." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CnIEAdZuZ59qtyF8" + flags: {} + name: "Weakness of the flesh" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Flesh golems are not immune to effects." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/frenzy-demon.yml b/vaults/monsters/frenzy-demon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f61458 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/frenzy-demon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +_id: "CGxhEoQh1hHZIeyz" +name: "Frenzy Demon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 70 + min: 0 + max: 70 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Frenzy Demon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "1ByDRFt8Ssklk6ua" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "2OCKFWbAuD7Fh8F8" + flags: {} + name: "Claw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[9]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "4aSbjrOlyWSSCA3k" + flags: {} + name: "Raging frenzy" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever the frenzy demon misses with a melee attack, it gains a +1 attack bonus and deals +[[1d4]] damage until the end of the battle (maximum bonus +4, +[[4d4]])." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/frost-giant-adventurer.yml b/vaults/monsters/frost-giant-adventurer.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e4ada0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/frost-giant-adventurer.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "7EG1WR5a6GMqZrck" +name: "Frost Giant Adventurer" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 280 + min: 0 + max: 280 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Frost Giant Adventurer" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ouKLBP3NPYL66P09" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "HsI0RZZnBbN8DPsK" + flags: {} + name: "Overlarge club" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby enemy or [[1]] enemy engaged with giant)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[75]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target loses its next move action, and if it’s engaged with the giant, it pops free." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mgOEd6UFItF3lVVc" + flags: {} + name: "Ancient cold" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While battling one or more frost giants, there is only a 50% chance that the escalation die increases at the start of the round." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Lq51d1Ct6QEKqnyu" + flags: {} + name: "Blood of the niefelheim" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy the frost giant adventurer is engaged with scores a critical hit against the giant, that enemy is *hampered* (hard save ends, 16+)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Q3WUO6JRA8HVDuWc" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/frost-giant.yml b/vaults/monsters/frost-giant.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7652df --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/frost-giant.yml @@ -0,0 +1,436 @@ +_id: "kS97PEiCwJzLUzPB" +name: "Frost Giant" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 210 + min: 0 + max: 210 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Frost Giant" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "krV4BnA3n0fMGJab" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "7gXPuoLutxukHjg4" + flags: {} + name: "Ice-covered war axe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[45]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The giant can make a frost touch attack against the target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "uuWm431eQBnULxU4" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Frost touch" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] cold damage, and the target is *hampered* (makes only basic attacks) until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LRsQ4FPdnOAKCBGr" + flags: {} + name: "R: Large rock or iceball" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy or far away enemy at -2 atk)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VHbdNsGhz489SAE0" + flags: {} + name: "Slam" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD ([[1]] enemy smaller than it)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage, the target pops free from the giant, and the target loses its next move action." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "42sTdrkQLHruzXMX" + flags: {} + name: "Ancient cold" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While battling one or more frost giants, there is only a 50% chance that the escalation die increases at the start of the round." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2Zo5hJWAs8xAUQEH" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kFDibDf9lsEiA7wi" + flags: {} + name: "Strength of giants" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Twice per battle, the giant can make a slam attack as a quick action (once per round)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/frost-w-rm.yml b/vaults/monsters/frost-w-rm.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a1f2c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/frost-w-rm.yml @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ +_id: "c3k7IotMuSwEEQkA" +name: "Frost-Würm" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 180 + min: 0 + max: 180 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Frost-Würm" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "5amRjWzB2Al8fbVI" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "6F1bhxaz0TacCvjy" + flags: {} + name: "Würm glaciation" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target and one other nearby enemy takes [[18]] cold damage as the area freezes over." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The target and one other nearby enemy takes [[6]] cold damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JEXqj2LPm9jILCtK" + flags: {} + name: "Trilling vibrations" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: The remorhaz can use trilling vibrations only when the escalation die is odd." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *stunned* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "W6ZDnfi7cdz5qJKk" + flags: {} + name: "Burrow" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As the standard monster ability, except the remorhaz only needs to roll 6+ in snow." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Kw29SM3kbrmpyUbf" + flags: {} + name: "Massive heat absorption" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature is engaged with the remorhaz at the start of its turn, it takes cold damage equal to twice the escalation die." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BNTSoJThZIYWeECD" + flags: {} + name: "Shatterer" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Death can cause fluid-filled sacks inside the frost-würm to explode. When the attack roll that kills the frost-würm is a natural even roll, each nearby creature takes [[20]] cold damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/fungaloid-creeper.yml b/vaults/monsters/fungaloid-creeper.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36bcb93 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/fungaloid-creeper.yml @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +_id: "9Pe00XhaTPLbiGMF" +name: "Fungaloid Creeper" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 10 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 30 + min: 0 + max: 30 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Fungaloid Creeper" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Y3Z99LPGl3v7SQlP" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "miZyRodF70ngdQLp" + flags: {} + name: "Probing tendrils" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC ([[1d3]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[2]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The target is *stuck* until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 1-5" + value: "Both the fungaloid and its target take [[1d4]] damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "y5IzFoPMh7bOGkn7" + flags: {} + name: "Food is here" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fungaloid creeper scores a critical hit with an attack, all nearby fungaloids move to engage the fungaloid’s target, even if that target has dropped to 0 hp. The move is a free action, and engaged creepers can roll disengage attempts instead of taking opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3x23WFzme8uJMcNx" + flags: {} + name: "Slow, rolling wave" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever the escalation die is even, each creeper must succeed on a normal save at the start of its turn or lose its move action that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/fungaloid-drudge.yml b/vaults/monsters/fungaloid-drudge.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d276afc --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/fungaloid-drudge.yml @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +_id: "H9CAjvuSiKWDcehg" +name: "Fungaloid Drudge" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 32 + min: 0 + max: 32 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Fungaloid Drudge" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "k8VwgbwpBzir3PqF" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "XSpKiGcleIh13CW7" + flags: {} + name: "Pitchfork" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The drudge can make a fungal attack this turn as a quick action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/fungaloid-empress.yml b/vaults/monsters/fungaloid-empress.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..027413d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/fungaloid-empress.yml @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +_id: "WC7EFRm4qbrqwcNo" +name: "Fungaloid Empress" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 170 + min: 0 + max: 170 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Fungaloid Empress" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "lBLDKQuSUHGIvysk" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "NEuf7fWJhCYAw0nt" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing limbs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[1d3]] enemies engaged with the empress)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GynNcyFm7zZ5aNUi" + flags: {} + name: "Combat womb" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the end of each of the empress’ turns, if there are fewer than two elder spores (see below) per enemy, add a number of elder spores to the battle so that there are two spores per enemy. A spore can “sprout” already engaged with a nearby or far away enemy or on its own, it’s up to you." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JRj7t6gZxOgGeTnL" + flags: {} + name: "Sporulating spiracles" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Fungus grows on everything in the area! Whenever a non-fungus creature attempts to move, it must make a DC 18 Dexterity or Strength check to do so or it loses its move action. If the creature uses a standard action to clear away fungus, it can move normally that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/fungaloid-monarch.yml b/vaults/monsters/fungaloid-monarch.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cda4d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/fungaloid-monarch.yml @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ +_id: "8xzcKhUF6ke727i6" +name: "Fungaloid Monarch" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 98 + min: 0 + max: 98 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Fungaloid Monarch" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "G4zBTwrpjGkTtkc8" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "QNGmm3SXPCxfNZdu" + flags: {} + name: "Mycotic scepter" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[24]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 12+" + value: "One nearby fungaloid can make a fungal attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "Up to three nearby fungaloids can each make a fungal attack as a free action." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + hitt3: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 20" + value: "Up to five nearby fungaloids can each make a fungal attack as a free action." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kvmxdkCwqRJ9PonB" + flags: {} + name: "Group mind" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The monarch’s attacks deal +1 damage for each other allied creature with the plant type in the battle (max +10)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "w7MJpgv9TR3yXejM" + flags: {} + name: "Drudge-summons" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If there are not enough nearby fungaloids to use up all the fungal attacks granted by the mycotic scepter, skip the extra fungal attacks but add a full-strength fungaloid drudge to the battle next to the fungaloid monarch." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/fury-devil-erinyes.yml b/vaults/monsters/fury-devil-erinyes.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10ccfa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/fury-devil-erinyes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ +_id: "CrkhTU3AyEm6vnaV" +name: "Fury Devil (Erinyes)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 120 + min: 0 + max: 120 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Fury Devil (Erinyes)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "pE8AitkA0OQSd6m7" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "NHjk66oNpQ8rGK87" + flags: {} + name: "Stout, sharp dagger" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[24]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss while hellbent" + value: "[[4]] psychic damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3t9rjOBVZVsyZlMl" + flags: {} + name: "R: Word of rebuke" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xDPlsk96t9pj8wO3" + flags: {} + name: "Any hit while hellbent" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target also takes [[8]] psychic damage and [[8]] ongoing psychic damage (that feels like a terminal case of guilt)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "f7MtgZoLWvBMpt9Q" + flags: {} + name: "Any hit while hellbent" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target takes [[30]] psychic damage instead." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CbUOoBQjVMjnVhgW" + flags: {} + name: "Defense against the inconsequential" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Attacks against a fury devil take a -4 penalty unless the devil is hellbent against that attacker." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xuWYGM2Xwm9rIaSB" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Fury)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a fury devil, the fury devil deals [[1d10]] extra damage with its next attack this battle, hit or miss." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fuyOnTb2lrCZF9vJ" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Fury devils fly from place to place but fight on their feet." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BUbb9cnbcdi2XCWK" + flags: {} + name: "Menacing charge" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy intercepts the fury devil, the next attack this battle the devil makes against that enemy that hits is a critical hit instead." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0ypzTqqTBeHxNrRb" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gargoyle.yml b/vaults/monsters/gargoyle.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfd3380 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gargoyle.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "Vq3qL60t3VHSfCyn" +name: "Gargoyle" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 60 + min: 0 + max: 60 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gargoyle" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "djcHDYZxfHtP9Y13" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "b1xtoh6JE7pyj5mL" + flags: {} + name: "Furious claws and fangs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[9]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The gargoyle can make two more melee attacks as a free action (but never more than three total attacks per standard action, even if you roll another 11+)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KsFnru3I7Wxvli6A" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Flight" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yEtaLIn5JWMkL20K" + flags: {} + name: "Rocky hide" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The gargoyle has resist damage 12+ against attacks targeting AC." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "713wU15utW8TG2qJ" + flags: {} + name: "Statues, statues, everywhere" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Because they often look like statues, gargoyles are capable of springing a surprise on inattentive PCs. When there’s a chance of such an ambush, give the PCs a champion-tier skill check (DC 20) to notice the gargoyles and avoid being surprised." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-cubahedron-aka-cube.yml b/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-cubahedron-aka-cube.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecf8fee --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-cubahedron-aka-cube.yml @@ -0,0 +1,498 @@ +_id: "mEZbOR2BrCd8hw9j" +name: "Gelatinous Cubahedron (aka Cube)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 200 + min: 0 + max: 200 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "ooze" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gelatinous Cubahedron (aka Cube)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "po979VxJPC9UeMOn" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "mMpW9PTw140b28U0" + flags: {} + name: "Shlup’n’schlorp" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] acid damage, and the cube engulfs the target (functions like a grab see below) if it’s smaller than the cube" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The cube can make a spasms attack as a free action." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "26LuO9YRWeq8SV9x" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Spasms" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC (up to [[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "each against a different nearby enemy);15 damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hTZPIcczYF0Cklkl" + flags: {} + name: "Gel drop" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage, and the cube engulfs the target if it’s smaller than the cube" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pll8Dp7FXXwYpEug" + flags: {} + name: "Engulf and dissolve" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Targets engulfed/grabbed by the cube take [[30]] acid damage at the start of the cube’s turn but are not viable targets for additional attacks by the cube. Multiple targets can be held within the cube simultaneously. Any engulfed creature that is also staggered must begin making last gasp saves or become paralyzed as the cube’s toxins overwhelm it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "J6Y3uba3EX5AtMlH" + flags: {} + name: "Instinctive actions" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Gelatinous creatures have no brains, sometimes they just do things. When the escalation die is odd, instead of making an attack or moving, roll a [[d6]] to see what the cubahedron does. If an option is not viable (you roll a 5 but there is no engulfed enemy), reroll until you get a valid option." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RwRl4Tb65emfEQjD" + flags: {} + name: "Instinctive - Jiggles in Place" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "1. The cubahedron jiggles in place. Each nearby enemy takes [[5]] acid damage. Each creature engulfed by the cube takes a -4 penalty to its saves until the end of its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FRkYwEZHZ068wqH5" + flags: {} + name: "Instinctive - Moves" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "2. The cubahedron moves as a quick action. If the cube ends its move engaged with enemies, each of those enemies must roll a save; on a failure, the cubahedron grabs them (but they’re not engulfed)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tK7dc00mmvlFiIF3" + flags: {} + name: "3. The cubahedron spits an engulfed creature into the air above it and makes a shlup’n’schlorp attack against that creature with a +5 attack bonus. Then the creature is engulfed again." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "3. The cubahedron spits an engulfed creature into the air above it and makes a shlup’n’schlorp attack against that creature with a +5 attack bonus. Then the creature is engulfed again." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yOwx6b0v0DI0fWGR" + flags: {} + name: "4. The cubahedron flattens itself slightly and crawls up a wall and possibly across the ceiling. The cube falls at the end of its turn. Each creature engulfed by the cube takes [[30]] damage, and it makes a gel drop attack against enemies below it." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "4. The cubahedron flattens itself slightly and crawls up a wall and possibly across the ceiling. The cube falls at the end of its turn. Each creature engulfed by the cube takes [[30]] damage, and it makes a gel drop attack against enemies below it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XD0jbRIQalT2Zran" + flags: {} + name: "Instinctive - Moves Creature" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "5. The cubahedron moves one creature engulfed by it to the surface. The target gains a +4 bonus to attempts to escape the cube, but each time the cube is targeted by an attack, the engulfed creature must roll a save; on a failure, it becomes the target of the attack instead." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gnzeKqpLOminazrj" + flags: {} + name: "Instinctive - Spits Out" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "6. The cubahedron spits out each enemy engulfed by it with great force in different directions; each of those creatures takes [[50]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1000000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-cube.yml b/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-cube.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45d65d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-cube.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "2ZTQ3LrPDrlhr6in" +name: "Gelatinous Cube" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 200 + min: 0 + max: 200 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "ooze" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gelatinous Cube" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "VIEqb4Xo0vzx6YIz" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ntJ9HsZLHMQell2B" + flags: {} + name: "Shlup’n’schlorp" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] acid damage, and the cube engulfs the target (functions like a grab) if it’s smaller than the cube" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The cube can make a spasms attack as a free action." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UgvjRwta2MzVMlPA" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Spasms" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC (up to [[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "each against a different nearby enemy);15 damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0wQ0atTSUWdv18bk" + flags: {} + name: "Engulf and dissolve" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Targets engulfed/grabbed by the cube take [[30]] acid damage at the start of the cube’s turn but are not viable targets for additional attacks by the cube. Multiple targets can be held within the cube simultaneously. Any engulfed creature that is also staggered must begin making last gasp saves or become paralyzed as the cube’s toxins overwhelm it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-dodecaedron.yml b/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-dodecaedron.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..073acfb --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-dodecaedron.yml @@ -0,0 +1,552 @@ +_id: "XnKTLcGHCMtS2OLr" +name: "Gelatinous Dodecaedron" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 550 + min: 0 + max: 550 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "ooze" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gelatinous Dodecaedron" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" + tint: null + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ixxp1yU5WxtbU9J6" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "5KxMDtbWyJmI0fSz" + flags: {} + name: "Shlup'n'schlorp" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+10]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] acid damage, and the dodecahedron engulfs the target (functions like a grab; see below) if it's smaller than the dodecahedron." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "The cube can make a spasms attack as a free action" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PaY3wgIviPt7Dsfm" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Spasms" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+10]] vs. AC (up to [[2]] attacks, each against a diffferrente nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NZQEHnMchPcE9jC6" + flags: {} + name: "Engulf and dissolve" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Targets engulfed/grabbed by the cube take [[30]] acid damage at the start of the cube’s turn but are not viable targets for additional attacks by the cube. Multiple targets can be held within the cube simultaneously.

Any engulfed creature that is also staggered must begin making last gasp saves or become paralyzed as the cube’s toxins overwhelm it.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ljyeULegGpI8gHi3" + flags: {} + name: "Instinctive actions" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Gelatinous creatures have no brains, sometimes they just do things. When the escalation die is odd, instead of making an attack or moving, roll a d12 to see what the dodecahedron does. If an option is not available (you roll a 1 but there are no nearby enemies), reroll until you get a valid option.

  1. The dodecahedron makes a squash attack against [[1d4]] nearby enemies as it rolls and shlorps around the area. Any enemies already engulfed by the dodecahedron take [[10]] thunder damage.
  2. The dodecahedron throws out whip-like tendrils and makes a sudden orifice attack against each enemy engaged with it. Then it pulls each nearby enemy next to it and engages that creature.
  3.  Hundreds of finger-size slimes slither out from the interior of the dodecahedron and begin worming their way across the bodies of each of its enemies in the battle. Until the end of the battle, when a non-ooze creature takes any damage besides ongoing acid damage, it also takes [[10]] acid damage.
  4.  The dodecahedron bounces and thrums. Each enemy engaged with it or engulfed by it must roll a save; on a failure, that enemy takes [[30]] thunder damage. On a success, it takes [[15]] thunder damage and pops free from the dodecahedron.
  5. The dodecahedron hunkers down and produces acidic spikes. It gains a +4 bonus to all defenses until the end of the battle, and each enemy who makes a melee attack against it with a non-magical weapon must roll a save; on a failure the weapon dissolves. When a creature’s weapon dissolves, that creature is *hampered* and *weakened* (save ends both). Magical weapons lose their bonuses to hit and damage until the end of the battle instead of being dissolved (but the owner is still hampered and weakened). They can be “restored” after the battle by taking a few minutes during a rest to re-attune them.
  6. The dodecahedron moves, rolling around the battlefield, then makes a shlup’n’schlorp attack at the end of its movement with a +5 bonus. If the attack misses, instead of making a spasms attack the dodecahedron rolls about the area again and makes a second shlup’n’schlorp attack with a +10 bonus. If the second attack misses, it doesn’t get a spasms attack and the dodecahedron’s turn ends.
  7. The dodecahedron makes a spasms attack. If it misses with either attack roll, after the attacks, it can make a stretch and engulf attack as a free action.
  8. C: Pseudopod slaps
  9. Each enemy engulfed by the dodecahedron takes [[40]] acid damage, and the dodecahedron heals [[40]] hp for each enemy it has engulfed.
  10. The dodecahedron splits into an octahedron and a tetrahedron, and each one can act this turn (roll a [[1d8]] and [[1d4]] for the instinctive actions of each one). Divide the dodecahedron’s current hit points into thirds, and give one third to the tetrahedron and two thirds to the octahedron.
  11. The dodecahedron splits into three tetrahedrons, and each one can act this turn (roll a [[1d4]] for the instinctive actions of each one). Divide the dodecahedron’s current hit points equally between the three new creatures.
  12. The dodecahedron splits into two cubahedrons, and each one can act this turn (roll a [[1d6]] for the instinctive actions of each one). Divide the dodecahedron’s current hit points equally between the two new creatures.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "aGVxHLwPr3Ch5jGb" + flags: {} + name: "1. Squash" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+10]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] nearby enemies" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage, and the target is *stunned* (easy save ends, 6+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kL1JWnQPntvh24fs" + flags: {} + name: "2. Sudden orifice" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+12]] vs. PD (each enemy engaged with it)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "The dodecahedron engulfs the target if it's smaller than the dodecahedron." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yP5XEVGwuNFSvYd3" + flags: {} + name: "7. C: Stretch and engulf" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+12]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] acid damage, and the dodecahedron enguls the target if it's smaller than the dodecahedron." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ALPLW4dydU8kVDdd" + flags: {} + name: "8. C: Pesudopod slaps" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+10]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] thunder damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target pops free from the dodecahedron and is knocked far away, and the ooze makes the attack again against a different nearby enemy as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The dodecahedron engulfs the target if it's samller than the dodecahedron." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-octahedron.yml b/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-octahedron.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e92b9e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-octahedron.yml @@ -0,0 +1,607 @@ +_id: "FMx0i9N4bOVCJOmW" +name: "Gelatinous Octahedron" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 280 + min: 0 + max: 280 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "ooze" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gelatinous Octahedron" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" + tint: null + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "TILoDxXqZ8WezZEv" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "UzpIUyquPSE9Opvp" + flags: {} + name: "Shlup'n'shlorp" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+11]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[38]] acid damage, and the cube engulfs the target (functions like a grabb, see below) if it's smaller than the cube" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "The cube can make a spasms attack as a free action." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "t125vKMD33hRZ2bP" + flags: {} + name: "(Special trigger) C: Spasms" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+11]] vs. AC (up to [[2]] attacks, each against a different nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[19]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BNnojc6cITZsS0UP" + flags: {} + name: "Engulf and dissolve." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Targets engulfed/grabbed by the cube take [[38]] acid damage at the start of the cube’s turn but are not viable targets for additional attacks by the cube. Multiple targets can be held within the cube simultaneously.

Any engulfed creature that is also staggered must begin making last gasp saves or become paralyzed as the cube’s toxins overwhelm it.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DYMLfSO76xrdLcD9" + flags: {} + name: "Instictive actions" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Gelatinous creatures have no brains, sometimes they just do things. When the escalation die is odd, instead of making an attack or moving, roll a [[1d8]] to see what the octahedron does. If an option is not viable (you roll a 3 but there are no nearby targets), reroll until you get a valid option.

  1. C: Acid splash
  2. The octahedron grows an orifice that gushes out a liquid glue that floods the area. Each enemy engaged with the octahedron is *stuck* (hard save ends, 16+). Each nearby enemy not engaged with the octahedron is stuck (save ends). Each far away enemy is stuck (easy save ends, 6+). The glue has no effect on creatures who are flying or that have some way of avoiding it.
  3. The octahedron squirts a slick slime that targets [[1d3]] nearby enemies. Until the end of the battle, each target must roll an easy save each time it moves; on a failure, it’s *hampered* until the end of its next turn.
  4. The octahedron makes a fire gout attack as it splashes out a gel that ignites in the air and sticks to skin and clothing. - Fire gout.
  5.  The octahedron sweats acid. Each enemy engaged with the octahedron must roll a normal save; on a failure, it takes [[40]] acid damage. On a success it takes [[20[[ acid damage.
  6. C: Acid jet
  7. C: Acid geyser
  8. The octahedron splits into two tetrahedrons, and each one can act this turn (roll a [[1d4]] for the instinctive actions of each one). Divide the octahedron’s current hit points equally between the two new creatures.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rUw9Ey0D50CvGeK9" + flags: {} + name: "1. C: Acid splash" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Each failed save: Acid destroys one of the target’s non-magical items. The target takes a cumulative –1 attack penalty until the end of the battle (boots fall apart, shield straps snap, etc.).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+11] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "[[5]] ongoing acid damage" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "uWkvFoKIO3bF9Jnu" + flags: {} + name: "4. FIRED gout" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Each failed save: Acid destroys one of the target’s non-magical items. The target takes a cumulative -1 attack penalty until the end of the battle (boots fall apart, shield straps snap, etc.).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+11]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] ongoing fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "[[5]] ongoing acid damage" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VUzgHDqR5N6zGxJZ" + flags: {} + name: "6. C: Acid Jet" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+11]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[45]] acid damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "[[8]] ongoing acid damage" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Dh9cXbmkbbKn4qAh" + flags: {} + name: "7. C: Acid geyser" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+11]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] acid damage, and the octahedron is propelled uncontrollably about the area, passing next to each of its enemies. Unlike normal, each enemy can make an opportunity attack against the ooze as it moves this way, but the ooze can make a glomp attack against those who do as a free action as it passes. (Tell the PCs that the ooze will get a counter-attack.)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HyuudrUzF7AopdAZ" + flags: {} + name: "7. Glomp" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+9]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] acid damage, and the cube engulfs the target if it's smaller than the cube" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-tetrahedron.yml b/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-tetrahedron.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de9e981 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gelatinous-tetrahedron.yml @@ -0,0 +1,506 @@ +_id: "pZnuvB9d3NyAAePq" +name: "Gelatinous Tetrahedron" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 160 + min: 0 + max: 160 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "ooze" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gelatinous Tetrahedron" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "XVpgmTDvUep1ZXH4" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "xf7RsOPVxHAXZZeH" + flags: {} + name: "Shlup’n’schlorp" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[22]] acid damage, and the tetrahedron engulfs the target (functions like a grab see below) if it’s smaller than the tetrahedron" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The tetrahedron can make a spasms attack as a free action." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sBKtSQhrVKRPkNZJ" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Spasms" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC (up to [[2]] attacks" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "each against a different nearby enemy);11 damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fy1MehkvyLBnQxaH" + flags: {} + name: "1. C: Fling" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD ([[1]] engaged enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage, and the target pops free from the ooze and must roll an easy save (6+); on a failure, it loses its next move action" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "j2ibC6ZdnMvcEhsR" + flags: {} + name: "2. C: Fling" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy not engaged with the ooze)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[28]] damage, and the target is flung somewhere nearby and must roll an easy save (6+); on a failure, it loses its next move action" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6zc7kZonWuZqzUJ0" + flags: {} + name: "3. C: Fling" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD ([[1]] far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[42]] damage, and the target is flung somewhere far away and must roll an easy save (6+); on a failure, it loses its next move action" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "x7b3VApSk8h4LJHp" + flags: {} + name: "Engulf and dissolve" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Targets engulfed/grabbed by the tetrahedron take [[22]] acid damage at the start of the cube’s turn but are not viable targets for additional attacks by the tetrahedron. Multiple targets can be held within the tetrahedron simultaneously. Any engulfed creature that is also staggered must begin making last gasp saves or become paralyzed as the tetrahedron’s toxins overwhelm it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bCFFzeD0xgdWBNX6" + flags: {} + name: "Instinctive actions" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Gelatinous creatures have no brains, sometimes they just do things. When the escalation die is odd, instead of making an attack or moving, roll a [[d4]] to see what the tetrahedron does. If an option is not viable (you roll a 1 but there is no engaged enemy), reroll until you get a valid option." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8cPM4JmAv1hL6rs2" + flags: {} + name: "Instinctive - Oozes Quickly" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "4. As a standard action the ooze quickly moves around the battlefield, oozing over [[1d3]] nearby enemies. Those enemies become engaged with the ooze and *stuck* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iDn26rb3n0PjVjBW" + flags: {} + name: "First failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target is engulfed instead of *stuck*." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ghast.yml b/vaults/monsters/ghast.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f87626 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ghast.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "JmUz3WJRrYUGkJ2Q" +name: "Ghast" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 74 + min: 0 + max: 74 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ghast" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "TZlAFpYm2TxaqlBD" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Dysah6gq47zqtbpK" + flags: {} + name: "Finely honed claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage, and the target is *vulnerable* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OqilRXyjjZwr2K7I" + flags: {} + name: "Paralyzing bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[1]] *vulnerable* enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage, and the target is *stunned* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XqyOL6M5Hbvkl72r" + flags: {} + name: "C: Hungry howl" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. MD (each nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target must choose one: [[15]] psychic damage; OR [[5]] psychic damage and the target is *vulnerable* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ghoul-fleshripper.yml b/vaults/monsters/ghoul-fleshripper.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e0acfd --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ghoul-fleshripper.yml @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +_id: "k3QLAyXdRBN1T7gG" +name: "Ghoul Fleshripper" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 54 + min: 0 + max: 54 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ghoul Fleshripper" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "93QYo2XrV4TSnZtG" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "nmVhk9uQhVXDzRbd" + flags: {} + name: "Bony claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage, and the target is *vulnerable* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UN3ZBiz5H774S7gX" + flags: {} + name: "Critical hit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Until the target saves against the *vulnerable* effect, it also takes [[2d6]] ongoing damage each turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9rqMRg8y9jEAYNnB" + flags: {} + name: "Infected bite" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Any creature that is slain by a ghoul and not consumed will rise as a ghoul the next night." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ghoul-licklash.yml b/vaults/monsters/ghoul-licklash.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3455b82 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ghoul-licklash.yml @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +_id: "prHmHTXHse0ObRv5" +name: "Ghoul Licklash" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 48 + min: 0 + max: 48 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "Holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ghoul Licklash" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "t5t5ZgXKP5eP4BXH" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "hmIFgSrYAUlp9B9e" + flags: {} + name: "Bloody claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage, and target is *vulnerable* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "WcVRPSXTrDxuDWgk" + flags: {} + name: "C: Flesh-seeking tongue" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target pops free from each enemy it’s engaged with and is pulled to the ghoul licklash, who engages it." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target is *vulnerable* (save ends)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Critical hit" + value: "The licklash can make a flesh-seeking tongue attack against a different target as a free action." + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tnke8HuF6ZwGtoua" + flags: {} + name: "Infected bite" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Any creature that is slain by a ghoul and not consumed will rise as a ghoul the next night. 

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PdX0DnEfYNOpInbU" + flags: {} + name: "Tongue lash" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Once per round when a nearby enemy makes a ranged attack, the ghoul licklash can make a flesh-seeking tongue attack against that enemy before the attack as a free action.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ghoul-pusbuster.yml b/vaults/monsters/ghoul-pusbuster.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c854472 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ghoul-pusbuster.yml @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +_id: "2EeMUmZyM7P9RWIM" +name: "Ghoul Pusbuster" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 60 + min: 0 + max: 60 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ghoul Pusbuster" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "715JnEW0tuDjos7G" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "9EcIIiYERHf1gUTv" + flags: {} + name: "Feeble claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[9]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sZ0fwH9azXOd2x0g" + flags: {} + name: "C: Vomit comet" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Self-diminishing: The ghoul pusbuster takes [[2d6]] damage for each creature it targets with this attack.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] ongoing damage, and the target is *vulnerable* (save ends both)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target is *dazed* (save ends)" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ghoul.yml b/vaults/monsters/ghoul.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd48bff --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ghoul.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "4Qjs7wLjwY8ONzyj" +name: "Ghoul" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 36 + min: 0 + max: 36 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ghoul" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "S85Wr6eZKWqMsLQA" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "xh7RE3cOXhtudyZL" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *vulnerable* (attacks vs. it have crit range expanded by 2) to attacks by undead until the end of the ghoul’s next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PwEfZclLMQCpKHJK" + flags: {} + name: "Pound of flesh" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The ghoul’s claws and bite attack deals +4 damage against *vulnerable* targets." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ELI7ot0FoYM6GxcF" + flags: {} + name: "Infected bite" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Any creature that is slain by a ghoul and not consumed will rise as a ghoul the next night." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "oUKO46qctkLzd7rO" + flags: {} + name: "Paralyzing bite" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the ghoul hits a *vulnerable* target with a natural even attack roll, the target is also *stunned* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/giant-ant.yml b/vaults/monsters/giant-ant.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4ea1ce --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/giant-ant.yml @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +_id: "VTf5pPTNxSJXVMcx" +name: "Giant Ant" +permission: + default: 0 +type: "Npc" +system: + attributes: + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 9 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 20 + min: 0 + max: 20 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 0 + mod: 0 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 0 + min: 0 + max: 12 + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + role: + type: "String" + label: "Role" + value: "troop" + size: + type: "String" + label: "Size" + value: "normal" + type: + type: "String" + label: "Type" + value: "beast" + resistance: + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + value: "" + vulnerability: + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + value: "" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 0 + min: 0 + max: 12 +sort: 100001 +flags: + archmage: {} +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +token: + flags: {} + name: "Giant Ant" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 360 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "QH3HgDpil6iND5TV" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: {} + bar2: {} + randomImg: false +items: + - _id: "xM2TovJDe3pT6XWp" + flags: {} + name: "Mandibles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[1d3]] ongoing acid damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + - _id: "7OpxNHfzfCFyGS1A" + flags: {} + name: "Wall-crawler" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A giant ant can climb on ceilings and walls as easily as it moves on the ground." + sort: 100000 diff --git a/vaults/monsters/giant-praying-mantis.yml b/vaults/monsters/giant-praying-mantis.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..818e943 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/giant-praying-mantis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +_id: "IhiR0lQWPtggTsDa" +name: "Giant Praying Mantis" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 320 + min: 0 + max: 320 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Giant Praying Mantis" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "hiXX0PFWo1RwdUcj" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "wN07PzBkltYSXn7i" + flags: {} + name: "Jagged claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage, and if the target’s initiative bonus is +10 or less, the target is grabbed until it disengages or until the mantis makes a jagged claws attack against a different target" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qDmpbc4f3NZ1I0kk" + flags: {} + name: "Chomp" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "93s9dH6ZqDFG094Z" + flags: {} + name: "Close fighting" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy fails a disengage check against the dire mantis, the mantis can make an opportunity attack against it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "L4XkRnvSv8B3hv6b" + flags: {} + name: "Big but brittle" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While the dire mantis might rate as a huge monster in terms of size, its stats are based on those for a large monster." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "m5wea5oGECVtPbX0" + flags: {} + name: "One random dire feature" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Use the dire features table." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "87FC9mu2nC93ZMPq" + flags: {} + name: "Clacking mandibles" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the dire mantis starts its turn grabbing an enemy, it can make a chomp attack against that enemy as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/giant-scorpion.yml b/vaults/monsters/giant-scorpion.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ababb06 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/giant-scorpion.yml @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +_id: "kIR3vCxcKKYhqfNm" +name: "Giant Scorpion" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 10 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 22 + min: 0 + max: 22 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Giant Scorpion" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "J9QK2jovW3f2H5ef" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "WY8T9smR1TqRh3nO" + flags: {} + name: "Pincer" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 2/round, each requiring a quick action. (Hitting the same target twice with pincer gives the stinger attack a +4 bonus.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[1]] damage, and the scorpion gains a +2 attack bonus against the same target this turn with its stinger attack." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vPfRX5Q1L3qdGLWp" + flags: {} + name: "Stinger" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage, and [[3]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/giant-vrock-vulture-demon.yml b/vaults/monsters/giant-vrock-vulture-demon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c938dc --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/giant-vrock-vulture-demon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +_id: "ZxCF0QA5TbMuub3U" +name: "Giant Vrock (vulture demon)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 333 + min: 0 + max: 333 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Giant Vrock (vulture demon)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "j9yX1bWsK80DCl6E" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "dH21TFnMieIe0wGz" + flags: {} + name: "Giant filth-covered claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage, and [[15]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The vrock can make a demonic screech attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PWB2DaQqAL4wLQz5" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Demonic screech" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] psychic damage, and the target is *vulnerable* (attacks vs. it have crit range expanded by 2) until the end of the battle" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xch8h9hym3fdudxD" + flags: {} + name: "C: Sporeburst" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, when the escalation die is 4+." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD (all nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage, and [[30]] ongoing damage; while the target is taking ongoing damage, it is *hampered*" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "S1BOC0U1khTTArLo" + flags: {} + name: "Predation" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Creatures hit by the vrock’s demonic screech attack that are already *vulnerable* are also *hampered* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/giant-web-spider.yml b/vaults/monsters/giant-web-spider.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40a1697 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/giant-web-spider.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "wyYrqm5BJyfSBuIg" +name: "Giant Web Spider" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 68 + min: 0 + max: 68 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Giant Web Spider" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "MI0s0EiSAZERrAJa" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "h3aoVML1ForiIoa1" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target also takes [[2d6]] ongoing poison damage if it’s *dazed* or *stuck*." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sa6E1viNjmygP3Sw" + flags: {} + name: "C: Web" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. PD (up to [[2]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage, and the target is *dazed* until the end of the spider’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The target is also *stuck* until the end of the spider’s next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pcvdG15VmZAIrWfy" + flags: {} + name: "Wall-crawler" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A giant web spider can climb on ceilings and walls as easily as it moves on the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/giant-zombie.yml b/vaults/monsters/giant-zombie.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbc3650 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/giant-zombie.yml @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +_id: "GWD2zP1AWpJ2bXtn" +name: "Giant Zombie" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 100 + min: 0 + max: 100 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Giant Zombie" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "8jtPSnq3K22MWZmp" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Q7LlX8nwjk20LNmp" + flags: {} + name: "Club or club-like fists" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "Both the zombie and its target take [[6d10]] damage!" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "maiw6V2hZPdfRNJU" + flags: {} + name: "Headshot" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A critical hit against a giant zombie mook deals triple damage instead of the normal double damage for a crit." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "K4URPLQMCrkjAcO1" + flags: {} + name: "Double-strength mook" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The giant zombie mook counts as two 9th level mooks when you are building battles." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/glabrezou-pincer-demon.yml b/vaults/monsters/glabrezou-pincer-demon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95ab22a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/glabrezou-pincer-demon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +_id: "pmT7vKf1VxHXoxA8" +name: "Glabrezou (pincer demon)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 320 + min: 0 + max: 320 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Glabrezou (pincer demon)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "0S4olAiI54Cxk6MS" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "MyO1RxGydpNWDFBB" + flags: {} + name: "Pincer" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[45]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The demon can grab the target as long as it isn’t already grabbing a creature. The grabbed foe can’t move except to teleport, pop free, or attempt to disengage, and disengage attempts take a -5 penalty unless the creature hit the glabrezou with an attack that turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KY6XjhQ1basJgMaq" + flags: {} + name: "R: Painbolt" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby or far away creature)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[70]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cDOIi0yE6GfilVgz" + flags: {} + name: "C: Hellfire" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies in a group and any glabrezou allies engaged with those enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "n8mvnOeVUMjdnBMs" + flags: {} + name: "Strong grasp" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The glabrezou gains a +4 attack bonus against any enemy it is grabbing." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CdVkFMsbVXdt282H" + flags: {} + name: "Mirror images" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "success indicates a hit; failure is a miss that hits one of the mirror images instead, dealing no miss damage to the glabrezou but dispelling all the images." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PLnrIdSeIeEd6R4r" + flags: {} + name: "Once the glabrezou is staggered, it takes 2d10 damage whenever it uses mirror image, so movement or escape start registering as alternatives." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once the glabrezou is staggered, it takes [[2d10]] damage whenever it uses mirror image, so movement or escape start registering as alternatives." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "eFwsQvp3dWsaGV7a" + flags: {} + name: "Power word stun" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per day as a free action, the glabrezou can utter a word of power, canceling a single action just taken by a nearby creature with fewer hit points than the glabrezou—whether it was casting a spell, healing an ally, or whatever. The GM can see the results of the action, such as a die roll, before deciding whether to use the power word." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gnoll-fiendfletch.yml b/vaults/monsters/gnoll-fiendfletch.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31efefc --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gnoll-fiendfletch.yml @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ +_id: "OJyjJAHLOqeQUsdF" +name: "Gnoll Fiendfletch" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 75 + min: 0 + max: 75 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "archer" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gnoll Fiendfletch" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "sD4KtxYmnidwAuqk" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "TobmQ4EmjTDCi0xP" + flags: {} + name: "Infernal mace" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The fiendfletch can make a disengage check as a free action this turn after the attack." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KzAvOBuQtzJWA6dK" + flags: {} + name: "R: Hellbent bow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is *dazed* until the end of its next turn as it suffers debilitating pain from a hellish arrow." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qrd4U0Kt07C5YYsb" + flags: {} + name: "Close-quarters archery" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While making a ranged attack, the fiendfletch gains a +4 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "t6N1bgSzR9UwbnPz" + flags: {} + name: "Duck and cover" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While the fiendfletch has at least one blocker, troop, or wrecker ally (like a shredder) between it and an enemy, it gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against ranged and close-quarters attacks from that enemy." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "w3VonCO62b3dfa2v" + flags: {} + name: "Living arrows" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the fiendfletch rolls a natural 16+ with a hellbent bow attack and hits, the target is *weakened* (save ends) instead of *dazed*." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gnoll-ranger.yml b/vaults/monsters/gnoll-ranger.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60d883c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gnoll-ranger.yml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +_id: "dxTwj8RJAtj0khpa" +name: "Gnoll Ranger" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 46 + min: 0 + max: 46 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "archer" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gnoll Ranger" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "buQUPZFqLZbhpcjm" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "huD7GNxVYgFwNm7e" + flags: {} + name: "Hand axes" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dr6fSQWyAOKJuOY4" + flags: {} + name: "R: Longbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The gnoll can make a second longbow attack (no more) as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JY5mbPG5haYsIRtM" + flags: {} + name: "Pack ferocity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If more than one gnoll is engaged with the target, each gnoll melee attack that misses that target deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dGiBpvn6KNQDTmqc" + flags: {} + name: "Quick shot" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the gnoll ranger is unengaged and an enemy moves to engage it, roll a [[d20]]. On a 11+, the gnoll ranger can make a longbow attack against that enemy as a free action just before being engaged." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CXSCr83yXuS3m6yq" + flags: {} + name: "Hates everyone" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range of attacks by gnoll rangers expands by 2 against humanoids." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gnoll-savage.yml b/vaults/monsters/gnoll-savage.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2aeccc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gnoll-savage.yml @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +_id: "YWV41syd0JbYKyfz" +name: "Gnoll Savage" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 42 + min: 0 + max: 42 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gnoll Savage" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "s48VHnqNaDiVgo8G" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "OivdOSLEUpiJ5LC3" + flags: {} + name: "Spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RhAUE9tho7ToJNqp" + flags: {} + name: "R: Thrown spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fB6qbqO9TqHVneny" + flags: {} + name: "Pack ferocity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If more than one gnoll is engaged with the target, each gnoll melee attack that misses that target deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gnoll-shredder.yml b/vaults/monsters/gnoll-shredder.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4eedebf --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gnoll-shredder.yml @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +_id: "h2EYagaLchOWbnvC" +name: "Gnoll Shredder" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 95 + min: 0 + max: 95 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gnoll Shredder" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "m1o8ACBYWkRSw3vN" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "CZwvos142LImpfMJ" + flags: {} + name: "Diabolical axe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage, and one of the shredder’s allies engaged with the target can pop free" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cg6S599y0hBSkSCQ" + flags: {} + name: "Spoiling strike" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. PD ([[1]] enemy it hits with an opportunity attack)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target loses the rest of its actions that turn (and stops moving if it was moving)." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9qOyM7Bfg4XxCjQO" + flags: {} + name: "Battle lock" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Gnoll shredders gain a +2 bonus to opportunity attacks, and enemies take a -8 penalty to disengage checks against them." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "msc2ObgKr0DmTtCG" + flags: {} + name: "Legion fighting" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die increases, if there are more gnolls in the battle than their enemies, one gnoll shredder in the battle can make a melee attack as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "txu5bjlyZo5JINff" + flags: {} + name: "Vicious in-fighting" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy would pop free from the shredder, it must roll a disengage check as a free action instead. If it fails, the shredder can make a diabolical axe attack against that enemy as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "a8l0oaDmGw9WjONi" + flags: {} + name: "Spoiling strike" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the shredder hits with an opportunity attack, it can make a spoiling strike attack against that enemy as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gnoll-war-leader.yml b/vaults/monsters/gnoll-war-leader.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..575269e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gnoll-war-leader.yml @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +_id: "2atghIyBkCS7WZ1F" +name: "Gnoll War Leader" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 56 + min: 0 + max: 56 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gnoll War Leader" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "is17H87Kv9CtGFZQ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "iRPClpv92Z5FvIDb" + flags: {} + name: "Heavy flail" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The target is marked for death; until the end of the battle, all gnoll attacks against the target gain an attack bonus equal to the escalation die." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3UUcZNyFSPf5bYnC" + flags: {} + name: "Pack ferocity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If more than one gnoll is engaged with the target, each gnoll melee attack that misses that target deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/goblin-bat-mage.yml b/vaults/monsters/goblin-bat-mage.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5ed63c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/goblin-bat-mage.yml @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +_id: "Ql6S9QXrnlIETuxL" +name: "Goblin Bat Mage" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 44 + min: 0 + max: 44 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "thunder" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Goblin Bat Mage" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "H1mSedPcoqSn9diO" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "DKCieRuuMLBdeuoe" + flags: {} + name: "Bloody fangs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage, and [[6]] ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 2-5" + value: "The goblin bat mage pops free from the target and can move as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YVmr8IK4PM7tNsWO" + flags: {} + name: "R: Blood bolt spell" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "If target is staggered after taking the damage, it’s also *hampered* until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "One random nearby ally of the target takes [[2d6]] negative energy damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Ej9VrZbe3m7tFrgS" + flags: {} + name: "Resist ranged damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a ranged attack targets this creature while it’s flying, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HeEHkn8zEtuIuaLj" + flags: {} + name: "Skittish" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A goblin bat mage engaged with a conscious enemy after attacking it will attempt to disengage and fly into the air if it has a move action remaining that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MfrffpQZtr1KScTP" + flags: {} + name: "Unwieldy flyer" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the goblin bat mage is staggered, it must roll an immediate save. On a failure, it loses its ability to fly until the end of its next turn. If flying near the ground, it lands immediately. If flying far away from the ground, it lands badly and takes [[15]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/goblin-grunt.yml b/vaults/monsters/goblin-grunt.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2fafb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/goblin-grunt.yml @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +_id: "LEM1INiGQLyu1U05" +name: "Goblin Grunt" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 22 + min: 0 + max: 22 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Goblin Grunt" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "wpPlIjq8A523lcAK" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ubC6uDndbubB1JN6" + flags: {} + name: "Club" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage if the goblins and their allies outnumber their enemies; [[4]] damage if they don’t." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nTsh7rPwNyS3G1Jo" + flags: {} + name: "R: Shortbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LBP8WfF9m0IGnnsa" + flags: {} + name: "Shifty bugger" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Goblins gain a +5 bonus to disengage checks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/goblin-scum.yml b/vaults/monsters/goblin-scum.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80bde8a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/goblin-scum.yml @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +_id: "WXMiBSHV9Kujf46n" +name: "Goblin Scum" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 5 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Goblin Scum" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "N8SPigXGHQxXXFx2" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "HkeKs8pNJL2bVpRh" + flags: {} + name: "Club" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MVfqVhrqOx7PfvKp" + flags: {} + name: "R: Shortbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rbnfhbNHOmklZpBf" + flags: {} + name: "Shifty bugger" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Goblins gain a +5 bonus to disengage checks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/goblin-shaman.yml b/vaults/monsters/goblin-shaman.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc42d62 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/goblin-shaman.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "2zDKFIRWNB3QOPUQ" +name: "Goblin Shaman" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 34 + min: 0 + max: 34 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Goblin Shaman" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "OEgRR9iPadVNZZHy" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "9DTy85g7xuyP3SM8" + flags: {} + name: "Pointy spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UVFSIgSlrWUW5wfi" + flags: {} + name: "R: Shaking curse" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage, and until the end of the shaman’s next turn, the target takes [[2]] damage whenever an enemy engages it or disengages from it" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "Choose another nearby enemy; it also suffers from the engage/disengage effect until the end of the shaman’s next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "b2o0L1HSybLqnZRs" + flags: {} + name: "Shifty bugger" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Goblins only need to roll a 6+ to disengage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gorge-dragon-black.yml b/vaults/monsters/gorge-dragon-black.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28b3773 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gorge-dragon-black.yml @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +_id: "FfG992lOYvyqrjkB" +name: "Gorge Dragon (Black)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 164 + min: 0 + max: 164 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gorge Dragon (Black)" + displayName: 0 + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "QGcVzTBcmUIxGDHm" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "yNlT4OXPWCJ5gPAw" + flags: {} + name: "Coiling" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage, and the dragon grabs the target; while grabbed, the target takes [[9]] damage at the start of each of its turns" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, or 20" + value: "The dragon regains the use of its dazzling breath if it’s expended and can use it during its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VfWeDufOMUUbF1CW" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/round, as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC ([[1]] enemy it’s grabbing)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes no damage and is instead swallowed whole (see below)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zaXwSrExpWDjVg3v" + flags: {} + name: "C: Dazzling breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage, and if the target has 40 HP or fewer after being hit, it’s *weakened* until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KXD9no9aE2Iou3oC" + flags: {} + name: "Swallowed whole" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A creature that is swallowed whole must start making last gasp saves during its next turn. An ally can assist with the save as normal, but the save remains hard (16+) in that case. A roll of 16-19 causes the creature to be regurgitated from the dragon’s gut, while a 20 means that the creature cuts/rips a hole through the dragon’s flesh to escape (dealing basic attack damage automatically)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Pmb83l2xiRuwyHwA" + flags: {} + name: "Chain constrictor" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The gorge dragon can have up to two enemies grabbed at the same time." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xbx106WLOCp2Fedy" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 14+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 14+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xcAON6ejLhsYjDK7" + flags: {} + name: "Water-breathing" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Gorge dragons swim well and can breathe underwater." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/gravemeat.yml b/vaults/monsters/gravemeat.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a3125f --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/gravemeat.yml @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +_id: "kCbeSRConIBao6ID" +name: "Gravemeat" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 10 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 5 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 2 + mod: 2 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Gravemeat" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "nnPvU1oSPbVtokjs" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "h30bjj7G3oO1XGqG" + flags: {} + name: "Dirtcaked claw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage, or [[6]] damage if the target is *vulnerable*" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The gravemeat can make another dirtcaked claw attack as a free action, then it takes [[1d6]] damage from the exertion." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/great-fang-cadre.yml b/vaults/monsters/great-fang-cadre.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71f4d88 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/great-fang-cadre.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "dkoyxuCZl9tnNH9S" +name: "Great Fang Cadre" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 50 + min: 0 + max: 50 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Great Fang Cadre" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "bMl1sooivuKgCUFf" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "p8cCDfZw6NOsAGLb" + flags: {} + name: "Double axe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The cadre can make a second double axe attack (no more) as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bcREuh784seSnKI7" + flags: {} + name: "R: Big, black, creaking bow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[37]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The attack targets PD instead of AC." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "IL36ePgulHyHPMi6" + flags: {} + name: "Dangerous mooks" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range of melee attacks by great fang cadre orcs expands by 3 until half the great fang cadre mob has been dropped." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UEndy5foQYIkXj9g" + flags: {} + name: "On the spot mutation" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "[[1d20]] damage vs. any enemy that starts its turn engaged with the orc, or +4 bonus to AC." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/greathoard-elder-red.yml b/vaults/monsters/greathoard-elder-red.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f597e93 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/greathoard-elder-red.yml @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ +_id: "Yxj7ERaB70RcSYkK" +name: "Greathoard elder (Red)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 870 + min: 0 + max: 870 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "Fire 16+" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Greathoard elder" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" + tint: null + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Ha9UJnaEfaCJRrnC" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "SUqrHWPY9kuxRoOQ" + flags: {} + name: "Lair" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

If the dragon is in his lair, it has +1 to AC.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "WbSReDASagc388Wk" + flags: {} + name: "Fangs, claws, and wings" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+16]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[90]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 14+" + value: "The target takes [[12]] extra damage from a wing buffet." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes [[20]] extra damage from a claw strike." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 19+" + value: "The dragon can make a treasury master attack as a free action" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9Q1zxVWws6euoy9l" + flags: {} + name: "C:Treasury master" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Limited use: 2/battle, as a quick action (once per round).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+16]] vs. MD (the nearby non-*confused* enemy with de most true magic items)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] psychic damage, and the target is *confused* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kUDXgv1rMODx7Rh8" + flags: {} + name: "Precise breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+16]] vs. PD ([[1d4+1]] nearby enemies, or [[1]] enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] fire damage, and [[15]] ongoing fire damage; OR [[170]] fire damage, and [[30]] ongoing fire damage if used against a single enemy" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "If the breath targeted multiple enemies, the target takes [[25]] ongoing fire damage instead of [[15]]. If the breath targeted a single enemy, the target takes [[60]] ongoing fire damage instead of [[30]]." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cT3YbyYUxJMolmGy" + flags: {} + name: "Greathoard rage" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

When an enemy scores a critical hit against the greathoard elder while it’s in its lair, the elder can reroll one of its missed attacks each round (cumulative) as its hoard sings a song of carnage to it.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zWlKHIumlaKeOJFE" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

A greathoard elder can use precise breath [[1d4 + 1]] times per battle, but never two turns in a row.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GTATp1VE2ihScEqP" + flags: {} + name: "Iconic comparisons" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The dragon is enamored/envious of the icons with the greatest hoards. For each PC who has at least one positive or conflicted relationship point with one or more of those icons, the greathoard elder gains an extra use of treasury master this battle.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/green-bulette.yml b/vaults/monsters/green-bulette.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..458b4b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/green-bulette.yml @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +_id: "fxfyW7uIHagmiB5z" +name: "Green Bulette" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 92 + min: 0 + max: 92 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Green Bulette" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "SfCF9dG5TE6TTDH8" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "T6JWZrLCxGccv8Pr" + flags: {} + name: "Charging maw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "The target pops free from all enemies engaged with it and is *vulnerable* to all attacks (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xBqBULudzDwirmiC" + flags: {} + name: "Leaping bite" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The green bulette gains a +3 bonus to attack and damage with its first attack each battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Ez3dhFLIr5ED6TPY" + flags: {} + name: "Into the earth" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The first time each round an attack hits the bulette, it can choose to hunker down as a free action. If it does, it gains a +3 bonus to AC and PD until the start of its next turn. Force attacks and opportunity attacks don’t trigger this ability. If the green bulette hunkers down while it’s moving (for example, from a readied action), its movement ends that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5MJVqW0y0uDe1rVc" + flags: {} + name: "Blood-frenzy escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While at least one creature in the battle is staggered or *unconscious*, the bulette gains a bonus to its attacks and damage equal to the escalation die but can’t use into the earth. Creatures that have no blood (constructs, oozes, plant creatures, etc.) don’t trigger this ability." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wj75oqOdz68H6qCE" + flags: {} + name: "Occasional burrower" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Like all bulettes, the green bulette can burrow. While above ground, it prefers to move slowly on the surface and rely on its plant- and soil-covered shell to stay hidden until it attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hag.yml b/vaults/monsters/hag.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fbbb24 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hag.yml @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ +_id: "ogO3HkOmmTKMFJoO" +name: "Hag" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 108 + min: 0 + max: 108 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hag" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "qTnNStBr9fqysxUL" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ZjxEFKGYBd7TJZ8K" + flags: {} + name: "Iron claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[9]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 14+" + value: "The hag triggers one hag ability as a free action." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The hag triggers two hag abilities as a free action (can’t be the same ability twice)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "C8fTA8sA8AaczUej" + flags: {} + name: "R: Evil eye" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "Ongoing [[12]] damage (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The attack roll also targets a second different enemy of the hag’s choice (but not a third with another 16+)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "As above, and the attack roll also targets a third different enemy of the hag’s choice (but not a fourth with another 18+)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tTo7TmEhgrDnczq4" + flags: {} + name: "Death curse" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each hag can lay a curse upon the one who ends its horrible life. After dropping to 0 hit points, a hag always lingers long enough to pronounce the words of the curse. (See Death Curses.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "oEkHzZ2f7eOe0FOq" + flags: {} + name: "Delusionist" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "All hags have the ability to twist the perceptions of others. If the hag has a short time to prepare, it can hide a small hut, disguise a volunteer or captive as a monster, disguise itself as a harmless peasant woman, etc. A DC 30 skill check is required to overcome the delusion and see the truth of it (if a player gives a reason for not trusting what their character sees; perhaps add subtle clues toward that end). The magic fades as soon as the hag enters combat." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "c1BWp6zN6eRbGOYS" + flags: {} + name: "Fear" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with this creature, enemies with 30 hp or fewer are *dazed* (-4 attack) and do not add the escalation die to their attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hagunemnon.yml b/vaults/monsters/hagunemnon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77d08ca --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hagunemnon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +_id: "ep3ZLwDJtMSfLqyZ" +name: "Hagunemnon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 29 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 864 + min: 0 + max: 864 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hagunemnon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "KzN3mdRdcWz3B2RW" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Hlq8s13ochEeXC4T" + flags: {} + name: "Spontaneous metamorphosing limbs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 18]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[110]] damage, and the hagunemnon can make a spontaneous metamorphosing limbs attack against a different target as a free action" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 19+" + value: "The target starts making last gasp saves. On the fourth failure, it becomes a shapeless ooze." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jhfCX6QkH74BDPS1" + flags: {} + name: "Diminishing limbs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "With each subsequent hit after the first, spontaneous metamorphosing limbs deals [[20]] less damage. The hagunemnon also doesn’t gain any extra attacks when it makes a basic attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MJgK2DYY9zYLcYBJ" + flags: {} + name: "Dimension hop" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As a move action when the escalation die is odd, the hagunemnon can teleport nearby or far away to a location it can see." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xp6oMKAepmruPeck" + flags: {} + name: "Resist psychic 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a psychic attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Mir5sbSTzZDQoMgL" + flags: {} + name: "Shapechange" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As a standard action, the hagunemnon can change its form to that of any large or medium creature, or back to its own shape. Seeing through the shapechange requires a DC 25 skill check." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XqXY9tOMbQMHscOP" + flags: {} + name: "Madness aura" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature is engaged with the hagunemnon at the start of its turn, it takes [[4d10]] psychic damage. If it takes [[31]] or more damage this way during a single turn, it’s also *confused* until the start of its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/half-orc-commander.yml b/vaults/monsters/half-orc-commander.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a5f7bd --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/half-orc-commander.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "kp3CDjGcAGJ1C3RJ" +name: "Half-Orc Commander" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 150 + min: 0 + max: 150 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Half-Orc Commander" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "zzG9QH61vsOPGirb" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "M4AHMlm4aDSLUmxg" + flags: {} + name: "Jagged longsword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "One nearby lower-level mook makes an attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "I24cmdcdS4oTE6WD" + flags: {} + name: "R: Thrown javelin" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The half-orc commander gains 20 temporary hit points." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LmVn44PGTfm7E0y7" + flags: {} + name: "Orcish command" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a nearby ally of the half-orc commander scores a critical hit, that ally can roll a save against a save ends effect as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/half-orc-tribal-champion.yml b/vaults/monsters/half-orc-tribal-champion.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b84fa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/half-orc-tribal-champion.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "c1b0LF2pIJFPlzhm" +name: "Half-Orc Tribal Champion" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 80 + min: 0 + max: 80 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Half-Orc Tribal Champion" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "3ZFB4LKG2JiWCVM5" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "TONqrXRdW9zBz1w3" + flags: {} + name: "Great axe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd miss" + value: "The tribal champion heals 5 hp." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "[[10]] damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "AUku6FQGgrlGfyOY" + flags: {} + name: "R: Longbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9x4JpUhEpUjVrDdA" + flags: {} + name: "Tribal rage" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die is even, a tribal champion can roll two [[d20]] for each melee attack roll it makes and use the result it prefers. If both dice are 11+, the melee attack is a critical hit." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/harpy.yml b/vaults/monsters/harpy.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5f1db4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/harpy.yml @@ -0,0 +1,325 @@ +_id: "taWrEq22pthdVkRZ" +name: "Harpy" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 44 + min: 0 + max: 44 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Harpy" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "eHmecmDtumhrsDnC" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "oY9Gw89j6dX7lsfr" + flags: {} + name: "Talons" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QTuvcmEosgAWZ8iU" + flags: {} + name: "C: Fiendish song" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16-17" + value: "The target is *hampered* (easy save ends, 6+)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18-19" + value: "The target is *weakened* instead of *hampered* (easy save ends, 6+)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + hitt3: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 20" + value: "The target is *confused* instead of *weakened* (easy save ends, 6+)." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EfScosyvhVSY2ECJ" + flags: {} + name: "Cull" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The harpy gains a +5 bonus to attack and damage with this attack against any enemy suffering from any fiendish song effect." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8ZY45lmzKKBQlv75" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Flight" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/headless-zombie.yml b/vaults/monsters/headless-zombie.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dcb4c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/headless-zombie.yml @@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ +_id: "TXzNViOwvjgTf2IJ" +name: "Headless Zombie" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 270 + min: 0 + max: 270 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Headless Zombie" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Df1EJth44UBeRgWV" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "43Wep3x0asEFvB0d" + flags: {} + name: "Flailing fists" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "Both the zombie and the target take [[3d10]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "oncPL3STWMLjk33Y" + flags: {} + name: "R: Mouthless cry" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] closest nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *dazed* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes [[20]] psychic damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tt5xZqiWv8t1Jz24" + flags: {} + name: "Death spasms" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a headless zombie drops to 0 hp, it flails with its fists and makes a mouthless cry attack as a free action before it dies." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nOsdKvlfdLAl6FAK" + flags: {} + name: "Inevitable hunger" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature tries to affect the zombie’s attack, such as forcing a reroll or applying a penalty, it must roll a normal save; on a failure, the effect is negated." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kh72jRL6E61uBWoK" + flags: {} + name: "Baleful aura" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While nearby a headless zombie, when a creature would heal, it only heals half the normal hit points." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zFkEfnrm5bqz3tL9" + flags: {} + name: "Necrotic supremacy" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die increases to 6, each headless zombie in the battle is restored to maximum hit points, including the dead ones." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hell-imp.yml b/vaults/monsters/hell-imp.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c5b5b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hell-imp.yml @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ +_id: "TjHK0EnGKSxUfXvx" +name: "Hell Imp" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 50 + min: 0 + max: 50 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "Fire +13" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hell Imp" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "gqyD70y3KOCCmenl" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "mlFdkMJnOyYerl7f" + flags: {} + name: "Needing taunt" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+9]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] psychic damage, and the target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6q3RIHEahkUmXgCr" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Stinging tail" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Limited use: As a free action, when an enemy enganged with the hell imp misses it with an attack.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+9]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] ongoing poison damage and the target is *weakened* (save ends both)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tyHWqA5ddi0rZuej" + flags: {} + name: "Devil's due (Mwhahahah!)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

When you choos to add the escalation die to an attack against a hell imp, the imp automatically hits with it next needign taunt attack this battle, and the target taes [[2d6]] extra psychic damage.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "swtUVkLSbuci5WO9" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Hell imps are capable of impressive feats of aerial agility, but only when teir lives depends on it.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6diTNrKeEIgJ85yH" + flags: {} + name: "Vanish" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Once per battle as a move action, a hell imp can become invisible, pop free from all enemies engaged with it, move away somwhere nearby, and then reappear.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LpPFNDiLQYWF9wo0" + flags: {} + name: "Free-form ability - Provoke" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Hell imps are as capable as you might expect at handling social situations, sneaking, noticing spies, and the like. Their special talent is provocation. They can talk their associates into all sorts of extreme emotions and imprudent behavior. Likewise, they can probably goad PCs into losing their cool.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HzqHuJfLPxPBGUgW" + flags: {} + name: "Potent venom" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The stinging tail attack deals [[3]] extra ongoing poison damage ([[11]] total), but the target must succeed on two saves (one for ongoing and one for *weakened*).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hellhound.yml b/vaults/monsters/hellhound.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c93305 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hellhound.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "XXJpiQImBXZa7OxP" +name: "Hellhound" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 58 + min: 0 + max: 58 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hellhound" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "zzWYKQKV2LmO3iqO" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "kxEBYBsuGmsK1uQm" + flags: {} + name: "Savage bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The hellhound can make a fiery breath attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "4WtVWCHFJ15XSTO1" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Fiery breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "r9GGk3fllf2VYJqf" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sGurS3iXrRxxTVVO" + flags: {} + name: "Fiery aura" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each creature engaged with a hell hound at the start of its turn takes [[2d6]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hellwasp.yml b/vaults/monsters/hellwasp.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92974ab --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hellwasp.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "PfDeh8PVsZmw53Ft" +name: "Hellwasp" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 28 + min: 0 + max: 28 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hellwasp" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "1rdnXpt3gnHcy3hg" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "c5PF09wzVxPTIjZz" + flags: {} + name: "Necrotizing stinger" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "[[5]] ongoing acid damage (easy save ends, 6+), and the hellwasp can pop free from the target." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ipePa1DYBWEDRsMX" + flags: {} + name: "Virulent injection" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "1. *confused*; 2. *weakened*; 3. *dazed*; 4. *vulnerable*." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ytO767YJ8Phe99Qu" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Hellwasps are adroit fliers that can hover and even fly backward." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "B87a4AIiC1iUChuf" + flags: {} + name: "Lethal injection" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The save versus the stinger’s ongoing acid damage is a normal save (11+) instead of an easy save." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hezrou-toad-demon.yml b/vaults/monsters/hezrou-toad-demon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eda7c33 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hezrou-toad-demon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +_id: "S98GOa9Kag5C7UlB" +name: "Hezrou (toad demon)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 210 + min: 0 + max: 210 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hezrou (toad demon)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Y6mwV7WMLLUAch5a" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "TDYrIKm9H7Shwzbv" + flags: {} + name: "Meaty, clawed hands" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[28]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wRrjnF4EcHQ8sNeG" + flags: {} + name: "Any hit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The demon can grab the target if it isn’t already grabbing a creature. The grabbed foe can’t move except to teleport, pop free, or attempt to disengage, and disengage attempts take a -5 penalty unless the creature hit the hezrou with an attack that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dJRJuZWtKAgkdai6" + flags: {} + name: "Strong grasp" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The hezrou gains a +4 attack bonus against any enemy it is grabbing." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FdqcQ2uaTvHohXF0" + flags: {} + name: "Demonic stench" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with this creature, enemies with 84 hp or fewer are *dazed* (-4 attack) and do not add the escalation die to their attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "69dzmEdzlbxC1TxX" + flags: {} + name: "Abyssal sergeant" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Lower-level non-mook demons nearby the hezrou deal damage equal to their level when they miss with an attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RRqEpQdmOZsflfHj" + flags: {} + name: "Stab this now" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The hezrou’s allies gain a +4 attack bonus against any creature it is grabbing." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hill-giant.yml b/vaults/monsters/hill-giant.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d92435f --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hill-giant.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "qx4dKzHiCKZEI39v" +name: "Hill Giant" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 200 + min: 0 + max: 200 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hill Giant" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "XLMaCcfgnXU1760c" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "DoSNe2lajFge5zAO" + flags: {} + name: "Massive gnarly club" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[45]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss that’s a natural 6+" + value: "Half damage (sometimes close is good enough)." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YvJ4w7NI6dAFUYOh" + flags: {} + name: "R: Two-handed boulder throw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Hd3kWQtKIXg4c4XD" + flags: {} + name: "Big bully" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The giant deals double damage with its attacks against staggered targets." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hoard-spirit-red.yml b/vaults/monsters/hoard-spirit-red.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31f166f --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hoard-spirit-red.yml @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +_id: "wPq3ZHZwQQtkHlOV" +name: "Hoard Spirit (Red)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 50 + min: 0 + max: 50 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hoard Spirit (Red)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "6Nkh05riUK3Q34Oj" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "feQkpl40IT2JfdJL" + flags: {} + name: "Hoard-fueled strike" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is *stuck* under a pile of treasure until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hoardsong-dragon-red.yml b/vaults/monsters/hoardsong-dragon-red.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65b3999 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hoardsong-dragon-red.yml @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ +_id: "6t1WceFl0n8rOgYp" +name: "Hoardsong Dragon (Red)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 360 + min: 0 + max: 360 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "Fire 16+" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "Cold" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hoardsong Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" + tint: null + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "QPcP47zEcUqZ4e3O" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "3tExos08lleUG9Nh" + flags: {} + name: "Fangs and claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+14]] vs. AC ([[3]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes [[15]] extra damage from a precise strike." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "isQZ3YM08Sy0ZQCU" + flags: {} + name: "C: Hoardsong" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Limited use: 2/battle, as a quick action (once per round).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+14) vs. MD (on nearby enemy in the dragon's lair)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] psychic damage, and the target is *confused* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "60zA9an1tJHDCr9C" + flags: {} + name: "C: Precise breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Intermittent breath: A hoardsong dragon can use precise breath [[1d4]] times per battle, but never two turns in a row.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+14]] vs. PD ([[1d4+1]] nearby enemies, or [[1]] enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] fire damage, and [[10]] ongoing fire damage; OR [[80]] fire damage, and [[20]] ongoing fire damage if used against a single enemy" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "If the breath targeted multiple enemies, the target takes [[20]] ongoing fire damage instead of [[10]]. If the breath targeted a single enemy, the target takes [[40]] ongoing fire damage instead of [[20]]." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GXAS23NzUEg0jOED" + flags: {} + name: "Known to an ounce" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The dragon knows where every treasure in its hoard is located, allowing it to detect any movement or shifting of the coins and valuables. While in its lair with its hoard, the hoardsong dragon is immune to invisibility and ignores illusions, and creatures attempting to hide from it take a -5 penalty to their checks.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0gb3G2FIoPJRhLcA" + flags: {} + name: "Lair" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

If the dragon is in his lair, it has +1 to AC.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CdCIbqatGzCBK6e0" + flags: {} + name: "Hoard minions" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The dragon’s connection to its hoard is so strong that it has some control over the souls of those it previously killed who owned the treasures. Once per round as a quick action, the hoardsong dragon can summon [[1d4]] hoard spirits that take form by surrounding themselves in coins, wear empty suits of armor, etc., and defend the dragon’s hoard. Roll initiative for the minions once and use that count for all additional minions.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CCcS0rebhTcInK5z" + flags: {} + name: "The call of the hoard" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The connection of a hoardsong dragon to its hoard imparts the dragon’s magic upon the hoard. Before battle, if the PCs are able to see the hoard while the dragon speaks to them, each PC that can hear the dragon must roll a Wisdom check. On a result of 24 or less, that PC is charmed as per the charm person spell and considers the dragon a friend. On a result of 25–29, the PC is lulled by the dragon’s words and the sight of the hoard; if combat occurs, the PC will be *stunned* during their first round. The dragon will make a suggestion to charmed PCs to leave and bring it more treasure for its hoard (while it prepares surprises for their return). Charmed PCs won’t attack the dragon, but can make a normal save each round in battle to break the charm effect (or every day outside of combat).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hobgoblin-captain.yml b/vaults/monsters/hobgoblin-captain.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7798443 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hobgoblin-captain.yml @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +_id: "17aTIyYffIlKbXdQ" +name: "Hobgoblin Captain" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 50 + min: 0 + max: 50 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hobgoblin Captain" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "OzyJOujnbAizROzl" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "h69nXYXkZEkUUXIa" + flags: {} + name: "Longsword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage, and willing-underling triggers" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dtIt7KLWEpVVYCDA" + flags: {} + name: "R: Throwing axe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "IEzeXUJ2wrN1xtWY" + flags: {} + name: "Willing-underling" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Until the start of its next turn, the first time an attack would hit the hobgoblin captain, it can partially avoid that attack if it has a nearby goblin ally. It only takes half damage from the attack, and that ally takes the rest." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jvTu2cjrQ7f1CWpY" + flags: {} + name: "Group ability" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "For every two hobgoblins in the battle (round up, ignore mooks), one of them can use well-armored as a free action once during the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "i6kV9L0d8rSZYGsX" + flags: {} + name: "Well-armored (group)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Ignore all damage from a hit (but not a crit) against AC." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hobgoblin-warmage.yml b/vaults/monsters/hobgoblin-warmage.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a4b6af --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hobgoblin-warmage.yml @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +_id: "XQSuJf2GeX0vgwQD" +name: "Hobgoblin Warmage" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 70 + min: 0 + max: 70 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hobgoblin Warmage" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "jJv8T5HcuJDhnmt9" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "mQ6mCbanYme4xT6b" + flags: {} + name: "Warstaff" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "W2royqJrZDrIpJEH" + flags: {} + name: "R: Fireblast" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD (up to [[2]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] fire damage (or 20 if used against a single target), and the target loses its next move action" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "u4Dv3aqLe5f5dOtF" + flags: {} + name: "C: Concussive blast" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD (all enemies engaged with the warmage)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] force damage, and the warmage pops the target off of it" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 20" + value: "The target is also *dazed* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hobgoblin-warrior.yml b/vaults/monsters/hobgoblin-warrior.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f54e1c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hobgoblin-warrior.yml @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +_id: "5pNBcbXM6PTkPHSp" +name: "Hobgoblin Warrior" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 32 + min: 0 + max: 32 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hobgoblin Warrior" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "cQUCvBgcaz0ZSy3k" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "MSvhXUQvr8sIP8iy" + flags: {} + name: "Longsword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "[[2]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XINFnLYjm3aXLLyr" + flags: {} + name: "Group ability" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "For every two hobgoblins in the battle (round up, ignore mooks), one of them can use well-armored as a free action once during the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "G1w3LUB7s0HvD6Hu" + flags: {} + name: "Well-armored (group)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Ignore all damage from a hit (but not a crit) against AC." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/honey-devil-aka-slime-devil.yml b/vaults/monsters/honey-devil-aka-slime-devil.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0004e87 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/honey-devil-aka-slime-devil.yml @@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ +_id: "hEGryxs5FdeTMVsH" +name: "Honey Devil, aka Slime Devil" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 35 + min: 0 + max: 35 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Honey Devil, aka Slime Devil" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "niiGIz9LLIcIGY3T" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "IcZUwnKIrzDv4Az6" + flags: {} + name: "Hidden dagger" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Qxpze4uLwGrncHuH" + flags: {} + name: "Confusing plea" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *confused* (save ends)." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "siaQpmYn7koMMP04" + flags: {} + name: "The target has MD 15 or lower" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The honey devil can make a disengage check this turn as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TnQYAmuXQw0vfDud" + flags: {} + name: "Desperate plea" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the honey devil is staggered by an attack, it makes a confusing plea attack against the attacker as a free action after the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3NvN6p4QcWPGnOny" + flags: {} + name: "Glamour of innocence" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature seems innocent, not someone a hero should hurt. At worst, it’s ugly, but is that a crime? When an enemy rolls a natural odd attack roll against a honey devil, the attack misses and has no effect." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Pv1A02dAqcGNfiUQ" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Hm7zsVfp13mqM9bV" + flags: {} + name: "Weakling" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When building battles using this monster, it only counts as half a normal monster." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1A5WVqfReM6cUQVj" + flags: {} + name: "Free-form covert ability—Slimy" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "In any non-combat struggles with a honey devil, it excels at being too slippery for the PCs, both personally and through its underground network of minions. In an indirect contest, the PCs might try to talk sense to one of the devil’s dupes or to discern suspicious activity while staking out the devil’s secret network. The honey devil is an expert at what it does, so use DC 25 for any such skill checks. Assume that the devil is competent at slipping its influence through the network unnoticed. Failure might mean that the PC has succeeded in gaining information, which in turn sends them down a dead end or into a trap. In a direct confrontation, the devil is likewise hard to pin down, see through, or otherwise get the better of." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hooded-devil.yml b/vaults/monsters/hooded-devil.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbe3d0b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hooded-devil.yml @@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ +_id: "erfYruT57tsVWEik" +name: "Hooded Devil" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hooded Devil" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ouNRYx7tSUUedJlx" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ozq9RM5HXtGVi53t" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing punch or kick" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "If this is the devil’s first attack during its turn, it can make a telepathic harry attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0FkxdRAPyprBF0ay" + flags: {} + name: "C: Telepathic harry" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target takes [[30]] psychic damage each time it makes a non-basic attack (save ends). The target silently hears a terribly hurtful statement, in the voice of the person who would hurt them the most by saying it." + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "If this is the devil’s first attack during its turn, it can make a crushing punch or kick attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dHqEVB7F5QwCWCNi" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Mastery)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a hooded devil, it adds the escalation die to its attacks until the end of the battle and no other attacks against it can use the escalation die." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RagS42OH7oHePsmT" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NyJnEns2Gr9xoG7b" + flags: {} + name: "Restoration" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of a hooded devil’s turn, it can roll a save against each save ends effect affecting it if it doesn’t attack that turn (so it could successfully save against *confused* or *stunned* conditions and still move that turn, for example.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KleathgH9sqpSl2S" + flags: {} + name: "Free-form covert ability—Master" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "the furniture, terrain, conversations, and people. If the PCs attempt to overcome a hooded devil through skill checks, the check is DC 30. Good luck if you need to win an argument, get to an exit first, use terrain to your advantage, or pressure one of the devil’s thugs to rat it out. The name of this ability is a verb." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hook-scuttler.yml b/vaults/monsters/hook-scuttler.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f560431 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hook-scuttler.yml @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +_id: "cYucX28Rm9i86R9j" +name: "Hook Scuttler" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 30 + min: 0 + max: 30 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hook Scuttler" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "P4nZmbzNRAq7odPK" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "l7C8rf6O88LQjP2O" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and mandibles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ch8O5UYUDDCrcSMD" + flags: {} + name: "Spiky bits" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a hook scuttler moves to engage an enemy it wasn’t engaged with at the start of its turn, that enemy takes [[1d6]] damage. When an enemy tries to disengage from the hook scuttler and fails, it takes [[1d6]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kX0VumKWFitiUNFs" + flags: {} + name: "Corpse eater" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a nearby enemy drops to 0 hit points or below in the battle, the hook scuttler will ignore other enemies and move to attack that *unconscious* enemy until that enemy is dead." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hooked-demon.yml b/vaults/monsters/hooked-demon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a37d3b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hooked-demon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +_id: "jw9ZrZW8zmBzSeBv" +name: "Hooked Demon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 45 + min: 0 + max: 45 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hooked Demon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "03SDgWLFF7NfSIO2" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "4PXuzi6xVMUCB13O" + flags: {} + name: "Hooks and barbs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[27]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The hooked demon can make another hooks and barbs attack as a free action (and yes, this can keep going up to a maximum number of attacks equal to the escalation die + 1)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZbbucwiP9yN7gZOj" + flags: {} + name: "Bleeding wounds" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever the hooked demon hits a creature with hooks and barbs, that creature takes [[10]] damage each time it makes a non-basic attack (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/horned-devil-cornugon.yml b/vaults/monsters/horned-devil-cornugon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..397aa6d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/horned-devil-cornugon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +_id: "3CwHM0sJIkm5ImgA" +name: "Horned Devil (Cornugon)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 700 + min: 0 + max: 700 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Horned Devil (Cornugon)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "guo8YC8MjDW9UV4s" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "2kkPcYR52qM7c8Fe" + flags: {} + name: "Barbed fork" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[150]] damage, and until the end of the battle against the target, the devil gains a +1 bonus to attacks and its crit range expands by 1 (cumulative)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The horned devil can make a slicing tail attack against a different target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "The horned devil can make a slicing tail attack as a free action." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ApRJj6fZe0hhvvyO" + flags: {} + name: "Slicing tail" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] ongoing damage from a bleeding wound" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "4sFwi4PiV8xLMuo1" + flags: {} + name: "R: Flaming dart" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[60]] damage, and [[30]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[30]] ongoing fire damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QalQ8gXY9Lfulqb9" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Weakness)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a horned devil, you are *weakened* until the end of your next turn after you make the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "eDqLF0IyV7rtuP0k" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Horned devils are clumsy but determined fliers." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sRFAQ3tRiY6H8MdS" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/huge-black-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/huge-black-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c59e545 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/huge-black-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +_id: "1j2K3ryrnDWKaKKV" +name: "Huge Black Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 510 + min: 0 + max: 510 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 17 + mod: 17 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Huge Black Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "t8BYRdOAtwLAsOzb" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "dnvMQCV0UFzAei7g" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC ([[3]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[15]] ongoing acid damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[20]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iDe6Ycd97BFi661U" + flags: {} + name: "C: Acid breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] acid damage, and [[15]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[4d12]] acid damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MQUTunClmQkond0I" + flags: {} + name: "Draconic grace" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of each of the huge black dragon’s turns, roll a [[d4]] to see if it gets an extra standard action. If the roll is equal to or less than the escalation die, the black dragon can take an extra standard action that turn. After the first success, the grace die bumps up to a d6. After the second success, it’s a d8, then a d10 after the third success. The fourth success is a d12, and finally a d20 after the fifth one." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GugzhCpnhM0D576C" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A huge black dragon can use acid breath [[2d3]] times per battle, but never two turns in a row." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "r0TMxCrvGgdFkcr7" + flags: {} + name: "Water-breathing" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Black dragons swim well and can breathe underwater." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jzsEAxkXqZq757TR" + flags: {} + name: "Resist acid 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an acid attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/huge-blue-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/huge-blue-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc69666 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/huge-blue-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +_id: "RPlCfAz5ypEeo5LH" +name: "Huge Blue Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 29 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 980 + min: 0 + max: 980 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 17 + mod: 17 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Huge Blue Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "0xj0nBQTapPdvkao" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "WhYAp9jKHlpY0rba" + flags: {} + name: "Double claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The dragon can make a bite attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kNrFvCi6flwVeY7N" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[60]] damage, and [[4d10]] lightning damage to the target and to one other nearby enemy of the dragon’s choice" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "du6UN40mFJRBCl0A" + flags: {} + name: "C: Far slashing lightning breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] nearby or far away enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[80]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is also *dazed* (save ends). After the target saves, it takes a -1 attack penalty (non-cumulative) until its next full heal-up (because it’s vibrating slightly out of synch with the rest of the world)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BYWZYe0T2TSeVqJ5" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A huge blue dragon can use far slashing lightning breath [[2d4]] times per battle, but never two turns in a row." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "O8mqOnWvFL5Hvwkt" + flags: {} + name: "Counter-spell" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "impossible unless the dragon has a save bonus from some other source)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3VttCv0WrDrKKa4q" + flags: {} + name: "Resist lightning 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a lightning attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/huge-brass-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/huge-brass-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5837f1f --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/huge-brass-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,372 @@ +_id: "ZNlL3LuF3ASgA6W6" +name: "Huge Brass Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-brass.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 145 + min: 0 + max: 145 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Huge Brass Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-brass.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "l2MAmGRpXXllD3ki" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "v6qWtnR7dj9DUMdA" + flags: {} + name: "Flurry of claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The dragon can make a mind-bending babble attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FyuwGqLu2sPHTDmC" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Mind-bending babble" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD (each enemy engaged with the dragon)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *dazed* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The target is *confused* instead of *dazed* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3qDSYeuqs6pKVN7d" + flags: {} + name: "C: Fiery breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] fire damage, or [[30]] fire damage against a *dazed*, *weakened*, or *stunned* target" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 6+" + value: "The dragon can pop free from the target." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "G2wSuemiKecxHT67" + flags: {} + name: "Inspire awe" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While an enemy has 24 hp or fewer, it takes a -4 penalty to limited attacks against the dragon." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tRRbsjgd2f1hfvek" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/huge-bronze-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/huge-bronze-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01380cb --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/huge-bronze-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ +_id: "1rxcwrJp1DqNLG8F" +name: "Huge Bronze Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-bronze.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 600 + min: 0 + max: 600 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Huge Bronze Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-bronze.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "fjJpsQxUWqpbTM9Z" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Xa0aF6tIzU5DXuI2" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[170]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The dragon can pop free from one enemy engaged with it." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "AsxAoXviG09IWO74" + flags: {} + name: "C: Lightning breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD ([[1d6]] nearby or far away enemies in a rough line)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[120]] lightning damage, and the closest target hit is *dazed* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Wc90bRKn8yyiDpqN" + flags: {} + name: "Inspire awe" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While an enemy has 72 hp or fewer, it takes a -4 penalty to limited attacks against the dragon." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Ku7K56JkzkRA3MZX" + flags: {} + name: "Resist lightning 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a lightning attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "I8gEAT7fWDqYtDBJ" + flags: {} + name: "Retributive lightning" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as an interrupt action when an enemy targets it with an attack, the dragon can make a lightning breath against that attacker (and yes, if the dragon hits, the interrupted attack takes the -4 penalty due to *dazed*)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "krRJCDuawD2Iz5Tv" + flags: {} + name: "Rugged defenses" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature attacks the dragon, if it used another action this turn before the attack, the dragon gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/huge-copper-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/huge-copper-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bf9c4e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/huge-copper-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,432 @@ +_id: "uhXPwGgX5ZzOKuQn" +name: "Huge Copper Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-copper.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 700 + min: 0 + max: 700 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Huge Copper Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-copper.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "y5e1k8fgZZ64b26W" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "VmBgBVJo1FUVXJVi" + flags: {} + name: "Needle-sharp claws and teeth" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[70]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mcHQQKXNQoND8lfx" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Acrid smoke" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. PD (up to [[3]] enemies engaged with the dragon)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TEMp8E0TybHfnyik" + flags: {} + name: "C: Acid breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] acid damage, and [[35]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[15]] ongoing acid damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qO3srRhSLlpxNkv4" + flags: {} + name: "First natural 11+ each turn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The dragon can make an acrid smoke attack as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "M7jtabu0xflXHtOi" + flags: {} + name: "Inspire awe" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While an enemy has 120 hp or fewer, it takes a -4 penalty to limited attacks against the dragon." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zxGTv8jvgvh2DxXj" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "89WCDsfn6daQiIL2" + flags: {} + name: "Supreme Out-think" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action when an enemy rolls a natural even attack against the dragon, the dragon negates the attack (no damage or effects). In addition, this effect against natural even attacks lasts against the dragon’s enemies until the start of the dragon’s next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pBphDFI5lojPwqEp" + flags: {} + name: "Swift mind" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action when an attack targets the dragon’s MD, it can force the attacker to reroll the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/huge-gold-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/huge-gold-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7efff3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/huge-gold-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,416 @@ +_id: "VFls7iXvokI7AeWp" +name: "Huge Gold Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-gold.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 29 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 29 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 1400 + min: 0 + max: 1400 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 14 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 14 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Huge Gold Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-gold.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "tZOC61zOD4BNSD8h" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "46dk3tJ99awXS5dY" + flags: {} + name: "Ferocious bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 19]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[240]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The dragon can make a stultifying smoke attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[120]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "s4Gi1vv3qAXeeiIi" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Stultifying smoke" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 19]] vs. MD ([[1]] enemy engaged with the dragon)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *stunned* until the start of the dragon’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VZcJLtqevAtaHQTk" + flags: {} + name: "C: Fiery breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 19]] vs. PD (up to [[5]] enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[200]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target takes [[40]] ongoing fire damage and is *dazed* (save ends both)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "C7oQAkjw7163fl69" + flags: {} + name: "Inspire awe" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While an enemy has 240 hp or fewer, it takes a -4 penalty to limited attacks against the dragon." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UWpgVVioNljYFdF9" + flags: {} + name: "Spiral of golden flame" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a quick action while the escalation die is 3+, the dragon can fly into the air, popping free from all enemies engaged with it, and make a fiery breath attack against each enemy that was engaged with it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TeLqEMD7uQHZSize" + flags: {} + name: "Indomitability" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action at the start of its turn, the dragon can heal 300 hp and cancel all effects and conditions on it, including ongoing damage. It can heal and cancel these effects even if it’s prevented from taking actions, such as by being *stunned*." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "S8Jy3Sf1ijux3DOz" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/huge-green-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/huge-green-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5389e64 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/huge-green-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +_id: "EBeb047C5LBIZE7r" +name: "Huge Green Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-green.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 900 + min: 0 + max: 900 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Huge Green Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-green.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "CX6XBe6DDmAktu2Z" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "lB1XdXhba7ngTFVz" + flags: {} + name: "Sharp claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[100]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11-15" + value: "The dragon can make a bite attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The dragon can make a poison breath attack as a free action." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "anhsbWBaDxvLjlrn" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[140]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[20]] ongoing poison damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iEO2MkiCY0Gdhp0o" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Poison breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[100]] poison damage, and the target is *hampered* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "17kxZ4gDfVBw1GyM" + flags: {} + name: "Burrow" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Burrow" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "E1bGLagLnqzXUBEw" + flags: {} + name: "Resist poison 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a poison attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/huge-red-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/huge-red-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..060bd57 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/huge-red-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ +_id: "piVOzj9ljQ2Nc8XA" +name: "Huge Red Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 1200 + min: 0 + max: 1200 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 19 + mod: 19 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Huge Red Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "JVooyaUf1RNJYOFh" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "MBC9eUJCQGEhcmqq" + flags: {} + name: "Fangs, claws, and tail" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 19]] vs. AC ([[3]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[70]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "z3wIr7VE3pQuYZWO" + flags: {} + name: "C: Fiery breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 19]] vs. PD ([[2d3]] nearby or far away enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[80]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VZHMKOWCBQ2cXfK9" + flags: {} + name: "First natural even hit or miss each turn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll a fourth fangs, claws, and tail attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "o1OGwn2MjUuGlYYM" + flags: {} + name: "Second natural even hit or miss each turn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll a fifth fangs, claws, and tail attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HjdFxnyxbFvuLMfk" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A huge red dragon can use fiery breath [[1d6]] times per battle, but never two turns in a row." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8pr1GqkB3O2Nt2vn" + flags: {} + name: "Fear" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with this creature, enemies with 144 hp or fewer are *dazed* (-4 attack) and do not add the escalation die to their attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SU0maCpA4CiWzZzR" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/huge-silver-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/huge-silver-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51cb735 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/huge-silver-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +_id: "JXu6g20rItl1bGeW" +name: "Huge Silver Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-silver.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 1300 + min: 0 + max: 1300 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Huge Silver Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-silver.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "t3sDFBz52QbweeBy" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "VScEqreHW83n2XUt" + flags: {} + name: "Swift, keen claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[230]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 6+" + value: "The dragon can make a paralyzing smoke attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HjRqvj5FZeeM4lnf" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Paralyzing smoke" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 18]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] enemies engaged with the dragon)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target must roll an immediate save. On a failure, the target can’t take any actions and is *helpless* until the start of the dragon’s next turn as its limbs become paralyzed. On a success, the target is *dazed* until the end of its next turn." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VzrDKhN3x0wlx6lo" + flags: {} + name: "C: Ice breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 18]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[160]] cold damage, and the closest target hit is *dazed* until the start of the dragon’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "eT3QQ3kE0gMi8I1k" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive riposte" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action when an attack targets the dragon, it can force the attacker to reroll the attack and has resist damage 18+ against that attack. If the attack misses, the dragon can make a paralyzing smoke attack as free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qYStUJXaO4Wi0qMp" + flags: {} + name: "Inspire awe" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While an enemy has 192 hp or fewer, it takes a -4 penalty to limited attacks against the dragon." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RVW913vs4JDe3mrN" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/huge-white-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/huge-white-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67f96f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/huge-white-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "ouNkVCZEHYF9WJEY" +name: "Huge White Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 200 + min: 0 + max: 200 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Huge White Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "MjwvtQ4KwH8cUC4i" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "I1iQTHBj90UIUqlN" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The white dragon can make an ice breath attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1AOpEfQOcXQedhlE" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Ice breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit or miss" + value: "The dragon takes [[2d8]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "U74igDvox6Y2dASk" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/human-rabble.yml b/vaults/monsters/human-rabble.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07de3f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/human-rabble.yml @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +_id: "vbiGOhGmKykQUBMu" +name: "Human Rabble" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 9 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Human Rabble" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "aUW8lCOE1reek4c1" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "cRUJgWUQ1ZUBBUf5" + flags: {} + name: "Spear, sword, or club" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[1]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/human-thug.yml b/vaults/monsters/human-thug.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72fbc14 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/human-thug.yml @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +_id: "Clo9EA67PN4Nm8M4" +name: "Human Thug" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 27 + min: 0 + max: 27 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Human Thug" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "09lQu75SmNtrGsMo" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "CyQO8IITi5VlVqZB" + flags: {} + name: "Heavy mace" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The thug deals +6 damage with its next attack this battle." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/human-zombie.yml b/vaults/monsters/human-zombie.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d50c6f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/human-zombie.yml @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +_id: "TrKcccXQgE2Eypup" +name: "Human Zombie" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 9 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 60 + min: 0 + max: 60 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 1 + mod: 1 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Human Zombie" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "6BxpgEN0IhUj2DNh" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "cStLYmRs1XK9Vv4A" + flags: {} + name: "Rotting fist" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "Both the zombie and its target take [[1d6]] damage!" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SsyMmwCJarKcQ5Z9" + flags: {} + name: "Headshot" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A critical hit against a zombie drops it to 0 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NerMUErtzZs1SpEs" + flags: {} + name: "Eat brains" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "More dangerous zombies don’t try to kill the moving targets before feasting on brains; they keep attacking any enemy they’ve knocked *unconscious*, rolling attacks against the *helpless* enemy until it’s dead." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hungry-star.yml b/vaults/monsters/hungry-star.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..304f01b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hungry-star.yml @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +_id: "JPmUO0psaGKlpBbM" +name: "Hungry Star" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 54 + min: 0 + max: 54 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hungry Star" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "5Ixd32DguORr25ZQ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "VQ8HnEtr50ZeHxrn" + flags: {} + name: "Ripping tentacles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "If the target is taking ongoing psychic damage, the attack deals +[[2d6]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SgpgZJaZWQ1TGD9V" + flags: {} + name: "[Group ability] R: Warp-pulse" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] ongoing psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16-18" + value: "While the target is taking the ongoing psychic damage, it is *dazed* (-4 attacks)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 19-20" + value: "While the target is taking the ongoing psychic damage, it is *confused* instead of *dazed*." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NegXUdGAGqBMFGuV" + flags: {} + name: "Group ability" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "For every two hungry stars in the battle (round up), one of them can use warp-pulse once during the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "WdLJvuTxpB45BLul" + flags: {} + name: "Limited flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Hungry stars flap and glide and hover, always within seven or eight feet of the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/hunting-spider.yml b/vaults/monsters/hunting-spider.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6652a38 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/hunting-spider.yml @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +_id: "9wLbc3ZzTuFdKZq5" +name: "Hunting Spider" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 34 + min: 0 + max: 34 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Hunting Spider" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "GIoFT6UdNO2vjHjd" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "OBcnEor95QxQoGHs" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[1d8]] ongoing poison damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "IFhZmuW42vvLcOiK" + flags: {} + name: "Scuttle" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A hunting spider can turn its own failed disengage check into a success by taking [[1d4]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rloSonQX1afVyPcL" + flags: {} + name: "Wall-crawler" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A hunting spider can climb on ceilings and walls as easily as it moves on the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ice-devil-gelugon.yml b/vaults/monsters/ice-devil-gelugon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e840e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ice-devil-gelugon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "q6t8Q3HR3vX1zKIu" +name: "Ice Devil (Gelugon)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 270 + min: 0 + max: 270 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ice Devil (Gelugon)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "2rfMGpGDdoNRHaKZ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "9fCL9pu6B4diHsCy" + flags: {} + name: "Wicked glaive" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "As a free action, one of the ice devil’s nearby allies of its level or lower can make a basic attack as the ice devil sets the battlefield. That attack only deals half damage." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target is *stuck* (save ends)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cMkMLmA86r1SVyH7" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Rime)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against an ice devil, you are *stuck* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZJAsp4zudLGM6bBA" + flags: {} + name: "Shattering counsel" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a lower level nearby ally of the ice devil attacks a creature that’s *stuck*, the crit range of that attack expands by the escalation die." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HXse9Dxiuy9eyk8d" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ice-sorceress-frost.yml b/vaults/monsters/ice-sorceress-frost.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..628073b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ice-sorceress-frost.yml @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ +_id: "jLd4qMUNwXJbzPhl" +name: "Ice Sorceress (Frost)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 190 + min: 0 + max: 190 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ice Sorceress (Frost)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "4SFMIfRMsk4W7Vec" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ASBrTWX6sRPMZTew" + flags: {} + name: "Icicle staff" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage, [[20]] cold damage, and the sorceress can make an icy delusions attack against the target as a free action" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KiCgN3167ylM61sm" + flags: {} + name: "R: Winter wind" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[55]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The sorceress can make an icy delusions attack against the target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OHp7v2J7d8jaOVG7" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Icy delusions" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. MD ([[1]] enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "At the start of each round, the target loses [[2d6]] points from their initiative count as they slowly freeze from the inside out (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9W42VctdGAZPFmH0" + flags: {} + name: "C: Ice wall" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD ([[1]] moving enemy or ranged attacker)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target stops its movement or loses its ranged attack that turn, and the wall of ice remains until the end of the battle (GM’s choice on its size, but it shouldn’t be too large or thick; normal DC to break through it)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YHSbjCrBH3WzHi50" + flags: {} + name: "Frozen flesh" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "*confused* (hard save ends, 16+); OR *stunned* (save ends). After saving, the creature rerolls its initiative." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "A2H0EbKghQJvBOn0" + flags: {} + name: "Ice summoner" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per round as a free action, the giant can make an ice wall attack to conjure forth a wall of ice that stops one enemy’s movement or ranged attack. The giant can’t use this ability to target creatures making fire attacks or wielding weapons that deal fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9ksR8pIdTD7PJM3F" + flags: {} + name: "Ancient cold" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While battling one or more frost giants, there is only a 50% chance that the escalation die increases at the start of the round." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nMZBWfLKH1huvt4q" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iuqym70YfuJtJY9b" + flags: {} + name: "Ice armor" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The ice sorceress has resist damage 16+ unless the attack deals fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ice-zombie.yml b/vaults/monsters/ice-zombie.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..350bf7f --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ice-zombie.yml @@ -0,0 +1,316 @@ +_id: "mRBoJt1YmeKCG4BC" +name: "Ice Zombie" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 20 + min: 0 + max: 20 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire, holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ice Zombie" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "NQRz40fGscPZAwwe" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "hFfGXqYKifQJKc9q" + flags: {} + name: "Chill claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pLfelpPSDpFI0p8k" + flags: {} + name: "Icy breath of the grave" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[9]] cold damage, and the target is *vulnerable* to cold attacks (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PAhRoF7Z63jkb595" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Z9ndiawUHcSFz6Pc" + flags: {} + name: "Fiery decapitation" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Ice zombies have frozen, iron-hard flesh that makes them tougher than normal zombies—critical hits that deal fire damage deal triple damage to ice zombies; other critical hits just deal double damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/iconic-chimera.yml b/vaults/monsters/iconic-chimera.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ec4b93 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/iconic-chimera.yml @@ -0,0 +1,923 @@ +_id: "53Brby12w3L3S1d5" +name: "Iconic Chimera" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 320 + min: 0 + max: 320 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Iconic Chimera" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "osUhYI48l2rOYLcM" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "skx5i1mo7OKFH147" + flags: {} + name: "Fangs, claws, and horns" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC ([[3]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 14-15" + value: "The target is *dazed* until the end of the chimera’s next turn from a headbutt." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16-17" + value: "The target takes [[20]] ongoing damage from raking claws." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + hitt3: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18-20" + value: "The chimera can make a fiery breath attack as a free action." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CfgabSuiffmnNNQS" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Fiery breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD (up to [[3]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3d10]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "K5hrzuQddo0Hjl2D" + flags: {} + name: "Tusk charge" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: Once the chimera has damaged an enemy with this attack, it can’t use tusk charge again until it drops an enemy to 0 hp or lower." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 20]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[100]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KZb3Uy7C5wHDzbNz" + flags: {} + name: "Chimerical change" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of battle each PC rolls one icon relationship die of their choice and one die chosen from their relationships by the GM. A roll of 6 means the chimera has shifted in a manner that gives it a chimerical flaw (F) that the adventurers can exploit. A roll of a 5 indicates that the chimera gains both a flaw and a benefit associated with that icon. A result of 1 or 2 means that the chimera gains the icon’s chimerical benefit (B) without the flaw. Actual benefits and flaws are up to the GM, and should reflect the icons with which the players have relationships." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HndvWwv2TERazKuR" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Bearded spell-eating head" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a spell attack misses the chimera, it has no miss effect and the chimera heals 40 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "V1taQqSsAoImkAQs" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Vulnerability, melee" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range of melee attacks against the chimera expands by 2." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yMpL30G12MZ8HEHJ" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Skin of indomitable faces" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the chimera saves against a condition, it becomes immune to that condition until the end of the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lfK5s94KCzUGwwSm" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Vulnerability, spells" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range of spell attacks against the chimera expands by 2." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "A3wVzIBroAeyqLE7" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Flaming oil glands" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature is engaged with the chimera at the start of its turn, it takes [[20]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wCDPmpDnrWriCq2H" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Overconfident predator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each time the chimera scores a critical hit, it takes a cumulative -2 penalty to all defenses." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gwqdAI6qE2hqkYbM" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Stone-studded dermis" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Any damage dice that roll maximum damage against the chimera count as 1s." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1000000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Cxb71zuHtQywtcAA" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Stubborn beast" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The chimera won’t willingly disengage from a creature engaged with it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QxZ2UNC7oX5LTY9y" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Springing stag legs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die is odd, the chimera gains an additional standard action that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dgDj7OxFXWoCbDbA" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Overly gracile" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The chimera’s form is unusually frail, and any damage dice that roll 1s against the chimera count as 2s." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RL9bIYRZ3KYCccOC" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Mane of scorpion tails" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Enemies engaged with the chimera who are below 48 hit points are *dazed* and can’t use the escalation die." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "37ynlZlE3GHW49lt" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Golden fleece" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The chimera has transformed itself into a form that’s gem encrusted with golden fur. When slain it will yield [[1d6]] x 100 gp per adventurer in gems and precious metals. At the GM’s say-so, knowledge of this bounty may grant particularly mercenary characters a +1 attack bonus against the chimera once it’s staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1lD1atHjaA8wrh4p" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Inferno belly" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the chimera makes a fiery breath attack, it can make another fiery breath attack that turn as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "N9or0sPwDsa4DkNj" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Flammable blood" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the chimera rolls a natural odd miss with fiery breath, it takes [[20]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "axzfFZraVXalUDE1" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Wild heart" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The chimera is constantly evolving and changing. When an enemy rolls a natural 1-5 on an attack roll against it, the chimera adds the escalation die to its attack rolls until the end of its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2ZfZXzBkOKpYE5oZ" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Vulnerability, poison" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range of poison attacks against the chimera expands by 2." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FLSWrybzZvvmi2HX" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Bone plates" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy rolls a natural even miss with a melee attack against the chimera, the weapon temporarily loses all its bonuses and powers and the wielder is *weakened* (save ends both)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 2000000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "R4EtK1OBUQvXpRL2" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Vulnerability, holy" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range of holy attacks against the chimera expands by 2." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 2100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fUWMG276MZ77afyc" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Mighty tusks" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As a standard action, the chimera can make a tusk charge attack. It can’t make any other attacks the same turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 2200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sHQ7US1GMVZe9snR" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Too many horns" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The horns and tusks of the chimera lock together at inopportune moments. When it rolls a natural 1-5 with an attack against multiple targets, it loses any further attacks that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 2300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SmwIJJaY9Vpj2G8x" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Eagle wings" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The chimera can fly like an eagle, swooping in and out of the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 2400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "D8BL4DU7w1Pfic8f" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Vulnerability, negative energy" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range of negative energy attacks against the chimera expands by 2." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 2500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UijhoKIpvpWwqmfQ" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Poison fangs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the chimera rolls a natural 1-5 with an attack and misses, the target takes [[20]] ongoing poison damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 2600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "IJ4gXDyoYikEqDM8" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Bickering heads" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The first time each turn the chimera hits with an attack, it rerolls the attack and takes the lower roll." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 2700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "67qknGx19cTunQZF" + flags: {} + name: "(B) Draconic sinews" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While not staggered, the chimera rolls [[2d20]] with its melee attacks and uses the higher roll." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 2800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Ts7lIB1DpmiKH22G" + flags: {} + name: "(F) Too many wings" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever the chimera moves, it rolls an easy save (6+). On a failure, it provokes opportunity attacks from each nearby enemy." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 2900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/imp.yml b/vaults/monsters/imp.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e445c87 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/imp.yml @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +_id: "KWbhq0OXT0lENahj" +name: "Imp" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 40 + min: 0 + max: 40 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Imp" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "7l5p4D6jn0QbH7RM" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "S0ulE1ckqmrcAlW3" + flags: {} + name: "Festering claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hzfgKeTHijkd2g5m" + flags: {} + name: "R: Blight jet" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage, and the target is *dazed* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ueUhA46GBGN2qTUe" + flags: {} + name: "First natural 16+ each turn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "the target is *weakened* instead of *dazed*; OR the imp can make a blight jet attack against a different target as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HuKMSTXUTOg9WFZK" + flags: {} + name: "Curse aura" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever a creature attacks the imp and rolls a natural 1-5, that creature takes [[1d10]] psychic damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NNM4e7gnZUX9ck0U" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Flight" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/intellect-assassin.yml b/vaults/monsters/intellect-assassin.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f4dcac --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/intellect-assassin.yml @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ +_id: "2btXlpzKn05yfoeJ" +name: "Intellect Assassin" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Intellect Assassin" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "fKjQwLm8lW3ZdP9b" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "eZhkyxVtlC7LeYXi" + flags: {} + name: "Formless fist" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Quick use: The assassin can take [[15]] damage to make this attack as a quick action (one per round).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+9]] vs. PD ([[1]] enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage; OR if the target is fighting a psychic duel (see below), it can choose to take a -4 to penalty to its next check instead." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "W4rrmiFt6by0DrDq" + flags: {} + name: "C: insidious domination" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+11]] vs. MD ([[1]] enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage, and the opponent is locked in a psychic duel with the assassin (see below)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "B41vUj2ADQNbiAAG" + flags: {} + name: "C: Mind thrust" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+10]] vs. MD ([[1]] *confused* enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage (but onlye [[50]] damage on a crit)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Pgn9cNT9iYvJ6jTn" + flags: {} + name: "Exploit trauma" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

An intellect assassin’s crit range with attacks against MD expands by 2.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3BQDUSdUKY627Svi" + flags: {} + name: "Lost opportunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

This creature can’t make opportunity attacks.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HLXaviAnRWkBhrgM" + flags: {} + name: "Psychovore" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

An intellect devourer remembers the current escalation die value the first time it becomes unhosted in a battle and gains a bonus equal to that value to all attacks and defenses until the end of the battle.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "w5A9xKfp5LjvNTNe" + flags: {} + name: "Psychic duel" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

A psychic duel occurs when the intellect assassin hits with an insidious domination attack against a creature. At the start of the creature’s next turn, it must make an Intelligence skill check and can use a background that applies to psychic ability (if any). The result of this check determines that creature’s status until the start of its next turn. To maintain the psychic duel, the assassin must spend a move action each turn.

Psychic Duel Result: Status

  • 15 or less: The creature is *confused* until the end of its turn. It also can’t make opportunity attacks until the start of its next turn and takes a –2 penalty to its next psychic duel check.
  • 16–22: The creature is pressured—it takes a –2 penalty to attacks against any enemy except the assassin (dueling opponent).
  • 23–27: The creature steadies itself and can use a move action this turn to escape the psychic duel. If the creature chooses not to (or can’t) escape the duel, it gains a +2 bonus to its next psychic duel check.
  • 28+: As 23–27, but the creature takes advantage and gains a +4 bonus to its next psychic duel check instead of +2. In addition, the assassin takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls that target other creatures.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/intellect-devourer.yml b/vaults/monsters/intellect-devourer.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c2bab3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/intellect-devourer.yml @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ +_id: "i6WPEodUc7I9xujP" +name: "Intellect devourer" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 56 + min: 0 + max: 56 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Intelect devourer" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Zf7uiqx7SStCKBbH" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "kAhCZTgnoP4ULvsO" + flags: {} + name: "C: Recall trauma" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[16]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target can't add the escalation die to its attacks (save ends)" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fQRAqXu7qGF34TzV" + flags: {} + name: "C: ego scourge" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] psychic damage, and the target must choose one: take [[10]] extra damage; OR lose two points (cumulative) from its highest current background (min 0) until the next full heal-up" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iWtbOaOw9t5KR5bM" + flags: {} + name: "C: Mind wipe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Limited use: 1/battle

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+10]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy per point on esc. die)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target can neither detect the intellect devourer’s presence nor remember it was ever there to begin with. If no enemy in the battle remembers the devourer is there, remove it from play. Each nearby enemy immediately detects the devourer’s presence if it makes an attack or if it doesn’t leave the battle by the end of its next turn." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pdz3GiFnD8eVqquM" + flags: {} + name: "Exploit trauma" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The intellect devourer’s crit range with attacks against MD expands by 2.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hGm9hTD08gzzMcvB" + flags: {} + name: "Lost opportunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

This creature can’t make opportunity attacks.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yfjIHQaz5i5MMmBG" + flags: {} + name: "Psychovore" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

An intellect devourer remembers the current escalation die value the first time its host body drops to 0 hit points in a battle and gains a bonus equal to that value to all attacks and defenses until the end of the battle.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hbSDoXvx2wfdCIGM" + flags: {} + name: "Increased trauma" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Increased trauma: Add the following extra effect trigger to the intellect devourer’s recall trauma attack.

Natural 5, 10, 15, 20: The target can’t cast spells until the end of its next turn.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/iron-golem.yml b/vaults/monsters/iron-golem.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab08f99 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/iron-golem.yml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +_id: "GUj1lMVfQYfY9FWU" +name: "Iron Golem" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 360 + min: 0 + max: 360 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Iron Golem" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "MYrUUHYAMuajaIfW" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "VoMZVwZMRPWJrBPk" + flags: {} + name: "Fists of iron" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[5d10]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zMZ6ZmyWfwr6yuH5" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Poison gas cloud" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD (all nearby creatures)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "s2gxJMdHJwebPgOw" + flags: {} + name: "Golem immunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Non-organic golems are immune to effects. They can’t be *dazed*, *weakened*, *confused*, made *vulnerable*, or touched by ongoing damage. You can damage a golem, but that’s about it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "WcwXBfz1eGWEmuB7" + flags: {} + name: "Rampage" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of each of the iron golem’s turns, roll a [[d6]]. If the roll is equal to or less than the escalation die, the iron golem goes on a rampage that turn. Instead of its two normal fists of iron attacks, it can make three attacks with fists of iron, each against a different random nearby creature, enemy or ally. It can move after each such attack as a free action, if necessary, taking only half damage from opportunity attacks during the rampage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7WEYEJNGxegIWTyl" + flags: {} + name: "Poison gas" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The first time the iron golem is staggered, poison gas leaks from it into the area. It can make a poison gas cloud attack as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/jest-bones.yml b/vaults/monsters/jest-bones.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..825c0be --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/jest-bones.yml @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +_id: "2hD2ayqAGPW7EkAB" +name: "Jest Bones" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 41 + min: 0 + max: 41 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Jest Bones" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "oQIYUzFv5y37WoBI" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "w7iEVOYgmZtho9wa" + flags: {} + name: "C: Puns" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] psychic damage, plus [[1d6]] ongoing psychic damage if the GM makes a horrible pun while rolling the attacks" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wgfKhCYszBQFVI6D" + flags: {} + name: "Bad puns" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Creatures that can’t hear or that have attempted to reduce their hearing are only affected by a jest bones’ puns attack if the natural roll is odd." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VuNdak7I05hfSPaY" + flags: {} + name: "Limited flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The haunted skull can glide and hover, always within seven or eight feet of the ground. It also performs barrel rolls." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TwtoZVUF9BwvyCBE" + flags: {} + name: "Lost opportunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature can’t make opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/jotun-auroch.yml b/vaults/monsters/jotun-auroch.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4571a98 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/jotun-auroch.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "hfH16sCh4rhMs9zn" +name: "Jotun Auroch" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 70 + min: 0 + max: 70 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Jotun Auroch" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "stL0bR7671zatDwr" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "0JZC1hC3YTfmJZVN" + flags: {} + name: "Trampling hooves" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 1-5" + value: "The jotun auroch can make a fiery or frosty breath attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "p4m56BNIFPc5jfNu" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Fiery or Frosty breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] fire or cold damage, depending on what the jotun auroch has been eating lately" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "q5XDYmdo2zDkGq8H" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold and fire 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold or fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/kobold-archer.yml b/vaults/monsters/kobold-archer.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a12fa42 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/kobold-archer.yml @@ -0,0 +1,316 @@ +_id: "3n01ruWTwsIt8RKr" +name: "Kobold Archer" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 10 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 6 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Kobold Archer" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "iJcHNc5buVS47yRm" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "lslKDjM9Ma54Z8zt" + flags: {} + name: "Simple knife" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lXFCHBmF7j2bA3IW" + flags: {} + name: "R: Tiny crossbow or javelin" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BULRu5ZfRkOOfmGg" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Kobolds take no damage from missed attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pjyCCWQ0sU0WsVry" + flags: {} + name: "Split off" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When one of the kobold’s allies engages a creature engaged with the kobold, the kobold can pop free as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/kobold-bravescale.yml b/vaults/monsters/kobold-bravescale.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9175507 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/kobold-bravescale.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "ddC1ps4fD9AXQ4Qm" +name: "Kobold Bravescale" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 55 + min: 0 + max: 55 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Kobold Bravescale" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "xbspeoGfGq0fSOf8" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "OinKQeiUZakIKQO6" + flags: {} + name: "Spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[13]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural roll is above target’s Wisdom (trapster)" + value: "The kobold pushes or trips the target into a trap. See Trapster Kobold ability." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XhajjDqMft8TJRwX" + flags: {} + name: "Spear porcupine" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "WVWO1hUNMNQugd1L" + flags: {} + name: "Disciplined maneuver" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the escalation die is 3+ and this creature has at least two bravescale allies in the battle, whenever an enemy moves to engage the bravescale, it can make a spear porcupine attack against that enemy as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "i2gO0n8f8ny2lcFC" + flags: {} + name: "Lock shields" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "For each other kobold bravescale next to the bravescale or engaged with a creature that this bravescale is engaged with, the bravescale gains a +2 bonus to AC (maximum of +4), and each enemy engaged with the bravescale takes a -2 penalty (maximum of -4) to disengage checks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/kobold-dog-rider.yml b/vaults/monsters/kobold-dog-rider.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..278d9d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/kobold-dog-rider.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "Jwp222BwKTCReiOD" +name: "Kobold Dog-Rider" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 41 + min: 0 + max: 41 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Kobold Dog-Rider" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "oYkTPOu3lWJL4GVO" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "xHxTgEpF6uP0B7Ku" + flags: {} + name: "Flaming lance" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage, and [[3]] ongoing fire damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The kobold and its steed pop free from all enemies and can move as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Qq912Y2CtKKvS20q" + flags: {} + name: "R: Tiny crossbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[9]] damage, and the kobold and its steed can move as a free action." + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural roll is above target’s Wisdom (trapster)" + value: "There is line tied to the barbed dart, pulling/tripping the target into a trap. See Trapster Kobold ability." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "b5pB2V9c3gsu1ZeQ" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Kobolds take no damage from missed attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LHRzwY4g6uLvHCut" + flags: {} + name: "Canine steed" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The steed can’t be targeted separately from the kobold. If the kobold dies the dog runs away." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/kobold-dragon-soul.yml b/vaults/monsters/kobold-dragon-soul.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12fcf33 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/kobold-dragon-soul.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "5iE2zJD7k8Nygp6q" +name: "Kobold Dragon-Soul" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 70 + min: 0 + max: 70 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Kobold Dragon-Soul" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "APffD7IE0JiGLzY5" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "lkmNpaBZHfHm4Gjj" + flags: {} + name: "Claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[17]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target also takes [[8]] ongoing acid damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6RkMNnX4ChK6Rsvj" + flags: {} + name: "R: Fire spit" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "If flying, the kobold can remain in the air until the end of its next turn if it would normally have to land at the end of this turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HS0fM7Hv5Da9xWC0" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Kobolds take no damage from missed attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "j7fNigibKLyxuKm3" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A dragon-soul’s wings aren’t strong enough for sustained flapping flight, but with a headwind and a tall place to launch from it can glide for hours. During battle, however, it must land at the end of its turn if the escalation die is even (but see fire spit)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/kobold-dungeon-shaman.yml b/vaults/monsters/kobold-dungeon-shaman.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3da44dd --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/kobold-dungeon-shaman.yml @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +_id: "wOVCQBNUhMZSyjqA" +name: "Kobold Dungeon-Shaman" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 110 + min: 0 + max: 110 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Kobold Dungeon-Shaman" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "UXN9Bjrm7yRDB82k" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "bXQG4gDNu9YrbAmC" + flags: {} + name: "Bear traps on chains" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[13]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural roll is above target’s Wisdom (trapster)" + value: "The kobold drags the target into a trap. See Trapster Kobold ability." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hs4JLWSPjBGSgDxG" + flags: {} + name: "R: Hex of entrapment" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[26]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural roll is above target’s Wisdom (trapster)" + value: "The kobold summons a trap that was not previously there, which the target triggers. See Trapster Kobold ability." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The target is *stuck* and *hampered* (save ends both)." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "oCVSqCBcH2IUMM2m" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Kobolds take no damage from missed attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/kobold-engineer.yml b/vaults/monsters/kobold-engineer.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aeeb6ee --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/kobold-engineer.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "tMV2PMekFnM91nxb" +name: "Kobold Engineer" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 45 + min: 0 + max: 45 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Kobold Engineer" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "sM0fJCnUzcSSqCWV" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "FZmsPSPSovsphndL" + flags: {} + name: "Wrench, pick, or shovel" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The engineer’s kobold allies gain a +2 attack bonus against the target until the start of the engineer’s next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yn5r3Im8x6uceeRJ" + flags: {} + name: "R: Explosive flask" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *vulnerable* to non-magical attacks (easy save ends, 6+)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural roll is above target’s Wisdom (trapster)" + value: "The blast knocks the target into a trap. See Trapster Kobold ability." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EPwMPERdGsLSMmYE" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Kobolds take no damage from missed attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/kobold-grand-wizard.yml b/vaults/monsters/kobold-grand-wizard.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd4f624 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/kobold-grand-wizard.yml @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +_id: "aI4MSha27QxJonsf" +name: "Kobold Grand Wizard" +permission: + default: 0 +type: "Npc" +system: + attributes: + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 9 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 5 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 0 + min: 0 + max: 12 + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + role: + type: "String" + label: "Role" + value: "mook" + size: + type: "String" + label: "Size" + value: "normal" + type: + type: "String" + label: "Type" + value: "humanoid" + resistance: + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + value: "" + vulnerability: + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + value: "" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 0 + min: 0 + max: 12 +sort: 100001 +flags: + archmage: {} +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +token: + flags: {} + name: "Kobold Grand Wizard" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 360 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Es7mtcu51uyIPUBI" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: {} + bar2: {} + randomImg: false +items: + - _id: "c8wMAcUTqcwTOEGe" + flags: {} + name: "Static jolt" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[2]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + - _id: "AiDxolGygglNqajL" + flags: {} + name: "R: Painful liver inversion hex" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 4]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] poison damage, or [[6]] poison damage against dwarves" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + - _id: "e2d2yeJX4Ch1SMLB" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Kobolds take no damage from missed attacks." + sort: 200000 diff --git a/vaults/monsters/kobold-hero.yml b/vaults/monsters/kobold-hero.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0b9d0b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/kobold-hero.yml @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +_id: "VJ1sqwMyR5EAyFJZ" +name: "Kobold Hero" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 34 + min: 0 + max: 34 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Kobold Hero" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ZvjxjXva7NiejGAT" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "gQ54RrsRYDFl4JUK" + flags: {} + name: "Shortsword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage, and each nearby non-leader kobold deals +3 damage with its next attack this battle that hits" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "[[3]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CHMD6GqyRkgicdgQ" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Kobolds take no damage from missed attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/kobold-shadow-warrior.yml b/vaults/monsters/kobold-shadow-warrior.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..718220d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/kobold-shadow-warrior.yml @@ -0,0 +1,386 @@ +_id: "vrrOm7z9dJ5x0fby" +name: "Kobold Shadow-Warrior" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 14 + min: 0 + max: 14 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Kobold Shadow-Warrior" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "dYGY2Z2n7Xk49lyP" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "MfCBSHW8pryhJgYS" + flags: {} + name: "C: Throwing star" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2ArNE3ZQESGhRqWZ" + flags: {} + name: "C: Stinging dust" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. PD (up to [[2]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage, and the target takes a -1 penalty to attacks until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ryvoThaxg5UELTvO" + flags: {} + name: "C: Elusive strike" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby creature)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RbV7zx1oRimceMzq" + flags: {} + name: "Elusive" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If a shadow-warrior hasn’t been attacked since the end of its last turn, it can spend all of its actions on its turn to disappear from sight (remove it from play as it gets into position). At the start of its next turn, it reappears (dropping down from the ceiling or springing out of cover and re-entering play) and can make an elusive strike attack as a standard action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ClAnRl99rl0sXUBK" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Kobolds take no damage from missed attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iCQXdLiGDmxIh5xH" + flags: {} + name: "Wall-crawler" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A kobold shadow-warrior can climb on ceilings and walls as easily as it moves on the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/kobold-skyclaw.yml b/vaults/monsters/kobold-skyclaw.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..acdc5f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/kobold-skyclaw.yml @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +_id: "uPClx3nOxlMEDIzJ" +name: "Kobold Skyclaw" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 7 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Kobold Skyclaw" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "t4R4M7iFo6IZzzID" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "pRmTCObNhRpLCYEM" + flags: {} + name: "Spike-toed boots" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iKWaC2EuPKu6egRj" + flags: {} + name: "C: Alchemical flask" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "
  1. Distilled ankheg spit: The target takes [[3]] ongoing acid damage.
  2. Reconstituted remorhaz lymph: The target takes [[3]] ongoing fire damage.
  3. Essence of giant spider web: The target is *stuck* (save ends).
  4. Kobold blasting powder: There’s a loud bang and the battlefield is obscured with thick smoke. Each non-kobold creature takes a -2 attack penalty during its next turn.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+6]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy or a far away enemy at -2 atk)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage, and rol [1d4] for the effect of the flask's contents" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 1" + value: "The kobold explodes (see mook)" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7oWZeUcE17BO9A39" + flags: {} + name: "Erratic flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The kobold flings itself from a trebuchet or ignites an unstable alchemical propellant and lands among its enemies. Each time the kobold uses a move action to fly, roll a [[1d20]].

  • 1: It crashes and explodes (see mook).
  • 2–15: It lands safely.
  • 16+: It stays aloft and can keep flying.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "edlJT0WMvFEX2V6t" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Kobolds take no damage from missed attacks.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/kobold-warrior.yml b/vaults/monsters/kobold-warrior.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03ce33b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/kobold-warrior.yml @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +_id: "sVcsDTsOJmDt4ErL" +name: "Kobold Warrior" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 22 + min: 0 + max: 22 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Kobold Warrior" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Vx50mokpMDrvNLrX" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "SlGNsEIU3QNPSNju" + flags: {} + name: "Spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The kobold warrior can pop free from the target." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "40v48xapPf8FyOq0" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Kobolds take no damage from missed attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "H6PXWIKbko3RCjZQ" + flags: {} + name: "Not brave" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Kobold warriors with single digit hit points will run away the first chance they get." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/lammasu-priest.yml b/vaults/monsters/lammasu-priest.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8f7f88 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/lammasu-priest.yml @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +_id: "5PJeAZ421xz26Dft" +name: "Lammasu Priest" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 330 + min: 0 + max: 330 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Lammasu Priest" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "DlQppkGPTSfzmqT7" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "IWPMo4RccPSUthck" + flags: {} + name: "Hooves of command" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage, and the target can’t attack the lammasu priest until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HOPrka7rS17nLWVT" + flags: {} + name: "R: Righteous ray of faith" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[80]] holy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The lammasu priest can make a righteous ray of faith attack against a different target." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "P0ForrVsb0FTWTUJ" + flags: {} + name: "C: Judgment of the lammasu" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 2/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. MD (each nearby conscious enemy that’s staggered)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] holy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "Half damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tdHQ5CaKEJhDbMOj" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Overworld’s rebuke" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] holy or lightning damage, and the target can’t move to engage an enemy until the end of its next turn (it can move if it doesn’t engage)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "Half damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZQ9hMWXWQkm5gkgB" + flags: {} + name: "Invocation of the world unseen" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle, the lammasu priest can make this invocation as a quick action. At the start of each of the lammasu priest’s turns until the roll succeeds, roll a [[d4]]. If the roll is less than or equal to the escalation die, each nearby enemy is *hampered* (easy save ends, 6+)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5gM1X1tFcqeu4zHD" + flags: {} + name: "Invocation of the highest court" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle, the lammasu priest can make this invocation as a quick action if it has used invocation of the world unseen. At the start of each of the lammasu priest’s turns, roll a [[d8]]. If the roll is less than or equal to the escalation die, the lammasu can make an overworld’s rebuke attack as a free action that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kT6FL2aVLdyq4URj" + flags: {} + name: "Refuge of stone" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the lammasu fails a save, it becomes a creature of living stone until the end of its next turn. While made of living stone, the lammasu wizard gains resist damage 16+ to all attacks against AC and PD. If it’s flying when it becomes living stone, its magic allows it to remain in the air if it wishes." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/lammasu-warrior.yml b/vaults/monsters/lammasu-warrior.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2cfdc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/lammasu-warrior.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "7KIdM2t1qf6DTkk6" +name: "Lammasu Warrior" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 220 + min: 0 + max: 220 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Lammasu Warrior" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "NdpZXMgVlM3F86pw" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "BD0U54goFRbYF04K" + flags: {} + name: "Hooves" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[28]] damage, and lammasu can pop free from the target" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss while the warrior is staggered" + value: "The target is *hampered* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CTlK29VpRAGsxl2p" + flags: {} + name: "Roaring impact" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: The lammasu warrior can make this attack only when it starts its turn flying and unengaged. It engages the target as it lands and ends its turn on the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage, and [[1d4]] nearby enemies each take [[2d10]] thunder damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[1d4]] nearby enemies each take [[2d6]] thunder damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZGGwTDgvfwPLJrjL" + flags: {} + name: "Refuge of stone" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the lammasu fails a save, it becomes a creature of living stone until the end of its next turn. While made of living stone, the lammasu warrior gains resist damage 16+ to all attacks against AC and PD. If it’s flying when it becomes living stone, its magic allows it to remain in the air if it wishes." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "byvF6lM1W1I5JJDo" + flags: {} + name: "On the crusade" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy misses the lammasu warrior with a melee attack, that enemy takes [[2d10]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/lammasu-wizard.yml b/vaults/monsters/lammasu-wizard.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e357c09 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/lammasu-wizard.yml @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ +_id: "axFxaEvBkBy9ulkb" +name: "Lammasu Wizard" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 275 + min: 0 + max: 275 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Lammasu Wizard" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "936zXpGDNDm0fIN6" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "GaNB75yLdnZcwWjN" + flags: {} + name: "Disdainful hoof" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[60]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "eEHseUrgBUpbXlIL" + flags: {} + name: "R: Perfect energy sphere" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage of an energy type of the lammasu’s choice: cold, fire, lightning, or thunder" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The target can’t cast spells (easy save ends, 6+)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QlTmfQmBVjmXxnZK" + flags: {} + name: "C: Superior words of power" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[65]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "One spell or effect created by the target this battle is canceled (lammasu’s choice)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xV0BdfYLrB4wdzRP" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Master wizard’s rejoinder" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/round, as an interrupt action when an enemy attacks the lammasu wizard with a spell and rolls a natural odd attack roll." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. MD ([[1]] enemy spellcaster)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage, the triggering attack misses and has no effect against the lammasu wizard, and the target is *hampered* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gDWj0vzeR45Ff88C" + flags: {} + name: "Refuge of stone" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the lammasu fails a save, it becomes a creature of living stone until the end of its next turn. While made of living stone, the lammasu wizard gains resist damage 16+ to all attacks against AC and PD. If it’s flying when it becomes living stone, its magic allows it to remain in the air if it wishes." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/large-black-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/large-black-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc122c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/large-black-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ +_id: "BPIodF4Ja1Fzrq0w" +name: "Large Black Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 160 + min: 0 + max: 160 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "thunder" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Large Black Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "2hLjgZSTLiMROgfJ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "1zAVmX4quFmYQNMt" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[10]] ongoing acid damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CNVfwIaVwwUDF0DU" + flags: {} + name: "C: Acid breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] acid damage, and [[10]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] acid damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YFzKm2P8vAT5lw2w" + flags: {} + name: "Draconic grace" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of each of the black dragon’s turns, roll a [[d6]] to see if it gets an extra standard action. If the roll is equal to or less than the escalation die, the black dragon can take an extra standard action that turn. After the first success, the grace die bumps up to a d8. After the second success, it’s a d10, then a d12 after the third success, and finally a d20 after the fourth one." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PQESTQlAEFVk6a0i" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A large black dragon can use acid breath [[1d3]] times per battle, but never two turns in a row." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YYbnYwfI8uD66t1K" + flags: {} + name: "Water-breathing" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Black dragons swim well and can breathe underwater." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OjP80uGNKXJD2ryL" + flags: {} + name: "Resist acid 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an acid attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/large-blue-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/large-blue-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4abbb02 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/large-blue-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +_id: "HY35ul0coNqlTqhH" +name: "Large Blue Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-blue.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 260 + min: 0 + max: 260 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "force" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Large Blue Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-blue.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "PT0N3KtEtYzKE9bU" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "T0Y6V05aqBDmQTpJ" + flags: {} + name: "Double claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The dragon can make a bite attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "A8sRi9oH2mdDdiFR" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage, and [[2d10]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "v79IJeF4ysI5Hbpb" + flags: {} + name: "C: Lightning breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is also *dazed* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1iH0xWlbvQ3qNGDp" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A large blue dragon can use lightning breath [[1d6]] times per battle, but never two turns in a row." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QcrdVvXo6iHuETWT" + flags: {} + name: "Counter-spell" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "impossible unless the dragon has a save bonus from some other source)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kpAS5CaEKQkibARk" + flags: {} + name: "Resist lightning 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a lightning attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/large-brass-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/large-brass-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..330fb61 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/large-brass-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,348 @@ +_id: "6kxxGcBiwqvaKNZ2" +name: "Large Brass Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-brass.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 80 + min: 0 + max: 80 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Large Brass Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-brass.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "2cRS08jxpsmJvug0" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ujusJEYOwl9Wu44M" + flags: {} + name: "Flurry of claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The dragon can make a babble attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CQ3ioGCJBfXpaWyO" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Babble" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. MD (each enemy engaged with the dragon)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *dazed* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "uYNUDVRJOV2fifTu" + flags: {} + name: "C: Fiery breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] fire damage, or [[20]] fire damage against a *dazed*, *weakened*, or *stunned* target" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 6+" + value: "The dragon can pop free from the target." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KxLdlxFRDHT7iaw2" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/large-bronze-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/large-bronze-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec6dfdc --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/large-bronze-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "XT9Kp19Tfm1f1iQ4" +name: "Large Bronze Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-bronze.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 200 + min: 0 + max: 200 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Large Bronze Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-bronze.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "6SPaSh8YlG3BTAQ3" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "AwFgxYpR5EKOnVHW" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[45]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The dragon can pop free from one enemy engaged with it." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6f6uSTYq3Om5EXbk" + flags: {} + name: "C: Lightning breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD ([[1d6]] nearby or far away enemies in a rough line)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[32]] lightning damage, and the closest target hit is *dazed* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ArmLohO5Ic3MCpLg" + flags: {} + name: "Resist lightning 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a lightning attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "uzpMZUfnoN0luGfb" + flags: {} + name: "Rugged defenses" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature attacks the dragon, if it used another action this turn before the attack, the dragon gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/large-copper-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/large-copper-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a8927a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/large-copper-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +_id: "pvCCsyJ9PIt1AgMb" +name: "Large Copper Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-copper.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 290 + min: 0 + max: 290 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Large Copper Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-copper.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "WaBJFSD4CIVWncpo" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "p2SIaoQp3athDwIC" + flags: {} + name: "Needle-sharp claws and teeth" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Sb6colcuVv8RFAsF" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Acrid smoke" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD (up to [[3]] enemies engaged with the dragon)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "uXCT3uw8tSnXoOF1" + flags: {} + name: "C: Acid breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] acid damage, and [[25]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] ongoing acid damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ycIaEXAQzdUXEozw" + flags: {} + name: "First natural 11+ each turn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The dragon can make an acrid smoke attack as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Dugw1dRdUd5UHcAP" + flags: {} + name: "Out-think" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action when an enemy rolls a natural even attack against the dragon, the dragon negates the attack (no damage or effects)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mJixQn1cuFY2sF72" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jd63ap3IbbffJapT" + flags: {} + name: "Swift mind" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action when an attack targets the dragon’s MD, it can force the attacker to reroll the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/large-gold-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/large-gold-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28b1139 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/large-gold-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +_id: "I7EJYb2eB5bArUz1" +name: "Large Gold Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-gold.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 460 + min: 0 + max: 460 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Large Gold Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-gold.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "tBUKZCHk3KII5wnn" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "tFatr6igOvUebAft" + flags: {} + name: "Ferocious bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[100]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The dragon can make a stultifying smoke attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xUM6TxIXoxx5DYvZ" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Stultifying smoke" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. MD ([[1]] enemy engaged with the dragon)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *stunned* until the start of the dragon’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PTRdkwHBcJ1if0XP" + flags: {} + name: "C: Fiery breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. PD (up to [[5]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[70]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UxA8z9RECkKPivB4" + flags: {} + name: "Spiral of golden flame" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a quick action while the escalation die is 3+, the dragon can fly into the air, popping free from all enemies engaged with it, and make a fiery breath attack against each enemy that was engaged with it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "njM8F9p7w7lpGCg5" + flags: {} + name: "Indomitability" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action at the start of its turn, the dragon can cancel all effects and conditions on it, including ongoing damage. It can cancel these effects even if it’s prevented from taking actions, such as by being *stunned*." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XOStli2fx0mdBFDB" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/large-green-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/large-green-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8acaf00 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/large-green-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +_id: "1QTA8lvKy6tanrLA" +name: "Large Green Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-green.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 230 + min: 0 + max: 230 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "psychic" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Large Green Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-green.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "mwXMS8zSbFInysu7" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "MLOx0lGiB07Rw6iD" + flags: {} + name: "Sharp claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11-15" + value: "The dragon can make a bite attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The dragon can make a poison breath attack as a free action." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jH3eznRrzAuP5EIg" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[38]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[10]] ongoing poison damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "WM0oJ656WHAF5js0" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Poison breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] poison damage, and the target is *hampered* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "IiSLGw2GzuOyJ15D" + flags: {} + name: "Burrow" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Burrow" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3NhjZmE4b1qNrRpP" + flags: {} + name: "Resist poison 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an acid attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/large-red-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/large-red-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2509eac --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/large-red-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +_id: "bJEZdUrLa8vmzaNs" +name: "Large Red Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 400 + min: 0 + max: 400 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "cold" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Large Red Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "sIetjJQ5PfTsA3Qu" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "6yNFaNffcTSZP5jk" + flags: {} + name: "Fangs, claws, and tail" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NVDFLse0f57JAfi0" + flags: {} + name: "C: Fiery breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD ([[2d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vZeZNmb6GiAaouNL" + flags: {} + name: "First natural even hit or miss each turn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll a third fangs, claws, and tail attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YPIBWdiYjOrGtBbN" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A large red dragon can use fiery breath [[1d4]] times per battle, but never two turns in a row." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NpRITK02uCiDvvgu" + flags: {} + name: "Fear" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with this creature, enemies with 72 hp or fewer are *dazed* (-4 attack) and do not add the escalation die to their attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zv63Kc6UKs2IHn58" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/large-silver-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/large-silver-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8d22d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/large-silver-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,368 @@ +_id: "4JUQkcWeXyEzbc3y" +name: "Large Silver Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-silver.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 430 + min: 0 + max: 430 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Large Silver Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-silver.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "tWGcN1UsnoIk3Zgu" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "vappNpzh3DGFdHSi" + flags: {} + name: "Swift, keen claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[95]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 6+" + value: "The dragon can make a paralyzing smoke attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DcSbXcNapfdeGblX" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Paralyzing smoke" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] enemies engaged with the dragon)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target must roll an immediate save. On a failure, the target can’t take any actions and is *helpless* until the start of the dragon’s next turn as its limbs become paralyzed. On a success, the target is *dazed* until the end of its next turn." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XCzz5MWZu7hdzLiV" + flags: {} + name: "C: Ice breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[60]] cold damage, and the closest target hit is *dazed* until the start of the dragon’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rBiBuJebEDh02SWC" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive turn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action when an attack targets the dragon, it can force the attacker to reroll the attack and has resist damage 16+ against that attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0B8EB5ZZu2dcaUln" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/large-white-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/large-white-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69759e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/large-white-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "T2GpGMD7RmJJFGGh" +name: "Large White Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 104 + min: 0 + max: 104 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Large White Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "93GSB0W0dhjRbm7g" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "3ZqHjQjtAGqBgfmi" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The white dragon can make an ice breath attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0s25B5QeSPt3CJRZ" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Ice breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit or miss" + value: "The dragon takes [[2d4]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Oky14ETzu3l3AKgK" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/lemure.yml b/vaults/monsters/lemure.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d84012 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/lemure.yml @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ +_id: "lxDotrrIxRrnMFgs" +name: "Lemure" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 13 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Lemure" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "6llfHP4fszY4iPag" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "JTxbX4Wl77xTaikK" + flags: {} + name: "Heedless claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lhq4kOOk7qjDIiFB" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Squirm)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a lemure, another lemure in the mob somehow ends up in an unwanted place in the battle, though it’s hard to say how exactly. They don’t seem to teleport, but there are so many of the things squirming around it just happens." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cB7JcHfIuO2Okpgs" + flags: {} + name: "Living wave" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When three or more lemures engage an enemy, they can pick it up and move it along with them as they please without taking opportunity attacks. The enemy getting moved around pops free of any other enemies engaged with it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ERcT9VwUI3eOGM6g" + flags: {} + name: "Nobody home" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a lemure is targeted by an attack against MD, it ignores any effects of the attack and only takes damage from it. In addition, lemures fight in a straightforward way, without tactics. They never disengage willingly, and they’re not coordinated enough to concentrate attacks on a *vulnerable* target." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RJBnU2YdTRNAuPFS" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Jmh5uTcDCLzId3A7" + flags: {} + name: "Free-form ability—Mass" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Heedless of each other’s safety or their own, lemures use sheer numbers to press through locked doors, climb walls, or dog pile on defenders." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VsFFRPOas72UTy22" + flags: {} + name: "Too dumb to die" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of the lemure mob’s turn, roll a [[d6]] for each lemure in the mob that’s dropped this battle. For each 6, one of them reassembles its horrid self and stumbles back into the melee that turn (add 13 hit points to the mob’s hp total). To make sure a downed lemure is truly dead, an attacker can spend an additional [[7]] damage of the total dealt to finish the job instead of carrying that damage over to another lemure in the mob. Expending the right sort of limited-use power, such as a daily spell, might also keep a number of downed lemures totally dead. Once the last member of the mob drops, stop rolling to see if lemures rise up." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/lethal-lothario.yml b/vaults/monsters/lethal-lothario.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a438b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/lethal-lothario.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "ZJZxMVsEmxMF4Mu7" +name: "Lethal Lothario" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 50 + min: 0 + max: 50 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Lethal Lothario" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "3SasgZLmUCPyVu2X" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "7w1XQL675XCSt7X9" + flags: {} + name: "Brutal kiss" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "Any woven engaged with the target can attack it as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XnJEg8kiwC0U0DRc" + flags: {} + name: "C: Unhealthy attraction" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD (nearby enemy with the fewest hit points)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] psychic damage and the target is *hampered* until the end of the battle or until it takes one turn as if it were *confused*." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[5]] ongoing psychic damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "q1bDPP5hRDuytsSl" + flags: {} + name: "Give me your heart" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the lothario drops an enemy to 0 hit points or lower, he will move next to that creature and attempt to remove the target’s heart. The creature must begin making last gasp saves as he cuts their chest open. On the fourth failure, the lothario takes the heart and the target dies and becomes undead under her control. If the lothario is *stunned* or moved away from the creature and can’t return to it on his turn, the creature doesn’t have to make a last gasp save that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/lich-baroness.yml b/vaults/monsters/lich-baroness.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d3b0bb --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/lich-baroness.yml @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +_id: "0DIRBabTKeTVsMxt" +name: "Lich Baroness" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 54 + min: 0 + max: 54 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Lich Baroness" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "m48rCdoh72AfjlLU" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "eIW9lGTZoBUCOsOj" + flags: {} + name: "Crystal scepter" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *dazed* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "b8PXm2TcJs9V4svU" + flags: {} + name: "R: Soul blast" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] negative energy damage, and [[5]] ongoing psychic damage (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VrjuspB2DxdFw8UW" + flags: {} + name: "C: Shroud of souls" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. MD (each enemy engaged with it)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] psychic damage, and the target takes [[10]] psychic damage each time it attacks the baroness (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CwXbIJOCEIcsBxLq" + flags: {} + name: "I drink your death save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the lich baroness scores a critical hit, the target loses a death save until the end of the battle (effectively, it now dies after failing three death saves, and the effect is cumulative). In addition, the crit range of attacks by the lich against the target expands by the escalation die." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5ZQCBcBQG8OA06ZN" + flags: {} + name: "Immortality" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the lich drops to 0 hit points, it crumbles to dust but does not die. It begins to reform near its phylactery, taking a number of days to regain its full strength equal to its level. If the phylactery has been destroyed, the lich dies when it drops to 0 hit points." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/lich-count.yml b/vaults/monsters/lich-count.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f2e55d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/lich-count.yml @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ +_id: "RRNgcogkrNvkqDdD" +name: "Lich Count" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 240 + min: 0 + max: 240 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Lich Count" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "PGnytad3mf1dd2PV" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "0vCniOrQymrGo276" + flags: {} + name: "Touch of the grave" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] cold damage, and the target is *dazed* (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *weakened* instead of *dazed* (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[25]] cold damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "4xFcs7rlu4zBwkUe" + flags: {} + name: "R: Shadow rays" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is encased in shadows (save ends). While under the effect, it’s *weakened* and takes [[10]] ongoing cold damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kOZ28rPnJ90cYGHP" + flags: {} + name: "R: Empowered fireball" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 2/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] + 1 nearby creatures in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] fire damage, and [[10]] ongoing fire damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target takes [[20]] ongoing fire damage instead of 10." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[15]] fire damage, and [[5]] ongoing fire damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8OHwYQZBMp5tWHJ1" + flags: {} + name: "C: Look upon your doom" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. MD (up to [[3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The lich gains a *fear* aura against the target until the end of the battle" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XXV6oGLkjYbt2ALz" + flags: {} + name: "Thank you for the best ten years of your life" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the lich count scores a critical hit, the target loses a death save until the end of the battle (effectively, it now dies after failing three death saves, and the effect is cumulative). In addition, the crit range of attacks by the lich against the target expands by the escalation die and the lich heals 40 hit points." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yMBHRKpfQucn2wDm" + flags: {} + name: "Immortality" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the lich drops to 0 hit points, it crumbles to dust but does not die. It begins to reform near its phylactery, taking a number of days to regain its full strength equal to its level. If the phylactery has been destroyed, the lich dies when it drops to 0 hit points." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7KQxEy6Hbu90lI0v" + flags: {} + name: "Fear aura" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with this creature, if the target has 48 hp or fewer, it’s *dazed* (-4 attack) and does not add the escalation die to its attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/lich-flower.yml b/vaults/monsters/lich-flower.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b263d84 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/lich-flower.yml @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +_id: "Cxj3C6U7rE63sYSW" +name: "Lich Flower" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 100 + min: 0 + max: 100 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Lich Flower" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "7lQWqwfl0MnnF2Ia" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "vfJGX3JAJvjngaeA" + flags: {} + name: "Contact dust" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] poison damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20" + value: "The target is *stuck* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zlYKhpZKt6TjmGer" + flags: {} + name: "Strange vapors" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with the lich flower, non-undead and non-plant creatures are *dazed* (-4 attacks)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lTlCqWOxeZSqpv3i" + flags: {} + name: "Red-yellow resurrection" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the lich flower drops to 0 hit points, it’s destroyed until the start of its next turn. At the start of its next turn, it returns to life as a blood rose or poison dandelion that lacks the black-gray resurgence ability but is otherwise undamaged and whole." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/lich-prince.yml b/vaults/monsters/lich-prince.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..479fcf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/lich-prince.yml @@ -0,0 +1,484 @@ +_id: "eOzmybMMK6tezfyO" +name: "Lich Prince" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 620 + min: 0 + max: 620 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 17 + mod: 17 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Lich Prince" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "bFe2LceC2lKXW1SG" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "3lvmRdlHfxvuzFIg" + flags: {} + name: "Draining bone rod" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage, [[60]] negative energy damage, and the target is *dazed* (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *weakened* instead of *dazed* (hard save ends, 16+)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[40]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1vWV3L05Iz0vW5GN" + flags: {} + name: "R: Arcane blast" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. PD (up to 3 nearby or far away enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] force damage, and the target must roll a normal save; on a failure, it loses its next move action" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "Each enemy engaged with the lich prince pops free from it as a bubble of arcane energy pushes them away." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wvifmmKgei9dcnQL" + flags: {} + name: "C: Soul rend" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 2/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. PD (each nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] negative energy damage, and ghostly hands reach up from the ground and grab the target (as they try to pull the target’s spirit out of its body)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "76mxpjB8LSqNMMx8" + flags: {} + name: "C: Look upon your doom" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. MD (each enemy engaged with the lich’s allies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The lich gains a *fear* aura against the target until the end of the battle" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DjWvPA9BG955OGfk" + flags: {} + name: "Ghostly grasping hands" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature is being grabbed by the ghostly hands, it takes [[30]] negative energy damage at the start of its turn and must make a last gasp save. On the fourth failed last gasp save, the creature’s soul is torn from it and it dies. Unconscious creatures take a -4 penalty to their last gasp saves. Note, grabbed creatures take a -5 penalty to disengage checks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1eFQa7Gx5UN3iFC6" + flags: {} + name: "Blink and you missed it" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle when an attack would hit the lich prince, the attack misses instead and the lich teleports to a nearby location it can see as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CKkV1q5rhOrNzDNw" + flags: {} + name: "Heartstopper" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the lich prince scores a critical hit, if after taking damage the target still has hit points, it drops to 0 hp, falls *unconscious*, and begins making death saves. When the target saves against this effect, it regains hit points equal to the amount it had before dropping to 0 hp (after the crit damage). In addition, the crit range of attacks by the lich against the target expands by an amount equal to the escalation die and the lich heals 60 hit points." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nCSE1l0XS9A9WFyG" + flags: {} + name: "Immortality" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the lich drops to 0 hit points, it crumbles to dust but does not die. It begins to reform near its phylactery, taking a number of days to regain its full strength equal to its level. If the phylactery has been destroyed, the lich dies when it drops to 0 hit points." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JYzmENOctI8iVJpA" + flags: {} + name: "Fear aura" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with this creature, if the target has 120 hp or fewer, it’s *dazed* (-4 attack) and does not add the escalation die to its attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/lizardman-savage.yml b/vaults/monsters/lizardman-savage.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0b9856 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/lizardman-savage.yml @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +_id: "aEhO6Ud88riakSpk" +name: "Lizardman Savage" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 32 + min: 0 + max: 32 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Lizardman Savage" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "7afodwHRGpbAOE9V" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "tfzo0mu5tdDKfOz4" + flags: {} + name: "Stone-tip spear (or club)" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The lizardman savage can make a bite attack against the target or another creature engaged with it as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "B1sLR6qRRr0K0uX0" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage, and the lizardman savage can make a ripping frenzy attack against the target as a standard action during its next turn if it’s engaged with that target" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZytQ0MtBMsoxkPeL" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Ripping frenzy" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[3]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Y16IU4yjlfaOyhvZ" + flags: {} + name: "R: Thrown spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/lokkris.yml b/vaults/monsters/lokkris.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9bddd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/lokkris.yml @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +_id: "D8TLRG83sge5mFJN" +name: "Lokkris" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 23 + min: 0 + max: 23 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Lokkris" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "30zKSlVa5IJriORo" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "fWlQ3lurIS4RAAxH" + flags: {} + name: "Stingers on each leg" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XIWiKOkuoeFN0ZUP" + flags: {} + name: "Lays eggs in your eyes!" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each time the lokkris hits with the attack, the crit range for all lokkris against that target expands by 1 until the end of the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fZhxdRD7ZjHxhxYc" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Lokkris are quick darting fliers that move with an angry buzzing sound." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "euGLyR616HOyCCCC" + flags: {} + name: "Wall-crawler" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A lokkris can climb on ceilings and walls as easily as it moves on the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/lumberland-dirt-fisher.yml b/vaults/monsters/lumberland-dirt-fisher.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a2b880 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/lumberland-dirt-fisher.yml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +_id: "QFdtkCZqY8QslGkG" +name: "Lumberland Dirt-Fisher" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 135 + min: 0 + max: 135 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Lumberland Dirt-Fisher" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "YxwbIFZcWlCdSt7f" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Eq3xkf9nOHDRwMK0" + flags: {} + name: "Tongue lash and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OblOvn3veMytGKuZ" + flags: {} + name: "R: Sticky tongue" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target pops free from all enemies engaged with it, is pulled into the pit with the dirt-fisher (who engages it), and loses its next move action. Climbing out of the pit requires a move action and a DC 20 check. If the bulette is not in its pit, the bulette pulls the target to itself and engages it." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SX05vcVs3yERkCx9" + flags: {} + name: "Hole digger" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A dirt-fisher can burrow incredibly quickly for short distances, but it prefers to attack from within its pre-dug trap-door pit. It usually has a few pits dug nearby if forced to leave its current pit." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yUQ6OKEQNrCM32XX" + flags: {} + name: "Into the earth" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The first time each round an attack hits the dirt-fisher, it can hunker down and pull the lid on its pit shut. If it does, it gains a +3 bonus to all defenses until the start of its next turn, and any creature in the pit takes a -5 penalty to checks to climb out of the pit. Force attacks and opportunity attacks don’t trigger this ability." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DmnQPH9fdPz62dMC" + flags: {} + name: "Nowhere to run" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The dirt-fisher deals double damage against creatures engaged with it in its pit." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/magma-brute.yml b/vaults/monsters/magma-brute.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9544688 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/magma-brute.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "1lSQAyEPJIRDg6hN" +name: "Magma Brute" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 46 + min: 0 + max: 46 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "cold" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Magma Brute" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Zwn8o9mHHGoIcuTb" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "uGitA0w71uDi2wwR" + flags: {} + name: "Blazing-hot iron fists" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes [[6]] extra fire damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0PjalZYCwbvQw3Zt" + flags: {} + name: "C: Molten spray" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, only while the brute is staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. PD ([[1d2 + 1]] enemies engaged with the brute)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] fire damage, and the brute loses 12 hit points." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZaIb0ljOnpXXjxaf" + flags: {} + name: "Blistering heat" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy engaged with the brute attacks it, that enemy takes [[2]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZAqupDemsFhsJOks" + flags: {} + name: "Fire resistance 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/manafang-naga.yml b/vaults/monsters/manafang-naga.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07b0a48 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/manafang-naga.yml @@ -0,0 +1,385 @@ +_id: "qSwaG0siGiYi5pqU" +name: "Manafang Naga" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 210 + min: 0 + max: 210 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Manafang Naga" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + tint: null + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "6iOHi3agVG0AvZlV" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "X5jjOzazEui12uQT" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[45]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The naga gains resist spell damage 16+ against the target spells until the end of the battle" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "[[25]] damage" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PssyfnBA0mz9IUU5" + flags: {} + name: "Force missiles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Limited use: 1/battle.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "R" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[1d4]] nearby or far away enemies" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] forde damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wlQcA7PRNUrRgDPY" + flags: {} + name: "Ritual movements" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+12]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy, or [[1]] nearby enemy per point of es. die if mystic escalator benefit is active)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] psychic damage, and the target can't cast spells or use the activated powers of true magit items (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "y15hKUg0Bf3Uqtbk" + flags: {} + name: "Arcane mirror" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

 When an enemy targets the manafang naga with a spell, the naga regains the use of force missiles if it’s expended. In addition, if that spell is a recharge spell, roll its recharge check immediately after the spell is cast. If the spell is a per-battle or daily spell, roll a hard save (16+) immediately after the spell is cast; on a success, the spellcaster doesn’t expend the spell.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KQbvW5buwNQCfGyr" + flags: {} + name: "Mystic escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The naga and each of its nearby allies can use the escalation die unless the naga has been targeted by an enemy’s spell since its last turn.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/manticore-bard.yml b/vaults/monsters/manticore-bard.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e9437f --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/manticore-bard.yml @@ -0,0 +1,526 @@ +_id: "0CzjRDh40QJASsYY" +name: "Manticore Bard" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 150 + min: 0 + max: 150 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Manticore Bard" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "EU3tbsWuxBimewvC" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "z1G53h1QTdH28IO5" + flags: {} + name: "Battering paws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The manticore can make a single volley of tail spikes attack (one attack roll) against a different target as a free action without taking an opportunity attack." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LcxFi36nEg6s2uuX" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing leonine jaws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage, or [[40]] damage against a creature taking ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wcq7EybDojkmnwsP" + flags: {} + name: "C: Musical voice" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] psychic damage, and the target is *dazed* (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "In addition, the target can’t use the escalation die until it saves." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dh7JVdXN77aTlM08" + flags: {} + name: "R: Volley of tail spikes" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] ongoing poison damage (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vsgG6OIv7xkoB96k" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent song" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The manticore can use musical voice only [[1d4]] times during the battle, and never two turns in a row." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "djA8RmdyVnGMn3te" + flags: {} + name: "Poison reservoirs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each time the manticore uses its volley of tail spikes attack, it takes [[1d6]] damage, or [[2d6]] damage if it’s staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZtrPuEfutpBRr05y" + flags: {} + name: "Battle music" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jDzK8hSKrJJ6KOrS" + flags: {} + name: "1" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Fortissimo—Each of the manticore’s allies gains a +[[2d6]] damage bonus with attacks that hit until the end of the battle (non-cumulative)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bDC8TQpdql24Hpmc" + flags: {} + name: "2" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Profundo—The manticore’s musical voice attack now deals [[40]] psychic damage instead of 20 until the end of the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fqVvKVcoHTnacIjg" + flags: {} + name: "3" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Furioso—The target is *confused* instead of *dazed*." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Hf9qT1146Lhn3dDZ" + flags: {} + name: "4" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Largo—The manticore can make a musical voice attack during its next turn as a free action, but with a +3 attack bonus. This free attack won’t trigger another battle music effect." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1000000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/manticore.yml b/vaults/monsters/manticore.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..130027c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/manticore.yml @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +_id: "6x70u92MuKPvNyGP" +name: "Manticore" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 182 + min: 0 + max: 182 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "archer" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Manticore" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "CrFgWuZggJdEqBV5" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "nGAzFkPAw3BiYzSU" + flags: {} + name: "Battering paws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The manticore can make a single volley of tail spikes attack (one attack roll) against a different target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CEnnsDYiLWxJXDnQ" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing leonine jaws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage; OR [[50]] damage against a creature taking ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sQ7TabEzbJ7YmEIB" + flags: {} + name: "C: Volley of tail spikes" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] ongoing poison damage (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fuDvxAIlsscRO6WE" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Flight" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bAM28ubbr3Bzdixo" + flags: {} + name: "Poison reservoirs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each time the manticore uses its volley of tail spikes attack, it takes [[1d6]] damage, or [[2d6]] damage if it is staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/mantikumhar.yml b/vaults/monsters/mantikumhar.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d669ae9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/mantikumhar.yml @@ -0,0 +1,482 @@ +_id: "BnuMJkGA4D5Ozwm3" +name: "Mantikumhar" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 119 + min: 0 + max: 119 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Mantikumhar" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "F5L9rK0jWgRdmpcv" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "nzZ4SiehND5u6KA0" + flags: {} + name: "Pincer claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The mantikumhar pulls its target under the soil/ground. The target is *stuck*, *hampered*, and takes [[5]] ongoing damage from suffocation (save ends all)" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The target must roll an immediate save; on a failure, it’s *dazed* until the end of its next turn from dirt or sand thrown in its face" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SXY2k31H1Y6GHCYP" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing leonine jaws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage, or [[40]] damage against a creature taking ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "g7WP7kPL5sKwi6XA" + flags: {} + name: "C: Serpent sting" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing poison damage (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "t6pCcm0xDc6QLY0X" + flags: {} + name: "C: Serpent sting" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing poison damage (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fIOyzqfOMCTeG053" + flags: {} + name: "Burrowing" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The mantikumhar can move rapidly through sand, loose soil, or dry eroded earth. It prefers to dig out a wide pit and lie in wait for prey. (See Burrowing.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mH5zitHhkImplaAQ" + flags: {} + name: "Can’t be blinded" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Between nictitating membranes that keep its eyes from being scratched out by the sand and its weird burrowing echolocation sense, the mantikumhar can’t be blinded." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JuCBQyrE0XcCBNqH" + flags: {} + name: "Poison reservoirs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each time the mantikumhar uses its serpent sting attack, it takes [[1d6]] damage, or [[2d6]] damage if it’s staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "E6VbhMEhHsGROgGn" + flags: {} + name: "Hunker down" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A mantikumhar can burrow into the soil as a move action, concealing itself from attacks. A hunkered mantikumhar gains a +3 bonus to AC and PD, but it can’t use crushing leonine jaws." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZlOQnqROmLQVuUai" + flags: {} + name: "Sand ambush" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The mantikumhar’s extensible tail can strike by surprise like a cobra from anywhere in its pit." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/marble-golem.yml b/vaults/monsters/marble-golem.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ece7796 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/marble-golem.yml @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +_id: "j05Ko4KXS6V2dZ2l" +name: "Marble Golem" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 340 + min: 0 + max: 340 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Marble Golem" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + tint: null + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "w458e4QmDZ2MOJih" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "yW4k2VWIDlYFQQ7v" + flags: {} + name: "Enormous maul" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[60]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even it or miss" + value: "The golem can make a backswing attack as a free action" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iG1ZJ082FPe43GdU" + flags: {} + name: "Backswing +14 vs. PD" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "Special trigger" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "33P3ev1U9ADWtfz0" + flags: {} + name: "Golem inmunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Non-organic golems are immune to effects. They can’t be *dazed*, *weakened*, *confused*, made *vulnerable*, or touched by ongoing damage. You can damage a golem, but that’s about it.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "k6D3JrDn8IqOeLcZ" + flags: {} + name: "Special Virtues" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Each marble golem is infused with two virtues—magical properties that relate to the emotion or feeling incorporated into the sculpture as its dominant theme. Choose two virtues from the list below, or for a unique marble golem, invent your own.

  1. Awe (*fear* effect): While nearby the golem, enemies with 40 hp or fewer are *dazed* (–4 attack) and do not add the escalation die to their attacks.
  2. Beauty: The first time each enemy attacks the marble golem this battle, it must roll a normal save; on a failure, the attack takes a –6 penalty.
  3. Courage: While staggered, the marble golem adds the escalation die to its attack rolls.
  4. Endurance: When the marble golem rolls a natural 1–5 with an attack roll, it heals [[1d10]] hit points per point on the escalation die. (It was checking for damage and got distracted.)
  5. Hatred: When an enemy is staggered by the marble golem’s attack, that enemy takes [[4d10]] extra damage.
  6. Patience: Each turn, the marble golem can use one standard action to gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of its next turn. If it does, it gains an extra standard action during its next turn.
  7. Protection: When the marble golem rolls a natural 16+ with an attack, decrease the escalation die by 1.
  8. Strength: The marble golem’s melee attacks now deal half damage on a miss.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UpXBsat7gyWIaM5P" + flags: {} + name: "Mor virtues" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Statues that capture even more themes make stronger marble golems. Add one or two more virtues to the golem.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/marilith-serpent-demon.yml b/vaults/monsters/marilith-serpent-demon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57905e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/marilith-serpent-demon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +_id: "Ty3Jq0nPo3fnyrXw" +name: "Marilith (serpent demon)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 666 + min: 0 + max: 666 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 20 + mod: 20 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Marilith (serpent demon)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "156V4jwvhXFFNEfY" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Y3TRX1BxPGRLLZ8u" + flags: {} + name: "Six whirling swords" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. AC ([[6]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage, and the marilith can pop free from the target after the attacks" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Pu6JMT8zQeQbrHLZ" + flags: {} + name: "R: Beguiling gaze" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/round, as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby or far away unengaged enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "As a free action, the target immediately moves toward the marilith, attempting to engage it or get as close as possible to it" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NXUbFTVQSixKnzCb" + flags: {} + name: "Terrible swift swords" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The marilith’s crit range with melee attacks expands by a number equal to the escalation die." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/massive-mutant-chuul.yml b/vaults/monsters/massive-mutant-chuul.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..adc74d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/massive-mutant-chuul.yml @@ -0,0 +1,608 @@ +_id: "GgZFSyhhq261c4Uh" +name: "Massive Mutant Chuul" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 450 + min: 0 + max: 450 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Massive Mutant Chuul" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "fJMuObZcZWRCT6c6" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "frHs8dje9uxdncfw" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[70]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[35]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VDFcekoFrMHF15OX" + flags: {} + name: "Crippling tentacles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *weakened* (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DsaamDQHnyDFKFKP" + flags: {} + name: "R: Venom spit" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 16]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pRzXJBbH3IcfvJC6" + flags: {} + name: "Both attacks hit the same target" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The chuul grabs the target." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HugBmSvgFYZGQE88" + flags: {} + name: "First failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target is *hampered* and *weakened* (hard save ends both, 16+)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iQS292TJXetwrZDX" + flags: {} + name: "Second failed save" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target is instead *helpless* (hard save ends, 16+)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nxCP00Jk5HpBlwAm" + flags: {} + name: "Quick use" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This attack only requires a quick action when used against an enemy the chuul is grabbing." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QvFhMr6JxPiSzVTz" + flags: {} + name: "I hate you all" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per round when the chuul is engaged with one or more enemies and is the target of an attack, it can try to interpose one of those enemies between itself and the attack as a free action after seeing the attack roll. That enemy rolls a normal save; on a failure, it becomes the target of the attack instead of the chuul. If the chuul tries to interpose an enemy it’s grabbing, the save is hard (16+) instead." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "uGbf7mQHHIthacbm" + flags: {} + name: "Resist psychic 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a psychic attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LSx0cJbu7m7n5kCk" + flags: {} + name: "Water-breathing" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Chuuls swim well and can breathe underwater, though they prefer not to." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "d1Kmj4f4nq0615Ta" + flags: {} + name: "Exposed brain nightmare aura" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy is engaged with the chuul at the start of its turn, that creature must roll a normal save; on a failure, it’s *hampered* (easy save ends, 6+)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1000000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kDmkJcn0rUyFl955" + flags: {} + name: "Extra claw" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The mutant chuul can make three crushing claws attacks instead of two. If two of the attacks hit the same target, the chuul grabs it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wGBBLemS6sJDoiRi" + flags: {} + name: "Oversized claw" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the chuul rolls a natural even hit with crushing claws, it deals [[120]] damage instead of 70." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "diU0Nn1Spjtzhhx9" + flags: {} + name: "Venom spit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The chuul gains a venom spit attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Fs4Xe58xASlKFUuR" + flags: {} + name: "First attack is a natural even roll" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The chuul can make a second venom spit attack against the same group as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YwsqZ90m84AmCb0t" + flags: {} + name: "Whipping tentacles" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crippling tentacles attack is now a close attack against [[1d3]] enemies in a group." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/mausoleum-dragon-white.yml b/vaults/monsters/mausoleum-dragon-white.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2100999 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/mausoleum-dragon-white.yml @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +_id: "d9lCDhHgAI0nQraN" +name: "Mausoleum Dragon (White)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 140 + min: 0 + max: 140 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Mausoleum Dragon (White)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "l4WhtEG0vFf9sw5y" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "QrSISLhrgGlSi9Ff" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[16]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The mausoleum dragon can make an infused ice breath attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EzP8j7WOuwzlWmcX" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Infused ice breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target also takes [[7]] ongoing holy damage." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit or miss" + value: "The dragon takes [[2d6]] damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hDoU6NKpqEqdinT6" + flags: {} + name: "Infused blood" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy is engaged with the dragon at the start of its turn, it takes [[5]] holy damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zmBiW5uFIVL8Bv7T" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold and negative energy 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold or negative energy attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/medium-black-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/medium-black-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45a4550 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/medium-black-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ +_id: "2IKoP9zzdJEm7PrX" +name: "Medium Black Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 42 + min: 0 + max: 42 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "thunder" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Medium Black Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "CwPI1gmyzM1P8Xhy" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "T5BeEcIRV6MzoC99" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[4]] ongoing acid damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zUTJZS7w3QMLI9wJ" + flags: {} + name: "C: Acid breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] acid damage, and [[5]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[3]] acid damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ggeUEj4bQQyBGedV" + flags: {} + name: "Draconic grace" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of each of the black dragon’s turns, roll a [[d6]] to see if it gets an extra standard action. If the roll is equal to or less than the escalation die, the black dragon can take an extra standard action that turn. After the first success, the grace die bumps up to a d8. After the second success, it’s a d10, then a d12 after the third success, and finally a d20 after the fourth one." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bwPBMCPchrw7QPDf" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A medium black dragon can use acid breath [[1d3]] times per battle, but never two turns in a row." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "s0Q4EUpcuJvrrE9K" + flags: {} + name: "Water-breathing" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Black dragons swim well and can breathe underwater." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fBzwc4hULsrv6sT2" + flags: {} + name: "Resist acid 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an acid attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 12+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/medium-blue-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/medium-blue-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3af2ac --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/medium-blue-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +_id: "k0iGuUowV5eOMdLZ" +name: "Medium Blue Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-blue.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 76 + min: 0 + max: 76 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "force" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Medium Blue Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-blue.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "3MzyMY3Kpp8DwvaW" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "gGqv7ZsnBCquQ3Qj" + flags: {} + name: "Dragon claw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The dragon can make a bite attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GAqQxVMIlHmgpDgw" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and [[2d6]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HPicDjwwtPYUt7EX" + flags: {} + name: "C: Lightning breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is also *dazed* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "w5ZOdzc0pirOQKPB" + flags: {} + name: "Counter-spell" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "impossible unless the dragon has a save bonus from some other source)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JlH4ebD2jf6jj59N" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A medium blue dragon can use lightning breath [[1d4]] times per battle, but never two turns in a row." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3fx2IAv5iRzfJJtV" + flags: {} + name: "Resist lightning 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a lightning attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 12+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/medium-brass-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/medium-brass-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abeeb13 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/medium-brass-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,350 @@ +_id: "5d8L7CnRCOdHb8gj" +name: "Medium Brass Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-brass.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 31 + min: 0 + max: 31 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Medium Brass Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-brass.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "cdHS7aee8ZjQEScl" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "KXecFETPlRb7ce6Q" + flags: {} + name: "Flurry of claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The dragon can make a babble attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[3]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CAfzzmqXVQlxO0Na" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Babble" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. MD (each enemy engaged with the dragon)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *dazed* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZBWBuAdAMW0SmO9E" + flags: {} + name: "C: Fiery breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] fire damage, or [[7]] fire damage against a *dazed*, *weakened*, or *stunned* target" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 6+" + value: "The dragon can pop free from the target." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UJwbveNemyAOlKL8" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 12+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/medium-bronze-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/medium-bronze-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a770a40 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/medium-bronze-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "W89BD25m4Zhh5T9Z" +name: "Medium Bronze Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-bronze.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 50 + min: 0 + max: 50 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Medium Bronze Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-bronze.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "yPK7rsZhstwMDT3l" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "h5j0g13cb5SocJQN" + flags: {} + name: "Crushing bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[11]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The dragon can pop free from one enemy engaged with it." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vJsSnAbflYxPZQB0" + flags: {} + name: "C: Lightning breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1d6]] nearby or far away enemies in a rough line)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] lightning damage, and the closest target hit is *dazed* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Dx1Bh3tf3zgf81ts" + flags: {} + name: "Resist lightning 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a lightning attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 12+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "K1iZHocFkMoxrKpV" + flags: {} + name: "Rugged defenses" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature attacks the dragon, if it used another action this turn before the attack, the dragon gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/medium-copper-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/medium-copper-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca886b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/medium-copper-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +_id: "bCzOAlNtNjnrJ9bx" +name: "Medium Copper Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-copper.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 44 + min: 0 + max: 44 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Medium Copper Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-copper.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "A68zQdoxa0DfuY0b" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "v5Ue5Jh0fdffba3B" + flags: {} + name: "Needle-sharp claws and teeth" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ea8KvujAHHadiDt7" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Acrid smoke" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD (up to [[3]] enemies engaged with the dragon)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "A0XPuWxJLoXhz3rl" + flags: {} + name: "C: Acid breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] acid damage, and [[4]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[2]] ongoing acid damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8pPnHR0kV9uo6eSx" + flags: {} + name: "First natural 11+ each turn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The dragon can make an acrid smoke attack as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7YwzqZdwiJZxJFrT" + flags: {} + name: "Out-think" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action when an enemy rolls a natural even hit against the dragon, the dragon negates the attack (no damage or effects)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5uGbGdz1fM6lD4E2" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 12+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3DZKN7IdDToywuJi" + flags: {} + name: "Swift mind" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action when an attack targets the dragon’s MD, it can force the attacker to reroll the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/medium-gold-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/medium-gold-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b04f57 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/medium-gold-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +_id: "69Dfv726UoabQXq9" +name: "Medium Gold Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-gold.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 85 + min: 0 + max: 85 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Medium Gold Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-gold.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "XMksAYqihY02gOwE" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ljHZQsaOWTaI2vyI" + flags: {} + name: "Ferocious bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The dragon can make a stultifying smoke attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Dp0j8dUnlW96hXrJ" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Stultifying smoke" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. MD ([[1]] enemy engaged with the dragon)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *stunned* until the start of the dragon’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RSgQBuYNXAtHymKP" + flags: {} + name: "C: Fiery breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD (up to [[5]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UgqYozWLbgQNP2MM" + flags: {} + name: "Spiral of golden flame" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a quick action while the escalation die is 3+, the dragon can fly into the air, popping free from all enemies engaged with it, and make a fiery breath attack against each enemy that was engaged with it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wMTaB0bGlU3IxtlW" + flags: {} + name: "Indomitability" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action at the start of its turn, the dragon can cancel all effects and conditions on it, including ongoing damage. It can cancel these effects even if it’s prevented from taking actions, such as by being *stunned*." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "U0w3x7CTXGwWe1b5" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 12+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/medium-green-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/medium-green-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26999c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/medium-green-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +_id: "DlH5UCarlFSQOerv" +name: "Medium Green Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-green.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 60 + min: 0 + max: 60 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "psychic" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Medium Green Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-green.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "zbn8zxXTFeJREXgv" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "l5m8keknWAkwTNZs" + flags: {} + name: "Sharp claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11-15" + value: "The dragon can make a bite attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The dragon can make a poison breath attack as a free action." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PwaxBjsGbtOuWT7o" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[5]] ongoing poison damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "q1eZoFGvGWU0GyE7" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Poison breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] poison damage, and the target is *hampered* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vVYPaoi1TeNU2tzD" + flags: {} + name: "Burrow" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Burrow" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JnuHR3d0HyyvlbHu" + flags: {} + name: "Resist poison 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a poison attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 12+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/medium-red-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/medium-red-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f046e25 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/medium-red-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +_id: "L8N9oasC7gVZaPOi" +name: "Medium Red Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "cold" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Medium Red Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "mk4JvUGzviklqM1o" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "RcgqwReQnctUUy4z" + flags: {} + name: "Fangs, claws, and tail" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ji9M5cmcLOnrfpgH" + flags: {} + name: "C: Fiery breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD ([[2d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZAyh5sItC4ym0pyq" + flags: {} + name: "First natural even hit or miss each turn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll another fangs, claws, and tail attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "n7KEtqJKXmhvdgRP" + flags: {} + name: "Intermittent breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A medium red dragon can use fiery breath [[1d3]] times per battle, but never two turns in a row." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hM5Bi8yorKXAWIW5" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 12+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/medium-silver-dragon-metallic.yml b/vaults/monsters/medium-silver-dragon-metallic.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18cf5ee --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/medium-silver-dragon-metallic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,368 @@ +_id: "Wl6NK0C7MA3xEWRa" +name: "Medium Silver Dragon (Metallic)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-silver.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Medium Silver Dragon (Metallic)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-silver.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "bgHEHBg8EHYYzm8j" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "iEyEJvTkX6cpKMIv" + flags: {} + name: "Swift, keen claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 6+" + value: "The dragon can make a paralyzing smoke attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PMmEkx4mG0pRmjid" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Paralyzing smoke" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] enemies engaged with the dragon)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target must roll an immediate save. On a failure, the target can’t take any actions and is *helpless* until the start of the dragon’s next turn as its limbs become paralyzed. On a success, the target is *dazed* until the end of its next turn." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ScS29XS3A9lxbXDg" + flags: {} + name: "C: Ice breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] cold damage, and the closest target hit is *dazed* until the start of the dragon’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Z2LHO5KjnmzmWtDl" + flags: {} + name: "Evasive turn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action when an attack targets the dragon, it can force the attacker to reroll the attack and has resist damage 12+ against that attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "O5b6qUGJvluhwsdG" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 12+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/medium-white-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/medium-white-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6353ea2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/medium-white-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "mZErP6QotjUwZTZq" +name: "Medium White Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 38 + min: 0 + max: 38 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Medium White Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "uaWoAhmN2pLYUADf" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "nGQ1tl4SUUe5mLXJ" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The white dragon can make an ice breath attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tuHaG3E7elvXFZhD" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Ice breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit or miss" + value: "The dragon takes [[1d4]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jhz5179lLxcS3K7b" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 12+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/medusa-noble.yml b/vaults/monsters/medusa-noble.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee36a33 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/medusa-noble.yml @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +_id: "J3vbAvRtp6nu7P6K" +name: "Medusa Noble" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 500 + min: 0 + max: 500 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 17 + mod: 17 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Medusa Noble" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "xkMxLzP5bmIy9uek" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "L1UJqWx3JuUB1je5" + flags: {} + name: "Snakes and swords" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. AC ([[3]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage, and [[15]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The medusa can make a petrifying gaze attack against the target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7PbbIFnagkC08Z8y" + flags: {} + name: "R: Lightning fork" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[80]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit or miss" + value: "The medusa deals [[1d6]] x [[10]] lightning damage to all nearby enemies." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The medusa can make a lightning fork attack against a different target as a free action; keep making lightning fork attacks until you run out of targets that have taken damage from lightning fork or roll a natural odd attack." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xNUHjZsLyL43wrw9" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Petrifying gaze" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. MD ([[1]] enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[70]] psychic damage, and the target must start making last gasp saves as it turns to stone" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6E5iY1L1aBv1zSxQ" + flags: {} + name: "Caught by an eye" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever a nearby enemy attacks the medusa noble and rolls a natural 1-5, the medusa can make a petrifying gaze attack against that attacker as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CV3999rKjwzrlQnv" + flags: {} + name: "Serpent wardings" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Thrice per battle, as a free action, the medusa noble can force an enemy to reroll a spell attack that targeted it. The attacker can’t use the escalation die for the reroll." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Bk4UpvWB9Oza0XFA" + flags: {} + name: "Skilled sorcerer" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If lightning isn’t working against her target, the medusa noble can take a -2 attack penalty to change the energy type of her ranged attack to fire or thunder." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/medusa-outlaw.yml b/vaults/monsters/medusa-outlaw.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4a7872 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/medusa-outlaw.yml @@ -0,0 +1,368 @@ +_id: "WDNZWk3KOCm8Logf" +name: "Medusa Outlaw" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 150 + min: 0 + max: 150 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Medusa Outlaw" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "srJeAvMZEi0ocHJF" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "CwxnwttOFXygoLZR" + flags: {} + name: "Snakes and daggers" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and [[10]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The medusa can make a petrifying gaze attack against the target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NbHUPMR5hT6oHwLl" + flags: {} + name: "R: Poison arrow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage, and [[10]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 20" + value: "The medusa can make a petrifying gaze attack against the target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BiORdnuyNJ6szeHT" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Petrifying gaze" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. MD ([[1]] enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] psychic damage, and the target must start making last gasp saves as it turns to stone" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "r4rQbonK4PZdAaUf" + flags: {} + name: "Caught by an eye" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever a nearby enemy attacks the medusa outlaw and rolls a natural 1 or 2, the medusa can make a petrifying gaze attack against that attacker as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tQPOyzZYhg4DRI3s" + flags: {} + name: "Escalating threat" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of each of the medusa’s turns, roll a [[d4]]. If you roll less than or equal to the escalation die, the medusa can also use petrifying gaze as a quick action once during that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/minotaur.yml b/vaults/monsters/minotaur.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0978be --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/minotaur.yml @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +_id: "kihDm8d9NIwdJHRn" +name: "Minotaur" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 94 + min: 0 + max: 94 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Minotaur" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "AfKhjW5Wjx4olVwd" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "3jPbTKj3KOveRdUZ" + flags: {} + name: "Axe or horns" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[27]] damage, and one of the minotaur’s allies can pop free from the target as a free action" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "iKAvqBrqudZB3M8X" + flags: {} + name: "Furious charge" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The attack instead deals [[40]] damage on a hit if the minotaur first moves before attacking an enemy it was not engaged with at the start of its turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xCJEoOHMdU9P6n5u" + flags: {} + name: "Blood frenzy" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Minotaurs gain a +4 melee attack bonus against staggered enemies." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0LzdaOYnGVbwig57" + flags: {} + name: "Durable" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The first time each round the minotaur takes damage, prevent [[2d6]] of it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2o31dHLM3eDHMkNs" + flags: {} + name: "Fear" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with this creature, enemies that have 24 hp or fewer are *dazed* (-4 attack) and do not add the escalation die to their attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/moon-dragon-white.yml b/vaults/monsters/moon-dragon-white.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..215fe14 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/moon-dragon-white.yml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +_id: "g9OquqvJoCJ2u9ka" +name: "Moon Dragon (White)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 324 + min: 0 + max: 324 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Moon Dragon (White)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "aQesfD3qf5G9oTLP" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "quJpTrIGrjxPDwyI" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The moon dragon can make an ice breath attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kyY5zt6gu4TokkXU" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Ice breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[32]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EuoEhGaTQeE9oxK6" + flags: {} + name: "Both attacks miss" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the full moon is within seven days, the moon dragon’s next ice breath attack this battle will deal double damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "q7JT5SDaWfWeRH6w" + flags: {} + name: "Lunar resonance" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "fire when the new moon is within seven days." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jhl37zCLDYmfXjPp" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/mummy.yml b/vaults/monsters/mummy.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ce9c07 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/mummy.yml @@ -0,0 +1,454 @@ +_id: "937WjQgmUUQA5NS1" +name: "Mummy" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 350 + min: 0 + max: 350 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Mummy" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "tpZ1wwESQJ72NllH" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ZIatJFomkVBPjKj3" + flags: {} + name: "Unholy grasp" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] ongoing negative energy damage and the target is affected by mummy rot (save ends both)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[20]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1gLrlLVI2G9WxhV2" + flags: {} + name: "C: Sepulchral glare" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/round, as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* until the start of the mummy’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "S7U1sHfEX45uLoE0" + flags: {} + name: "C: Call of the sarcophagus" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. MD (each nearby enemy suffering mummy rot)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tHxjqOzMttcK4h3y" + flags: {} + name: "Each failed save (mummy rot)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target’s flesh begins to rot and the ongoing damage increases by +40 (cumulative). Saves granted by special powers don’t increase this damage if they fail, only end of turn failures." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VR0uCHxT2i37nKwr" + flags: {} + name: "Crit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the target is already affected by mummy rot, increase the ongoing negative energy damage by 40. If the target isn’t affected by mummy rot already, it takes [[40]] ongoing negative energy damage and is affected by mummy rot (save ends both)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "N2nNURhtAaUgkhW7" + flags: {} + name: "Mortal terror" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The presence of a mummy unnerves opponents, giving it an unusual *fear* aura. While engaged with this creature, enemies that have 200 hp or fewer are *dazed* (-4 attack) and do not add the escalation die to their attacks. Each time an enemy with 200 hp or fewer attacks the mummy, hit or miss, it must roll a save. On a success, it’s no longer affected by the fear aura effects of any mummy in the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Ucocggx8AJDRoo7Q" + flags: {} + name: "Spiritual grit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the mummy takes [[20]] damage or less from a non-fire attack, it takes no damage instead." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dGFt4qVEfRx1XapQ" + flags: {} + name: "Blessing of preservation" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The mummy has a +4 bonus to all defenses until it takes damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6WVgc3F9382YDktQ" + flags: {} + name: "Bone-chilling cry" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a quick action, the mummy can issue a bone-chilling cry that seems to echo from some unseen tomb or portal and it makes a call of the sarcophagus attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/nalfeshnee-boar-demon.yml b/vaults/monsters/nalfeshnee-boar-demon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fe07af --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/nalfeshnee-boar-demon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,388 @@ +_id: "nQT9e80C9Mrd5VgW" +name: "Nalfeshnee (boar demon)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 400 + min: 0 + max: 400 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Nalfeshnee (boar demon)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "FhvmmLguhxXSH1u0" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "9H8Icdm4nNl6qPmF" + flags: {} + name: "Musky claw or slimy hoof" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[90]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The nalfeshnee gains a +4 attack bonus until it hits. Unlike most effects, let it stack." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ooPmrHIjUgYY1Hxr" + flags: {} + name: "R: Accursed burst" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "50 cold/fire/lightning/negative energy damage (your choice), and the nalfeshnee can make an abyssal curse attack as a free action" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3RuhF1s6WrPUPvN5" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Abyssal curse" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. MD (each creature hit by accursed burst)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "the target is *weakened* until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HjOHpgRuCbUQZMcj" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Flight" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Wq9UW9G0hGMy9opw" + flags: {} + name: "Unpredictable" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Nalfeshnee always have at least two random demon abilities." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zKMhlkwWDAOxyk6c" + flags: {} + name: "Hooked mooks" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle, if the nalfeshnee is staggered, it can gate in [[2d4]] hooked demons as a quick action. Roll initiative for the hooked demons; they do not appear in the battle and take their turns until their next initiative count comes up." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/newly-risen-ghoul.yml b/vaults/monsters/newly-risen-ghoul.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0928eca --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/newly-risen-ghoul.yml @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +_id: "WYBGeQDA3qCLyh30" +name: "Newly-Risen Ghoul" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 9 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Newly-Risen Ghoul" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ZvsXsNNzYKHRAOiL" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "raNalqJnA5hUD42i" + flags: {} + name: "Scrabbling claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is *vulnerable* (attacks vs. it have crit range expanded by 2) to attacks by undead until the end of the ghoul’s next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VKVxj1ni7ytZvlNp" + flags: {} + name: "Pound of flesh" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The newly-risen ghoul’s scrabbling claws attack deals +2 damage against *vulnerable* targets." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ochre-jelly.yml b/vaults/monsters/ochre-jelly.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bcf681 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ochre-jelly.yml @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +_id: "0XDHDaPnpfAy9icO" +name: "Ochre Jelly" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 2 + mod: 2 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "ooze" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ochre Jelly" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/ooze.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "3UobGCsm0Dfnfy95" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "HWG0YmzpZPVzaSZx" + flags: {} + name: "C: Acid-drenched pseudopod" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1d4]] attacks" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "each against a different nearby enemy);6 acid damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "[[3]] ongoing acid damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VAOjtsnMzW6kS8Fy" + flags: {} + name: "Splitter" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The first time an ochre jelly takes [[20]] or more damage from a single attack, it splits into two normal-size ochre jellies, each with half the original’s current hit points plus [[2d6]] hp. Treat the new jellies as undamaged jellies at their new hit point totals without the splitter ability." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ogre-berserker.yml b/vaults/monsters/ogre-berserker.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8315f25 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ogre-berserker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +_id: "d5QQS8bM938UyRA9" +name: "Ogre Berserker" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 120 + min: 0 + max: 120 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ogre Berserker" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "2IxaxFOmEM245Jo0" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "1PlmN0goTVI57wWx" + flags: {} + name: "Giant axe or sword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[28]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, or 20" + value: "The ogre berserker gains the escalator ability (it adds the escalation die to its attacks) until the end of the battle." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage, and the ogre berserker takes [[1d6]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "WhCMfpcA44cvsEPm" + flags: {} + name: "You shouldn’t have done that" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy engaged with the berserker scores a critical hit against it, that enemy takes [[7d6]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mDLd08s7WRJQfFgd" + flags: {} + name: "Incidental damage" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy makes an opportunity attack against the berserker, hit or miss, that enemy takes [[2d6]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "AH5EnjsBDLWA2DXA" + flags: {} + name: "Rauguguggh" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a free action, when the ogre berserker fails a save, it can take [[3d6]] damage to succeed at the save instead." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ogre-champion.yml b/vaults/monsters/ogre-champion.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95eecb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ogre-champion.yml @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +_id: "OU4XeKlaZxWoouKp" +name: "Ogre Champion" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 140 + min: 0 + max: 140 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ogre Champion" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "HF48TaEQAhxiABxQ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "52KJPnFFTkIuxoVK" + flags: {} + name: "Champion’s battle-axe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, or 20" + value: "The ogre champion gains a second standard action this turn, but not a third." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "28yDYCgxU0wrgaXG" + flags: {} + name: "R: Heavy javelin" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[26]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UF9WDnno4K3n1vvz" + flags: {} + name: "Racial enemies" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever a nearby dwarf or elf enemy attempts to use their racial power, they must roll a hard save (16+). On a failure, the power fails and has no effect that turn (but they can try again next turn)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vXZJbp3LZqbDUKPK" + flags: {} + name: "Slayer of wizards" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Creatures engaged with the ogre champion take opportunity attacks from it when casting close spells as if they were casting ranged spells." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NYdNMaEQUjOzllvn" + flags: {} + name: "Escalating danger" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The ogre champion adds the escalation die to the damage it deals with its attacks, hit or miss." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ogre-crusader.yml b/vaults/monsters/ogre-crusader.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b39aba --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ogre-crusader.yml @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ +_id: "PxurpqleBwFsBC7z" +name: "Ogre Crusader" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 106 + min: 0 + max: 106 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ogre Crusader" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "gmxPixRJK0YmhN55" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ebFlH57u2HO1Kptr" + flags: {} + name: "Jagged greatsword or greataxe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, or 20" + value: "The ogre crusader can make a war-curse attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UTroqBM9ujBfYhU6" + flags: {} + name: "R: War javelin" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "avcxDdIIg8wGFcqL" + flags: {} + name: "C: War-curse" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD (the nearby conscious enemy with the lowest hit points)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xC0Vi3DuiWblQNhx" + flags: {} + name: "Special hate" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the ogre crusader attacks an enemy that has a positive or conflicted relationship with an icon that is aligned opposite to the Ogre’s aligned icon, it adds the escalation die to the attack roll." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ogre-lightning-mage.yml b/vaults/monsters/ogre-lightning-mage.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6947da4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ogre-lightning-mage.yml @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +_id: "PUvvoYStOBXa7dV5" +name: "Ogre Lightning Mage" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 230 + min: 0 + max: 230 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ogre Lightning Mage" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "lfSjmpTUyCZQJ7tg" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "m7Y5ulm8c27yfm3b" + flags: {} + name: "Naginata" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[15]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qU0u4Tv0snCZS5YB" + flags: {} + name: "R: Lightning from torn sky" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, but the ogre lightning mage regains the use of this attack if it’s expended each time it uses its naginata attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD (up to [[2]] nearby enemies" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "plus one far away enemy, if any);52 lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xY5TNOinF7GNxoPg" + flags: {} + name: "R: Past master’s judgment" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nCM6D4hJ83w3Qgti" + flags: {} + name: "First natural even hit each attack" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The ogre lightning mage can cancel one spell or magical effect created by the target." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cKR2u1wAsrAraMlP" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The ogre lightning mage flies well using the sheer power of its superior mind." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "peCgOhOLdKzGRpfl" + flags: {} + name: "Invisibility" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While not engaged, the ogre lightning mage can turn invisible as an at-will standard action. It becomes visible when it attacks. The ogre mage takes [[1d10]] damage each time it uses invisibility while it’s staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rlYd1SeiGbb7EWwf" + flags: {} + name: "Resist exceptional attacks 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a limited attack (not an at-will attack) targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Ir7umlmxclaFBcrw" + flags: {} + name: "Trollish regeneration 20" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While an ogre mage is damaged, its uncanny flesh heals 20 hit points at the start of the ogre mage’s turn. It can regenerate five times per battle. If it heals to its maximum hit points, then that use of regeneration doesn’t count against the five-use limit." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FTKvQMAjiyLjPpUd" + flags: {} + name: "When the ogre mage is hit by an attack that deals fire or acid damage, it loses one use of its regeneration, and it can’t regenerate during its next turn." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the ogre mage is hit by an attack that deals fire or acid damage, it loses one use of its regeneration, and it can’t regenerate during its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "s6KHO0H7FASPwinP" + flags: {} + name: "Dropping an ogre mage to 0 hp doesn’t kill it if it has any uses of regeneration left." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Dropping an ogre mage to 0 hp doesn’t kill it if it has any uses of regeneration left." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ogre-mage-knight.yml b/vaults/monsters/ogre-mage-knight.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e45f12a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ogre-mage-knight.yml @@ -0,0 +1,596 @@ +_id: "w8BypgDqfYlY2qb3" +name: Ogre Mage Knight +type: Npc +img: systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: Number + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: Number + value: 0 + def: + type: Number + value: 0 + ac: + type: Number + label: Armor Class + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: Number + label: Physical Defense + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: Number + label: Mental Defense + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: Number + label: Hit Points + value: 160 + min: 0 + max: 160 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: Number + label: Initiative Modifier + value: 13 + level: + type: Number + label: Level + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + details: + alignment: + type: String + label: Alignment + biography: + type: String + label: Biography + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: wrecker + size: + value: large + type: + value: giant + resistance: + value: Exceptional attacks 16+ + vulnerability: + value: "" +prototypeToken: + name: Ogre Mage Knight + displayName: 0 + actorLink: false + texture: + src: systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp + scaleX: 1 + scaleY: 1 + offsetX: 0 + offsetY: 0 + rotation: 0 + tint: + width: 2 + height: 2 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + alpha: 1 + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: attributes.hp + bar2: + attribute: + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 360 + bright: 0 + color: + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + attenuation: 0.5 + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + type: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 + sight: + enabled: false + range: + angle: 360 + visionMode: basic + color: + attenuation: 0.1 + brightness: 0 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + detectionModes: [] + flags: {} + randomImg: false +items: + - name: Naginata + type: action + img: icons/svg/target.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + attack: + type: String + label: Attack Roll + value: "[[d20+11]] vs AC" + hit: + type: String + label: Hit + value: The effect depends on the roll. + hit1: + type: String + label: Hit + name: Natural even hit + value: + "[[25]] damage, and the ogre mage knight can use lightning pulse as a + free action." + hit2: + type: String + label: Hit + name: Natural odd hit + value: + "[[20]] damage, and the ogre mage knight can use voice of thunder as + a free action." + hit3: + type: String + label: Hit + name: Natural even miss + value: + "[[10]] damage, and the ogre mage knight can teleport to any nearby location + it can see before using magi's lightning chain as a free action." + hit4: + type: String + label: Hit + hit5: + type: String + label: Hit + miss: + type: String + label: Miss + value: + "Natural odd miss: The ogre mage knight can use cone of cold as a free + action." + embeddedMacro: + value: "" + _id: ofMDR0oMKXiaibcR + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671570433546 + modifiedTime: 1671570715059 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: "R: Magi's lightning chain" + type: action + img: icons/svg/target.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + attack: + type: String + label: Attack Roll + value: "[[d20+11]] vs PD" + hit: + type: String + label: Hit + value: + "[[15]] lightning damage, and each time this attack has a natural even + attack roll, the ogre mage knight can target a different creature with the + ability." + hit1: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: String + label: Hit + hit5: + type: String + label: Hit + miss: + type: String + label: Miss + value: "" + embeddedMacro: + value: "" + _id: 3lJ8CDph1me81jNg + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671570574229 + modifiedTime: 1671570657658 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: "C: Cone of Cold" + type: action + img: icons/svg/target.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + attack: + type: String + label: Attack Roll + value: + "[[d20+11]] vs PD (up to [[3]] nearby enemies in a group, also targets + the ogre's allies engaged with the targets)" + hit: + type: String + label: Hit + value: "[[20]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: String + label: Hit + hit5: + type: String + label: Hit + miss: + type: String + label: Miss + value: "[[10]] cold damage" + embeddedMacro: + value: "" + _id: LYtCCTqF6NsOnwt9 + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671570719462 + modifiedTime: 1671570766064 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: "C: Lightning pulse" + type: action + img: icons/svg/target.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + attack: + type: String + label: Attack Roll + value: "[[d20+11]] vs PD (one random nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: String + label: Hit + value: "[[20]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: String + label: Hit + name: Natural even hit + value: The target is *weakened* (save ends). + hit2: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: String + label: Hit + hit5: + type: String + label: Hit + miss: + type: String + label: Miss + value: "" + embeddedMacro: + value: "" + _id: yM3pJrwcwE3AiLvP + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671570771001 + modifiedTime: 1671570819880 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: Voice of thunder + type: action + img: icons/svg/target.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + attack: + type: String + label: Attack Roll + value: "[[d20+11]] vs PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: String + label: Hit + value: "[[15]] thunder damage" + hit1: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: String + label: Hit + hit5: + type: String + label: Hit + miss: + type: String + label: Miss + value: "" + embeddedMacro: + value: "" + _id: YfHdk7CPDThTH247 + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671570854297 + modifiedTime: 1671570882407 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: Resist exceptional attacks 16+ + type: trait + img: icons/svg/regen.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + value: + "

When a limited attack (not an at-will attack) targets this creature, + the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half + damage.

" + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + _id: Rd2eWJBa7AXFWrwG + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671570884335 + modifiedTime: 1671570910172 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: Trollish regeneration 15 + type: trait + img: icons/svg/regen.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + value: + "

While an ogre mage is damaged, its uncanny flesh heals 15 hit points + at the start of the ogre mage’s turn. It can regenerate five times per + battle. If it heals to its maximum hit points, then that use of regeneration + doesn’t count against the five-use limit.
 When the ogre mage + is hit by an attack that deals fire or acid damage, it loses one use of its + regeneration, and it can’t regenerate during its next turn.
 Dropping + an ogre mage to 0 hp doesn’t kill it if it has any uses of regeneration + left.

" + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + _id: xArIwOvppJbItiOJ + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671570888089 + modifiedTime: 1671570938451 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: Ki + type: nastierSpecial + img: icons/svg/poison.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + value: + "

Gain [[/gmr 1d4]] ki at the start of each battle. Spend a point of + ki as a free action, once per round, to change the ogre mage knight’s + natural attack result by one; a natural 1 could become a 2, a natural 19 could + become a natural 20, and so on.

" + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + _id: otbZn08rb8s8wl73 + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671570951942 + modifiedTime: 1671571003877 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ogre-mage.yml b/vaults/monsters/ogre-mage.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fb11f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ogre-mage.yml @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +_id: "CPFyQu2s90q5oGsp" +name: "Ogre Mage" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 170 + min: 0 + max: 170 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ogre Mage" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "QcQrm9XwlgGOcqn1" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "M2b92l8KVrAojdVP" + flags: {} + name: "Naginata" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "Make a second naginata attack against a nearby enemy as a free action (engaging it is not required)" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nHrGWgW557WkRc1d" + flags: {} + name: "C: Cone of cold" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/day, and the attack affects the ogre’s allies engaged with or between enemy targets." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD (up to [[3]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tyd7paVZfg6nWtGX" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Aura of treachery" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "the target is *confused* until the end of the ogre mage’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5XB52dwq3jwaWK46" + flags: {} + name: "Aura of treachery" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per round when a nearby enemy misses the ogre mage with an attack, the ogre mage can make an aura of treachery attack against it as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GUc53lX3RGQQk6Se" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The ogre mage flies using the sheer power of its superior mind." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "N9oZAcHAjNQOxP73" + flags: {} + name: "Invisibility" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the ogre mage is not engaged, it can turn invisible as an at-will standard action. It becomes visible when it attacks. The ogre mage takes [[1d10]] damage each time it uses invisibility while it’s staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FhDvsJfMtRb8LXLH" + flags: {} + name: "Resist exceptional attacks 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a limited attack (not an at-will attack) targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "V3wv0L02IVacgX82" + flags: {} + name: "Trollish regeneration 20" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While an ogre mage is damaged, its uncanny flesh heals 20 hit points at the start of the ogre mage’s turn. It can regenerate five times per battle. If it heals to its maximum hit points, then that use of regeneration doesn’t count against the five-use limit." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "uFrpQbxUe1zFgx3d" + flags: {} + name: "When the ogre mage is hit by an attack that deals fire or acid damage, it loses one use of its regeneration, and it can’t regenerate during its next turn." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the ogre mage is hit by an attack that deals fire or acid damage, it loses one use of its regeneration, and it can’t regenerate during its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7Jpf0ziB8xeaaPvl" + flags: {} + name: "Dropping an ogre mage to 0 hp doesn’t kill it if it has any uses of regeneration left." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Dropping an ogre mage to 0 hp doesn’t kill it if it has any uses of regeneration left." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ogre-minion.yml b/vaults/monsters/ogre-minion.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef76693 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ogre-minion.yml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +_id: "BHR4rnZKd1qdEf9r" +name: "Ogre Minion" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 80 + min: 0 + max: 80 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ogre Minion" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "kw21ZpfK5tOYLlnx" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "x68mABeX1A1DjPIf" + flags: {} + name: "Ogre-sized chopper" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wKWslsBXKnNfAM8s" + flags: {} + name: "R: Ogre-sized javelin" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Nso2Tdyu8l2Yeroj" + flags: {} + name: "Incidental damage" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy makes an opportunity attack against the ogre minion, hit or miss, that enemy takes [[4d6]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DmNGrpbKTrwP9ngK" + flags: {} + name: "Double-strength mook" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The ogre minion mook counts as two 9th level mooks when you’re building battles." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MdtgrlMTC7PZoj28" + flags: {} + name: "Punching above its weight" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per round, the ogre minion mob can take [[5d10]] damage to reroll an attack (a member of the mob takes one for the team)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ogre-penitent.yml b/vaults/monsters/ogre-penitent.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8386bdb --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ogre-penitent.yml @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +_id: "2i0vAsFnGC1ojS5c" +name: "Ogre Penitent" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 100 + min: 0 + max: 100 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ogre Penitent" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "NSiMOpKpfqknTfdy" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "jQuXM7SCta26mNGf" + flags: {} + name: "Remorseful flail" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, or 20" + value: "Until the end of the battle, when an enemy engaged with the ogre attacks it, that enemy can’t target other enemies with that attack." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage to a different nearby enemy." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zexi71cRcmoTuPfO" + flags: {} + name: "Closer my death to thee" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While staggered, the ogre penitent gains a +4 attack bonus." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "I3S3Sve6z9cfFvaq" + flags: {} + name: "Crumbling ego" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each time the ogre fails a save, it takes [[1d8]] psychic damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "x6jjEaR42oz78wUx" + flags: {} + name: "Frenzied disappointment" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the ogre penitent rolls a natural 1 or 2 with an attack roll, it can take an extra standard action during its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ogre.yml b/vaults/monsters/ogre.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b9029a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ogre.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "jYuvI6eGSM6n0Wno" +name: "Ogre" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ogre" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "K0Xb1yj6heK3jzPS" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "poXqt2bbrwJYdjZ7" + flags: {} + name: "Big honkin’ club" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HbmgTfaYpa9YVfO2" + flags: {} + name: "Big shove" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD (each enemy engaged with ogre)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[1d6]] damage, and the target pops free from the ogre" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "E5eXY4qcloFIGQVD" + flags: {} + name: "Quick use" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This power only requires a quick action (once per round) instead of a standard action when the escalation die is even." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UlpfSrm4fl5d5ZRy" + flags: {} + name: "Tough skin" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever the ogre takes weapon damage, reduce that damage by [[1d8]] points." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/orc-battle-screamer.yml b/vaults/monsters/orc-battle-screamer.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64d53bb --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/orc-battle-screamer.yml @@ -0,0 +1,416 @@ +_id: "57eUiEVInl6uecB8" +name: "Orc Battle Screamer" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 33 + min: 0 + max: 33 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Orc Battle Screamer" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "1EHPHaghuvtxdmzt" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "NbaAl6qv0V3eiu5C" + flags: {} + name: "Sharpened flute or club-like drumstick" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xEL04wBHzUuwzyJn" + flags: {} + name: "Orcish Instruments" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Choose ONE

R: Skull drum +7 vs. MD—8 damage, and as a free action, one nearby orc ally can move or make a basic attack (doesn’t trigger special abilities)

R: Bone flute +7 vs. MD—8 damage, and one nearby orc ally deals +1d6 damage on a hit during its next turn

R: War bagpipes—1d3 nearby or far away enemies that can hear the bagpipes must immediately roll a normal save; on a failure, the target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZrzKUuhaSS8eQyRs" + flags: {} + name: "Skull drum" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "R" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+7]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage, and as a free action, one nearby orc ally can move or make a basic attack (doesn’t trigger special abilities)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yLrclGDsvK3u5PEg" + flags: {} + name: "Bone Flute" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "R" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage, and one nearby orc ally deals +[[1d6]] damage on a hit during its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FhfqYEkYNBKRdXPT" + flags: {} + name: "War bagpipes" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "R" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies that can hear the bagpipes must immediately roll a normal save; on a failure, the target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/orc-berserker.yml b/vaults/monsters/orc-berserker.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..142ee40 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/orc-berserker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +_id: "xYqA6xGNg3pxuNL5" +name: "Orc Berserker" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 40 + min: 0 + max: 40 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Orc Berserker" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "G2N3nw8mQPZwvHWZ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "AEKbEqOZ3k9rn4Ga" + flags: {} + name: "Greataxe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "anFH7fM89L1GhAi8" + flags: {} + name: "Dangerous" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range of attacks by orcs expands by 3 unless they are staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EQgsr3YZ1QRZBORy" + flags: {} + name: "Unstoppable" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an orc berserker drops to 0 hp, it does not immediately die. Ignore any damage in excess of 0 hp, roll [[2d6]], and give the berserker that many temporary hit points. No other healing can affect the berserker or give it more temporary hit points. When the temporary hp are gone, the berserker dies." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/orc-rager.yml b/vaults/monsters/orc-rager.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fd917d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/orc-rager.yml @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +_id: "YtnqxLcuPLZzxwQg" +name: "Orc Rager" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 27 + min: 0 + max: 27 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Orc Rager" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "BE1O8CB9FpzNHbg0" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "UwPnz06FtWp7OIJO" + flags: {} + name: "Greataxe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[16]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ICKSbfSmJw9IOOCx" + flags: {} + name: "Dangerous mooks" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range of melee attacks by orc ragers expands by 3 until half the orc rager mob has been dropped." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3cPV9LCJVSWwk1nP" + flags: {} + name: "Dying strike" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an orc rager drops to 0 hp, it can make a final attack as a free action. (These extra attacks can come from ragers engaged with a PC.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/orc-shaman.yml b/vaults/monsters/orc-shaman.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fe2f7d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/orc-shaman.yml @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +_id: "wa079BHEqSiFeU5e" +name: "Orc Shaman" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 36 + min: 0 + max: 36 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Orc Shaman" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "qmUpD301EO7wQnM0" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "5CXI0bqlvHVEUIjv" + flags: {} + name: "Spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9ekz9MpikKEIJroM" + flags: {} + name: "R: Battle curse" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] psychic damage, and for the rest of the battle, melee attacks by orcs deal +[[1d4]] damage against the target (non-cumulative)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nKpELMFDDx13Jw6p" + flags: {} + name: "Dangerous" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range of attacks by orcs expands by 3 unless they are staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/orc-tusker.yml b/vaults/monsters/orc-tusker.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7ed4bc --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/orc-tusker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +_id: "Z9v4i26ucJvWwtFw" +name: "Orc Tusker" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 45 + min: 0 + max: 45 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Orc Tusker" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "I1wWIh2W2Ck7HHKr" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "kTKKj8S7lZWOBrWi" + flags: {} + name: "Club’n’tusk" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[4]] damage, and the orc tusker pops free from all enemies." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "L51NDE82plrqSTvI" + flags: {} + name: "Furious charge" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The attack instead deals [[12]] damage on a hit if the orc tusker first moves before attacking an enemy it was not engaged with at the start of its turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/orc-warrior.yml b/vaults/monsters/orc-warrior.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c98055 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/orc-warrior.yml @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +_id: "auY4TXJmRGiF2sQc" +name: "Orc Warrior" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 10 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 30 + min: 0 + max: 30 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 3 + mod: 3 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Orc Warrior" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "cgqe2UGv5Sadmjo9" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "SfwDSmiYRN5jPGmA" + flags: {} + name: "Jagged sword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jLVxf7aUvXtISRxc" + flags: {} + name: "Dangerous" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range of attacks by orcs expands by 3 unless they are staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/orcish-archer.yml b/vaults/monsters/orcish-archer.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9c9c55 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/orcish-archer.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "9Vc7Yo3n1UW1plLl" +name: "Orcish Archer" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 32 + min: 0 + max: 32 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "archer" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Orcish Archer" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "1UXpLRR2R1GoJ7Dq" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "TEYARNyse70Sv7GS" + flags: {} + name: "Scimitar" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "58xA5h0WxbYTgKSQ" + flags: {} + name: "R: Short bow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 1-5" + value: "Reroll the attack against a random nearby creature. If the rerolled attack is also a natural 1-5, the orcish archer takes [[3]] damage from sheer agonized frustration, but it doesn’t get to make another attack." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gWdlrk5izTSZV9Kr" + flags: {} + name: "Final frenzy" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die is 3+, the orcish archer gains a +3 bonus to melee attacks and melee damage" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/otyugh.yml b/vaults/monsters/otyugh.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88f7522 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/otyugh.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "AnvfSho2tyoRQrd9" +name: "Otyugh" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 84 + min: 0 + max: 84 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Otyugh" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ooq3cGdnsGdM6m02" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "X4iFwlNqKQ9mo94y" + flags: {} + name: "Grasping tentacles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The otyugh can grab the target." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18 or 20" + value: "The otyugh can grab the target and make a big toothy maw attack against it as a free action." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FIvI3kGlgeFllLsN" + flags: {} + name: "Big toothy maw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[1]] enemy it’s grabbing; includes +4 grab bonus)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[16]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fDL1PRthpuLuiPek" + flags: {} + name: "Trash nest defense" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The otyugh gains a +2 bonus to all defenses while fighting in its nest or in similar piles of excrement and trash." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MvqN5VATdABUCJUk" + flags: {} + name: "Tentacle flail" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per round, an otyugh can make a grasping tentacles attack as a free action against a moving nearby creature it is not engaged with; on a natural even hit, the target is grabbed and its movement stops." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/owlbear.yml b/vaults/monsters/owlbear.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9eb722 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/owlbear.yml @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +_id: "04PitHTyBGBPlBOG" +name: "Owlbear" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 101 + min: 0 + max: 101 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Owlbear" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "iGsbMMBip1BY8ZXd" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "2vFITgBbK1RftMLT" + flags: {} + name: "Rip and peck" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage, and until the end of the owlbear’s next turn, the target is *hampered* (makes only basic attacks) while engaged with the owlbear" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hI7gOWtVDyRzRDBk" + flags: {} + name: "Vicious hybrid" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the escalation die is even, make another rip and peck attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MtBcgXdJYGOL1qBP" + flags: {} + name: "Feed the cubs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "An owlbear that scores a critical hit against a *hampered* enemy tears a piece of the creature off (GM chooses a limb) and will subsequently attempt to retreat with the prize to feed its cubs. The torn-up enemy is *stunned* until the end of its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "msLNm8TIYDKk9pv7" + flags: {} + name: "Silent hunter" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Owlbears are nearly silent until they strike. Checks to hear them approaching take a -5 penalty." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/parasitic-dybbuk.yml b/vaults/monsters/parasitic-dybbuk.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70ee39f --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/parasitic-dybbuk.yml @@ -0,0 +1,574 @@ +_id: "zT1X4CLaTCmxo8pn" +name: "Parasitic Dybbuk" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 180 + min: 0 + max: 180 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Parasitic Dybbuk" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "0Ny8PiAJE3kZRWGO" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "IuCS8eXxEZ3LBreA" + flags: {} + name: "Loathsome vomity smear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[3d10]] poison damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mwgL98C2EndolBLQ" + flags: {} + name: "C: Unearthly glare" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "One special dybbuk ability triggers as a free action (see below)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "F1WGa73tPMxCIBFb" + flags: {} + name: "C: Visage of innocence" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target can’t attack the dybbuk until the end of its next turn." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pzwXFTrgb878jmEj" + flags: {} + name: "C: Horrific visage" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *weakened* (save ends)." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wcRJourl6J5joZ1b" + flags: {} + name: "C: Puppet strings" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *confused* (save ends)." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "s6lOI0a9stCa9IVb" + flags: {} + name: "Shapechange" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As a standard action, the dybbuk can change its host’s form to that of another humanoid, or back to its own shape. Seeing through the shapechange requires a DC 25 skill check. When the dybbuk is driven out of the host body, the body reverts to its original form." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "P6QzIkucYVktQ9Ii" + flags: {} + name: "Unholy aversion" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy makes a spell attack or magic weapon attack against the parasitic dybbuk that deals holy damage and rolls a natural 18+, the dybbuk leaves the host body. The body drops in place (*unconscious*) and the parasitic dybbuk becomes an undamaged ethereal dybbuk (see that entry). If the escalation die is 3+, reset the escalation die to 2." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PfVt0kMtaMnzTFnm" + flags: {} + name: "Wall-crawler" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A dybbuk can climb on ceilings and walls as easily as it moves on the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "h4px1FdTKZ07PqAQ" + flags: {} + name: "Scratching nails" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the target is engaged with the dybbuk at the start of its turn, it takes [[20]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dhbSgfzSiDGNdg3l" + flags: {} + name: "Warped flesh" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The dybbuk heals 30 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CPYduk0IjWN07f04" + flags: {} + name: "Experienced possessor" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the dybbuk rolls a natural odd hit or miss with unearthly glare, one special dybbuk ability triggers." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1000000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Vav6Q3uibGkjXU5I" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The dybbuk can hover 6 feet off the ground and make boneless flea-like leaps." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/parasitic-lightning-beetle.yml b/vaults/monsters/parasitic-lightning-beetle.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44815d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/parasitic-lightning-beetle.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "SSJcpOcSW5NlXJj4" +name: "Parasitic Lightning Beetle" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 36 + min: 0 + max: 36 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Parasitic Lightning Beetle" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "qBzGNUYD0tyjKpF7" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "6qnwe36aXiDw3tKX" + flags: {} + name: "Mouthparts" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The target also takes [[5]] lightning damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KwDtnHHMhZB40sz6" + flags: {} + name: "R: Lightning zap" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy not engaged with a purple worm" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "purple larvae, or parasitic beetle);20 lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The target takes [[5]] extra lightning damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "E4KDHrXqI0tVVrBd" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The beetles fly badly, usually just enough to get back to the worm when they’ve been shaken off from their hiding spots in its segments." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LBPouFCgl8AybLWm" + flags: {} + name: "Scaredy bugs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever one or more parasitic lightning beetles drop to 0 hp, roll a [[d6]]. If you roll less than or equal to the number of beetles that were destroyed by that attack, all beetles in the battle stop fighting, using all their actions during their next turn to disengage and fly away." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/phase-spider.yml b/vaults/monsters/phase-spider.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55833c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/phase-spider.yml @@ -0,0 +1,406 @@ +_id: "YWCYezyDe9YgXjMU" +name: "Phase Spider" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 200 + min: 0 + max: 200 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Phase Spider" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "7HFpjftxz0YQrCUk" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "EcknsmUKCUkr9voj" + flags: {} + name: "Phasing fangs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The spider can make a rummage and filch attack against the target as a free action, even if the target isn’t staggered." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BRVr9dQbocPidrz1" + flags: {} + name: "Rummage and filch" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. MD ([[1]] staggered creature)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "the phase spider steals a random true magic item from the target (see below)." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "brBw3jVoPbs0kIV6" + flags: {} + name: "Phasing abilities" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As long as it didn’t just return from being out of phase, at the start of the phase spider’s turn, roll a [[d6]] to see which of its phase and teleport abilities it can access that turn. The spider doesn’t have to use the available ability and can attack normally, if it wishes." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "33g8yyKalIB5c8sy" + flags: {} + name: "1-2" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Short teleport—As a move action, the spider can teleport anywhere it can see nearby." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ABNIXsoZkiGDx5fB" + flags: {} + name: "3" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Long teleport—As a move action, the spider can teleport anywhere it can see nearby or far away." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GR5ijJ4sjCMLjBg5" + flags: {} + name: "4-5" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Phase out—As a move action, the spider can remove itself from the battlefield, returning on its next initiative turn anywhere it chooses nearby. It doesn’t get to make a phase roll at the start of its next turn though." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ERmxXyaA6GspYUVD" + flags: {} + name: "6" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Teleport away—If the spider has stolen at least one magic item, as a move action it can teleport back to its lair, or to its master if it has one. It leaves the battle. If it hasn’t stolen an item yet, it won’t leave and can use its choice of the other abilities this turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fiLfwLrQkX5qJnYg" + flags: {} + name: "Stolen items" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the spider is slain before it leaves battle, all items stolen from the party are recovered. If a [[d20]] roll results in a 20, other magic items are found." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/pit-fiend.yml b/vaults/monsters/pit-fiend.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4578d9c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/pit-fiend.yml @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ +_id: "V3ZmIvLnyRQltYfP" +name: "Pit Fiend" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 29 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 1600 + min: 0 + max: 1600 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 19 + mod: 19 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 14 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 14 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Pit Fiend" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "nPEjmi62pzgWnFsF" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "xjs3piA9DTM4qT0T" + flags: {} + name: "Fiendish weapon" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 19]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[140]] damage, and until the end of the battle the target takes a -2 penalty to attacks, defenses, and level-based [[d20]] rolls. Hit points, feats, weapon damage, and other level-based benefits don’t change. (The penalty isn’t cumulative.)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The pit fiend can make an entangling tail attack against a different target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "A5vvnqDvbnDt14cJ" + flags: {} + name: "Entangling tail" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 19]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage, and the target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn or until the pit fiend makes another entangling tail attack." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pIpyl3NcNYvLnO3W" + flags: {} + name: "R: Burst of hellfire" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 19]] vs. PD (up to 3 nearby or far away enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[120]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0EdWrJj6XAYU0Tfq" + flags: {} + name: "C: Black utterance of denial" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 19]] vs. MD (each enemy engaged with the pit fiend)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6wf0RFCkUUs0wmwy" + flags: {} + name: "Both attacks hit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The pit fiend can use fiendish vigor as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LQUp42BYOrZAsmuY" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Menace)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a pit fiend, the escalation die does not increase at the start of the next round. Special circumstances and PC powers can still increase it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "63T17VRU3p2bO8qC" + flags: {} + name: "Fiendish vigor" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As a standard action, the pit fiend can heal 300 hp and roll a save against each ongoing effect on it. It can use fiendish vigor up to five times per battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CuLlndFQCsl5LIpH" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Amidst wind and flames, a pit fiend can fly with surprising agility." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Ns2n1U5AbLuTUJQX" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KyIUVZMvcyXF6f1n" + flags: {} + name: "Cloak of fire" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature is engaged with the pit fiend at the start of its turn, that creature takes [[20]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/pit-spawn-orc.yml b/vaults/monsters/pit-spawn-orc.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d70d7de --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/pit-spawn-orc.yml @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +_id: "fSnz7yck7bwdrdu0" +name: "Pit-Spawn Orc" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 18 + min: 0 + max: 18 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 2 + mod: 2 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Pit-Spawn Orc" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "YM7hUAMyTyyLHiXM" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "r8GgCUwLWsj1TEEy" + flags: {} + name: "Punch or bludgeon" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bnLdKUFoiwXtxocU" + flags: {} + name: "Mob attack" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The crit range for pit-spawn orcs is 17+. Whenever a pit-spawn orc scores a critical hit, each pit-spawn orc mook in the battle gains a +1 cumulative bonus to damage until the end of the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OCt5WXARHYsmGrxM" + flags: {} + name: "Boiling rage" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy engaged with the orc hits it with an attack, the enemy takes [[4]] damage as the orc bites and claws it back." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/pixie-pod.yml b/vaults/monsters/pixie-pod.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..440462c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/pixie-pod.yml @@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ +_id: "RyzWdFRVyrDvHDWG" +name: "Pixie Pod" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 40 + min: 0 + max: 40 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Pixie Pod" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "YXT6DEgMbB2LAdn3" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "CdatyCpcn0vcwNCa" + flags: {} + name: "C: Peripheral summoning" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. MD ([[1]] random nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "Add a new podling into the battle in a random location." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VToKd6nUMRuHrIyr" + flags: {} + name: "Release the pods" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle when the pixie pod rolls a natural even hit with peripheral summoning, it adds a number of podlings into the battle equal to the escalation die instead of only one." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TUfhJ37xGW8HKeHo" + flags: {} + name: "Immobile" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Although its podlings occasionally pick up and move it around out of combat, in battle the pixie pod can’t move and is *stuck* except for its teleport ability." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "inrBc4ADNIS9Zy5Q" + flags: {} + name: "Lost opportunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature can’t make opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jz2NGlzbRFMxIXZ1" + flags: {} + name: "Lurching teleport" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle as a move action, the pixie-pod can teleport to a nearby location. But its control sucks. The teleport goes in a random direction. Roll it using a [[d8]] for direction." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JV2rREz423igxM8V" + flags: {} + name: "Magical concealment" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As long as one or more of its podlings are nearby, the pixie pod is invisible and extremely difficult to even detect. A PC who wants to locate the pixie-pod must spend a standard action searching and succeed at a DC 25 skill check using Wisdom. Backgrounds connected to plants and the wilderness help normally, and general searching skills and magic talents might help a bit but not at full strength. Once located, the plant can be attacked like a normal invisible creature. When it teleports, however, it must be located all over again." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RpHbTwRrZ5SFYkW2" + flags: {} + name: "Start with mooks" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The pixie pod is normally accompanied by five active podlings that don’t count toward the total when building a battle with the pod. Additional podlings do count, however." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/pixie-warrior.yml b/vaults/monsters/pixie-warrior.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3301d55 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/pixie-warrior.yml @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ +_id: "r2yfrqSEjfpSPXaS" +name: "Pixie Warrior" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 24 + min: 0 + max: 24 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Pixie Warrior" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ykI4QFxf97vSZV2W" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ni2EXhoLW4wU7F6n" + flags: {} + name: "Diminutive sparkly sword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The pixie warrior can make a madness attack against the target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jcnMYu7nzl6zJnJh" + flags: {} + name: "Enchanted boswhot" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] psychic damage, and the pixie warrior can make a madness attack against the target as a free action." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5ucPWaHhnpaj6Zol" + flags: {} + name: "Madness" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "Special trigger" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is maddened until the end of the pixie's next turn." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ISBrB5j8MNX3ZnRT" + flags: {} + name: "Maddened" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The first thing the creature does on its turn is use a standard action to make a display of power that has no practical benefit. The GM chooses the attack, spell, or other power, which should be the most powerful one the character has, preferably a daily. The target expends the power in a great show of prowess, aimed for display rather than effect. Wizards cast their fireballs into the sky, monks demonstrate flawless form while shadow-boxing, and clerics bless the very stones underfoot instead of allies.

When the madness effect gets old, substitute any of the following effects, by choice or at random:

  1. You love pixies and hate those who threaten them. The target is *confused* until the end of the pixie’s next turn.
  2. Brains knocked loose. The target takes [[4 ]]psychic damage each time it takes an action (save ends; yes that could be 3 times per round or more).
  3.  Reality bender. The target takes [[5]] ongoing psychic damage. Each time the target fails the save, the ongoing damage increases by [[5]], cumulative.
  4. Massive attack on the *unconscious* mind. The target chooses one: either let the onslaught slam its mind (take [[15]] psychic damage), or steel its mind against the onslaught (*stunned* until the end of the pixie’s next turn).
  5. Compulsion to dance. The target takes [[5]] ongoing psychic damage (no save) until it spends a standard action to dance maniacally. Dancing ends all such ongoing damage, even if the target has been hit multiple times with this effect.
  6. Pacifism. The target can’t attack until the end of the pixie’s next turn.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SNWmQEaiNYpxHrv2" + flags: {} + name: "Dazzling lights" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

During battle, pixies fill the air with the light and sound of countless flashy illusions. The effects are disorienting enough that the PCs don’t get to add the escalation die to their attacks.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Rve62i6ohoHFGhWR" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Pixies make flying look like a lot of fun.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OFgUMmeqe5JtzZOs" + flags: {} + name: "Invisibility" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

When an enemy attacks a pixie and misses, the pixie turns invisible until the start of its next turn (even if it makes opportunity attacks). A pixie can also turn invisible as a standard action, in which case the invisibility still lasts until the start of its next turn.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/podling.yml b/vaults/monsters/podling.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8c7510 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/podling.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "XXHMDfM6cwaV2ubB" +name: "Podling" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 10 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Podling" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "j4zos8BppDpe4Uob" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "yo45R8a8GGTzlbbl" + flags: {} + name: "Needle sword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target can’t choose to search for the pixie-pod plant until all podlings in the battle are slain." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QWQ77A8Z7sv21ARO" + flags: {} + name: "R: Tiny green bow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RHGgWmUKHK63D8kl" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The podling that can fly, hovering out of reach and firing arrows." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/poison-dandelion.yml b/vaults/monsters/poison-dandelion.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99bbc49 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/poison-dandelion.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "Pmk2onuqSHLiPqa1" +name: "Poison Dandelion" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 110 + min: 0 + max: 110 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Poison Dandelion" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "JJSq1DIVbrua4Lud" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Tp3k4qvKfzW68sfr" + flags: {} + name: "Green spikes" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target takes [[10]] ongoing poison damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Hl9kgPLwVDm3eJRP" + flags: {} + name: "C: Whirling seeds" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: The poison dandelion can only use this attack when the escalation die is odd." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC (each nearby non-plant or non-undead creature)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] ongoing poison damage, and undead creatures and plant creatures in the battle add the escalation die to their attacks against the target (save ends both)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "13QMXn0K4VaOGbBn" + flags: {} + name: "Black-gray resurgence" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the poison dandelion drops to 0 hit points, it’s destroyed until the start of its next turn. At the start of its next turn, it returns to life as a death blossom or lich flower that lacks the red-yellow resurrection ability but is otherwise undamaged and whole." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/prismatic-ogre-mage.yml b/vaults/monsters/prismatic-ogre-mage.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce37c2d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/prismatic-ogre-mage.yml @@ -0,0 +1,544 @@ +_id: "ym8uVQH29CAoWuTW" +name: "Prismatic Ogre Mage" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 360 + min: 0 + max: 360 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Prismatic Ogre Mage" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "wlVysiHltsMQ8euU" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "uVgGdROvJbKyizIh" + flags: {} + name: "Horns and claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[75]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 2-5" + value: "The prismatic ogre mage can use prismatic blast as a free action without provoking an opportunity attack." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "veic8cbKSCqiSrZG" + flags: {} + name: "Force shove" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD (each enemy engaged with ogre)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] force damage, and the target pops free from the ogre mage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NJOrGS30zjTBB2Ce" + flags: {} + name: "R: Prismatic blast" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "Roll a [[d8]] against each hit target to determine the type of ray and effect" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "1. Red" + value: "[[40]] fire damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hB7EUBiZIVj00RfE" + flags: {} + name: "Quick use" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This power only requires a quick action (once per round) instead of a standard action when the escalation die is odd." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "aOFedScK5pqsVnUj" + flags: {} + name: "2. Orange" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "[[50]] damage, and the target is *confused* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NvlQNOQeSQARtMZ9" + flags: {} + name: "3. Yellow" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "[[40]] ongoing poison damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XGbkfnDsvdQUKaUp" + flags: {} + name: "4. Green" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target loses a recovery, and the prismatic ogre mage heals 70 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "N2P2wNSie6ZbMKNP" + flags: {} + name: "5. Blue" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KhqyiS5Oy2SA58tc" + flags: {} + name: "6. Cyan" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target is *stunned* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wgMQOItvSbPMOKnV" + flags: {} + name: "7. Purple" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target is *dazed* and *confused* (save ends both). When the target saves, it takes [[40]] psychic damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1000000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1Vf6mYwQVlQ4KWD4" + flags: {} + name: "8. Magenta" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target is transported into the future. Remove that creature from play, returning it to the battle in (or near) its previous location at the end of its next turn. No time seems to pass for the target while it’s gone." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OLQZUpTdz0L6cbCl" + flags: {} + name: "Resist exceptional attacks 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a limited attack (not an at-will attack) targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sE67A3PnIeNVaIHo" + flags: {} + name: "Warp" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "“Yellow hair,” “Afraid of spiders,” “Prefers white wine to red,” or “Tattoo of a halfling on left bicep.” These personal traits are shuffled and randomly distributed equally by the GM after the battle is over. Whichever trait each player receives is now true for their character as well as for the character of the player who wrote it down (unless there has somehow turned out to be a swap…). These traits don’t alter game mechanics (feats, powers, backgrounds, icon relationships, attributes, bonuses, etc.). They are personal details that have been warped and scrambled by the prismatic ogre mage’s magic." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/purple-larva.yml b/vaults/monsters/purple-larva.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e4bbac --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/purple-larva.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "DycjxxWJKu5oZqdS" +name: "Purple Larva" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 44 + min: 0 + max: 44 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Purple Larva" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "dbtD0UNgjr0OPcLY" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "DGWqgIgY16hqlQQR" + flags: {} + name: "Bitey maw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The larvae can make a tail stinger attack against a random enemy engaged with it as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PA8Najyl7aD9Ja0M" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Tail sting" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage, and [[10]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5fvb3EaeFCb7xvNS" + flags: {} + name: "Merge with worm" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Purple larvae can dig quickly in and out of the skin of the purple worm as if they were burrowing but without needing die rolls to succeed." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/purple-worm.yml b/vaults/monsters/purple-worm.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..487b924 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/purple-worm.yml @@ -0,0 +1,429 @@ +_id: "hUz6BaiWWwNjWVOP" +name: "Purple Worm" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 440 + min: 0 + max: 440 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Purple Worm" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + tint: null + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "rNWt8jXmJraRhumr" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Rc9Ml6aEsBaHJPX9" + flags: {} + name: "Devouring maw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+13]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is swallowed whole if it's smaller than the worm (see below)" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "Half damage" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hcNmED25Cc07cGnL" + flags: {} + name: "Tall sting" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+13]] vs. AC ([[1]] random nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage, and [[20]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HOZNQoN1nbTx818U" + flags: {} + name: "Mighty trash" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Limited use: The worm can make this attack as a free action if it has no enemies swallowed after using its standar action during its turn.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+13]] vs. AC ([[1d3]] random nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 1-5" + value: "The worm takes [[10]] damage (but it still deals miss damage on a 2-5)" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "Half damage" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8Y8jjCXN26OstjaU" + flags: {} + name: "Swallow whole" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

While a creature is swallowed whole, it takes [[7d10]] acid damage at the start of its turn and is *stuck*, *hampered*, and unable to attack or affect anything outside the worm’s stomach (and vice-versa). Most teleport abilities don’t work because you’re hampered and you can’t see the location out of the worm you want to teleport to. There are two ways out.

  • Cut your way out: Deal [[40]] damage to the worm with a single attack and you can cut your way out. All edged or bladed weapons are reduced to d6 damage dice (at most) inside the worm’s gullet, so good luck. At least you’ll be damaging the worm attacking it from within.
  • Get upchucked: While the worm is staggered, you can use a standard action to try and crawl out of its mouth. Roll a hard save (16+); on a success, the worm vomits you out and spits you somewhere nearby. The worm also vomits out all creatures it has swallowed when it drops to 0 hp.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kRxrh5pr9eWZ8qVo" + flags: {} + name: "Burrow" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

As the standard monster ability

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BQueHhahfEZw0Jg7" + flags: {} + name: "Larval feeding" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The worm's stomach also includes a mob of larval mook (purple larvae or parasitic lightning beetles). Feel free to add this nastier special if a PC acts dismissive about the possibility of being swallowed by the worm.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rq0CZdRSCEW7ylGr" + flags: {} + name: "Resist most energy damage 16+" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Purple worms generate weird energy resistances thanks to underworld radiation and their odd diets. Roll a [[2d8]], in secret, to determine what energy types the worm is not resistant to. The PCs probably have to find out what energy works best against the worm the hard way, though you might have mercy and allow a DC 35 Wisdom skill check to figure out what energy types work against the worm.

1: acid; 2: cold; 3: fire; 4: lightning; 5: thunder; 6: holy; 7: negative energy; 8: poison.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/rakshasa.yml b/vaults/monsters/rakshasa.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7ab997 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/rakshasa.yml @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +_id: "4rD0LAwTfYRLMLVH" +name: "Rakshasa" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 280 + min: 0 + max: 280 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Rakshasa" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "VLfXac2wjvaJIGt0" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "M2ZWpdv1fusFj59R" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The rakshasa can make a rend mind attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KzBLM8L96t1M0a24" + flags: {} + name: "R: Striped lightning bolts" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] lightning damage, or [[50]] lightning damage against a staggered target" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The rakshasa can make a rend mind attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "t8XSo5BkiGacfUJE" + flags: {} + name: "C: Rend mind" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] psychic damage, and the target is *confused* (make a basic or at-will attack vs. ally) until the end of the rakshasa’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ChYWxIB6yuym7mgx" + flags: {} + name: "Shapechange" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As a standard action, the rakshasa can change its form to that of any humanoid, or back to its own shape. Seeing through the shapechange requires a DC 25 skill check." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "J5a8jzh066iBBcE2" + flags: {} + name: "Master of chaos" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The rakshasa gains a bonus to all defenses equal to the current number of *confused* enemies in the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NjYMYlXSy63b4tme" + flags: {} + name: "Reversal of fate" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per day as a quick action, the rakshasa steals the escalation die; until the end of the battle, the rakshasa gains an attack bonus equal to the die’s value when it was stolen. Reset the escalation die to 0 for the players and increase it normally with each new round." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ravenous-bumoorah.yml b/vaults/monsters/ravenous-bumoorah.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32c6dd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ravenous-bumoorah.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "bHDki0hNmIswpiKb" +name: "Ravenous Bumoorah" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 46 + min: 0 + max: 46 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ravenous Bumoorah" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "0nLjrOBXGvlALkob" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ctXC2V5HDTz87s5U" + flags: {} + name: "Land-shark maw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target takes [[10]] thunder damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9TNTRUVTJE4Od67K" + flags: {} + name: "Blood-frenzy escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While at least one creature in the battle is staggered or *unconscious*, the bulette gains a bonus to its attacks and damage equal to the escalation die. Creatures that have no blood (constructs, oozes, plant creatures, etc.) don’t trigger this ability." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BCJ00jGt9CC8sImo" + flags: {} + name: "Earth surge" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever the bumoorah takes damage from an attack, it rolls a save; on a 16+ it can immediately dive beneath the ground, preventing further attacks against it until it surfaces at the start of its next turn. Force attacks and opportunity attacks don’t trigger this ability." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rEEFPegac18yanC9" + flags: {} + name: "Serious burrower" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The bumoorah can burrow incredibly quickly for short distances. Bumoorahs are renowned for the dust-spurts and vibrating sound they generate as they shoot through the ground like hungry spears." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/ravenous-cannibal.yml b/vaults/monsters/ravenous-cannibal.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..905bd55 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/ravenous-cannibal.yml @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +_id: "NUULJmNa9b9ibe5n" +name: "Ravenous Cannibal" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 13 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Ravenous Cannibal" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "pseHYtzr0GtbkEcg" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "fQytCvqj0iLTX2Wa" + flags: {} + name: "Bloody melee weapon" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage, and [[4]] ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DlTcmXW6jYUJK6Pf" + flags: {} + name: "Latching bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[1]] staggered enemy" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "or one enemy making saving throw rolls);6 damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "Add another ravenous cannibal mook to the mob (it must have been hiding somewhere nearby, or wasn’t really dead when it dropped earlier in the battle)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/razor-shark.yml b/vaults/monsters/razor-shark.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a2863d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/razor-shark.yml @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +_id: "sCzeJP0e5jLCiZ6h" +name: "Razor Shark" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 10 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Razor Shark" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "FDEZiMzxahq59BC0" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "1QzOBS520O5Nztto" + flags: {} + name: "Razortoothed jaws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "Increase the damage by +1 for each razor shark mook that has dropped this battle." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "The target and the razor shark each take [[1d6]] damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RgeKBmjvvKfiD2yM" + flags: {} + name: "Frenzy (group)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When two or more razor sharks in the same mob are dropped to 0 hp by an attack, as a free action each dropped razor shark attacks one random nearby non-razor shark creature before it dies. That creature takes [[1d8]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ToKY7MlwOvyzozHr" + flags: {} + name: "Water breather" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Sharks breathe underwater and swim very well. They’re not so good out of sea water (even if they jump), so treat them as semi-hazardous terrain while they’re busy thrashing to death outside the water." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/redcap.yml b/vaults/monsters/redcap.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d6cb67 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/redcap.yml @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +_id: "EwNXkXNTcMycfGYO" +name: "Redcap" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 42 + min: 0 + max: 42 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Redcap" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "1NbgkK5MM4TixT0h" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "kzMsZ6LP6PsHYkMx" + flags: {} + name: "Twin skinning knives" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Damage equal to the escalation die." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FRiEHfgbD9Fnxglg" + flags: {} + name: "Stompy iron boots" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1]] staggered or *unconscious* enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[5]] damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ykLy066Ty2zH1IRa" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Pop-out and ride ‘em" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[5]] damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EcpnjLpDXDlSQUg6" + flags: {} + name: "Ridey-horsey" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While the target is taking ongoing damage from this attack, the redcap is riding the target’s shoulders with its knives in the target’s ears, and once during its turn the redcap can use a move action to make the target move anywhere nearby that won’t directly cause it harm (but opportunity attacks are fair game)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ey5VTLN9emGy0pvI" + flags: {} + name: "Impossible teleport" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the redcap scores a critical hit OR when a PC or a player at the table says the bad word, the redcap can teleport to a nearby hidden location it can see as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MywbNWT9gf3JGYCG" + flags: {} + name: "Pop-out surprise" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the redcap starts its turn and no enemy can see it, it can make a pop-out and ride ‘em attack that turn as a standard action" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/remorhaz-queen.yml b/vaults/monsters/remorhaz-queen.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0b55ca --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/remorhaz-queen.yml @@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ +_id: "2Epu1Q2NsGWX2CYL" +name: "Remorhaz Queen" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 580 + min: 0 + max: 580 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 11 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Remorhaz Queen" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + tint: null + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "b4nhhvu4UEOko9IP" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "pm8sjtnccrqW9w5p" + flags: {} + name: "Bite and trample" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+17]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[80]] damage, [[40]] fire damage, and the remorhaz grabs the target" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "The target and each other crature engaged with de remorhaz takes [[20]] firedamage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "LPc1g2Hpcl7GZ4YF" + flags: {} + name: "Nova Blast" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "R" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+16]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[100]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "[[25]] fire damage" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9bklTck8R4MxbQFE" + flags: {} + name: "Burrow" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

As the standard monster ability, except the remorhaz only needs to roll 6+ in snow and ice.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "W5pZhLIiqxyDci12" + flags: {} + name: "Furnace aura" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

When a creature is engaged with the remorhaz (or grabbed by it) at the start of its turn, it takes fire damage equal to 10 x the escalation die.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fNXY8pfgYF0KDjHi" + flags: {} + name: "Sluggish initiative" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The queen may be sluggish after eating unsuccessful suitors, laying eggs, or moving across the ice like a rushing avalanche. Roll [[2d10]] to determine her current initiative.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rHf6hgYllYXFScLs" + flags: {} + name: "Bejeweled remorhaz" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The remorhaz has glowing “jewels” on its armored plates. When a nearby or far away enemy misses with an attack against the remorhaz, that enemy chooses one: It takes [[25]] fire damage; OR one piece of its non-magical equipment (something useful, GM’s choice) melts or burns up. Adjust skill checks or stats accordingly

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "T4i83m2F3ib88zTS" + flags: {} + name: "Remorhaz steamer" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The remorhaz is melting the ice/snow all the time and obscuring steam rises into the air. Ranged attacks against the remorhaz take a –2 penalty, or a –4 penalty if the attacker is far away.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "uZsN8GVlOfuWANg8" + flags: {} + name: "Spiney remorhaz" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The remorhaz is covered in red-hot spines. When a nearby enemy rolls a natural 1–5 with an attack roll, it takes [[30]] fire damage unless it has somehow protected itself from the heat.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/river-devil-minion.yml b/vaults/monsters/river-devil-minion.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10728de --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/river-devil-minion.yml @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +_id: "AY4PMtQeSA2li5yX" +name: "River Devil Minion" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 27 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 100 + min: 0 + max: 100 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 24 + mod: 24 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "River Devil Minion" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ke3WaWtkZY2bpedc" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "kay4UyBdDUUyXjUy" + flags: {} + name: "Tentacles and talons" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 18]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[60]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target also takes [[20]] ongoing damage." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target is *vulnerable* (save ends)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UpK8KizE3Q69kUz2" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Obsession)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a river devil minion, you must only attack river devil minions until the end of the battle or until all river devil minion mobs have dropped to 0 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/river-devil.yml b/vaults/monsters/river-devil.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23d473a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/river-devil.yml @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +_id: "vmCMkLagtejjlM0H" +name: "River Devil" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 230 + min: 0 + max: 230 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 18 + mod: 18 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "River Devil" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "zjvUdRYI5Catt3py" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "NJFu6nw3hzckeXhk" + flags: {} + name: "Cutting talons" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target also takes [[10]] ongoing damage." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd miss" + value: "[[10]] ongoing damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3KvcASVQ842Ib0Zn" + flags: {} + name: "Ripping tentacle" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zTDVpJtuE4N6NLvp" + flags: {} + name: "Quick use" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This ability only requires a quick action (once per round) to use." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sXbWI9VFXnP9EeTH" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Foreshadowed weakness)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a river devil, you only heal half the normal hit points the next time you heal using a recovery this battle. The effect is cumulative (so the second time you heal, the third time, etc.) if you pay the devil’s due more than once before using a recovery." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NLq3VTKRG8vwYloz" + flags: {} + name: "Resist energy 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an energy attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/rust-monster-obliterator.yml b/vaults/monsters/rust-monster-obliterator.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9f6b29 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/rust-monster-obliterator.yml @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +_id: "HMyjkCXU6y3I1EqE" +name: "Rust Monster Obliterator" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 72 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 72 + min: 0 + max: 72 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Rust Monster Obliterator" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "omBiCpJ7TWFpWwh1" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "6DQ8SbJfWc3Lzm4J" + flags: {} + name: "Caustic bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+10]] vs. AC ([[1]] creature wearing light armor or no armor)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 14+" + value: "The target is now considered to be wearing no armor (the armor is damaged beyond repair; adjust defenses accordingly). If the target’s armor is magical, the target must roll a hard save (16+). On a success, the armor isn’t affected. This effect is permanent until the creature obtains new armor." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PPAkROBsPZM5jOhn" + flags: {} + name: "Rusting antenna" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Each time the rust monster obliterator destroys heavy armor with this attack, it gains a different random demon ability until the end of the battle (reroll duplicate abilities). (See the demon abilities table.)

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+10]] vs. PD ([[1]] creature wearing heavy armor)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and the target is now considered to be wearing no armor (the armor is damaged beyond repair; adjust defenses accordingly). If the target’s armor is magical, the target must roll a hard save (16+). On a success, the armor isn’t affected. This effect is permanent until the creature obtains new armor." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CXGlSqn8pAhEtvJm" + flags: {} + name: "Corrupting body" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Whenever a creature hits the rust monster with a melee weapon, the attacker must roll a save; on a failure, the weapon is destroyed. Magic weapons require an easy save (6+) instead. This effect is permanent.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pflITxvemkzQQLJN" + flags: {} + name: "Rust's targets" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Magic items wielded by creatures with 100 hp or more are not affected by the rust monster’s ability to destroy items (but the target still takes damage).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "AdxkUpE0uqhh7JjS" + flags: {} + name: "Saving quirks" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Before rolling a save for a magic item, a PC can gain a +5 bonus to the save by agreeing to roleplay the item’s quirk as a huge element of their personality until the next full heal-up. Failure to live up to this roleplaying agreement means that the item hasn’t received the support it needs from its owner to survive the rust monster’s destructive effects, and the item is destroyed at the end of the next battle even if its owner saved.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BYMyfllMq1KlWFIX" + flags: {} + name: "Tail whirligig" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

When an enemy targets the rust monster obliterator with a spell, the rust monster rolls a save. On a success, the spell has no effect on the rust monster. If the rust monster is staggered, it must roll a hard save (16+) instead.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/rust-monster.yml b/vaults/monsters/rust-monster.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6586c8b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/rust-monster.yml @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +_id: "Um0alplprcdhHqL3" +name: "Rust Monster" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 45 + min: 0 + max: 45 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Rust Monster" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "nau4aqQ3glgEf1ym" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "iPt0e8L5JhilNXal" + flags: {} + name: "Caustic bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC ([[1]] creature wearing light armor or no armor)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is now considered to be wearing no armor (the armor is damaged beyond repair; adjust defenses accordingly). If the target’s armor is magical, the target must roll a hard save (16+). On a success, the armor isn’t affected. This effect is permanent until the creature obtains new armor." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "G7hoWFkjUdjdDmny" + flags: {} + name: "Rusting antenna" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1]] creature wearing heavy armor)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[1]] damage, and the target is now considered to be wearing no armor (the armor is damaged beyond repair; adjust defenses accordingly). If the target’s armor is magical, the target must roll a hard save (16+). On a success, the armor isn’t affected. This effect is permanent until the creature obtains new armor." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UvDj3GZCiWQUrJGJ" + flags: {} + name: "Corrupting body" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Whenever a creature hits the rust monster with a melee weapon, the attacker must roll a save; on a failure, the weapon is destroyed. Magic weapons require an easy save (6+) instead. This effect is permanent." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5WgakhSDFx5nMinp" + flags: {} + name: "Rust’s targets" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Magic items wielded by creatures with 60 hp or more are not affected by the rust monster’s ability to destroy items (but the target still takes damage)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "w0FJ3u5gjw9fmPdZ" + flags: {} + name: "Saving quirks" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Before rolling a save for a magic item, a PC can gain a +5 bonus to the save by agreeing to roleplay the item’s quirk as a huge element of their personality until the next full heal-up. Failure to live up to this roleplaying agreement means that the item hasn’t received the support it needs from its owner to survive the rust monster’s destructive effects, and the item is destroyed at the end of the next battle even if its owner successfully saved." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tPD2MQe5V503yyXx" + flags: {} + name: "Big antenna" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the rust monster scores a critical hit, it can try to destroy another random magic item in the target’s possession (or a random normal item if the target has no other magic items). The creature must roll a save for the item, as usual." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/sahuagin-glow-priest.yml b/vaults/monsters/sahuagin-glow-priest.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6302949 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/sahuagin-glow-priest.yml @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ +_id: "zfjRGSN658Pz19Bt" +name: "Sahuagin Glow Priest" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 70 + min: 0 + max: 70 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Sahuagin Glow Priest" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "0I4QOXewQSW8Vp49" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "J5ZnZz5TNk8zR0E2" + flags: {} + name: "Coral rod" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The priest teleports the target next to one of its nearby allies that it can see, who engages it as a free action. It can’t teleport the target to a location that causes it direct damage (so into a pool of flaming oil is out, but off a ship into the sea is fine)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kaa8CT7LCufZb89l" + flags: {} + name: "R: Glowpriest’s prayer" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] psychic damage, and if the attack hits 2 or more targets, roll [[1d8]] after the attack for the prayer’s effect" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HPRX7DToK39lUWPe" + flags: {} + name: "1-2 (Hymn of hate)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "One random nearby conscious enemy takes [[4d6]] negative energy damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yMDtEdyxTIVPlToR" + flags: {} + name: "3-4 (Curse of despair)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each target that was hit takes a -2 penalty (non-cumulative) to all saves until the end of the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bA1fiNGpJwMT5x1G" + flags: {} + name: "5-6 (Scream of victory)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Until the start of the glowpriest’s next turn, each sahuagin and demon in the battle adds the escalation die to its attacks and the PCs don’t." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bCq5O9eM0hBFVciC" + flags: {} + name: "7-8 (Word of refuge)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Remove the glowpriest from play. At the start of its next turn, return it to play nearby its original location. It gains a +4 bonus to all defenses until the end of its next turn after it returns to play." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "j9zyTv7xr1A6UktQ" + flags: {} + name: "Water breather" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Sahuagin breathe underwater and swim very well." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/sahuagin-mutant.yml b/vaults/monsters/sahuagin-mutant.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f067974 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/sahuagin-mutant.yml @@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ +_id: "FhAUVoO7zhpHmolX" +name: "Sahuagin Mutant" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 200 + min: 0 + max: 200 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Sahuagin Mutant" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "7gp2AD9S3Q34GC5b" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "EiStC5vFkp08PHem" + flags: {} + name: "Four-armed frenzy" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[1d4]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 4, 8, 12, 16, 20" + value: "The target takes [[10]] ongoing damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rnU1Viii3tbpZLVf" + flags: {} + name: "R: Heavy crossbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes [[10]] ongoing damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pabuUnBHVKqqLnmR" + flags: {} + name: "Limited escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The sahuagin mutant adds the escalation die to its attacks until the die is 5+." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "R1f7vVCtyFKjaG8N" + flags: {} + name: "Water breather" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Sahuagin breathe underwater and swim very well." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DOf0DpLwxg4ZvKD9" + flags: {} + name: "Punisher" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy intercepts the sahuagin mutant, it takes [[4d8]] damage from the mutant’s claws and teeth." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "oV7xrQLXEccMJAHy" + flags: {} + name: "Ripper" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy makes a melee attack against the sahuagin mutant and rolls a natural odd miss, that enemy takes [[2d8]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/sahuagin-raider.yml b/vaults/monsters/sahuagin-raider.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c3eaa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/sahuagin-raider.yml @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +_id: "V4rmN0dyjXNSw0fx" +name: "Sahuagin Raider" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 34 + min: 0 + max: 34 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Sahuagin Raider" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "75QUJku9IXnhj6xj" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "T7hMJEqd6A6tqxLa" + flags: {} + name: "Coral-tipped spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit against a *stuck* or *hampered* enemy" + value: "The target takes [[1d6]] extra damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "thRQ1JgnMXMwLzQn" + flags: {} + name: "R: Hooked net" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target is *stuck* (save ends)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "oucnVvDXvsiyMZrh" + flags: {} + name: "Blood rage" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The sahuagin raider gains a +2 attack bonus while it’s staggered." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BwbtQU9yV4Q5t3Lc" + flags: {} + name: "Water breather" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Sahuagin breathe underwater and swim very well." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/sahuagin.yml b/vaults/monsters/sahuagin.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c8e0cc --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/sahuagin.yml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +_id: "qPDnIHgrhRT1tAIJ" +name: "Sahuagin" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 70 + min: 0 + max: 70 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Sahuagin" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ZMlz7umlRZMXTh6C" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "ZUDQL52Gfg2zOZmc" + flags: {} + name: "Trident and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 20" + value: "Increase the escalation die by 1, and the target is *hampered* (makes only basic attacks) until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6azcNdP4sadab2pS" + flags: {} + name: "R: Barbed crossbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby enemy or a far away enemy at -2 atk);" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wFVKtYxF0vwO0D7i" + flags: {} + name: "Blood frenzy" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Make a note of the escalation die when the sahuagin becomes staggered. The sahuagin gains a bonus to its melee attacks and damage equal to the escalation die value for the rest of the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FmlpXyfxaRQYAGp5" + flags: {} + name: "Water breather" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Sahuagin breathe underwater and swim very well." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QMlrzx4dJN7LrcBe" + flags: {} + name: "Demon-touched" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll a [[d6]] on the demon abilities table. The sahuagin gains that ability." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/screaming-skull.yml b/vaults/monsters/screaming-skull.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f085aa --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/screaming-skull.yml @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +_id: "vXhzlL9fG6zjwvbe" +name: "Screaming Skull" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 45 + min: 0 + max: 45 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Screaming Skull" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "49Xhdz7nhlXASI6i" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "WYXkyPgDjq6uOjg1" + flags: {} + name: "C: Treacherous scream" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. MD (up to [[2]] nearby or far away enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] psychic damage, and the target takes [[2d6]] psychic damage the first time it succeeds at a save before the end of its next turn." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "s66JBteXFcysIMIS" + flags: {} + name: "Limited flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The haunted skull can glide and hover, always within seven or eight feet of the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Bj0XmGwMoStitQRJ" + flags: {} + name: "Lost opportunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature can’t make opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/sea-shark.yml b/vaults/monsters/sea-shark.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59e3d62 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/sea-shark.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "O3uMvUea7p5GdTCn" +name: "Sea Shark" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 32 + min: 0 + max: 32 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Sea Shark" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "6bNcs6rjnLi0RWAB" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "W50MtISDlF1fQOYA" + flags: {} + name: "Massive iron jaws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[2d6]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FtZJM5eIi3TXOdae" + flags: {} + name: "Frenzy" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While staggered, if the iron sea shark is unengaged at the start of its turn, it must roll an easy save (6+). On a failure, the shark must move and attack a random nearby enemy that’s staggered, or a random nearby if there are no staggered enemies." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wO93skHOGOV26Zkq" + flags: {} + name: "Shredder" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy misses with a melee attack against an iron sea shark and rolls a natural 1-5, the attacker takes [[2d6]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cWv2OHUkbP817d2v" + flags: {} + name: "Water breather" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Sharks breathe underwater and swim very well. They’re not so good out of sea water (even if they jump), so treat them as semi-hazardous terrain while they’re busy thrashing to death outside the water." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/seven-headed-hydra.yml b/vaults/monsters/seven-headed-hydra.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4cc1e60 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/seven-headed-hydra.yml @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +_id: "s2ke2UHFXQZHU2Ud" +name: "Seven-Headed Hydra" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 200 + min: 0 + max: 200 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Seven-Headed Hydra" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "DS5I9lDSPEVNoTEo" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "CDcrYZDMwdUqCXqt" + flags: {} + name: "Gnashing teeth" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[7]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The hydra’s next gnashing teeth attack, if it has an attack left this turn, can be against any nearby enemy instead of against a creature engaged with it." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[7]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9mMcPdDWIL0571j9" + flags: {} + name: "C: Flame breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[1d2]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[2d12]] fire damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FyWgiJWlyyV1gdwG" + flags: {} + name: "Let’s not waste space" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The seven-headed hydra has all the same abilities as the five-headed hydra, except that the heads that get sprouted are the 8th and 9th and those heads/attacks come with 50 new hit points apiece." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KBr8E77h0ctHjDJt" + flags: {} + name: "Resist opportunity attacks 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an opportunity attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9UOa3XI8AIxsngpM" + flags: {} + name: "Pyrohydra" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the hydra gets a natural even attack roll with a gnashing teeth attack, its next attack that turn (if it has one) is a flame breath attack instead. Note that flame breath attacks don’t lead to other flaming breaths; the hydra has to return to making a gnashing teeth attack first." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/shadow-dragon.yml b/vaults/monsters/shadow-dragon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6595dd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/shadow-dragon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,406 @@ +_id: "2aX994HRJMOg5RRb" +name: "Shadow Dragon" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 260 + min: 0 + max: 260 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Shadow Dragon" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "SWkIHHbHyQWUn3qg" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "16bu71tqURwAFtXh" + flags: {} + name: "Shadow claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is *confused* (hard save ends, 16+)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rrr1B5zKqXgOZLU8" + flags: {} + name: "C: Nightmare breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, but the ability recharges when the dragon is staggered. If it hasn’t already made a nightmare breath attack when it becomes staggered, the dragon makes the attack as a free action and then the breath recharges." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[60]] negative energy damage, and the target becomes a living shadow (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "IdApCcUtVbJO8YVC" + flags: {} + name: "Living shadow" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While a living shadow, the target can’t physically interact with or gain aid from companions or aid them (including healing, bonuses, and effects) but is otherwise “normal.”" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7tEZ2EiNyDdxHuGy" + flags: {} + name: "Made of shadow" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The shadow dragon perceives the invisible, is unaffected by the blur spell, and ignores illusions. Rogues attempting to shadow walk near a shadow dragon end up in the dragon’s belly (save ends). While there, they are *helpless* and take [[2d12]] damage at the start of each of their turns until they save and fall back out of shadow." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dYhXvbO56WM1pWUY" + flags: {} + name: "Shadowy escalation" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When in poorly lit areas of shadow, the dragon adds the escalation die to its attack rolls. Complete darkness or bright daylight negates the ability." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6XnYidGuu6L2hn69" + flags: {} + name: "On Holy Ground" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While on “holy ground” such as a temple or consecrated shrine, all hard saves against shadow dragon effects become normal saves. As a standard action, a cleric who invokes the gods can produce a similar anti-shadow effect in the nearby area until the start of their next turn, or they can turn hard saves against shadow dragon abilities to easy saves if that area is already on holy ground. Shadow dragons try to avoid holy ground, and shadow thieves can only enter it while possessing victims and will flee once the possession ends. It’s up to the GM what counts as “holy ground” in their game." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HS1PJMBFdu1qiclC" + flags: {} + name: "Shadow illusions" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "As a standard action, the dragon can appear to be humanoid, usually disguising itself as an unthreatening old man in a cloak (DC 35 to detect). Daylight will show the illusion for what it is—an insubstantial dragon. Dragons with a Book of Many Faces will have perfect humanoid disguises. Dropping the illusion is a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "y24qJJU5bXiIIclZ" + flags: {} + name: "Shadowy phasing" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the escalation die is even, natural odd attack rolls against the dragon automatically miss. When the escalation die is odd, natural even attack rolls against the dragon automatically miss. Attacks that deal holy damage ignore this ability." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/shadow-thief.yml b/vaults/monsters/shadow-thief.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c9b420 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/shadow-thief.yml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +_id: "iUm1b4A0ImYbnjV9" +name: "Shadow Thief" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 38 + min: 0 + max: 38 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 17 + mod: 17 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Shadow Thief" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "mtHS0c7wc5ViMmOO" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Womv1rOzaayhqpsJ" + flags: {} + name: "Shadow strangulation" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes [[20]] negative energy damage, and the shadow thief can make a shadow possession attack as a free action (but see group ability)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PBoAEKXqjD6i7KSQ" + flags: {} + name: "[Group ability] C: Shadow possession" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. MD ([[1]] enemy hit by shadow strangulation)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The shadow thief “crawls inside” the target. The target is *confused* (save ends), and the shadow thief can’t be the target of an attack or effect until it’s forced from the target’s body when that creature saves against the confusion effect." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "X2nLQLDzLXyJ93kG" + flags: {} + name: "Group ability" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "For every four shadow thieves in the battle (round up), one of them can use shadow possession during the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "whYiXKoaxi59nlmF" + flags: {} + name: "Shadow thievery" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The shadow thief is an extension of the shadow dragon, not really a separate entity. When it drops to 0 hp, it flees back to the shadow dragon and merges with it. When this happens, if there is at least one enemy engaged with that shadow thief, the thief chooses one enemy engaged with it. Roll a [[d20]]; on a 16+, the shadow thief steals a random magic item from the chosen enemy as it flees back to the dragon (but see stop…thief below). Stolen items are replaced with shadowy duplicates that work until the end of the battle then fade to nothingness. The items can be recovered if the dragon is slain in the same battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JX8X8PQ2JG3pQXG6" + flags: {} + name: "Stop…thief! When a shadow thief steals an item, the creature it steals from can choose to prevent the theft, but at a cost. If the natural d20 thievery roll was odd, the target of the thievery attempt can choose to keep the item but become *hampered* (save ends) as they wrestle with the shadow. If the natural thievery roll was even, the target has the same choice, but it’s a hard save (16+) to end the hampered effect." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Stop…thief! When a shadow thief steals an item, the creature it steals from can choose to prevent the theft, but at a cost. If the natural [[d20]] thievery roll was odd, the target of the thievery attempt can choose to keep the item but become *hampered* (save ends) as they wrestle with the shadow. If the natural thievery roll was even, the target has the same choice, but it’s a hard save (16+) to end the hampered effect." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/skeletal-hound.yml b/vaults/monsters/skeletal-hound.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73d30aa --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/skeletal-hound.yml @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +_id: "3ufsRZjrzBEnAWEm" +name: "Skeletal Hound" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 24 + min: 0 + max: 24 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "Holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Skeletal Hound" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ZrSHOdUS8bPXJsYB" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "OmsZyRXdje1paMNK" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+6]]" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The hound leaves teeth in the wound; the target takes [[5]] ongoing damage, and the hound takes [[1d6]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2LeTz0lOPf3Az9Iz" + flags: {} + name: "Chomp chomp chomp" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Enemies with a lower initiative than the hound take a –5 penalty to disengage checks against it.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ig1Cs49CBjhKurfR" + flags: {} + name: "skilled intercept 11+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Once per round, an engaged skeletal hound can attempt to pop free and intercept an enemy moving past it. Roll a normal save; on 11+, it succeeds.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/skeleton-archer.yml b/vaults/monsters/skeleton-archer.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa22bf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/skeleton-archer.yml @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +_id: "PoYewLi15xnGKagd" +name: "Skeleton Archer" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 26 + min: 0 + max: 26 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "archer" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Skeleton Archer" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "gRsbi2Z5W8a7IV8f" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "EzxjYYBDymwfUX81" + flags: {} + name: "Jabby bones" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "U2Fsge1wu4CGdxi3" + flags: {} + name: "R: Shortbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/skeleton-warrior.yml b/vaults/monsters/skeleton-warrior.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..771949e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/skeleton-warrior.yml @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +_id: "nXHiCIwKIN6Ly1G6" +name: "Skeleton Warrior" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 26 + min: 0 + max: 26 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Skeleton Warrior" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "zG4aK9Hw19maMNXy" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "7VUg4bpZvoPHaLqy" + flags: {} + name: "Spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/skin-devil.yml b/vaults/monsters/skin-devil.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..644675a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/skin-devil.yml @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +_id: "M5nyJFcL4b7AGiLC" +name: "Skin Devil" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 28 + min: 0 + max: 28 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Skin Devil" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "cHbBJ0Yqk05fE0ZX" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "6S9eZHOJH7YKgJVt" + flags: {} + name: "Fleshy limb" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kZqpNKpgzAX1PXz0" + flags: {} + name: "Stay whole" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of its turn, a skin devil heals 8 hp. If it doesn’t heal up to its maximum hit points, it loses its ability to heal from this ability until the end of the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YdVil6AGGrxk8cpA" + flags: {} + name: "Structural collapse" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While the skin devil is staggered, when an enemy damages it, it loses an additional 4 hp as the hapless thing fails to hold its boneless, bulky mass together." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DE9YCywrApG1ytEC" + flags: {} + name: "Weakling" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When building battles using this monster, it only counts as half a normal monster." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PQsMZq3rFTIjzpsJ" + flags: {} + name: "Free-form covert ability—Unnoticed" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The skin devil is routinely able to pass through civilized areas without alerting dogs, bouncers, city guards, or passersby. If the thing attacks, that’s when you notice that it’s not a human but a monstrous pile of flesh. In addition to passing unnoticed in crowds, it uses its fluid shape to sneak through hidden places, and it doesn’t make much noise unless it wants to. PCs looking for the devil won’t find it unless they have some special information or advantage, and even then it’s a hard check (DC 25). Normally when PCs think they have the devil cornered, it escapes through a tight exit that it had previously identified." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/skull-of-the-beast.yml b/vaults/monsters/skull-of-the-beast.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54296eb --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/skull-of-the-beast.yml @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +_id: "OQA8kLmcql25PYm9" +name: "Skull of the Beast" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 400 + min: 0 + max: 400 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Skull of the Beast" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "a18K0b0zyhom9ZJw" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "7NWMJMnSihGVVZoe" + flags: {} + name: "Huge club" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[18]] thunder damage to [[1d3]] nearby enemies (the beast screams and bellows in disappointment)." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zreJviUbNS96yJeQ" + flags: {} + name: "C: Baleful gaze" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target is *stuck* (save ends) from looking into the void within it." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GF9WCUb9J0ABvRbh" + flags: {} + name: "Fear" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with this creature, enemies that have 60 hp or fewer are *dazed* (-4 attack) and do not add the escalation die to their attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/slime-skull.yml b/vaults/monsters/slime-skull.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77eb8a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/slime-skull.yml @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ +_id: "bdnU0tvBUnpTFWXy" +name: "Slime-Skull" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 10 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 36 + min: 0 + max: 36 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Slime-Skull" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "40B8RiZ6uUQxCt3A" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "JYrTOUMh0qnj3txV" + flags: {} + name: "Slam" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HJD5luCkpPQLghP9" + flags: {} + name: "C: Grasping slime tendrils" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] acid damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes [[3]] extra acid damage and is *stuck* (hard save ends, 16+)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VOWpqP0JjFvyN2YI" + flags: {} + name: "Acidic" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature is engaged with the slime-skull or *stuck* from its grasping slime tendrils attack at the start of its turn, it takes [[3]] acid damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VX8JTR9VxfNKjndz" + flags: {} + name: "Slimy blastback" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy engaged with the slime-skull hits it with a melee attack, the slime-skull fires a blast of acidic slime back at that creature, which takes [[1d4]] acid damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "umJ0Amx5xX6RzKJM" + flags: {} + name: "Slow" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature is slow. It only moves when the escalation die is odd or 6+." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JtYpho3t2B3qNQlt" + flags: {} + name: "Wall-crawler" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A slime-skull can climb on ceilings and walls as easily as it moves on the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xlFFIsCnlb9AFDz0" + flags: {} + name: "Breeder" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the slime-skull kills a creature, it takes that creature’s head as a standard action and attempts to escape (it can squeeze through gaps as small as the skull). The slain creature can’t be resurrected until its skull is recovered because its spirit is now trapped within the skull. If the PCs don’t track down the slime-skull before their next full heal-up (or within a day), the stolen skull will transform into another slime-skull. Attempts to resurrect the creature become much more difficult, perhaps even impossible, at that point." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/small-air-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/small-air-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..821ddbd --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/small-air-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "ykSU4aw1oWsISFX6" +name: "Small Air Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-air.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 34 + min: 0 + max: 34 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Small Air Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-air.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "uTF49YrjVzo6Me15" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "H2LorPIsFZzMG8mW" + flags: {} + name: "Slam" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EDTEePmBVjFBREtW" + flags: {} + name: "C: Swirling winds" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] random conscious nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target pops free from the elemental." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FeB1iidFt7cqwikT" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "It’s quick and lively." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2ZXlGDzgljpfpBM2" + flags: {} + name: "Resist non-spell damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a non-spell attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/small-earth-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/small-earth-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53e501d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/small-earth-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +_id: "U9c2470ucVHL4kyI" +name: "Small Earth Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-earth.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 40 + min: 0 + max: 40 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Small Earth Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-earth.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "oDDY5uvKhpkcNaqR" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "kQ5DKPmYkDUweF5L" + flags: {} + name: "Rocky fists" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[2]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3hgrehNfJJyApYHe" + flags: {} + name: "Repair damage 10 and below" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the earth elemental is targeted by a natural attack roll of 10 or less, the elemental heals [[1d6]] damage before taking any damage from the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nV93gX2rFFU1OqFy" + flags: {} + name: "Burrow" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Not all earth elementals burrow, though if yours is particularly nasty or associated with a particular icon, it can." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/small-fire-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/small-fire-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..402e63e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/small-fire-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +_id: "QoQzUcya0yoSUiTt" +name: "Small Fire Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-fire.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 38 + min: 0 + max: 38 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Small Fire Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-fire.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "SpdcBnpJqmt5sWyr" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "XwZpCP7YqWa2HqY1" + flags: {} + name: "Whipping flames" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] fire damage, and [[4]] ongoing fire damage to a random nearby enemy (including an *unconscious* one)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2AgMKlWsWu6V0Rt3" + flags: {} + name: "Melee burn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy makes a natural odd melee attack roll against the fire elemental, that attacker takes [[1d8]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HDn3iz9aOt7xw88h" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/small-water-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/small-water-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01ccea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/small-water-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +_id: "SJSeXsNZBdKzgovK" +name: "Small Water Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-water.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 40 + min: 0 + max: 40 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Small Water Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-water.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "fpLfdX8RE8HE5fA9" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "qMBsc09aoIfFHb93" + flags: {} + name: "Surge" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC (up to [[2]] enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The elemental heals 3 hp." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "n3BCu80Qv2sLkmnH" + flags: {} + name: "Liquid empowerment" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The water elemental gains a +2 bonus to attacks and all defenses while it’s in contact with a body of water, or while it’s nearby a sizeable body of water. A bucket or a bathtub of liquid doesn’t count; it must be at least a pond, creek, or maybe a large fountain. If the water elemental moves far away from the body of water the empowerment ends." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PhGJjZPgOPzxWxMI" + flags: {} + name: "Resist weapon damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/smoke-devil.yml b/vaults/monsters/smoke-devil.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5f1901 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/smoke-devil.yml @@ -0,0 +1,484 @@ +_id: XBuW0KQtlgAKHj8b +name: Smoke Devil +type: Npc +img: systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: Number + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: Number + value: 0 + def: + type: Number + value: 0 + ac: + type: Number + label: Armor Class + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: Number + label: Physical Defense + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: Number + label: Mental Defense + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: Number + label: Hit Points + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: Number + label: Initiative Modifier + value: 8 + level: + type: Number + label: Level + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + details: + alignment: + type: String + label: Alignment + biography: + type: String + label: Biography + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: troop + size: + value: normal + type: + value: devil + resistance: + value: Resist fire 13+ + vulnerability: + value: "" +prototypeToken: + name: Smoke Devil + displayName: 0 + actorLink: false + texture: + src: systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp + scaleX: 1 + scaleY: 1 + offsetX: 0 + offsetY: 0 + rotation: 0 + tint: + width: 1 + height: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + alpha: 1 + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: attributes.hp + bar2: + attribute: + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 360 + bright: 0 + color: + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + attenuation: 0.5 + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + type: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 + sight: + enabled: false + range: + angle: 360 + visionMode: basic + color: + attenuation: 0.1 + brightness: 0 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + detectionModes: [] + flags: {} + randomImg: false +items: + - name: Dire Embrace + type: action + img: icons/svg/target.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + attack: + type: String + label: Attack Roll + value: "[[d20+10]] vs PD" + hit: + type: String + label: Hit + value: "[[15]] poison damage" + hit1: + type: String + label: Hit + name: Full embrace + value: + If the target is the only creature engaged with the smoke devil, the + attack deals 30 poison damage instead. + hit2: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: String + label: Hit + hit5: + type: String + label: Hit + miss: + type: String + label: Miss + value: "[[7]] poison damage" + embeddedMacro: + value: "" + _id: eL6jc8y5n1TT5cNr + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671566380791 + modifiedTime: 1671566443645 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: Ember of hate + type: trait + img: icons/svg/regen.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + value: + "

Each time the smoke devil hits an enemy, the embers floating in the + center of its body glow more brightly. Once per battle as a free action during + its turn, the devil can make an ember burst attack. It also makes + this attack as an interrupt action when it drops to 0 hp.

" + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + _id: 8p2GEstNK0cFyX4B + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671566451205 + modifiedTime: 1671566466672 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: Ember Burst + type: action + img: icons/svg/target.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + attack: + type: String + label: Attack Roll + value: "[[d20+10]] vs PD (each enemy engaged with the devil)" + hit: + type: String + label: Hit + value: + The target takes [[5]] fire damage for each creature hit by the smoke + devil earlier in the battle (max [[15]] damage; remember to track this) + hit1: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: String + label: Hit + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: String + label: Hit + hit5: + type: String + label: Hit + miss: + type: String + label: Miss + value: "" + embeddedMacro: + value: "" + _id: 9v3a7ttLA17Ux1W3 + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671566470348 + modifiedTime: 1671566528358 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: Devil's Due (Formless) + type: trait + img: icons/svg/regen.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + value: + "

When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a + smoke devil, it gains resist damage 16+ against the attack.

" + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + _id: STDcpH0hNVralJd3 + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671566535378 + modifiedTime: 1671566552982 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: Flight + type: trait + img: icons/svg/regen.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + value: "

Smoke devils drift and eddy as if blown by an evil wind.

" + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + _id: ZRINEuEqsRVZ9npm + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671566557742 + modifiedTime: 1671566571454 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: Resist fire 13+ + type: trait + img: icons/svg/regen.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + value: + "

When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll + a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage.

" + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + _id: zTzOiDMv4lVsaMjm + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671566573912 + modifiedTime: 1671566589123 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: Free-form covert ability - Insinuate + type: trait + img: icons/svg/regen.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + value: + "

Smoke devils have a preternatural ability to get to their chosen + victims. Keeping the smoke devil out is a hard, champion-tier challenge (DC + 25).

" + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + _id: eslYXfRVSSyymLaJ + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671566592745 + modifiedTime: 1671566621867 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle + - name: Smokey Retreat + type: nastierSpecial + img: icons/svg/poison.svg + system: + name: + type: String + label: Name + description: + type: String + label: Description + value: + "

A smoke devil can “take 12” on disengage checks, taking + a natural result of 12 instead of rolling (which normally would allow it to + disengage automatically from up to two enemies).

" + group: + type: String + label: Group + value: "" + _id: XKectQK1c9W3hKZ5 + effects: [] + folder: + sort: 0 + ownership: + default: 0 + WYU73coo5rYxuFle: 3 + flags: {} + _stats: + systemId: archmage + systemVersion: 1.23.1 + coreVersion: "10.291" + createdTime: 1671566631902 + modifiedTime: 1671566643935 + lastModifiedBy: WYU73coo5rYxuFle +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/smoke-minions.yml b/vaults/monsters/smoke-minions.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94318a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/smoke-minions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +_id: "AGRquvxUcuAPpv6i" +name: "Smoke Minions" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 80 + min: 0 + max: 80 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 12 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Smoke Minions" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "n3qBPsH6vEef8cAj" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "1v3LTPIOcfQdrWjK" + flags: {} + name: "Invasive gases" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 17]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[55]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is *hampered* from burning eyes and gases in its lungs until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/soul-flenser.yml b/vaults/monsters/soul-flenser.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e10d93 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/soul-flenser.yml @@ -0,0 +1,395 @@ +_id: "7aZQJ3hIvQT276zZ" +name: "Soul Flenser" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 180 + min: 0 + max: 180 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Soul Flenser" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "oG5IPnhAJ6OHjzk5" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "5Vp6dMSsHITkWs1a" + flags: {} + name: "Soul flensing tentacles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit, or any hit against a *weakened*, *stunned*, or *confused* target" + value: "Randomly select one of the target’s limited-use powers or spells. The soul flenser flenses it away, removing it from the target until that creature regains it via a successful connection to the oversoul (see below)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 3, 6, or 9" + value: "The target is *confused* (save ends)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "h3ee7KdPAxfhFvA2" + flags: {} + name: "C: Soul blast" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. MD ([[1d4]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *weakened* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "If the target is already *weakened*, it’s also *stunned* until end of its next turn." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + hitt3: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 3, 6, or 9" + value: "The target is *confused* (save ends)." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lZvRafmYhc3db0sT" + flags: {} + name: "Connection to the Oversoul" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature slays a soul flenser, it can roll a hard save (16+). If it succeeds, the creature regains one power it has had flensed away." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tS9bOfjmizjct98O" + flags: {} + name: "Intellect fortress" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy misses the soul flenser with an attack against MD, that attacker takes half the miss damage, if any." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VUj4Y9GjzQYW2Ki6" + flags: {} + name: "Underkraken teleport" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A soul flenser that has successfully flensed at least once can (and usually will, provided some of its enemies are *confused*, *weakened*, or *stunned*) use a standard action to prepare itself to teleport. Once it does this, during its next turn it can use a move action to teleport back to its home underkraken, no matter how distant, leaving the battle behind. Soul flensers fighting beside or within their underkraken can’t use this ability; they’re already home." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ae6HPcVT132DqyJh" + flags: {} + name: "Flensing escalator" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The soul flenser gains an attack bonus equal to the escalation die against creatures that have had one or more powers flensed away." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NmMiaXwyreVka1bI" + flags: {} + name: "Oversoul control" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While *confused* by a soul flenser’s effect, a creature that has had a power flensed away can use and re-use that limited power against their erstwhile allies, if the GM sees how to use the power in a useful way." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/sparkscale-naga.yml b/vaults/monsters/sparkscale-naga.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c91f51e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/sparkscale-naga.yml @@ -0,0 +1,385 @@ +_id: "pQo7rrWALsNGA1C8" +name: "Sparkscale Naga" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 190 + min: 0 + max: 190 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Sparkscale Naga" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + tint: null + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "fJTRPsnCQdzWbclH" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "7h0Hxki19Swz24KA" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "Each nearby enemy takes [[10]] thunder damage" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "9NoEBfKEfuEvkpvD" + flags: {} + name: "Bloom of lightning" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Limited use: 1/battle.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "R" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+10]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "Each nearby enemy takes [[10]] thunder damage" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "Each nearby creature (including allies) takes [[5]] thunder damage" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CKCK4H7jPlMpvgiM" + flags: {} + name: "Sparking aura" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+10]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy, or [[1]] nearby enemy per point of esc. die if mystic escalator benefit is active)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] lightning damage, an the target is *vulnerable* (save ends)." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "asMvuqWFmufAXXW2" + flags: {} + name: "Arcane Mirror" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

When an enemy targets the sparkscale naga with a spell, the naga regains the use of sparking aura if it’s expended. In addition, if that spell is a recharge spell, roll its recharge check immediately after the spell is cast. If the spell is a per-battle or daily spell, roll a hard save (16+) immediately after the spell is cast; on a success, the spellcaster doesn’t expend the spell.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Z3rpj4lBjfCmCdoM" + flags: {} + name: "Mystic escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The naga and each of its nearby allies can use the escalation die unless the naga has been targeted by an enemy’s spell since its last turn.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/spawn-of-the-master.yml b/vaults/monsters/spawn-of-the-master.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9442e38 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/spawn-of-the-master.yml @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +_id: "ufKGy5Zmyj4xHOY7" +name: "Spawn of the Master" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 54 + min: 0 + max: 54 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Spawn of the Master" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "eU5PwnUTBDxkrwlc" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "c0SBU29ZsdqgPZoW" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and fangs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "If the target is staggered, it is also *hampered* (makes only basic attacks) until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/specter.yml b/vaults/monsters/specter.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2289f7a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/specter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "C8CfGGumssWMBWdA" +name: "Specter" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 160 + min: 0 + max: 160 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Specter" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "aBPLdQGdKPKW0c1g" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "frXX9uEDbChv8N96" + flags: {} + name: "Icy, life-draining touch" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "Each enemy engaged with the specter (including the target) takes [[4]] negative energy damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QFxK1eAMDEgPdPM6" + flags: {} + name: "R: Deathly stare" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "e0OHTYC1sDeudkdH" + flags: {} + name: "Punishing aura" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy attacks the specter and misses, it takes [[8]] negative energy damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TtNwIRklY85ltEME" + flags: {} + name: "Wrack and ruin" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While a specter is in the battle, the PCs don’t add the escalation die to attack rolls, but it does." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/spider-mount.yml b/vaults/monsters/spider-mount.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b68231 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/spider-mount.yml @@ -0,0 +1,316 @@ +_id: "mtvu5NoRia9ZK0zM" +name: "Spider Mount" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Spider Mount" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "zAjLLIstYlipfhWl" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "89UpSOpaD4gYw6yQ" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage, and [[10]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "oZVrqklIcFsXma5A" + flags: {} + name: "C: Web" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD (up to [[2]] nearby enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *stuck* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PwQRRjrEspTlH48C" + flags: {} + name: "Wall-crawler" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A spider mount can climb on ceilings and walls as easily as it moves on the ground, and so can its rider." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8yE4M2qWeaRwSu5b" + flags: {} + name: "Uncontrolled" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A riderless spider mount will eventually run away. At the start of the spider’s turn roll a [[d4]]; if you roll less than the escalation die, the mount flees." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/spinneret-doxy.yml b/vaults/monsters/spinneret-doxy.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d55ac7b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/spinneret-doxy.yml @@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ +_id: "bkgnATNLIDFvsIEA" +name: "Spinneret Doxy" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 45 + min: 0 + max: 45 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Spinneret Doxy" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "vYrntaMt4ARn1D4S" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "gste76gIAzTnIhMd" + flags: {} + name: "Bite of the love bug" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC (or automatic critical hit vs. an infatuated enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and target is infatuated (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fo1zb9CeAGsZ5QQP" + flags: {} + name: "R: Bring me flowers" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. MD ([[1]] infatuated enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target chooses one: it takes [[6d6]] psychic damage; OR as a free action, it moves next to the spinneret doxy (possibly provoking opportunity attacks), who engages it" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ksHc8pTrZ87GEi8N" + flags: {} + name: "C: Stop in the name of love" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. MD (each nearby infatuated enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target chooses one: it takes [[6d6]] psychic damage; OR it’s *stuck* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gyu0ptdt1TBP5PfY" + flags: {} + name: "Infatuated" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Infatuated enemies can’t attack the spinneret doxy or her Woven, but can convince themselves that other allies of the doxy don’t love her properly and should be slain. They also prattle on about how their friends shouldn’t attack her, but are too love-smitten to properly prevent it—they won’t attack their real allies." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "y2wZ1FVRlsxERByB" + flags: {} + name: "Give me your heart" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the doxy drops an enemy to 0 hit points or lower, she will move next to that creature and attempt to remove the target’s heart. The creature must begin making last gasp saves as she cuts their chest open. On the fourth failure, the doxy takes the heart and the target dies and becomes undead under her control. If the bride is *stunned* or moved away from the creature and can’t return to it on her turn, the creature doesn’t have to make a last gasp save that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/splotchcap.yml b/vaults/monsters/splotchcap.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21f389e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/splotchcap.yml @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +_id: "1wtlqrrVMnUZXYyh" +name: "Splotchcap" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 32 + min: 0 + max: 32 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "archer" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Splotchcap" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "SQlJH5Ceij0Rrd8P" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "a5xuZ2QLfBzrHApM" + flags: {} + name: "Stabby knife" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[2]] ongoing damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dRNBCHZfPOaBdENP" + flags: {} + name: "R: Smashy slingstone" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The target can’t cast a spell until the end of its next turn or until the splotchcap drops to 0 hp, whichever comes first." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2Epg8Jfy9uP62ORX" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Pop-out and stab ‘em" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Damage equal to the escalation die." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6RC56hv2svXeTIJv" + flags: {} + name: "Impossible teleport" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the splotchcap scores a critical hit OR when a PC or a player at the table says the bad word, the splotchcap can teleport to a nearby hidden location it can see as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "48sJHW5pcVjurNSh" + flags: {} + name: "Pop-out surprise" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the splotchcap starts its turn and no enemy can see it, it can make a pop-out and stab ‘em attack that turn as a standard action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/sporrior.yml b/vaults/monsters/sporrior.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d863da --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/sporrior.yml @@ -0,0 +1,368 @@ +_id: "yjmVuGPxS0lkoZ3g" +name: "Sporrior" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 36 + min: 0 + max: 36 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Sporrior" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "R1usLL5WxFtLOcbu" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "pfpB5fD1CGovz4Yu" + flags: {} + name: "Chitinous bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The sporrior can make a spore cloud attack this turn as a quick action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "g3Uq0AvKjNaZGQWK" + flags: {} + name: "R: Parasitic darts" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] poison damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The sporrior can make a spore cloud attack this turn as a quick action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "oed2xmJrQHktyUJL" + flags: {} + name: "C: Spore cloud" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "57BPg8ieor8DietK" + flags: {} + name: "Sprinter" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A sporrior gains an extra move action when the escalation die is odd." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tuq4sMBPQ4Z8WSaf" + flags: {} + name: "Wall-crawler" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A sporrior can climb on ceilings and walls as easily as it moves on the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/squib-swarm.yml b/vaults/monsters/squib-swarm.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..efa48eb --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/squib-swarm.yml @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +_id: "BUGhPpkGiTWVhrI5" +name: "Squib Swarm" +permission: + default: 0 +type: "Npc" +system: + attributes: + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 8 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 5 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 0 + mod: 0 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 0 + min: 0 + max: 12 + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + role: + type: "String" + label: "Role" + value: "mook" + size: + type: "String" + label: "Size" + value: "normal" + type: + type: "String" + label: "Type" + value: "beast" + resistance: + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + value: "" + vulnerability: + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + value: "" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 0 + min: 0 + max: 12 +sort: 100001 +flags: + archmage: {} +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +token: + flags: {} + name: "Squib Swarm" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 360 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "XKl3fo3vQ8NbRU9X" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: {} + bar2: {} + randomImg: false +items: + - _id: "atbxsvJAO7C2iZ9h" + flags: {} + name: "Sharp nibbling beaks" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + - _id: "6Dz0wIMwXsu1ZY0B" + flags: {} + name: "Heat absorption" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature is engaged with the squib swarm at the start of its turn, it takes cold damage equal to the escalation die." + sort: 100000 diff --git a/vaults/monsters/stirge.yml b/vaults/monsters/stirge.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17605d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/stirge.yml @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +_id: "DNHwMQd1AASGQF2V" +name: "Stirge" +permission: + default: 0 +type: "Npc" +system: + attributes: + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 10 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 18 + min: 0 + max: 18 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 0 + min: 0 + max: 12 + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + role: + type: "String" + label: "Role" + value: "troop" + size: + type: "String" + label: "Size" + value: "normal" + type: + type: "String" + label: "Type" + value: "beast" + resistance: + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + value: "" + vulnerability: + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + value: "" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 0 + min: 0 + max: 12 +sort: 100001 +flags: + archmage: {} +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +token: + flags: {} + name: "Stirge" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 360 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "uUDIlbnXD3K9WzQl" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: {} + bar2: {} + randomImg: false +items: + - _id: "vPn2ikONq9a4CbsW" + flags: {} + name: "Claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[2]] damage, and the stirge can make a draining probe attack against the target during its next turn if it’s still engaged with the target" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + - _id: "Lc9oKAzcG2gMXHnd" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Draining probe" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC ([[1]] enemy hit by claws last turn)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + - _id: "KUC8xKRTeO4Ml86x" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Stirges fly well. Also, the pitch of their wings is high and thin, allowing a stirge to get very close without tipping off its prey." + sort: 200000 + - _id: "05L3H6gzctqPk8If" + flags: {} + name: "One and done" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "After hitting a living creature that has blood with its draining probe attack, the stirge heals 5 hit points and will use its next turn to move, fleeing to the hive to feed the stirgelings…and to alert the hive that there is an easy meal nearby. A new full-strength stirge enters the battle during the next round on the same initiative count." + sort: 300000 diff --git a/vaults/monsters/stirgelings.yml b/vaults/monsters/stirgelings.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f9399a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/stirgelings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +_id: "Eh6NWAnhtdODWqzb" +name: "Stirgelings" +permission: + default: 0 +type: "Npc" +system: + attributes: + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 9 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 4 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 2 + mod: 2 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 0 + min: 0 + max: 12 + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + role: + type: "String" + label: "Role" + value: "mook" + size: + type: "String" + label: "Size" + value: "normal" + type: + type: "String" + label: "Type" + value: "beast" + resistance: + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + value: "" + vulnerability: + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + value: "" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 0 + min: 0 + max: 12 +sort: 100001 +flags: + archmage: {} +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +token: + flags: {} + name: "Stirgelings" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 360 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "NDQvRpqcyZTSyTTR" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: {} + bar2: {} + randomImg: false +items: + - _id: "ONpMsBhfBHZXgoae" + flags: {} + name: "Claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The effect depends on the roll" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "[[2]] damage." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "Choose one effect, and then the stirgeling mob takes [[4]] damage (killing this creature first)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + - _id: "3FgxfYvoJVBmt2sc" + flags: {} + name: "Regular stirgeling" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target takes [[3]] damage, and [[3]] ongoing damage." + sort: 100000 + - _id: "WuD7bGoZZfymgsuN" + flags: {} + name: "Archer stirgeling" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target takes [[6]] damage." + sort: 200000 + - _id: "t06pM4PTJrlOD4l5" + flags: {} + name: "Cobbler stirgeling" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target takes [[3]] damage and is *stuck* until end of its next turn." + sort: 300000 + - _id: "n8mAFdYzvEI788Uk" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "They aren’t strong fliers but they are quick and agile." + sort: 400000 diff --git a/vaults/monsters/stone-giant.yml b/vaults/monsters/stone-giant.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1232f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/stone-giant.yml @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ +_id: "SJH4MwRqhQHuYLW9" +name: "Stone Giant" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 270 + min: 0 + max: 270 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Stone Giant" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "iaZfti2qSqWLJa3K" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "MdSDb3kWXkqlTJEJ" + flags: {} + name: "Stone club" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The stone giant can also make a stomp attack against a single target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ozy8JCwiJ9iVuEHL" + flags: {} + name: "Stomp" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. PD (each smaller enemy engaged with the giant)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage, and the target is *dazed* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1ix7qLGnYQT4m6gr" + flags: {} + name: "R: Thrown boulder" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby or far away enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[40]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even miss" + value: "[[20]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kaeJZDXhCZDV1jC0" + flags: {} + name: "Built of stone" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The stone giant has resist weapons 16+." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/stone-golem.yml b/vaults/monsters/stone-golem.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f98992 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/stone-golem.yml @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +_id: "bHj1BM922d78837Z" +name: "Stone Golem" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 280 + min: 0 + max: 280 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Stone Golem" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "IeVs993SJ5gGX8Cm" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "6t4ETxURi6MQVjd4" + flags: {} + name: "Massive stone fists" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[15]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "XqnKD7LEdoedGIWg" + flags: {} + name: "Finishing smash" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC ([[1]] staggered enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[80]] damage, and the golem pops the target off it and moves it a short distance away from the golem" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "[[20]] damage, and the target is *hampered* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit or miss" + value: "[[20]] damage, and the target is *dazed* (save ends)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8jqVnyBeyWwwYeMw" + flags: {} + name: "Golem immunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Non-organic golems are immune to effects. They can’t be *dazed*, *weakened*, *confused*, made *vulnerable*, or touched by ongoing damage. You can damage a golem, but that’s about it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UtDxNjXc1Ugo3BC2" + flags: {} + name: "Former idol" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Evoke the powers of an ancient culture’s strange rites by giving the stone golem any weird power you wish. If you’re *stuck* for inspiration, consider starting with random abilities from the demons that aren’t related to energy or the cone of cold from the ogre mage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/storm-giant.yml b/vaults/monsters/storm-giant.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..962d32b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/storm-giant.yml @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ +_id: "uxjA1AhJuPrRN8GD" +name: "Storm Giant" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 650 + min: 0 + max: 650 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 16 + mod: 16 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "archer" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Storm Giant" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "duUah3ux6laiCd63" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "p6IsPWpsJlD2VaUC" + flags: {} + name: "Truly enormous greatsword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[120]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "The giant can make a lightning bolt attack against a random nearby enemy as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[40]] damage OR the giant can make a release the thunder attack as a free action." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "4ZTkv83NREpUnwIh" + flags: {} + name: "R: Giant longbow" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks vs. nearby or far away enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[60]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The giant can make a lightning bolt attack against a random enemy that is nearby the target of the longbow attack." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "N5Z1WQtVk7TgsjvI" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Lightning bolt" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD ([[1]] random nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[2d6]] x [[10]] lightning damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5UfqUG1jXIlDkW4g" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Release the thunder" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD (all nearby creatures)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[1d10]] thunder damage per building thunder point (see below)." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Half damage." + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FHrsgD4eQhXsHA2t" + flags: {} + name: "Building thunder" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Keep count of the number of times the storm giant uses its lightning bolt attack during the battle. Add that number to the escalation die to get the current building thunder value." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KDkRsOodprtMAsu7" + flags: {} + name: "Skystep" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A storm giant can use its standard action to walk or run through the air, using move actions to continue. If the storm giant makes a standard action attack, it settles back to the ground below it without falling." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "cIuCeRK3uwtb4lEk" + flags: {} + name: "Storm born" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The storm giant has resist thunder 16+ and resist lightning 16+." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/swarm-of-bats.yml b/vaults/monsters/swarm-of-bats.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c76707b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/swarm-of-bats.yml @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +_id: "oaLiCg02ealzuDT1" +name: "Swarm of Bats" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 30 + min: 0 + max: 30 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "thunder" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Swarm of Bats" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "3vg9faNgGIHwP2FI" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "yxzS3wLJehxmToEL" + flags: {} + name: "C: Swarming bites" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[2]] damage, and after the attack, the swarm of bats engages one of the targets" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn. It can end the effect by attacking the swarm, or if the swarm drops to 0 hp." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OIYQXAHZjQxU28xA" + flags: {} + name: "No opportunities" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The swarm of bats can’t make opportunity attacks, and enemies can’t make opportunity attacks against it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gNmyiGaEZiLYI6bD" + flags: {} + name: "Swarming resistance" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each turn, the swarm of bats gains resist damage 18+ to all damage from attacks by enemies that the swarm did NOT attack that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/swarm-prince.yml b/vaults/monsters/swarm-prince.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b6383c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/swarm-prince.yml @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +_id: "BCD5OYYBgE1bkSoL" +name: "Swarm Prince" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 80 + min: 0 + max: 80 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Swarm Prince" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "PxjwQ9e4pG1jeAsu" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "9ZJQMFnWUBfAXXDv" + flags: {} + name: "Palm strike" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and [[10]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[5]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DiNHfrybpaTO1fSG" + flags: {} + name: "R: Royal blessing" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: The swarm prince can use this ability only when the escalation die is even." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] negative energy damage, and if one or more Woven have been slain this battle, return one Woven to life in the location where it died" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UvnrNhv4eJbyX1P1" + flags: {} + name: "C: Hush my darling" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, and the ability recharges when the swarm prince hits with palm strike." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD (the nearby conscious enemy with the fewest hit points)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] psychic damage, and the target is *unconscious* (hard save ends, 16+; it also ends if the target takes [[15]] damage)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "j4M9LDlZZyZZoxw6" + flags: {} + name: "Surrounded by friends" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The swarm prince gains a +1 bonus to all defenses for each nearby Woven." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Eg4r5VfvwZCmfdyk" + flags: {} + name: "Give me your heart" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the prince drops an enemy to 0 hit points or lower, he will move next to that creature and attempt to remove the target’s heart. The creature must begin making last gasp saves as he cuts their chest open. On the fourth failure, the prince takes the heart and the target dies and becomes undead under his control. If the prince is *stunned* or moved away from the creature and can’t return to it on his turn, the creature doesn’t have to make a last gasp save that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/swarming-maw.yml b/vaults/monsters/swarming-maw.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7fc18d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/swarming-maw.yml @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +_id: "mntgZykhzIoW7RJU" +name: "Swarming Maw" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 38 + min: 0 + max: 38 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Swarming Maw" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "AOiy4QgLPGBxXniQ" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "qWoDkli5QXQjMcyC" + flags: {} + name: "Serrated maw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The swarming maw can teleport to engage a nearby enemy it can see that is already engaged by at least one other hellbug." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The first time each battle the serrated maw misses, the target takes [[1d4]] damage for each hellbug engaged with it." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "yiuXHJIeoG1JHVZE" + flags: {} + name: "Ongoing swarm" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The serrated maw also deals miss damage the second time it misses with a serrated maw attack each battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/swaysong-naga.yml b/vaults/monsters/swaysong-naga.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c274b0e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/swaysong-naga.yml @@ -0,0 +1,372 @@ +_id: "7MoQ3girqcUVr8Em" +name: "Swaysong Naga" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 144 + min: 0 + max: 144 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Swaysong Naga" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Cwv7ljhmUK8O1U4B" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "1OFXnZK5fbkMP9np" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[24]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target also takes [[15]] ongoing poison damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[12]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "T1QUTFxMvVhRujyD" + flags: {} + name: "R: Song of reversals" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby or far away enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is *confused* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] psychic damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5YpqLzaLiDcVvbus" + flags: {} + name: "C: Hypnotic movements" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "or [[1]] nearby enemy per point of esc. die if mystic escalator benefit is active);10 psychic damage, and the target is *hampered* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PAF85jwBkxNIVUP1" + flags: {} + name: "Arcane mirror" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy targets the swaysong naga with a spell, the naga regains the use of song of reversals if it’s expended. In addition, if that spell is a recharge spell, roll its recharge check immediately after the spell is cast. If the spell is a per-battle or daily spell, roll a hard save (16+) immediately after the spell is cast; on a success, the spellcaster doesn’t expend the spell." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RuVmpM6wJVmKtAZ9" + flags: {} + name: "Mystic escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The naga and each of its nearby allies can use the escalation die unless the naga has been targeted by an enemy’s spell since its last turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/tarrasque.yml b/vaults/monsters/tarrasque.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0e3b87 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/tarrasque.yml @@ -0,0 +1,798 @@ +_id: "zLKJGIgmDtRCCVvo" +name: "Tarrasque" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 31 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 29 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 25 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 2130 + min: 0 + max: 2130 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 20 + mod: 20 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 15 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 15 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Tarrasque" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + tint: null + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "7dD7gKzlCUPUv14a" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "xBYwbGZvZMBqdfYX" + flags: {} + name: "Creature of Legend" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The tarrasque can make one close attack and one melee attack each round as a standard action. Note that flying is usually no defense against the tarrasque, which is huge and powerful enough to pluck or whack enemies out of the sky with surprising leaps.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "T0TqFN0XAhSlLKyZ" + flags: {} + name: "All-enveloping toothy maw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+19]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[155] damgae" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The tarrasque grabs the target. It will swallow a grabbed enemy in [[1d3]] rounds (see swallow whole)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The tarrasque swallows the target immediately (see swallow whole)." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PqXCHbOTgNqCXRtR" + flags: {} + name: "Immense spike, horn, or tusk" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+18]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[155] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes [[9d6]] extra damage and pops free from the tarrasque as it’s hurled far away." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BiMgv7heBd7fk8Oq" + flags: {} + name: "Earth-shaking, taloned claw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+20]] vs. AC (each nearby enemy in a group)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[155] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is *stunned* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "The target is *dazed* (save ends)." + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qyKrPyraMaovy3HF" + flags: {} + name: "Cataclysmic tail slam" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+18]] vs. PD (each nearby enemy in a group)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[170]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is *vulnerable* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "The target is *dazed* until the end of its next turn." + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "u1lTY3GoWStcenUX" + flags: {} + name: "Amphibious" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The tarrasque can swim and breathe underwater (or it holds so much air in its vast lungs that it makes no difference).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "J5rb34UlQaBl89X3" + flags: {} + name: "Enormously bulky" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The tarrasque is so huge that it ignores opportunity attacks. In addition, normal-sized enemies are like fleas to it, and disengaging from the tarrasque requires only an easy save (6+), unless the target is grabbed.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BzjSBhx11SwQbpyg" + flags: {} + name: "Inmortal" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The tarrasque can’t be killed, save by the explicit will of a god (and not some jumped-up local god, either) or, perhaps, the sacrifice of a great icon. The tarrasque’s HP total indicates the amount of damage required to make it disgorge swallowed enemies and flee to go hibernate while it regenerates the damage it suffered and decide if it wants to rampage again.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "F88rsynPSMSQatSf" + flags: {} + name: "Inflexible" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The tarrasque can’t be killed, save by the explicit will of a god (and not some jumped-up local god, either) or, perhaps, the sacrifice of a great icon. The tarrasque’s HP total indicates the amount of damage required to make it disgorge swallowed enemies and flee to go hibernate while it regenerates the damage it suffered and decide if it wants to rampage again.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "71NNnol3kVk2kcfd" + flags: {} + name: "Drag" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+21]] vs. PD (each creature on its back)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[130]] damage, the target pops free of the tarrasque, and the target is *hampered* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 1000000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mpMxqbmnmPEA6TpC" + flags: {} + name: "Legendary Resistance" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The tarrasque is immune to normal conditions and effects (*stunned*, *weakened*, etc.), but it isn’t completely impervious. Bypassing its resistances requires icon-supported effort. A PC can use one 5 or 6 they acquired from icon relationship dice rolls to overcome the resistance each time they use an attack or power that would apply a condition or effect upon the tarrasque. Of course, they must also provide a story to go along with the reason the tarrasque is affected.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dOOJgcvto5X1r0jb" + flags: {} + name: "Leveler" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

When the escalation die is even, as a move action the tarrasque can demolish any ordinary structure it can reach, such as a house, castle wall, temple, or ship. The beast automatically reduces the structure to rubble, rendering it useless. Each creature on top of or within the structure is subject to a collapse attack.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "M6JkPU25gvWAHzsL" + flags: {} + name: "Collapse" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+18]] vs. PD (each creature in/on the structure)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[90]] damage, and the target is *stuck* and takes [[20]] ongoing damage (hard save ends both, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 1300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dbb1NyXKV0ULWTJj" + flags: {} + name: "Swallow Whole" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Once a creature is swallowed, it goes inside one of the tarrasque’s gigantic stomachs. It can still act while inside the tarrasque, but it will have to deal with the beast’s stomach acid that is splashing around. A swallowed creature must deal [[400]] damage to the tarrasque to force it to disgorge the contents of its gullet, freeing the creature. During the tarrasque’s turn, it can make a gullet digestion attack against the target as a free action.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "fXCuatACU3jrvstg" + flags: {} + name: "Gullet Digestion" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+19]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[80]] acid damage, and [[20]] ongoing acid damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "[[5d12]] acid damage" + sort: 1500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VPmlnQcKwZw2j08K" + flags: {} + name: "Soft-ish innerbelly" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

The tarrasque doesn’t have scales on the inside. It takes a –5 penalty to all defenses against attacks from inside its gullet, though only melee and close attacks can be made in there. The tarrasque’s insides are immune to acid damage, however.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mBcWFXpFTmW3o8q3" + flags: {} + name: "Fear" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

While engaged with the tarrasque, enemies that have 216 hp or fewer are *dazed* (–4 attack) and do not add the escalation die to their attacks.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EPWoJpvAuWOOdZBx" + flags: {} + name: "Regeneration 230" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/poison.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

While a tarrasque is damaged, its malign magical flesh heals 230 hit points at the start of the tarrasque’s turn. It can regenerate five times per battle. If it heals up to its maximum hit points, then that use of regeneration doesn’t count against the five-use limit. With this power, the monstrosity is likely unstoppable without a powerful magical artifact designed specifically to bind, wound, or otherwise hamper the tarrasque.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 1800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/the-final-devil.yml b/vaults/monsters/the-final-devil.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..279e56a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/the-final-devil.yml @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ +_id: "7kXZN2Rn9woTDlWi" +name: "The Final Devil" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 1300 + min: 0 + max: 1300 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 20 + mod: 20 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "devil" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "The Final Devil" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/devil.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "JGLg9kQMS6t9dipu" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "gzzJHAHqw0B5Awwc" + flags: {} + name: "Mighty tentacles" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 18]] vs. PD ([[3]] attacks; can target nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target pops free from each enemy and moves next to the Devil, which engages and grabs it. (The Devil can grab any number of enemies simultaneously.) If it has quick actions left, it will use its devil’s beak and cutting talon attacks." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[30]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "U50xYCZ7XbA9pxv5" + flags: {} + name: "Cutting talon" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 18]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[100]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target also takes [[50]] ongoing damage." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd miss" + value: "[[50]] ongoing damage." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qXgmUH00B6TS8bGW" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Devil’s beak" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 22]] vs. AC ([[1]] enemy it’s grabbing; includes +4 grab bonus)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[30]] damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "VgRu0dKOMzTds7vP" + flags: {} + name: "Quick use" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This ability only requires a quick action (once per round) to use." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hCovco9nedR0255s" + flags: {} + name: "Quick use" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This ability only requires a quick action (once per round) to use." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dDVllYcWnZUbMbST" + flags: {} + name: "Devil’s due (Destiny)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against the Final Devil, one of the Final Devil’s nearby allies can make an attack as an interrupt action before your attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "C37Em4X6e6HPrkZ1" + flags: {} + name: "Resist energy 13+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an energy attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "wsyU3HVyFWxiY8S7" + flags: {} + name: "The icons are speechless" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Icon relationship dice don’t provide any help in a battle (or even an adventure) that involves the Final Devil. The Devil broke the icons’ hold on it, and it’s up to pure mortals to solve this problem, because the icons can’t cope." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EABgLNPDA6lNjxrL" + flags: {} + name: "Lord of the waters" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If the Final Devil is fighting in a sea or river, when a nearby enemy rolls a normal save, it’s a hard save (16+) instead. The same goes for easy saves; they’re normal saves instead." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/the-flensed.yml b/vaults/monsters/the-flensed.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4faaf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/the-flensed.yml @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +_id: "GdfiSMk0aqujTrPO" +name: "The Flensed" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 60 + min: 0 + max: 60 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "The Flensed" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "3VyuVQO1JL8Ik7NC" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "aiaDgHtbiltRzSVZ" + flags: {} + name: "Fists, claws, or shoddy weapons" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 13]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage, or [[40]] damage against a target that currently has one more powers flensed away." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ffn95PwM6tMZeVlm" + flags: {} + name: "Connection to the Oversoul" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature slays one of the flensed, it can roll a hard save (16+). If it succeeds, the creature regains one power it had flensed away." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "QJBMQaZ0kdQyXl8M" + flags: {} + name: "Flensing escalator" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The Flensed gains an attack bonus equal to the escalation die against creatures that have had one or more powers flensed away." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/the-woven.yml b/vaults/monsters/the-woven.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d468f48 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/the-woven.yml @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +_id: "DEUVhpefVn0nCKqt" +name: "The Woven" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 13 + min: 0 + max: 13 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 6 + mod: 6 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "The Woven" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "F7UIiaG1N4xVnBBN" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "pRM0QfS76PSGnzF1" + flags: {} + name: "Clumsy strike" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8rmrzoWuMj8tHFav" + flags: {} + name: "R: Why aren’t you happy for ussss" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] psychic damage as the target’s mind reels against the horror of the truth" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/thunder-bat.yml b/vaults/monsters/thunder-bat.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a528bea --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/thunder-bat.yml @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ +_id: "Bxh0GsESuDXjPLav" +name: "Thunder Bat" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 70 + min: 0 + max: 70 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "archer" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Thunder Bat" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "wrTx2OSuKnDqL3k9" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "CqjlUp9IqGvnJ2L4" + flags: {} + name: "Fangs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit against a *dazed* enemy" + value: "The target takes [[20]] ongoing thunder damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tSUdkOY3Ny31NX4d" + flags: {} + name: "C: Thunder screech" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby creatures in a group)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] thunder damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *dazed* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Oq9DBzAyobQIsilz" + flags: {} + name: "Resist ranged damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a ranged attack targets this creature while it’s flying, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "MXPfRC7oKv3VIoTK" + flags: {} + name: "Resist thunder 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a thunder attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "SSJclxLK0LH25bah" + flags: {} + name: "Unwieldy flyer" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the thunder bat is staggered, it must roll an immediate save. On a failure, it loses its ability to fly until the end of its next turn. If flying near the ground, it lands immediately. If flying far away from the ground, it lands badly and takes [[25]] damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/treant-titan.yml b/vaults/monsters/treant-titan.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f11f84 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/treant-titan.yml @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +_id: "ek0KnUuduPgaNsZ5" +name: "Treant Titan" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 28 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 390 + min: 0 + max: 390 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "plant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Treant Titan" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/plant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "fPFw3VzI5TbbeqTF" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "KsAtrwVcjAn6ptdY" + flags: {} + name: "Grasping branches" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[30]] damage, and the treant grabs the target. When the treant starts its turn grabbing an enemy, it can make a twist and snap attack against that target as a standard action that turn." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YBbHOSuWD8IMbJA7" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Twist and snap" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 19]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[80]] damage, and the target is *dazed* (save ends). If the treant starts its turn grabbing a dazed enemy, it can make a titanic rend attack against that target as a standard action that turn." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[40]] damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "8xwJu0Z0qP7DtTEc" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Titanic rend" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 19]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[160]] damage, and the treant titan can continue making titanic rend attacks against the target until it escapes the grab, at which point the treant will have to use a grasping branches attack against it again." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[60]] damage." + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BAbIdKmgTzIj5Y3J" + flags: {} + name: "Fire fire fire!" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the treant takes [[35]] or more fire damage from a single attack, it releases all grabbed creatures." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BS7sblSjZ1JmU9a1" + flags: {} + name: "Hardwood resistance" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature has resist damage 18+ to all damage except fire damage and melee weapon damage, which damages it normally." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "IiAQKU6VWzyKavxD" + flags: {} + name: "Coffin of living wood" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the treant titan hits with a titanic rend attack, the target is pulled into a hollow chamber within the treant. While grabbed by the treant this way, the target can’t be the target of its allies’ powers or spells." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gFoQwkZltvTUQbmv" + flags: {} + name: "Gauntlet of branches" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Countless smaller branches whip through the air around the treant titan. When a creature engaged with the treant misses it with an attack, that creature takes [[12]] damage from the whipping branches." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/trog-chanter.yml b/vaults/monsters/trog-chanter.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..898fe83 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/trog-chanter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "dYAbELUYbXWsmJL8" +name: "Trog Chanter" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 44 + min: 0 + max: 44 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Trog Chanter" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "oAxmxVxpolmbrOXk" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "s3b9JTHlymPJwEO5" + flags: {} + name: "Spear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Damage equal to the penalty the trog’s stench currently imposes on the target." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mx61KPMFXrf4j9dC" + flags: {} + name: "R: Hissing curse" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "or a far away enemy at -2 atk);10 damage, and the target is again affected by trog stench if it had saved against the effect" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 20" + value: "All nearby humanoids who saved against trog stench earlier in the battle are affected again by it." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nbQvM80f5B4dxr6o" + flags: {} + name: "Chameleon" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Underground, or in swamps and rivers, attacks against troglodytes by enemies who aren’t engaged with them take a -4 penalty." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7pmHgwNxyyzCci80" + flags: {} + name: "Trog stench" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Trogs spray scents that stink so badly that other humanoids take penalties to all attacks, defenses, and saves when engaged with a troglodyte or when nearby three or more troglodytes. Non-humanoids aren’t affected.


Humanoids affected by trog stench can make a normal save (with a penalty) at the end of each of their turns. If the save succeeds, the humanoid can ignore all trog stench for the rest of the battle. Trog stench penalties vary for different humanoid races:

RaceSave Penalty
Elves, gnolls, gnomes-4
Humans, halflings, half-elves, Aasimar, tieflings, etc.-3
Half-orcs, draconics-2


" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/trog-underling.yml b/vaults/monsters/trog-underling.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a14e87 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/trog-underling.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "J4iozu7sjOaogmbK" +name: "Trog Underling" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 38 + min: 0 + max: 38 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 8 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Trog Underling" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "blC2ISRI7D4BnNFq" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "bo8TwYjvqLLNL82B" + flags: {} + name: "Club" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[22]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Damage equal to three times the penalty the trog’s stench currently imposes on the target." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HPc58cfvZVkmVdYc" + flags: {} + name: "R: Javelin" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[16]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pVqFp0zHXZV3M78j" + flags: {} + name: "Chameleon" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Underground, or in swamps and rivers, attacks against troglodytes by enemies who aren’t engaged with them take a -4 penalty." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7pmHgwNxyyzCci80" + flags: {} + name: "Trog stench" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Trogs spray scents that stink so badly that other humanoids take penalties to all attacks, defenses, and saves when engaged with a troglodyte or when nearby three or more troglodytes. Non-humanoids aren’t affected.


Humanoids affected by trog stench can make a normal save (with a penalty) at the end of each of their turns. If the save succeeds, the humanoid can ignore all trog stench for the rest of the battle. Trog stench penalties vary for different humanoid races:

RaceSave Penalty
Elves, gnolls, gnomes-4
Humans, halflings, half-elves, Aasimar, tieflings, etc.-3
Half-orcs, draconics-2


" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/trog.yml b/vaults/monsters/trog.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d558f23 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/trog.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "0WPg8a97BRBbjWi2" +name: "Trog" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 38 + min: 0 + max: 38 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "humanoid" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Trog" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/humanoid.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "1u3wyoY6ZT1An8XP" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "Z4C8Y0i1WCIvb8RJ" + flags: {} + name: "Club" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "Damage equal to the penalty the trog’s stench currently imposes on the target." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TpcWDYP6uq1W44nj" + flags: {} + name: "R: Javelin" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[6]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jLEiXUq8a4QtFTJ1" + flags: {} + name: "Chameleon" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Underground, or in swamps and rivers, attacks against troglodytes by enemies who aren’t engaged with them take a -4 penalty." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7pmHgwNxyyzCci80" + flags: {} + name: "Trog stench" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Trogs spray scents that stink so badly that other humanoids take penalties to all attacks, defenses, and saves when engaged with a troglodyte or when nearby three or more troglodytes. Non-humanoids aren’t affected.


Humanoids affected by trog stench can make a normal save (with a penalty) at the end of each of their turns. If the save succeeds, the humanoid can ignore all trog stench for the rest of the battle. Trog stench penalties vary for different humanoid races:

RaceSave Penalty
Elves, gnolls, gnomes-4
Humans, halflings, half-elves, Aasimar, tieflings, etc.-3
Half-orcs, draconics-2


" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/troll.yml b/vaults/monsters/troll.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eaced47 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/troll.yml @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ +_id: "tdbQR7Lc3IZInESe" +name: "Troll" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "giant" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Troll" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/giant.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "J5ZLaOt9GS0nY3U1" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "02fqpyW2f0hZOFfw" + flags: {} + name: "Greedy wicked claw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "PawY4oTrI29DApOK" + flags: {} + name: "Trollish regeneration 10" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While a troll is damaged, its rubbery flesh heals 10 hit points at the start of the troll’s turn. It can regenerate five times per battle. If it heals to its maximum hit points, then that use of regeneration doesn’t count against the five-use limit." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "P1Z1FWj3OHrBl4Ub" + flags: {} + name: "When the troll is hit by an attack that deals fire or acid damage, it loses one use of its regeneration, and it can’t regenerate during its next turn." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the troll is hit by an attack that deals fire or acid damage, it loses one use of its regeneration, and it can’t regenerate during its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "K6Z8whrTSUzU6Dnh" + flags: {} + name: "Dropping a troll to 0 hp doesn’t kill it if it has any uses of regeneration left." + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Dropping a troll to 0 hp doesn’t kill it if it has any uses of regeneration left." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BZgnCd0Ol1PHguwR" + flags: {} + name: "Increased regeneration" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Increase the troll’s regeneration dice; the baseline amount a troll regenerates should run about 1/9 of its total hp, but you can go higher to be nasty." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lWfpTUJvQaJXIVHm" + flags: {} + name: "Mutant" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Fire and acid don’t hurt the troll’s regeneration; lightning does instead." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CAVg1SZtFPKexlgY" + flags: {} + name: "Rending" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If both claw attacks hit the same target, the target also takes [[10]] ongoing damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/umluppuk.yml b/vaults/monsters/umluppuk.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb917a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/umluppuk.yml @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +_id: "26AsMqRWb4hhU1uR" +name: "Umluppuk" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 310 + min: 0 + max: 310 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Umluppuk" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "OxTIluCdYl7eR8TM" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "OfMLpWL4EHN4zm3Z" + flags: {} + name: "Pods of mouths and eyes" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[4]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *stuck* (easy save ends, 6+)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[10]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BM3gFk2tYqAe5ZUk" + flags: {} + name: "C: Chorus of madness" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. MD (up to [[3]] random nearby creatures)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] ongoing psychic damage, and the target is *confused* (save ends both)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JZvsDbaUGROPjchG" + flags: {} + name: "Consume" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 18]] vs. PD ([[1]] *stuck* enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] damage, and the target takes [[10]] ongoing acid damage and is absorbed into the umluppuk (hard save ends both, 16+); while inside the umluppuk, the target is *vulnerable* to the umluppuk’s pods of mouths and eyes attacks (attacks vs. it have crit range expanded by 2), and it’s *stuck*." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1LU93YP2HpO82SFd" + flags: {} + name: "Quick use" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This ability only requires a quick action (once per round) instead of a standard action when the umluppuk starts its turn unengaged (or without an enemy consumed if you are using the nastier special!)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "N0bx1cXIduhpkvab" + flags: {} + name: "Resist psychic 18+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a psychic attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Y4PCNFlr1xwhl4Ka" + flags: {} + name: "Consume" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per round during its turn, the umluppuk can make a consume attack against a *stuck* enemy as a quick action. The umluppuk can only one target consumed at a time." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/vampire-spawn.yml b/vaults/monsters/vampire-spawn.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..452554c --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/vampire-spawn.yml @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +_id: "EAkaJFZZEiiLZUv0" +name: "Vampire Spawn" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 90 + min: 0 + max: 90 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Vampire Spawn" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "icjMNlDGPFDGBT4w" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "TdD9djBxF9PJg0nX" + flags: {} + name: "Claw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The vampire spawn can make a fangs attack against the target as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KyRnL2ApAJii5WYR" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Fangs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage, and a humanoid target is *weakened* (-4 attack and defenses) until the end of the vampire spawn’s next turn" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/vampire.yml b/vaults/monsters/vampire.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3a302a --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/vampire.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "RvLmLtl6CskfOkyf" +name: "Vampire" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 26 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 220 + min: 0 + max: 220 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Vampire" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ZqE4q1yWC1QgQg9T" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "TNS2E3yA1nKNBZkR" + flags: {} + name: "Deathly touch" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[50]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The target is also *weakened* until the end of its next turn (-4 attacks and defenses). In addition, the target expends one unused limited trait (a spell, power, or talent with a once-per-battle or daily use, but not magic item powers) of its choice." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kY67bm2MYzgtjtQ1" + flags: {} + name: "C: Vampiric compulsion" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: The vampire can use vampiric compulsion as a free action only when a nearby enemy attacks the vampire and misses with a natural attack roll of 1-5." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 15]] vs. MD ([[1]] enemy; see below)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "the target is *confused* and *vulnerable* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1PskPMhn749i4xYi" + flags: {} + name: "Vampiric regeneration" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The vampire regenerates 1 hp per level at the start of each round indefinitely, but it turns to mist if it drops to 0 hp (see below)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1Ax3HyrAGmNJG0n5" + flags: {} + name: "Mist form" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Unless it is slain in a manner appropriate for truly killing vampires in the campaign, a vampire that drops to 0 hp drifts away to return and fight some other day." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/vicious-warbanner.yml b/vaults/monsters/vicious-warbanner.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0f51e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/vicious-warbanner.yml @@ -0,0 +1,451 @@ +_id: "YlcIhsZunTFwe5ol" +name: "Vicious Warbanner" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 100 + min: 0 + max: 100 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Vicious Warbanner" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "droQ1WJ1tRuGPIpx" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "VKWQBZXlbynLcWnp" + flags: {} + name: "flagspear" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tzTUph3dfEGRz2tZ" + flags: {} + name: "Banner magic" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "
  • 1–5: The warbanner’s bearer can make a basic attack with a +2 attack bonus as a free action.
  • 6–10: Add a 3rd level orc mook to the warbanner’s band.
  • 11–15: The warbanner can make a flagspear attack as a free action.
  • 16–20: The warbanner can make a false rally attack as a free action.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "Roll [[1d20]] and [[1d20]] and use each roll (or a lower result of your choice) to determine one effect" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EmA4YzPbzIRAezBj" + flags: {} + name: "False rally" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "Special trigger C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy with 15HP or fewer)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *confused* (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Critical hit" + value: "The target can now only save against the confusion with a natural 20 (or until the warbanner drops) and can’t flee if the rest of the PCs choose to do so." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hcAStbTNapnkkSek" + flags: {} + name: "Designated bearer" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Once per round as a quick action, the warbanner can fly directly above a lower-level ally in its band and designate that ally as its bearer. Alternately, it can release itself from a bearer and fly free.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "loPz9DAC3Y3bPwvB" + flags: {} + name: "Bearer beware" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

While the warbanner has a bearer it moves with the bearer and is engaged by enemies that engage the bearer. The bearer is *vulnerable* to all attacks but it can use the escalation die.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0cBLgHZ6Qm3HRtFE" + flags: {} + name: "Conditional resist damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

As feral warbanner

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gkEoGqQ7PSN0UBRg" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

As feral warbanner

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "j9tZRZCXSP4KARSI" + flags: {} + name: "Mook morale" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Mooks fighting in the warbanner’s band gain a bonus to their hit points equal to the warbanner’s level (3).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/void-dragon-black.yml b/vaults/monsters/void-dragon-black.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34e1ac3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/void-dragon-black.yml @@ -0,0 +1,372 @@ +_id: "0IweiCnXWspTLEAg" +name: "Void Dragon (Black)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 290 + min: 0 + max: 290 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 13 + mod: 13 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "huge" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Void Dragon (Black)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-black.webp" + width: 3 + height: 3 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "gGIQR3lFxvR9trqa" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "LPDmUxsvMug8H5ld" + flags: {} + name: "Jaws and claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[26]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, or 20" + value: "The dragon regains the use of its ensorceling breath if it’s expended and can use it during its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[13]] damage." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ImB0DiFGZgtAay2k" + flags: {} + name: "C: Ensorceling breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: 1/battle, as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[24]] damage, and the dragon’s breath coalesces into two small void beasts of rapidly shifting form (see below)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The dragon’s breath coalesces into one small void beast (see below)." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GbGINKabyi1Wd5u5" + flags: {} + name: "Slam" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 5, 10, 15, or 20" + value: "The void beast spawns a new void beast at full hit points. It follows the same rules for beasts formed by ensorceling breath." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gSCmqJ1bcTC7Hj6G" + flags: {} + name: "Void beasts" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each beast appears next to the dragon, acts as it wishes, and enters the initiative order after the next two creatures have taken their turns. See void beast." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YpwKH9gNEWLLeuat" + flags: {} + name: "Draconic grace" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of each of the void dragon’s turns, roll a [[d6]] to see if it gets an extra standard action. If the roll is equal to or less than the escalation die, the void dragon can take an extra standard action that turn. After the first success, the grace die bumps up to a d8. After the second success, it’s a d10, then a d12 after the third success, and finally a d20 after the fourth one." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/volcano-dragon-red.yml b/vaults/monsters/volcano-dragon-red.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f52537 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/volcano-dragon-red.yml @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ +_id: "GyXxuQTzrOygYw12" +name: "Volcano Dragon (Red)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 220 + min: 0 + max: 220 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "cold" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 7 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Volcano Dragon (Red)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-red.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "mCb99x9xiTU9EvDu" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "050saFMaT2YuRraM" + flags: {} + name: "Fangs, claws, and wings" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target takes [[5]] extra damage from a wing buffet." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The target takes [[10]] extra damage from a claw strike." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "18lwKx9tJLAymi5C" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Tail smash" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: When a nearby enemy attacks and rolls a natural even hit against the dragon, the dragon can make a tail smash attack against it as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[18]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[9]] damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bpIPwal5ndrSjetE" + flags: {} + name: "C: Volcanic breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 12]] vs. PD (each nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] fire damage, and [[5]] ongoing fire damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The target takes [[10]] ongoing fire damage instead of 5." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "bNpaBEZVSLBMDDpH" + flags: {} + name: "Burning skin" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy is engaged with the volcanic dragon at the start of its turn, it takes [[5]] fire damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "TNBm3jNeAazPRe7r" + flags: {} + name: "Continuous breath" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A volcanic dragon can use volcanic breath [[1d3]] times per battle, but if it does not use its breath weapon on consecutive rounds, it loses its remaining volcanic breath attacks for the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2coRnMMYEfbuzwkh" + flags: {} + name: "Resist fire 14+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 14+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/vrock-vulture-demon.yml b/vaults/monsters/vrock-vulture-demon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44530c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/vrock-vulture-demon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +_id: "LfZDqEaXQbpXw4lM" +name: "Vrock (vulture demon)" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 88 + min: 0 + max: 88 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "demon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Vrock (vulture demon)" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/demon.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "5AD5iwNWRIAqacOa" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "0GEh6wYaOgib8J0a" + flags: {} + name: "Filth-covered claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage, and [[5]] ongoing poison damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The vrock can make a demonic screech attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "kWAHZcBrDFIbZw52" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Demonic screech" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] psychic damage, and the target is *vulnerable* (attacks vs. it have crit range expanded by 2) until the end of the battle" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "N34JTX9P52BrvEBd" + flags: {} + name: "Predation" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Creatures hit by the vrock’s demonic screech attack that are already *vulnerable* are also *hampered* (save ends)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/warped-beast.yml b/vaults/monsters/warped-beast.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48cb4a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/warped-beast.yml @@ -0,0 +1,454 @@ +_id: "SuoDdY1M7vBRTPx8" +name: "Warped Beast" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 75 + min: 0 + max: 75 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Warped Beast" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "ugjPEXDXx8As1SSy" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "9v66OO8hLtZEPEwQ" + flags: {} + name: "Tentacle maw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[16]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The warped beast can make a psychic blast attack as a free action." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "xASJS5GlvzD80yf0" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Psychic blast" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[8]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "The target is *confused* until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "3UtxEJKZ0HiqDzPI" + flags: {} + name: "One madness feature" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "At the start of each of the warped beast’s turns, roll a [[d6]]. The warped beast gains the corresponding ability until the start of its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ccrlMGo2YMMApmUX" + flags: {} + name: "1. Amorphous oozing form" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The beast has resist damage 11+ to all damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "DcncSBsMUj0fngPN" + flags: {} + name: "2. Dimensional slide" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once during its turn, the warped beast can teleport anywhere nearby it can see as a move action. Each enemy engaged with it when it teleports is *confused* until the end of its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1NtW5ZRHcmYAuIsP" + flags: {} + name: "3. Fear aura" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While engaged with the warped beast, enemies that have 24 hp or fewer are *dazed* (-4 attack) and do not add the escalation die to their attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "o4shP5Usq0AVd464" + flags: {} + name: "4. Gibbering mouths" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy ends its turn engaged with the warped beast, it’s *confused* until the end of its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "I0YG74xGa3PN4GwL" + flags: {} + name: "5. Many spontaneous limbs" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the warped beast makes a tentacle maw attack during its turn, roll a [[d4]]. That many additional limbs or tentacles spontaneously erupt from the creature and make an additional basic attack that turn (special abilities/effects don’t trigger on those extra attacks). Each of those attacks only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "OmllZEWdeWlKRrF9" + flags: {} + name: "6. Warping touch" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the warped beast hits a creature with a tentacle maw attack, the target also takes [[5]] ongoing psychic damage and a -2 penalty to saves (save ends both)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "f4ByDJVZZswDXHFm" + flags: {} + name: "Warped mutant" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll two madness features instead of one each round (reroll similar results)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/watch-skull.yml b/vaults/monsters/watch-skull.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e27970 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/watch-skull.yml @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +_id: "oAEMq1TPWP4krDgZ" +name: "Watch Skull" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 20 + min: 0 + max: 20 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Watch Skull" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "BeVA3P3E1WCv2sQj" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "2RPKH13e6EWfJWnK" + flags: {} + name: "C: Screech" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] random nearby creatures)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] psychic damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is *stuck* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural roll is equal to or lower than the escalation die" + value: "[[1d3]] nearby enemies hear the alarm and join the battle. The creatures attracted by the constant screeching are (usually) level 1 mooks of a type that would be appropriate for the skull’s location." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "jFrwBjDymb1rvjxw" + flags: {} + name: "Immobile" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The skull can’t hop, jump, roll, or fly. It can’t even move its jaw." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FEjwe6GmHTxBnJgJ" + flags: {} + name: "Lost opportunity" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature can’t make opportunity attacks." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rX6DOAsELVI71jqU" + flags: {} + name: "Allies" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Creatures that have been mystically “keyed” to the skull aren’t affected by its screech attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GXYNslJocOK5AWqJ" + flags: {} + name: "Gem eyes" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The skull can sense the unseen and things from beyond the world. A wizard using a blur spell, a rogue shadow walking, and other similar abilities offer no protection from the skull and its screech attack. (If the PCs come up with a plausible tactic to bypass the skull, give the skull a normal save to detect them.)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "dqwlI77cCea23Oyf" + flags: {} + name: "Move-triggered" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy near the skull uses a move action to move, the skull can make a screech attack against that creature as a free action that interrupts the move. The skull can use this ability twice per round. Shadow walking, teleporting, and other non-standard modes of movement will trigger the screech attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/water-elemental.yml b/vaults/monsters/water-elemental.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7eb4f57 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/water-elemental.yml @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +_id: "7rknyBVT8dJulnLr" +name: "Water Elemental" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-water.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 66 + min: 0 + max: 66 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "blocker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "elemental" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Water Elemental" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/elemental-water.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "QeS7BU7WRNb6CYz0" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "5X6Dt0y1X2WH97fB" + flags: {} + name: "Surge" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC (up to [[2]] enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The elemental heals 6 hp." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "UbgP0BNQIp2w1MEM" + flags: {} + name: "Great wave transformation" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Roll a [[d10]] at the start of each of the water elemental’s turns. If you roll less than or equal to the escalation die, it shifts into great wave form until the end of the battle. While in this form, each enemy engaged with the elemental is *hampered* (and you stop rolling great wave transformation checks)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "NHi9ZoVeIVlfT7u9" + flags: {} + name: "Liquid empowerment" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The water elemental gains a +2 bonus to attacks and all defenses while it’s in contact with a body of water, or while it’s nearby a sizeable body of water. A bucket or a bathtub of liquid doesn’t count; it must be at least a pond, creek, or maybe a large fountain. If the water elemental moves far away from the body of water the empowerment ends." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rR6ny61z7JWXzgJ9" + flags: {} + name: "Resist weapon damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/weaver-swarm.yml b/vaults/monsters/weaver-swarm.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9b000b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/weaver-swarm.yml @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +_id: "PFehhaZ26BLOYbcz" +name: "Weaver Swarm" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 10 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 9 + mod: 9 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Weaver Swarm" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "XVEZLO89wXgMWkeh" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "mgM0NiKQRa2E5RMy" + flags: {} + name: "A thousand needle wounds" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is *hampered* until the end of its next turn." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 18+" + value: "As above, and the target is also *stuck* until the end of its next turn." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7ZMTKYOzYwhIYaDg" + flags: {} + name: "Clinging" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Enemies take a -5 penalty to disengage checks against the swarm." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "GegSsBDGtVEUbOt3" + flags: {} + name: "Wall-crawler" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The swarm can climb on ceilings and walls as easily as it moves on the ground." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/wendigo-spirit.yml b/vaults/monsters/wendigo-spirit.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1c6905 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/wendigo-spirit.yml @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ +_id: "ffHA1fJWGbIB44Kz" +name: "Wendigo Spirit" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 100 + min: 0 + max: 100 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 12 + mod: 12 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Wendigo Spirit" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "hPi4q8YeFEOcLoHc" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "rFMViy8N6UaidC4V" + flags: {} + name: "Soul bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[36]] psychic damage, and the target is affected by wendigo’s hunger (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "awl9lIHrZJ5z4aQ7" + flags: {} + name: "Wind claw" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "After the attack the wendigo can teleport somewhere nearby as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "YG9wLm0HA5aRlxqi" + flags: {} + name: "Wendigo’s hunger" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2DOm6VRjSXQxc6SA" + flags: {} + name: "1-2" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target takes [[10]] damage as it bites itself." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "aqss1zFshW9MAe6T" + flags: {} + name: "3-4" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target makes a basic attack against its nearest or most *vulnerable* ally (moving to that target if necessary)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sf30onW4s9FqTqCy" + flags: {} + name: "5-6" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target attacks the wendigo if it can; otherwise, it does nothing." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ERD1uCyvWhxkKKn2" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The wendigo can walk on the wind. It is not a graceful flyer, but it moves as fast as the wind that carries it. Nearby creatures can see its feet blazing with fire as it runs." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "WUevVUN1SDqOSgl5" + flags: {} + name: "Spirit form" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The wendigo has resist damage 16+ to all damage except thunder damage. A wendigo spirit can move through solid objects but it can’t end its movement inside them." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pJXpPBCjq3qHl7jM" + flags: {} + name: "Unseen horror" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The wendigo is invisible to far away creatures. When the wendigo attacks, if its target couldn’t see it at the start of its turn, the wendigo gains a +2 attack bonus that turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "w4EihLlQsad0M7nX" + flags: {} + name: "Curse of the wendigo" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "If a creature subject to wendigo’s hunger drops itself (through biting) or an ally (with a basic attack) to 0 hp or lower, that creature also begins making last gasp saves. Failing the fourth last gasp save turns the creature into a raving cannibal; it loses all its normal abilities and becomes an NPC until the PCs find a way to restore their ally (at GM’s discretion)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 900000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/werebear.yml b/vaults/monsters/werebear.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca30934 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/werebear.yml @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +_id: "MpFCDLedOFfdrXho" +name: "Werebear" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 140 + min: 0 + max: 140 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Werebear" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "BzQ6X67Xfzw13sxn" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "vivAmoW7tTTxNShl" + flags: {} + name: "Massive claws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The werebear grabs the target. As a standard action, it can make a head chomp attack against an enemy it’s grabbing." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Vgo8wxUMG0vG14p0" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Head chomp" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC ([[1]] enemy it’s grabbing)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[70]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[20]] damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pOVL24EhE1VSCWDf" + flags: {} + name: "Arm crunch" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[70]] damage, and the target is *weakened* until it regains maximum hit points" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sMHaPYs1KdFlzasI" + flags: {} + name: "Bestial fury (hybrid form only)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "quadruple the die)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "qhh6zELFi7Y8pQFY" + flags: {} + name: "Unnatural vigor (hybrid or animal form only)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the werebear is not staggered at the start of its turn, it heals 20 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "igF8BvTSNTgwZDJA" + flags: {} + name: "Chew on arm" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Instead of chomping on a grabbed enemy’s head, the werebear can make an arm crunch attack against an enemy it’s grabbing." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/wereboar.yml b/vaults/monsters/wereboar.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e071be --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/wereboar.yml @@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ +_id: "KuBJcAZF0V608T2e" +name: "Wereboar" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 16 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 120 + min: 0 + max: 120 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Wereboar" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "5OY1pX6goGIcABQm" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "d0dWaMhN99iCUCdR" + flags: {} + name: "Goring tusks" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC ([[1d3]] enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "HAJHhIlTCrZEbnkm" + flags: {} + name: "Smash" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *dazed* (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lIjR6uOYxlgTtoQa" + flags: {} + name: "Slashing tusks" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While the escalation die is 3+, the crit range of this attack expands by 2." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ochhnwrU7USSBs6x" + flags: {} + name: "Beastly grit" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the wereboar takes [[8]] damage or less from any source, it takes no damage instead." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "KeDHF5A9fZhIpcmz" + flags: {} + name: "Bestial durability" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The wereboar can roll normal saves against effects that aren’t save ends (until end of turn or battle, for example)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ulkTD7oUJUr62LWi" + flags: {} + name: "Bestial fury (hybrid form only)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "quadruple the die)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lZbW6oD4fqDP5Fxk" + flags: {} + name: "Unnatural vigor (hybrid or animal form only)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the wereboar is not staggered at the start of its turn, it heals 18 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "D4xxBYz3fRFUvkO4" + flags: {} + name: "Vicious turn" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle, the wereboar can make a smash attack as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/wererat.yml b/vaults/monsters/wererat.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e18c640 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/wererat.yml @@ -0,0 +1,386 @@ +_id: "cnTkM0fnAWW1k9Vy" +name: "Wererat" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 34 + min: 0 + max: 34 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Wererat" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "jV6PpdKvZtxwPW1J" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "8m8KAlvuHGl5rQgT" + flags: {} + name: "Infected bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[2]] damage and [[2]] ongoing damage, and the crit range for each wererat in the battle against the target expands by 1 (cumulative)" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 11+" + value: "The target can’t make opportunity attacks until the end of the turn (making it easier for the wererat to move away from the target)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0dki8ZW2jUhXvLof" + flags: {} + name: "C: Piercing shriek" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. MD (the closest nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "[[2]] damage." + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5PbghylBiX3JJs8N" + flags: {} + name: "Hybrid miss" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "While in hybrid form, when the wererat makes an opportunity attack with infected bite, it deals damage equal to its level on a miss." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "pKMIRQCfAAiGNQXO" + flags: {} + name: "Unnatural vigor (hybrid or animal form only)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the wererat is not staggered at the start of its turn, it heals 5 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "trIFaCg3ZrL6bNB5" + flags: {} + name: "Bestial fury (hybrid form only)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "quadruple the die)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "z1mhbwBbbNJ44cMY" + flags: {} + name: "Uncanny moves" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The wererat takes no damage and suffers no effects from attacks that miss." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "uHmVnVRH2jUDivM4" + flags: {} + name: "Piercing shriek" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Once per battle when the escalation die is 2+ and there are three or more wererats in the battle, a wererat can make a piercing shriek attack as a free action. Usually all the wererats in the battle will do this at the same time." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/weretiger.yml b/vaults/monsters/weretiger.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9250c56 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/weretiger.yml @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +_id: "yN6unx7RLeCZddoy" +name: "Weretiger" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 18 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 180 + min: 0 + max: 180 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 11 + mod: 11 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Weretiger" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Gyup2pdcSHYxNTFM" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "GaZTIqtLdqfkmHKN" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "D2aZysk87hr0VTua" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Springing strike" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: When an enemy engages the weretiger, if weretiger isn’t already engaged, it can make a springing strike attack against that enemy as an interrupt action before the attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JmM0cpZbufth22m0" + flags: {} + name: "First natural 11+ each turn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The weretiger can make a second claws and bite attack as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ooQlO6MeTmi5Xeq8" + flags: {} + name: "Second natural 11+ each turn" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The weretiger can make a third claws and bite attack as a free action if the escalation die is 3+." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JEbNKei3hcAefHxh" + flags: {} + name: "Bestial fury (hybrid form only)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "quadruple the die)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "sHa5CTvlKzz4xkXc" + flags: {} + name: "Unnatural vigor (hybrid or animal form only)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the weretiger is not staggered at the start of its turn, it heals 24 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Mq3cbYAjf94OHgFx" + flags: {} + name: "Stymie" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the weretiger hits with a springing strike attack, the target pops free from it and can’t take any more actions that turn unless it succeeds on a save." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/werewolf.yml b/vaults/monsters/werewolf.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5876b8d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/werewolf.yml @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +_id: "CNo8unEjBtRuQxvx" +name: "Werewolf" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 42 + min: 0 + max: 42 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Werewolf" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "GAGylSD0Xbl9X7pD" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "qDIKmmV0LnHJy5Hn" + flags: {} + name: "Ravening bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Miss" + value: "The werewolf gains a +2 attack bonus (cumulative) to ravening bite attacks until the end of the battle." + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ZJBNbzyVIlbOB2MW" + flags: {} + name: "Bestial fury (hybrid form only)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "quadruple the die)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1Q1k9ZR0zkn3I2gV" + flags: {} + name: "Pack attack" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the werewolf attacks a creature that is engaged with one of its allies, the target is *vulnerable* to that attack." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vbM9ef6lsePWGCq6" + flags: {} + name: "Unnatural vigor (hybrid or animal form only)" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the werewolf is not staggered at the start of its turn, it heals 6 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "v24j7cHSu12ayDjN" + flags: {} + name: "Sustaining blood" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the werewolf hits with a ravening bite attack, it heals 4 hp." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/whispering-prophet.yml b/vaults/monsters/whispering-prophet.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0343598 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/whispering-prophet.yml @@ -0,0 +1,386 @@ +_id: "hl450KWioG8D2lmK" +name: "Whispering Prophet" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 62 + min: 0 + max: 62 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 15 + mod: 15 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "leader" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "aberration" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Whispering Prophet" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/aberration.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "zXgDdEpLC8Scu9uq" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "BbvfBgCfyp3QijEL" + flags: {} + name: "Tentacle caress" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[12]] damage, and the target is *vulnerable* to psychic damage (save ends)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "FcHKMvlwt6h46cs7" + flags: {} + name: "C: Whispered secrets" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. MD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] psychic damage, and the target’s mind is filled with a delusional scene from its past that depends on the roll" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The target is *confused* until the end of its next turn as it sees a foe from its past." + hit2: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd hit" + value: "The target is *weakened* until the end of its next turn as it remembers a past failure." + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "d5OwuFLD8aSqpl9n" + flags: {} + name: "Rewards of the patron" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "So long as the attack hits one or more targets, one ally of the prophet’s choice gains a cumulative +1 attack bonus until the end of the battle that increases that ally’s natural attack roll (so a roll of natural 15 becomes a roll of natural 16 with a +1 bonus, or a natural 17 with a +2 bonus, etc.). The ally can choose not to use the bonus." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CuTRU3FZsjbsBH6P" + flags: {} + name: "Saw it coming" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Twice per battle as a free action, the prophet can try to avoid a non-critical attack that hits it. The attacker must reroll the attack roll with a -4 penalty." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vIogDI5f4Eo5spaL" + flags: {} + name: "Knows the angles" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Twice per battle as a move action, the prophet can teleport to anywhere it can see, or to a location it can’t see but that has the correct geometry and that it has previously prepared (a lair)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "lGQdy2K1QudRh8gK" + flags: {} + name: "Haruspicy master" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy has dropped to 0 hp or lower since the prophet’s last turn, as a quick action it can get a glimpse of the near-future. It grants [[1d3]] nearby allies a +4 bonus to attacks and to all defenses until the start of its next turn." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "oST36cb5Yi5ETNCV" + flags: {} + name: "A special secret" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the prophet makes a whispered secrets attack, it can choose to target only [[1]] nearby enemy. If it does, it gains a +4 attack bonus against that enemy and the hit effects are save ends." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/white-dragon-hatchling.yml b/vaults/monsters/white-dragon-hatchling.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da0a804 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/white-dragon-hatchling.yml @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +_id: "3nhRHjjPCsQjkQEq" +name: "White Dragon Hatchling" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 8 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 28 + min: 0 + max: 28 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 5 + mod: 5 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "dragon" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "fire" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "White Dragon Hatchling" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/dragon-white.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "5qu6zoG9ymb6GqGk" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "41kgI304O72jbJ8g" + flags: {} + name: "Claws and bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. AC ([[2]] attacks)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The hatchling can make an ice breath attack as a free action." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "eBxUKlCtW4fVi7vv" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Ice breath" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] cold damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural odd miss" + value: "The hatchling takes [[1d3]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ilfz59LAbzirgPvD" + flags: {} + name: "Freezing vapors" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the hatchling scores a critical hit, it prevents the escalation die from increasing at the start of the next round." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "Phc2hkBV7LUz22Z4" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a 12+ on the attack roll or the dragon takes half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/wibble.yml b/vaults/monsters/wibble.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..651f571 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/wibble.yml @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +_id: "KmDGXmA1yaxPLe9k" +name: "Wibble" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 6 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 1 + mod: 1 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Wibble" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "6hoAypkp9yzRQBt7" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "XoS5ZFwCAUdM1ntZ" + flags: {} + name: "R: Force burp spell" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[4]] force damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "RVgXZCXYLXps4H6r" + flags: {} + name: "Disengaged" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Wibbles gain a +5 bonus to disengage checks. They also don’t remain engaged with their foes and will move every turn in battle. When they fail a disengage check, a wibble moves away anyway." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "s14wlPxD0l7nceQZ" + flags: {} + name: "Eruptive blorp" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an enemy hits a wibble with a melee attack, it takes force damage equal to its level." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "U0OfxKqghukeJx6e" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Wibbles waft about. They can fly well enough to ignore most wind, but not strong gale winds." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "AGjnVfckPN3pOhzn" + flags: {} + name: "Whiff and wibble" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a creature makes a non-spell attack against a wibble and rolls a natural 1-2, [[1d3]] new wibbles are created in the same area. These new wibbles typically melt back into their “parent” at the end of a battle if not destroyed, but sometimes they remain separate and drift off on their own." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/wight.yml b/vaults/monsters/wight.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f3653e --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/wight.yml @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +_id: "Jxopr3OiwFFG01hg" +name: "Wight" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 21 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 13 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 48 + min: 0 + max: 48 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Wight" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "EsvMxPP6wxoDTJ6U" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "HEYAY13Gi5zlTJfI" + flags: {} + name: "Sword" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "Unless the wight is staggered, the attack also deals [[8]] ongoing negative energy damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "I5QMFJcjYEygvpBl" + flags: {} + name: "Barrow-touch" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The wight’s attacks against enemies taking ongoing negative energy damage are against PD instead of AC and have an expanded crit range of 18+." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/winter-beast.yml b/vaults/monsters/winter-beast.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62b9739 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/winter-beast.yml @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +_id: "gKVXn7zkjJSMSPJn" +name: "Winter Beast" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 22 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 170 + min: 0 + max: 170 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 6 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Winter Beast" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "GMuZ5z4ZrPRvDOLj" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "7na4BJOYzqhAucz6" + flags: {} + name: "Fang, claw, or tusk" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 11]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[21]] damage, and the beast’s special ability triggers" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "1JNhPMcTuYdv3nEq" + flags: {} + name: "Armored polar bear" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target takes [[10]] extra damage, and if the target makes an opportunity attack against the polar bear before the start of the bear’s next turn, the bear can make a fang, claw, or tusk attack against the target as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JZAD2exAD8y2Bh4n" + flags: {} + name: "Giant walrus" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target takes [[14]] extra damage and is *stuck* (save ends; also ends if the walrus moves)" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "86ot4g6HT9WmVzl6" + flags: {} + name: "Winter wolf" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The target takes [[14]] extra damage, or [[28]] extra damage if another winter wolf is engaged with it." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "mrye4wBqEPyn5WvA" + flags: {} + name: "Resist cold 12+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a cold attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 12+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/wolf.yml b/vaults/monsters/wolf.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d02140b --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/wolf.yml @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +_id: "AYfuSTVBS8sGfkkZ" +name: "Wolf" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 28 + min: 0 + max: 28 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 4 + mod: 4 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Wolf" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "XxbHcsOODyRMpPhn" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "GI25soP86RRhlK8e" + flags: {} + name: "Bite" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[5]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "7W97K2TRkfthiA9y" + flags: {} + name: "Pack attack" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage for each other ally engaged with the target (max +4 bonus)." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/wraith-bat.yml b/vaults/monsters/wraith-bat.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e5b8c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/wraith-bat.yml @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +_id: "KvNIvmKGuwaHzMEB" +name: "Wraith Bat" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 24 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 23 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 36 + min: 0 + max: 36 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 14 + mod: 14 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 9 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Wraith Bat" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "wZDbSTkZdKJVq2F7" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "NhX3UPWrRVG357UI" + flags: {} + name: "Ghostly fangs" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[25]] negative energy damage, and the target takes +[[1d8]] negative energy damage for each relationship point it has with the bat’s associated icon." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "5wa14kuEo7aQsfvw" + flags: {} + name: "C: Spiraling assault" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: Regardless of the number of wraith bats in the battle, only one wraith bat can use this attack each round." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 14]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[22]] negative energy damage, and after the attack the wraith bat teleports to and engages with one target it hit." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "T6KTbiC4ndirHx3u" + flags: {} + name: "Ghostly" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature has resist damage 16+ to all damage except force damage, which damages it normally. A wraith bat can move through solid objects but it can’t end its movement inside them." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/wraith.yml b/vaults/monsters/wraith.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0122a5d --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/wraith.yml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +_id: "cOYS238VnRYYfMx8" +name: "Wraith" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 66 + min: 0 + max: 66 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "spoiler" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Wraith" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "yqo46o3IBYwO9Cs6" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "yHVsEIvhetNyGXna" + flags: {} + name: "Ice-cold ghost blade" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[14]] negative energy damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "The target is also *weakened* (save ends)." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "M3naHylOBk2MWBIF" + flags: {} + name: "C: Spiraling assault" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Limited use: The wraith can use spiraling assault only when the escalation die is even." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD ([[1d3]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] negative energy damage, and after the attack the wraith teleports to and engages with one target it hit" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "z8vpUQhhHaMPRCO6" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Flight" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "6Mi9Eio0PqqtBf51" + flags: {} + name: "Ghostly" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "This creature has resist damage 16+ to all damage (including holy damage) except force damage, which damages it normally. A wraith can move through solid objects, but it can’t end its movement inside them." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "vokoZnapidz6ZIcI" + flags: {} + name: "Drain life" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The wraith heals half the damage it deals when it hits with a natural 18+ attack roll." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/wyvern.yml b/vaults/monsters/wyvern.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0792a65 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/wyvern.yml @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +_id: "YL2AyRNNEsKUdVhT" +name: "Wyvern" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 20 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 140 + min: 0 + max: 140 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 10 + mod: 10 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "wrecker" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "beast" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 5 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Wyvern" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/beast.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "CMYspzkqkRfeiiY5" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "FzwtpXV0GrMvy2Gy" + flags: {} + name: "Tearing jaws" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[35]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit" + value: "The wyvern can make a deadly tail stinger attack during its next turn." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "BneaKuXICmo1m4Fq" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] Deadly tail stinger" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 10]] vs. PD" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage, and the target takes [[10]] ongoing poison damage (difficult save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "JXxZLrgFIXvwvHVl" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Flight" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gWz7tcVD5hHjs2lp" + flags: {} + name: "Escalating poison" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Add the escalation die to the wyvern’s ongoing poison damage whenever that damage is dealt." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/zealous-warbanner.yml b/vaults/monsters/zealous-warbanner.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d8f7b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/zealous-warbanner.yml @@ -0,0 +1,451 @@ +_id: "YWUMZ29u82zpOHMi" +name: "Zealous Warbanner" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 19 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 86 + min: 0 + max: 86 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 7 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 8 + mod: 8 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + base: 8 + automatic: true + escalation: + value: 0 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "caster" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "double" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "construct" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 3 + min: 0 + max: 10 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Vicious Warbanner" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/construct.webp" + tint: null + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "jA9L9C1xWVFxdrK5" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "VKWQBZXlbynLcWnp" + flags: {} + name: "Whipping hook" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[10]] damage, and [[10]] ongoing damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "tzTUph3dfEGRz2tZ" + flags: {} + name: "Banner magic" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "
  • 1–5: The warbanner’s bearer can make a basic attack with a +2 attack bonus as a free action.
  • 6–10: Each different enemy engaged with a creature in the warbanner’s band takes [[1d8]] psychic damage.
  • 11–15: Until the end of the battle, each ally in the warbanner’s band gains a +2 cumulative bonus to damage on hits with melee attacks.
  • 16–20: The warbanner can make a false rally attack as a free action.
" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "Roll [[1d20]] and [[1d20]] and use each roll (or a lower result of your choice) to determine one effect" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "EmA4YzPbzIRAezBj" + flags: {} + name: "False rally" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/target.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "Special trigger C" + attack: + type: "String" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20+8]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy with 15HP or fewer)" + hit: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *confused* (hard save ends, 16+)" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "Critical hit" + value: "The target can now only save against the confusion with a natural 20 (or until the warbanner drops) and can’t flee if the rest of the PCs choose to do so." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + name: "" + value: "" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hcAStbTNapnkkSek" + flags: {} + name: "Designated bearer" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Once per round as a quick action, the warbanner can fly directly above a lower-level ally in its band and designate that ally as its bearer. Alternately, it can release itself from a bearer and fly free.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "loPz9DAC3Y3bPwvB" + flags: {} + name: "Bearer beware" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

While the warbanner has a bearer it moves with the bearer and is engaged by enemies that engage the bearer. The bearer is *vulnerable* to all attacks but it can use the escalation die.

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "0cBLgHZ6Qm3HRtFE" + flags: {} + name: "Conditional resist damage 16+" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

As feral warbanner

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 600000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gkEoGqQ7PSN0UBRg" + flags: {} + name: "Flight" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

As feral warbanner

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 700000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "j9tZRZCXSP4KARSI" + flags: {} + name: "Mook morale" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/regen.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "String" + label: "Description" + value: "

Mooks fighting in the warbanner’s band gain a bonus to their hit points equal to the warbanner’s level (3).

" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 800000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/zombie-beast.yml b/vaults/monsters/zombie-beast.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13375b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/zombie-beast.yml @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +_id: "gHpvxvGb5DIUPhgE" +name: "Zombie Beast" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 8 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 110 + min: 0 + max: 110 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 1 + mod: 1 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "troop" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "large" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 2 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Zombie Beast" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 2 + height: 2 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "Tex2au0vWQQRsjCj" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "qn9DVq6OcEQ47IkX" + flags: {} + name: "Smash" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[20]] damage, and the zombie can only attack using gutburst during its next turn" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "Both the zombie and its target take [[2d6]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "ORsnWYKhuAA38exh" + flags: {} + name: "[Special trigger] C: Gutburst" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 6]] vs. PD (up to [[2]] nearby enemies)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target takes [[3]] ongoing acid damage from a spray of stinking zombified gut juice. The zombie takes [[1d6]] damage." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "hzqZkqThthoSzgCM" + flags: {} + name: "C: Thrash" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 7]] vs. PD (each enemy engaged with it)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[15]] damage" + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "nMh040iPllXRZFU6" + flags: {} + name: "Headshot" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The first time an enemy crits the zombie, the beast must roll a save. If it succeeds, it takes normal crit damage. If it fails, it drops to 0 hp. A second crit just drops the thing." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "gSxTP7AiSoRC3QiF" + flags: {} + name: "Ghastly thrashing" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When the zombie beast is first staggered, it makes a thrash attack as a free action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/zombie-of-the-silver-rose.yml b/vaults/monsters/zombie-of-the-silver-rose.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b5c856 --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/zombie-of-the-silver-rose.yml @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +_id: "luBNIwOxHVc0GsOZ" +name: "Zombie of the Silver Rose" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 17 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 15 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 11 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 20 + min: 0 + max: 20 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 7 + mod: 7 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 4 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Zombie of the Silver Rose" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "FQAlXzHPraA3ygK9" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "S6Mkv4aOUocSrH0W" + flags: {} + name: "Iron-hard hands" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 9]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[7]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural even hit or miss" + value: "Both the zombie and its target take [[1d6]] damage." + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "R3sB6LX9CtSaNSjV" + flags: {} + name: "C: Curse" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 4]] vs. MD ([[1]] nearby enemy)" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "The target is *weakened* until the start of the zombie’s next turn." + hit1: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "rhlU7eWbR28Jvila" + flags: {} + name: "Hand of the fallen" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When a melee attack drops one or more Silver Rose mooks, the hand of one of those zombies ends up severed from its owner and latched onto a nearby enemy. The afflicted creature is *vulnerable* to all attacks until the hand is removed, which takes a standard action by that creature or an ally next to them." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 200000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "zOU687bzDJsagU51" + flags: {} + name: "Shot to the head" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "When an attack drops this zombie and it had 2, 4, or 6 hp remaining, the attack deals the same amount of damage to another member of the mob. If this zombie has any other number of hit points left? No hit to the head." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 300000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "C5AXeNYmcK3m5z7N" + flags: {} + name: "Mob rule" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "The curse gains an attack bonus equal to the number of Silver Rose zombies in the battle." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 400000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "CQtpddSILM29tLoH" + flags: {} + name: "Curse of failure" + type: "nastierSpecial" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "Each round, one zombie mook in the Silver Rose mob can make a curse attack as a quick action." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 500000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {} diff --git a/vaults/monsters/zombie-shuffler.yml b/vaults/monsters/zombie-shuffler.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a693fee --- /dev/null +++ b/vaults/monsters/zombie-shuffler.yml @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +_id: "0pKCCcW92wqXpUJP" +name: "Zombie Shuffler" +type: "Npc" +img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" +system: + attributes: + attackMod: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + critMod: + atk: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + def: + type: "Number" + value: 0 + ac: + type: "Number" + label: "Armor Class" + value: 14 + base: 10 + min: 0 + pd: + type: "Number" + label: "Physical Defense" + value: 12 + base: 10 + min: 0 + md: + type: "Number" + label: "Mental Defense" + value: 8 + base: 10 + min: 0 + hp: + type: "Number" + label: "Hit Points" + value: 10 + min: 0 + max: 10 + temp: 0 + tempmax: 0 + base: 10 + automatic: true + init: + type: "Number" + label: "Initiative Modifier" + value: 0 + mod: 0 + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 + disengage: 11 + disengageBonus: 0 + saves: + bonus: 0 + disengageBonus: 0 + deathFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + lastGaspFails: + value: 0 + max: 4 + steps: + - false + - false + - false + - false + recoveries: + type: "Number" + label: "Recoveries" + value: 8 + max: 8 + dice: "d8" + escalation: + value: 6 + details: + alignment: + type: "String" + label: "Alignment" + biography: + type: "String" + label: "Biography" + flavor: + value: "" + role: + value: "mook" + type: "String" + label: "Role" + size: + value: "normal" + type: "String" + label: "Size" + type: + value: "undead" + type: "String" + label: "Type" + resistance: + value: "" + type: "String" + label: "Resistance" + vulnerability: + value: "holy" + type: "String" + label: "Vulnerability" + level: + type: "Number" + label: "Level" + value: 1 + min: 0 + max: 12 +token: + flags: {} + name: "Zombie Shuffler" + displayName: 0 + img: "systems/archmage/assets/icons/tokens/monsters/undead.webp" + width: 1 + height: 1 + scale: 1 + lockRotation: false + rotation: 0 + vision: false + dimSight: 0 + brightSight: 0 + dimLight: 0 + brightLight: 0 + sightAngle: 0 + lightAngle: 360 + lightAlpha: 1 + actorId: "lHjlDhgq5TVf8l2f" + actorLink: false + actorData: {} + disposition: -1 + displayBars: 0 + bar1: + attribute: null + bar2: + attribute: null + randomImg: false + mirrorX: false + mirrorY: false + alpha: 1 + light: + alpha: 0.5 + angle: 0 + bright: 0 + coloration: 1 + dim: 0 + gradual: true + luminosity: 0.5 + saturation: 0 + contrast: 0 + shadows: 0 + animation: + speed: 5 + intensity: 5 + reverse: false + darkness: + min: 0 + max: 1 +items: + - _id: "hRgFELVkLTODJroD" + flags: {} + name: "Rotting fist" + type: "action" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "" + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + attack: + type: "" + label: "Attack Roll" + value: "[[d20 + 5]] vs. AC" + hit: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + value: "[[3]] damage" + hit1: + type: "" + label: "Hit" + name: "Natural 16+" + value: "Both the zombie and its target take [[1d4]] damage!" + hit2: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit3: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit4: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + hit5: + type: "String" + label: "Hit" + miss: + type: "String" + label: "Miss" + sort: 0 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 + - _id: "2YCUDYMrGDDdnskp" + flags: {} + name: "Headshot" + type: "trait" + img: "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg" + system: + name: + type: "String" + label: "Name" + description: + type: "" + label: "Description" + value: "A critical hit against a zombie shuffler deals triple damage instead of the normal double damage for a crit." + group: + type: "String" + label: "Group" + value: "" + sort: 100000 + effects: [] + folder: null + permission: + default: 0 +effects: [] +folder: null +sort: 100001 +permission: + default: 0 +flags: + archmage: {}